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1、翻译理论与实践练习 Exercises for Theory & Practice of Translation Lectured by,湖北经济学院外语系 张永中,The U.S. Pavilion On behalf of the U.S. Department of Commence and the Association for Manufacturing Technology, I would extend my greetings to the fourth China International Machine Tool Show (CIMT95), and welcome th

2、e visitors to the U.S. Pavilion. We are proud of our US Pavilion, where 70 US exhibitors are displaying the latest world class machine tool technology and related manufacturing services. The technology and services demonstrated here are the primary building blocks for industrialization in every nati

3、on of the world. I hope you will utilize this opportunity to assess products and services offered in the US Pavilion and discuss with representatives of our US industry how these goods and services can meet your particular industrial needs. China and the US have made tremendous strides in forging mu

4、tually-beneficial commercial relationships. We at the Department of Commence, working closely with the US private sector, are proud of the role we have played in developing these ties, and we look forward to strengthening our relationship in the months and years ahead. It is through events like CIMT

5、95 that our growing ties will be reinforced. Again, I welcome you to this impressive show, and I wish you a successful and productive visit to our US Pavilion. Roland H. Brown The Secretary of Commerce 美国展团 我代表美国商务部和美国机械制造技术协会谨向第四届中国国际机床展览会表示祝贺,欢迎诸位光临美国展团。 我为我们的美国展团感到自豪, 70多位参展商将展出最新的,具有世界水平的机床科技以及相

6、关的制造维修技术。 这些工艺和技术是世界各国工业化的基础。 我希望诸位能利用这一机会了解美国站团的产品和技术并与美国的产业代表探讨如何利用这些产品和技术来满住贵方业界的特殊需求。 中美两国为建立互利的经济关系进行了巨大的努力。 为此, 美国经济部还与美国的私营企业进行了密切的合作。 我们为自己在发展这一互利关系中所起的作用感到自豪, 同时希望在未来的岁月里进一步加强这一关系。 而像CIMT95 这样的活动正是进一步加强这种互利关系的盛会。 再次欢迎诸位参加这一令人难忘的盛会, 并祝愿大家对美国展团的参观富有收效,取得成果! 美国商务部长 罗纳德布朗 = 求职信 敬启者: 本人欲申请今天香港日报

7、上贵公司以广告招聘的教科书编辑职位, 并随函附上个人简历一份,恳请予以考虑。 本人对英文和图书有特别的兴趣, 素来盼望做编辑工作。 贵公司目前的空缺为我提供了盼望已久的机会。 本人谨希望能获得面试的机会, 以便能更充分地说明本人具备的各项资历。 Dear Sir or Madam: I should be glad if you would consider my qualifications, particulars of which are contained in the closed resume, for the position of school publishing edito

8、r, advertised in todays Hong Kong Daily. I have a special interest in English and books and have always wanted to become an editor. Your present vacancy seems to offer the opportunity I have been waiting for. I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualification more fully. Your

9、faithfully,个人简历 姓名:王甘地 年龄: 28 性别Gender/ Sex: 男 婚姻状况: 未婚 学历: 本科 籍贯: 四川 学历背景 1990-94: 香港中文大学英语系学习 1986-90: 香港汤普森中学 学习 工作经验 199411-1995,12: 香港泰安银行湾仔分行行政助理 1996-今: 香港圣马莉书院英文教师 工作技能 会广东话,英文,日文 能熟练操作电脑 有银行工作的实际经验 工作态度 有团队意识, 有责任心 抱着对贵公司的浓厚兴趣,希望加入到贵公司,为贵公司效力。 若能给予面试机会,将不胜感激。 联系方式: 1398888889 = About Broadw

10、ay Autos - Broadway Autos is a subsidiary of Broadway International Inc. of Portland, Oregan. Broadway manufactures and markets two types of battery-driven electric vehicles: short-range delivery vehicle and one-person cars for disabled people. The vehicle bodies are manufactured in Broadways own fa

