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1、,Unit 3 Traveling,英语教程(修订版) 2,Unit 3 Traveling,4,Warming-up,1,2,3,5,6,Listening,Reading,Speaking,Writing,Fun Time,Warming-up,Whats the most beautiful place youve ever been? What impressed you most?,Warming-up,What preparations will you make before traveling?,Listening,You will hear five short conver

2、sations twice. For each question, choose the best from the choices marked A, B or C.,1. Where can Mark get the timetable? A. At the station. B. Near the waiting room. C. At the booking office. 2. On which platform (站台) are they going to get on the train? A. Platform No. 3. B. Platform No. 4. C. Plat

3、form No. 6. 3. What is Mr. Matt going to France for? A. For a holiday. B. For a visit. C. For business.,Listening,4. When is the woman going to take her holiday? A. B. C. 5. Which gate is flight CA168 to Beijing leaving from? A. Gate 11. B. Gate 12. C. Gate 13.,Listening,C. You will hear five senten

4、ces. They will be read three times. Listen, repeat and write down what you hear.,1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _,Would you mind telling me why you are going to visit the United States?,How long do you want to travel in France?,Please book me three tickets for the flight on Friday.,Have you ever been to Can

5、ada before?,Id like to reserve a room with shower in your hotel.,Listening,D. Listen to the passage twice and supply the missing words.,Everyone told me to make my _ preparations (准备) early, but I thought I had plenty of time. I didnt know how much there was to do and I waited too long before I bega

6、n getting ready. First, I had to apply for a passport and visa (申请护照和签证) because I was going to visit a foreign country. I needed to go to the bank to get some travelers _ . At the same time, there were many things to do at home. I had to take my dog to the kennels (养狗场). I must have the milk delive

7、ry stopped, and I had to tell the _ to stop sending newspapers to us. I knew he would _ if I didnt tell him. When I was going to leave, I realized I still hadnt _ my passport and visa. I couldnt believe the time and had _ so quickly. I was really afraid I would be left _. But fortunately, the mail a

8、rrived early the next morning and I got my _ and visa. I got on the plane just on time. I did have a wonderful time during this _ , but the next time I plan to travel, Im going to be sure to start preparing early enough to _ all last-minute problems.,travel,checks,postman,forget,received,passed,behi

9、nd,passport,trip,avoid,Listening,Tapescript A. 1. Mark: Where can I get a timetable? Jane: At the booking office near the waiting room. Mark: OK, Ill go and get one. Thank you. Jane: Its my pleasure. 2. Anna: Which platform will the train stop at? John: It will stop at Platform No. 4. Anna: OK. Lets

10、 get on the train on that platform. 3. Matt: Im going to France for a business talk tomorrow morning. Please wake me up at 6:15. Lis: All right, but when are you going to set off? Matt: At 6:45.,Listening,Tapescript A 4. W: We must sort out our holidays! Id really like the first half of September. M

11、: Er, I was thinking of going away during that time. We cant both be away at the same time. W: I suppose I could go in July, or August, but. M: Dont worry! Ill go in August. You take the weeks you wanted thats fine. 5. M1: Excuse me. Do you know which gate flight CA168 to Beijing is departing from?

12、It was supposed be 13 but I think theres a change of gate and the information screens arent working. M2: Its Gate 12. Sorry, its now down as 11. There is a plane to Beijing leaving from Gate 13, but with a different airline.,Listening,Tapescript B. F: Have you traveled very much? M: Well, Ive travel

13、ed round the world two or three times. F: What countries have you visited then? M: Ive been to Germany. Ive visited France, Spain, Italy and Australia. F: Um. And why did you visit these countries? Was this just for holidays, or for work, or what? M: In most cases it was for holidays. F: Have you ev

14、er worked abroad? M: Yes, I have. I worked in Australia for 6 or 7 years. Then I went to Italy. F: When was that? M: That was before I got married, in the 1960s. F: How did you think about your job there? M: I liked my job, because I earned much money.,Reading,Traveling Men have traveled ever since

15、they first appeared on their earth. In ancient times they do not travel for pleasure but to find new places where their herds could feed, or to escape from unfriendly neighbors, or to find better climates. They traveled on foot. Their journeys were long, tiring and often dangerous. They protected th

16、emselves with simple weapons, such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, by lighting fires at night and, above all, by keeping together.,Chinese,Before long, they discovered easier ways of traveling, they rode on the backs of their horses; they cut open tree trunks and, by using bits of wood as paddles,

17、were able to travel across water. Later they traveled, not from necessity, but for the joy and excitement of seeing and experiencing new things. This is still the main reason why we travel today. Traveling, of course, has now become a highly organized business. There are cars and beautiful roads, fa

18、st trains, huge ships and jet planes, all of which provide us with comforts and security. This sounds wonderful. But there are difficulties. If you want to go abroad, you need a passport and a visa, tickets, luggage, and a hundred and one other things. If you lose any of them, your journey may be ru

