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1、话题五 饮食,卫生与健康,安全与救护,第一部分 教材话题组块复习 !,目录,contents,中考话题导航,话题教材梳理,话题基础积累与写作,话题综合练习,中考话题导航,目录,contents,话题教材梳理,目录,contents,9A Unit 6 Health diet 考纲单词(下面为常考、常用的单词。请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。) 1.偏爱;喜爱_ 2.评介;评论_ 3.豆;豆荚_,preference,review,bean,一、教材基础积累,4.牛肉_ 5.产品;制品_ 6.蛋白质_ 7.汉堡包_ 8.一杯(或一罐、一瓶)可乐_ 9.三明治_,beef,product,prote

2、in,hamburger,cola,sandwich,10.色拉_ 11.医疗的_ 12.脂肪_ 13.食糖_ 14.说明_ 15.必需的;必要的_,salad,medical,fat,sugar,state,necessary,16.研究;调查_ 17.大量;充足_ 18.通常的;寻常的_ 19.咖啡_ 20.买(可享受的东西)_ 21.顾客_,research,plenty,usual,coffee,treat,customer,22.标题;题目_ 23.提供_ 24.英镑_ 25.果馅饼;果馅派_ 26.炸薯条_ 27.服务_ 28.(使)就座_,title,serve,pound,pi

3、e,chip,service,seat,常用短语(请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。完形填空、完成句子等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握。) 1.均衡饮食_ 2.乳制品_ 3.离开;不接近_,a balanced diet,dairy product,stay away from,4.油炸食物_ 5.软饮料(不含酒精)_ 6.体格检查_ 7.减肥_ 8.大量;充足_ 9.通常;大体上_,fried food,soft drink,medical examination,lose weight,plenty of,in general,10.给自己买某物_ 11.饮食习惯_ 12.炸鱼薯条

4、_ 13.愿意做某事_ 14.在黄昏的余晖中_ 15.微风_,treat oneself to sth.,eating habit,fish and chips,(be) prepared to do sth.,in the fading light,gentle wind,9B Unit 5 Sport 考纲单词(下面为常考、常用的单词。请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。) 1.公告;通告_ 2.护照_ 3.太平洋_,announcement,passport,the Pacific,4.加拿大_ 5.加拿大的_ 6.与相对;在对面_ 7.手套_ 8.夫妻;情侣_ 9.平缓的_,Canada,C

5、anadian,opposite,glove,couple,gentle,10.坦率的;坦诚的_ 11.绳索_ 12.迅速的;快速的_ 13.结束_ 14.令人惋惜的;让人遗憾的事_ 15.费用_,honest,rope,rapid,over,shame,fee,16.报名参加_ 17.决赛_ 18.羽毛球运动_ 19.精神压力;紧张_,enter,final,badminton,stress,常用短语(请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。完形填空、完成句子等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握。) 1.渴望(做某事);极想(做某事)_ 2.(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到_ 3.迫不及待(做某事

6、)_,(be) dying to (do sth.),check in (at),cant wait to (do sth.),4.说实在的_ 5.被绊倒_ 6.保持平衡_ 7.建立_,to be honest,fall over,keep ones balance,build up,9B Unit 6 Caring for your health 考纲单词(下面为常考、常用的单词。请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。) 1.实施;执行_ 2.争吵_ 3.集中(注意力、精力等)于_,conduct,quarrel,focus,4.压力_ 5.是否_ 6.风险_ 7.守卫;保卫_ 8.取消;撤销;终止

7、_ 9.光亮的_,pressure,whether,risk,guard,cancel,bright,10.强迫;迫使(某人做某事)_ 11.音乐会;演奏会_ 12.私人的_ 13.不说话的;沉默的_ 14.危害物;大敌_ 15.有规律的;定时的_,force,concert,private,silent,enemy,regular,16.鼓励;鼓舞_ 17.沮丧的;消沉的;无精打采的_ 18.视力_ 19.牙科医生_ 20.恢复;痊愈_,cheer,low,eyesight,dentist,recovery,常用短语(请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。完形填空、完成句子等题型经常会考