11、ctory, but all other components including electric motors, batteries and wheels are bought to two months stock and assembled in the factory. Over the years Broadway has built up a good relationship with its suppliers, most of whom have been working them for many years. 百老汇汽车公司简介 百老汇汽车公司是设在俄勒冈州波特兰市的百

12、老汇国际公司的子公司。该公司生产并销售电瓶驱动的汽车: 短程送货车和单人座残疾人车。 车身在百老汇汽车公司所属的工厂里生产,但是其他部件,包括电动机,蓄电池组和车轮都是外购的,备有两个月的库存,并在该厂组装。多年来,百老汇与其他供货商建立了良好的关系,其中大部分供货商已与之合作多年。,耐克 耐克是当今商界最有影响的销售公司之一,但它起步时却是薇不足道的。这家全球巨人公司在20世纪60年代靠推销廉价日本运动鞋起家。 公司的创始人将运动鞋放在自己的小汽车里,带到美国高中田径运动会上向运动员兜售。 运动鞋 sports shoes Nike Nike is one of the most power

13、ful marketing companies in the business world today, but it had very small beginnings. The global giant company started in the 1960s with the companys founders selling cheap Japanese sports shoes to American high school athletes at school track meetings, using a supply of shoes they kept in their ca

14、r,休闲中心,1. Rest Center 2. Recreation Center 3. Spa Center 北美的“RecreationCenter”一般是指体育运动场所,而且多是大型公共康乐设施,提供各种运动、健身服务。近年来,国内各地出现的“休闲中心”提供的是洗浴、按摩、美容等服务,更接近于国外的“Spa”。国外的“Spa”顾客多为女性,而国内的则男女均有,且服务项目更多元化。,台北婚纱摄影,Taibei Bridal World Taibei Bridal Studio Taibei Photographic Center for Brides,上海烟草集团名烟名酒店,Famous

15、-Brand Tobacco & Wine Shop Shanghai 2. Famous-Brand Tobacco & Liquor Shop Shanghai 3. Shanghai Tobacco Group Brand Name Tobacco & Liquor Store,地铁内严禁携带易燃易爆物品,No carrying combustible and explosive in metro No carrying combustibles and explosives in metro Flammable and Explosive Substances Strictly Pro

16、hibited in Metro,请走侧门,Please use the side door Please use side door,逛南京路、游外滩不要错过地下礼品风情 街,向后走十五米 No missing when you wandering about Nanjing Rd & The Bund, there must be some gift suitable for you ! Go backward for about 15 meters. Dont miss the underground gift street when wandering about Nanjing Rd

17、, and the Bund! Just 15 meters back. Be sure to visit our underground gift and souvenir plaza when strolling down Nanjing Road or the Bund. Walk back 15 meters.,Better Later Than the Late,晚了总比完了好 宁迟一时, 不辞一世,老 弱 病 残专座,Courtesy Seats,老年迪斯科舞厅,Elderly Disco Hall Old Disco Hall Senile Disco Hall,游客止步,Out

18、 of Bounds No Admittance Not Open to Vistors Vistors Not Admitted Passengers Stop Here,随地吐痰惹人恨,罚款一千有可能,传播肺痨由此起, 卫生法例要遵行。 No Spitting. Maximum Penalty $1000.(周兆祥,),注意安全,拉好扶手,Safety Attention, and Pull Armrest Hold Tight the Straphangers,小心地滑,CAUTION . WET FLOOR!,小草青青,足下留情,Please Keep Off Grass,展览样品,请

19、勿触摸,Hands Off !,英语公示语的突出特: 一是往往全部用大写字母,不加句点。 二是字数通常都很少,最少的只有一个词。 三是语言精练,常用名词、动名词或名词短语。有时为了简练,冠词略而 不用。 四是有时使用祈使句。 五是有时采用十分正式的文体(胡文仲1987:1)。,Upon his death in 1826, Jefferson was buried under a stone which described him as he had wished to be remembered as the author of the Declaration on Independence