19、ined.,Chinese,As I am not fond of meeting with people, I prefer doing my traveling from an armchair. I like thinking of all those journeys that man has never made and will never make. I should like, for example, to have arrived in the world by stork. I should like to travel faster than time and have

20、 a look at the year A.D. 3000 or go back into the past and talk to famous men. I should also like to travel like a shell across ocean floors where I could explore sunken ships and see the strange fish that men have never seen. Although we shall never make journeys such as these, there are others tha

21、t will soon be made which fifty years ago would have seemed impossible. Scientists have invented machines that can explore outer space. One day there will be cheap day trips to the moon. People will be able to fly from one planet to another in spaceships. I say “people” because I have no idea of bei

22、ng one of them.,Chinese,旅 行 地球上自从有了人类,就有了旅行活动。 古代,人类旅行不是为了消遣, 而是为了寻找能够放牧的新地方,或是为了逃避不友好的邻邦,或是为了寻找更适合他们生活的好气候。他们徒步旅行。旅途漫长而又劳累,并且还常常遇到危险。他们用木棍,石棒之类的简陋武器,靠夜里点上篝火,尤其是靠群居来保护自己。,译 文,译 文,不久以后,人类发现了更便利的旅行方式,他们可以骑在马背上旅行;把树干劈开当作舟,把木片当作船桨,这样就能渡水旅行了。后来,人们旅行不是为了生活必需,而是为了娱乐,获得观看和经历新事物的兴趣。这仍然是我们现在旅游的主要原因。 当然,现在旅游已成

23、为具有高度组织性的行业。现在有汽车、漂亮的道路、高速火车、巨大的轮船和喷气式飞机,所有这些都为我们提供了舒适和安全。这听起来很奇妙,但也有很多困难。假如你要出国,你需要办理护照和签证,还要购买车票或机票,还要带上行李以及其他许多东西。如果丢失了其中任何一件,你的旅行就会泡汤。,由于我不喜欢与人打交道,所以我更喜欢坐在安乐椅里“旅行”。我喜欢想象那些人类从未有过也永远不会有的旅行。比如,我想骑上仙鹤周游世界;我很想用超越时间的速度飞到公元3000 年去看一看,或者再回到古代去与那些圣贤聊聊天。我也很想像海贝那样穿越海底,探索过去的海底沉船,看一看人类所没有见过的奇鱼怪兽。 尽管我们将永远也不会有

24、这样的旅行,但是有些在50 年前人们还认为不可能实现的旅行不久都将会实现。 科学家发明了探测外层空间的飞行器。将来总有一天人类会到月球去作廉价的一日游。人们将乘坐宇宙飞船从一个行星到另一个行星。我之所以说“人们”,这是因为我没想到我会成为他们之中的一员。,译 文,1) such as wooden stick or stone clubs 是插入语,作补充说明。 2) with simple weapons, . and by lighting fires at night and, above all, by keeping together 为三个并列的介词短语作方式状语。,They pr

25、otected themselves with simple weapons, such as wooden sticks or stone clubs, and by lighting fires at night and, above all, by keeping together. 他们用简陋的武器,诸如木棍、石棒之类,靠夜里点燃篝火,尤其靠群居来保护自己。,from/out of necessity 迫不得已。,2. Later they traveled, not from necessity, but for the joy and excitement of seeing an

26、d experiencing new things. 后来人们旅行不是生活所迫,而是为了快乐,为获得观赏和体验 新事物的乐趣。,例如: I sold my house from necessity. 我迫不得已才卖房子。 I went only out of necessity. 我不得已才去的。,all of which provide us with comforts and security 是非限定性定语从句, 对前面提到的信息作补充说明。 2) 在非限定性定语从句中,不定代词如all, both, some, many, few, none 可与of which 和of whom 连

27、用。,例如:They have four children, all of whom are studying music. 他们有4 个孩子,都学音乐。 He gave several reasons, few of which were valid. 他给出几个理由,几乎都站不住脚。,3. There are cars and beautiful roads, fast trains, huge ships and jet planes, all of which provide us with comforts and security. 现在有汽车、漂亮的公路、快速列车、巨大的轮船和喷

28、气式飞机, 所有这些都为我们提供舒适安全的旅行。,4. a hundred and one 意思指“很多”。,例如: I have a hundred and one things to do. 我有许多事情要做。,5. Although we shall never make journeys such as these, there are others that will soon be made which fifty years ago would have seemed impossible. 尽管我们将永远也不会有这样的旅行,但是有些在50 年前人们认 为不可能实现的旅行不久都将

29、会实现的。,1) 句中that 和which 分别引导一个定语从句,但均修饰others, 即other journeys. 2) fifty years ago 为时间状语,插在主语与谓语动词之间;would have seemed 为虚拟语气形式,表示对过去的一种推测。,travel, journey, trip 1) travel/traveling Travel is the general term to describe going from one place to another. We can talk about someones travels to refer to t