8、查大家对短语的掌握。) 1.解决;处理;应对_ 2.防止;提防_ 3.抵消;对消_,deal with,guard against,cancel out,4.(对不好的状态)持乐观的态度_ 5.(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做_ 6.忙于(某事)_,look on the bright side,take up,(be) busy with,7.把抛在后面_ 8.(使)变得更高兴;(使)振奋起来_ 9.乐器_,leavebehind,cheerup,musical instrument,二、基础强化训练 (一)词汇 9A Unit 6 Health diet 1.He came back home

9、 and took off his shoes as u_ . 2.Dont drink too much c_ ,or you cant fall asleep.,sual,offee,3.A good t_ is important for an article to attract the readers attention. 4.The restaurant s_ wonderful Chinese food. 5.Though the hotel looks a little old,the s_ of the clerks is excellent.You can enjoy yo

10、urself.,heme,erves,ervice,6.通常,体检不会花很长时间。 _ ,_ wont take too long. 7.Coco经常给自己买炸鱼薯条。 Coco often _ fish and chips.,As usual,medical examination,treats herself to,8.他们的饮食习惯多么健康啊! _ they have! 9.波比王子总是愿意与老巫婆斗争。 Prince Bobby _ always _ against the Old Witch. 10.会议直到每个人都就座才开始。 The meeting wont begin unti

11、l everyone _ .,What a good diet,is seated,was,willing to fight,9B Unit 5 Sport 1.Jane tied all these things together with a strong r_ . 2.Mike walked at such a r_ speed that I cant catch up with him. 3.He became a loser when the game is o_.He wanted to play it again.,ope,apid,ver,4.Bills bad behavio

12、ur brought s_on his family. 5.Tina wants to e_some races because she can run very fast. 6.冰冰一不小心就扑倒在街上。 Bingbing _ on the street carelessly.,tress,nter,fell over,7.骑车时,保持平衡很重要。 _ important to _ while riding bikes. 8.我们应该帮助Mary建立自信。 We should help Mary _ confidence.,Its,keep a balance,build up,9.打羽毛球

13、使我变得健康强壮。 _ helps me _ and strong. 10.这个经历多么难忘啊! _ the experience is!,Playing badminton,keep healthy,How unforgettable,9B Unit 6 Caring for your health 1.I couldnt catch the last bus,so I was f_ to walk home. 2.Excuse me.Is it too late to c_ my order?I dont need it now. 3.Dont make a q_with your par

14、ents.,orced,ancel,uarrel,4.I am so sorry that I cant answer this p_ question. 5.The children all went out,and the room was s_.,rivate,ilent,6.虽然她忙于工作,但是每天她不会忘记给妈妈打一个电话。 _ she _ her work,she never forgets to give a phone call to her mother.,Though/Although;,is busy with,7.请提防公共汽车上的扒手。 Please _ pickpo

15、ckets(扒手) on the bus. 8.年轻人应该把更多的注意力集中在工作上。 Young people should _ more _ their work.,guard against,focus,on,9.Hay不知道如何处理压力。 Hay doesnt know _ pressure. 10.Nana总是对生活持乐观的态度。 Nana always _of life.,how to deal with,looks on the bright side,(二)句型 1.I think (that) Ill have a hamburger,some chocolate cakes

16、 and a large cola.我认为我将要一个汉堡包,一些巧克力蛋糕和一大杯可乐。 句型: 宾语从句。I think 是主句部分,that是引导词,,从句部分是Ill have a hamburger,some chocolate cakes and a large cola,这是整个句子的宾语部分,其语序用陈述句语序。 翻译:Hawk认为他将更加努力学习。 Hawk thinks _ .,that he will study harder,2.Doris should avoid food with oil,fat and salt in order to lose weight.为了

17、减肥,Doris应该避免吃含油、脂肪和盐的食品。 句型:in order to为了,是连词,引导目的状语从句。 翻译:为了实现“中国梦”,我们每个中国人都要努力奋斗。 We Chinese should work hard _ the Chinese Dream.,in order to achieve,3.You should be aware that stress is a risk to your health.你应该清楚压力对你的健康是一种危害。 句型:be + adj.+ that + 从句。有时我们可以省略that,以下是该句型中常使用的一些形容词: afraid(害怕的), g