20、 and the Virginia Statutue for Religious Freedom and the father of the University of Virginia. 1826年杰斐逊逝世。按照他生前遗愿,在他墓地的石碑上刻着: 独立宣言 和 弗讦尼亚信教自由法令 的作者、佛杰尼亚大学创建人之墓-切分法 灾难深重的中华民族,一百年来, 其优秀人物奋斗牺牲,前赴后继,摸索救国救民的真理,是可歌可泣的。-毛泽东选集, 第三卷 For a hundred years, the finest sons and daughters of the disaster-ridden Ch

21、inese nation fought and sacrificed their lives, one stepping into the breach as another fell, in quest of the truth that would save the country and the people. This moved us to song and tears. -合并 The sun sets regularly on the Union Jack these days, but never on the English language. 现在,英国已不再是个“日不落”

22、的国家了, 但是, 英语却广泛流行使用着。-正话反说 这个掺痛的历史教训,我们全党同子一定要永远记取,引以为鉴。 No comrade in the Party must never forget this bitter lesson and we must all take warning from it. -正话反说 Hardly a day passes without him getting scratched or bruised as he scrambles for a place on a bus. 他挤公共汽车,身上不是这里擦破,就是那里碰伤,几乎天天如此。-反话正说 Har

23、d Times 艰难时事 Great Expectations 远大前程 God Father 教父 四书Four Books 五经 Five Classics 红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions 水浒 Water Margin 红岩 Red Crag A Farewell to Arms 永别了,战争 For Whom The Bell Tolls 丧钟为谁而鸣 Gone with the Wind Uncle Toms Cabin Waterloo Bridge 魂断蓝桥 Blood and Sand 碧血黄沙,雨村起身也让道:老先生请便。晚生乃常造之客,稍侯何妨。 “

24、Dont stand on ceremony, sir”said Yu-tsun, rising. “I am a regular guest here, I dont mind waiting.” -“Whats your name, boy?” the policeman asked -“Dr Poussaint, Im a physician” -“Whats your first name, boy?.” -“ Alvin” “ Hold on, Arthur, my boy” he said, attempting to make his anxiety with facetious

25、 utterance. ( J. London, Marting Eden) 等一等, 阿瑟老弟,“ 他说,想用开玩笑的口气来掩饰自己的不安。 “You neednt look for it,”said Della. “ Its sold. I tell you- sold and gone, too. Its Christmas Eve, boy( O. Henry, The Gift of Magi) “你不用找了,”德拉说,“我告诉你,已经卖了-卖了,找不着了。 今天是圣诞夜,亲爱的。,The maxim was that when a married couple saw red la

26、wyers saw green. ( Rage of Angels) 俗话说,夫妇吵得脸红耳赤时,便是律师招财进宝之日。 Alices girl friends were green with envy when they saw her new dress. Green-eyed red-eyed pink eyes 医学上的“红眼病” In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them. 在美国政治竞选中获胜的后选人通常都

27、是些有财团支持的人物。 You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people. She is only eighteen and as green as grass. 你不能指望玛丽同这样的人做生意,她只有十八岁,还毫无经验。 He saidLadies and Gentlemen,- May we all live to a green old age and be prosperous and happy. ( M. Twain, The Innocnets Abroad, ch. X) 他说-诸位女士,先生- 祝我们大家都有一个幸福

28、的晚年,富裕而安康。 - You look blue today. Whats the matter with you ? - She is in holiday blue. 你今天显得闷闷不乐,出了什么事情? 她得了“假期忧郁症” blue film to make a blue joke By one survey, more than 20 million Americans now watch at least one blue video each week. Plain boiled water (白开水) plain sliced pork (白切肉) a blank sheet