30、he journeys he makes. e.g. His travels abroad provided lots of background material for novels he wrote. Traveling is also a general term which refers to the activity of travel. e.g. Traveling by boat between the islands is less tiring than traveling by road. I dont do as much traveling as I used to

31、now that Im retired. Travel often crops up as part of compound nouns. Compare the following. We often use travel as a verb: e.g. I love to travel during the summer holidays. This year I plan to travel all around the Iberian Peninsula.,2) journey A journey is one single piece of travel. You make jour

32、neys when you travel from one place to another. (Note that the plural is spelt journeys, not journies.) e.g. The journey from London to Newcastle by train can now be completed in less than three hours. We can talk about journeys taking or lasting a long time. How long did your journey take?Oh, it la

33、sted for ever. We stopped at every small station. We occasionally use journey as a verb as an alternative to travel, although it may sound a bit formal or poetic. We journeyed/traveled between the pyramids in Mexico on horseback.,3) trip A trip usually involves more than one single journey. We talk

34、about day trips, round trips and business trips. We make journeys usually, but we go on trips. e.g. I went on a day trip to France. We left at 6:30 in the morning and returned before midnight the same day. The round trip ticket enabled me to visit all the major tourist destinations in India. Wheres

35、Laurie?He wont be in this week. Hes gone on a business trip to Malaysia and Singapore. The trip went well. It was an old car, but we didnt break down in four weeks of traveling.,expedition n. An expedition is an organized trip whose purpose is usually scientific exploration of the environment. You g

36、o on expeditions, just as you go on trips. e.g. Numerous expeditions to the Antarctic have ended in disaster. Are you going to join the expedition up the Amazon this year, like the one Tom went on last year? Less dangerous and less adventurous are shopping expeditions when you are hunting down parti

37、cular goods or bargains and fishing expeditions when you go in search of fish which are not easy to locate or catch. escape n. e.g. They have been planning their escape for months. The party was so boring that we couldnt wait to make our escape. escape from to get free from; get out of e.g. They esc

38、aped from the burning house. Some gas is escaping from the pipe. He escaped from doing more work.,before long before long soon, a little later e.g. Well be back to see him before long. Before long, it will be spring again. long before at an earlier time e.g. I had known him long before. It happened

39、long before you were born. above all more than anything else; most importantly e.g. A computer must be above all correct in providing information. Never waste anything, but above all never waste time. There is no place like home, and I think you feel this above all on the Spring Festival.,experience

40、 1) n. U the knowledge of feeling obtained through direct impressions e.g. A person with five years experience in accounting can get this job. He has had much experience in teaching. In my experience, these things never last very long. 2) n. C something that happens e.g. This was my first experience

41、 of living with other people. Failing an exam was a new experience for me. 3) vt. to feel, suffer, or know, as an experience e.g. Have you ever experienced real danger? He experienced great hardships for the first time in his life. Children need to experience things in order to learn from them.,prov

42、ide v. to supply (something needed or useful) provide + sb. + with + sth.; provide + sth. + for + sb. e.g. Now modern railways and airlines are providing people with comforts and security. That hotel provides travelers with excellent services. The super phone can provide convenience for people. be f

43、ond of to take pleasure in e.g. She likes all her grandchildren, but shes especially fond of Peter. Im fond of playing the piano. Im not fond of country music.,have no idea to have no picture of something in mind; not know e.g. We have no idea of what to do next. You have no idea how worried I was.

44、I had no idea that you were here. discover, invent 1) discover vt. to find something existing but not yet known e.g. Columbus discovered America in 1492. They discovered easier ways of traveling. 2) invent vt. to think out or produce (a new device, method, etc.); originate e.g. Edison invented elect

45、ric light lamp. The telephone was invented by Bell.,discovery n. discovering or being discovered; something discovered e.g. The discovery of oil on their land made the family rich. He made wonderful scientific discoveries. invention n. the act of making something new e.g. Before the invention of gun

46、powder, men fought with bows and arrows. Necessity is the mother of invention. go back into to trace back to; date from e.g. This legend goes back to remote antiquity. The festival goes back to Roman times. We have to go back to the early years of industrial revolution if we want to trace the histor

47、y of mass production.,planet, star n. 1) planet is one of the heavenly bodies (e.g. Mars, Venus) which move round the sun. e.g. There are nine planets moving around the sun. People will be able to fly from one planet to another. 2) star is a brightly-burning heavenly body of great size, such as the

48、sun but especially one very far away. e.g. The stars are seen only at night. The Sun is a star, and the Earth is one of its planets.,Words such as “ all” and “ most” can be put in front of “ of whom” or “ of which” at the beginning of a non-defining relative clause. You do this to give extra information about part of the group just mentioned


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