18、lad(高兴的),,pleased(高兴的),sorry(遗憾的),surprised(吃惊的),upset(沮丧的),certain(确定的),happy(快乐的),sad(悲伤的),sure(确信的),unaware(不知道的),worried(担心的),等等。 翻译:不能去参加你的生日派对,我很遗憾。 I _ I cant go to your birthday party.,am sorry that,4.They are no longer certain about their own feelings.她们不再确信自己的情感。 句型: no longer=notany longe

19、r不再 翻译:他不再喜欢这个玩具了。 He _ likes the toy. =He _ like the toy _ .,no longer,doesnt,any longer,话题基础 积累与写作,目录,contents,二、佳句欣赏与模仿 1.You spend too much time in front of the computer.It can be very harmful to your health. 【be harmful to 对有危害】 仿写:我从不吃快餐,因为对我们的健康有害。 _,I never eat fast food,because it is harmfu

20、l to our health.,2. Thanks to the better health care, most people are living healthier and longer. 【thanks to 多亏】 仿写:多亏健康饮食与运动,我身体很健康。 _,Thanks to healthy eating and exercise, I am very healthy/in good condition.,3.Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to warn people about them. 【It

21、 is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth.对某人来说做某事是怎样的。】 仿写:保持安全对我们来说很重要。 _,Its important for us to keep safe.,4. I was so afraid that my blood went cold.【sothat如此以至于】 仿写:我是如此不小心,把自己弄伤了。 _,I was so careless that I hurt myself.,三、话题写作 建设平安校园是我们每个人的责任与义务。作为一名学生,我们更应该珍惜自己的生命,更应该注意自己的人身安全。假如你是Li Hua,并担任校学生会主席,请你就安全问题

22、向全校学生发出倡议,写一封安全倡议书。,内容提示: 参考词汇:管制刀具:restricted knives or things;洗澡:have a bath;打架:fight。,【写作指导】 1.审题:一般现在时,第一人称 2.高分技巧:在描述具体做法时,可用含情态动词mustnt,should的句型,以及Do not/Dont等祈使句型。,3.列出相关词汇和词组。 (1)安全的_ (2)打架_ (3)确保_ (4)携带去学校_ (5)洗澡_,safe,fight,make sure,bringto school,have a bath/shower,(6)独自_ (7)注意_ (8)总之_,

23、by oneself,pay attention to,in a work,【整篇写作】 _,Dear students, As we know,safety is the most important thing in our lives.So,we should try our best to make sure we are safe.We mustnt bring restricted knives or things to our school because these things may cause serious problems.Do not have a bath in

24、rivers or ponds by ourselves without our parents,permission.And,we should be friendly to others so fighting is strongly banned.Make sure that we should always pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home.Furthermore,if we meet some emergency,we must call for help from the police or our

25、teachers.In a word,following these safeties rules above can make us live in peace. Yours, Li Hua,话题综合练习,目录,contents,4,一、语法选择 Spending two or three hours 1 outdoors each day can reduce a childs chance of 2 short-sighted(近视),a research shows.It challenges the belief that short-sightedness 3 by compute

26、r use,watching TV or reading in weak light. The Australian government researchers believe 4 sunlight is good for peoples eyes.,They compared the vision and habits of 100 5 children in Singapore and Australia.In all,30% of the Singaporean children were short-sightedthis rate was ten times 6 than Aust

27、ralian children. 7 groups spent a similar amount of time reading,watching television and playing computer games. 8 ,the Australian children spent an average of two hours a day outdoors90 minutes more than the Singaporean children.,Professor Ian Morgan, 9 is from the Australian Research Councils Visi

28、on Centre,said,“Humans are 10 long-sighted,but when people begin to go to school and spend 11 or no time outdoors,the number of short-sighted people 12 larger.Were also seeing more and more short-sighted children in cities all around the worldand the main reason 13 that city children spend less time