29、 of paper ( 白纸),美国运通公司 跻身于商界140多年的美国运通公司与时代同发展共变革。它以货物快捷运输起家,后来转入与旅行相关的多种服务行业。如今,它以经营国际金融业而闻名。 运通公司的前生创建 于1850年,由三家公司合并而成,这三家公司在东海岸与中西部之间从事货物、贵重物品以及钱款的快捷货运。 到19世纪60年代中期,该公司已在10个州拥有900家办事处,同时也拥有一位强大的竟争对手,即“商人联盟快捷货运公司”。经过几年的殊死较量,这两个竞争对手合并成立了“美国商人联盟快捷货运公司”,并于1873年更名为“美国运通公司”。 American Express Company A

30、merican Express Company, in business over 140 years, has grown and changed with the times. It started out in the express cargo business and later moved on to a variety of travel-related services. Today, it is becoming well known for its international financial operations. The original company was fo

31、unded in 1850. It resulted from the merging of three firms involved in the express transport of goods, valuables, and money between the East Coast and the Midwest. By the mid-1860s, it had 900 offices in ten states. It also had a major competitor called the Merchant Union Express Company. After seve

32、ral years of cutthroat competition, the two rivals merged to become the American Merchants Union Express Company in 1873.,隽思集团是一家提供一条龙式服务的纸制品生产商和印刷商。隽思目前拥有两间分别位于东莞市和天津市的现代化工厂,总面积625,000平方呎(约58,000平方米),及4,500名接受过各种专业培训的员工。集团专门设计和制造多元化优质纸品,包括:纸板游戏教育材料拼图纸牌游戏儿童图书文具礼品活动套装包装彩盒 隽思在同业中以着重与客户建立合作伙伴关系见称。这种密切的

33、伙伴关系,正好激励我们为客户提供最专业的服务及最丰富的创作灵感。过去二十多年,隽思与印刷业同步成长,一直致力于研究和开发,为客户提供专业产品意见,其优秀表现已获得国际和本地客户的广泛认同。 QP Group is a one-stop service provider in paper product manufacturing and printing. With a professionally trained workforce of 4,500 and 625,000 square feet manufacturing plants in Dongguan and Tianjin, C

34、hina housing the latest state-of-the-art facilities, the group specializes in the design and production of diversified high quality products including: Board GamesEducational ProductsPuzzlesCard GamesChildrens BooksGifts & StationeryActivity SetsPackaging Boxes What differentiates QP from other indu

35、stry players is a strong commitment to partnership with our customers. Such close partnership motivates us to offer the best of our professional services and creativity for new ideas. Having been an active player in the industry for over two decades, QP is well recognized for its strengths in R&D an

36、d product design consultancy by our broad based international and local customers.,隽思提供了一个理想环境孕育创意。平凡的纸张可以变成无数有用产品,藉此开拓无限商机。请以您的用户名及密码,进入网页浏览我们最新设计的产品。 QP provides an environment conducive to creativity. Plain papers can be turned into numerous useful products and business opportunities. With your l

37、ogin name and password, enter the site to see some of our latest designs.,甲: 这是一点小意思, 请务必收下. 乙: 你这人真有意思,怎么也来这一套? 甲: 唉, 只是意思意思罢了. 乙: 啊, 真不好意思. - “闰土” 也用上了程控电话,A: This is a little gift as a token of my appreciation. Please do take it. B: Oh, arent you a bit too polite? You shouldnt do that. A: Well, i

38、t just convey my gratitude. B: Ah, thank you then, though I really dont deserve it. Now the farmers have program-controlled telephones installed at their homes.,Sales Engineer Rapidly expanding precision bearings manufacturer is looking for an aggressive, problem-solving, and motivated decision make

39、r to cover Imperial and San Diego counties. Our candidate must develop, with minimal assistance customers, the full sales potential of the assigned territory, calling on new and established customers, including accounts of major importance. This individual will be required to analyze customer needs,

40、 keep them fully informed of product features and applications, and provide technical support. A close working relationship with many company functions must be maintained , interfacing with such groups as customer service, engineering and management. A BS degree is desired, coupled with three years