29、 outdoors.”,Daylight can be hundreds of times brighter than indoor light.But why does 14 outside prevent us 15 becoming short-sighted?Scientists believe that natural light has a special chemical which stops the eyeball from growing out of shape and prevents people becoming short-sighted.,( )1.A.on p

30、laying B.play C.to play D.playing ( )2.A.become B.became C.becoming D.becomed ( )3.A.caused B.is caused C.causes D.causing ( )4.A.how B.why C.whether D./ ( )5.A.7 years old B.7-year old C.7 year-old D.7-year-old,D,C,B,D,D,( )6.A.high B.higher C.highly D.more highly ( )7.A.Both B.Neither C.Either D.A

31、ll ( )8.A.So B.However C.Though D.Thus ( )9.A.whom B.which C.who D.that ( )10.A.naturally B.nature C.natural D.naturing,B,A,B,C,A,( )11.A.more B.less C.much D.little ( )12.A.gets B.getting C.got D.get ( )13.A.maybe B.may be C.may D.might ( )14.A.play B.played C.playing D.to play ( )15.A.off B.out of

32、 C.from D.with,D,B,C,C,A,二、完形填空 I live on the twelfth floor of a building.One afternoon I was coming home from a friends house.It was just after four oclock.I got quickly into the lift and 1 Button(按钮) 12. The lift started to go up,but very 2 .And then,half way up,it suddenly stopped between two flo

33、ors.I couldnt understand it.I pressed all the buttons from 1 to 14.,I called for 3 very loudly.But nobody answered. Then suddenly the lights went out,and I was 4 in the dark.I started to cry and beat the walls of the lift.I cried and cried until I had no voice left.Then,I felt 5 ,and pressed all the

34、 buttons with my open hands.And all at the same time,there was a bell far away.It rang and rang.It was the fire alarm(火灾警报).,I thought the whole 6 was on fire.I said to the God quietly,“Just get me out of here.Ill never be 7 again.” Just then,I 8 the lift was moving very slowly.On the ground floor i

35、t stopped,and the door opened.A man was standing there.“How long have you been there? It is good that you pressed the alarm 9 .But havent you learned to read at yourschool?”,He 10 at a small piece of paper on the wall beside the lift.It said: “Attention:This lift will be stopped for repairs between

36、4 p. m. and 5 p. m. on Thursday,March 13.”,( )1.A.turned B.pressed C.opened D.closed ( )2.A.slowly B.quickly C.quietly D.fast ( )3.A.advice B.hope C.help D.people ( )4.A.lonely B.alone C.awake D.asleep ( )5.A.helpful B.helpless C.hopeful D.hopeless,B,A,C,B,D,( )6.A.lift B.wall C.floor D.building ( )

37、7.A.good B.bad C.polite D.patient ( )8.A.believed B.realized C.understood D.thought ( )9.A.bell B.ring C.clock D.button ( )10.A.looked B.knocked C.pointed D.picked,D,B,B,A,C,三、阅读 第一部分 阅读理解 A Do you want to live a happier,less stressful life?Try laughing for no reason at all.Thats how thousands of pe

38、ople start their day at Laughter Clubs around the worldand many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.,The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai,India,in 1995 by Dr Madan Kataria. “Young children laugh about 300 times a day.Adults laugh between

39、7 and 15 times a day,”says Dr Kataria.“Everyones naturally good at laughingits universal(通用的 ) language.We want people to feel happy with their lives.”There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.,Many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our heal

40、th.According to a 5-year study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California,with laughing there is less stress in the body.Laughter improves our health against illness by about 40%. So,what happens at a Laughter Club?I went along to my nearest club in South London to find out.I was quite nervous at

41、the beginning of the class.,To be honest,I wasnt interested in laughing with a group of strangers,and I was worried about looking stupid.Our laughter teacher told us to clap our hands and say“ho ho ho,ha ha ha”while looking at each other.However,our bodies cant tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter,so they still produce the same healthy effects.,Surprisingly,it works! After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for realand some people just couldnt stop! At the end


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