41、sales or engineering experience, preferably in the bearings or related industry. Top compensation is offered to the right candidate, plus many valuable extras in benefits, incentives and expenses. For immediate consideration, we invite you to send your resume with salary history to: Alan B. Roney NM

42、B CORPORATION 9730 Independence Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 一家快速发展的精密轴承制造厂正在寻求一位有进取心、善于处理问题、能果断地做出决策的销售工程师,负责 两地的业务。 候选人必须能在指定的销售区域内,不依赖任何支持,最大限度地开发客户资源,联系新老客户,包括一些重要的大客户;能分析客户的需要,能向客户全面介绍产品的特点和应用范围, 并能向客户提供技术援助。 此外, 候选人还需要和本公司内其他部门保持良好的工作联系,协调好顾客服务、工程设计及管理等部门的工作。 候选人需具有理工学士学位,最好是在轴承厂或相关企业有三年销售或工程设计

43、经验。 符合条件者将被高薪聘用,同时,在福利、奖励、和其他费用方面待遇优厚。有意者,请将履历和工资情况寄至: 加州恰兹华斯独立大道9730号 NMB 有限公司艾伦B. 罗尼先生收 邮编 91311,上海的经济建设 上海是中国重要的经济中心。建国50年来, 上海经济建设取得了巨大成就。特别是改革开放以来,上海人民走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特点的发展新路。尤其是90年代以后,上海国民生产总值连续7年保持10%以上的增长率,1998年上海国内生产总值达到3688亿元,平均每年增长9。1%, 人均国内生产总值为2。82万元, 按当年汇率计算,已突破3300美元,相当于中等发达国家水

44、平。 上海人民走出了一条具有中国特色、体现时代特征、符合上海特点的发展新路 the people of Shanghai have opened up a new path of development with local features and Chinese characteristics of modern times. 人均国内生产总值: per capita GDP 相当于中等发达国家水平。equivalent to the level of medium-advanced countries. Shanghai is an important economic center o

45、f China. In the past 50 years since the founding of New China, Shanghai has made tremendous achievements in economic construction. Especially since the adoption of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, the people of Shanghai have opened up a new path of development with local featur

46、es and Chinese characteristics of modern times. Beginning in 1990, the growth rate of Shanghais GNP was more than 10 percent for seven years in succession. In 1998, GDP reached 368.8 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rage of 9.1 percent; and per capita GDP stood at 28,200 yuan, or more tha

47、n US$3.300 calculated according to the years exchange rate, equivalent to the level of medium-advanced countries.,中国经济体制改革 中国正在由计划经济向市场经济转轨,因此我们的经济体制改革必须会涉及到外国投资政策的调整,而调整的目的是为了加速与国际接轨的进程。 为了逐步使我国的关税总水平达到发展中国家的平均水平,我们将在近年来几次降低关税率的基础上继续大幅度降低关税率。这样做不仅是为了达到世界贸易组织对关税的要求,而且也是我国建立社会主义市场经济的自身需要。 我们将根据市场经济的国

48、际惯例和要求废除各种有关进出口减免税的条例,逐步统一本国企业与外资企业的税收政策。这样做的目的旨在使税收制度标准化,创造企业与企业之间,地区与地区之间公平竞争的条件,进一步改善投资环境。 中国正在由计划经济向市场经济转轨 China is undergoing the process of transition from a planned to a market economy. 转轨过程:the process of transition / change/ switch 经济体制改革: reform of economic system 外国投资政策: foreign investment policies 加速与国际接轨的进程: accelerate links with the usual international practices 关税总水平: general tariff level 关税: tariff 关税壁垒:tariff barriers 面税:tariff-free 而国内的税常用tax eg: 税务会计 tax accounting 营业税 tax on profit 增值税 tax on value added 当具体到某种关税的时候,常用duty eg: 进口税:import duty


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