Unit 7 Shopping Welcome to this unit新学期备课 牛津译林版七年级上.ppt

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1、Unit 7 Shopping,Welcome to the unit,Free talk,1.What date is it today? 2.Do you know what featival is coming ? 3. How do people celebrate Christmas? 4.What presents do you want to get ?,Christmas is coming!,Usually people put a Christmas tree in their dining room.,People wear Christmas hats.,Christm

2、as father brings a lot of presents.,a stamp,It is one of the most expensive stamps in China.,Some clothes,some books,Talking about presents,Daniel,Millie,1.Daniel want s to buy _ a present. Millie B. Simon C. himself 2.What is Daniel going to buy? _. A. A Music CD A Christmas card C. Some stamps,Tal

3、k about presents,Talk about presents,buy a present for Simon,He may not be interested in music.,Make a dialogue with your partner: A: Hi, Christmas is coming. I want to buy a present for my friend. B: What about .? A: Im not sure. Maybe hes/shes interested in B: Then you can buy I know he/she likes

4、. A: Good idea!,Pair work,a shopping mall 大型购物中心,supermarket,gift shop,clothes shop,sports shop,bookshop,flower shop,toy shop,shoe shop,Many different shops,gift shop,bookshop,clothes shop,supermarket,sports shop,shoe shop,toy shop,flower shop,(1) If you want to buy a watch for your father, you can

5、go to a _. (2) There are different kinds of books in a _. (3) Look at the beautiful clothes in this _! (4) We can go to a _ to buy the food for the birthday party. (5) Simon likes sports. We can find something good for him in a _. (6) Lets go to this _ to find a pair of shoes to match my new skirt.

6、(7) I have a teddy bear. You can also buy one in a_. (8) Flowers are a nice birthday present. We can buy some in a _.,Different shops,gift shop,bookshop,clothes shop,supermarket,sports shop,shoe shop,toy shop,flower shop,Hobo also wants to go shopping.,Comic strip,Eddie likes shopping.( ) (2) Hobo d

7、oesnt have money to go shopping.( ) (3) Hobo needs Eddie to buy some presents. ( ),Comic strips,F,T,F,hates,carry all the bags.,T or F,I have no money.,根据课文内容及括号中的内容填空: Hobo is _(空闲) on Sunday.There is a new mall_(沿着) the street. He wants _ (go) _(shop) , but he doesnt have _(some) money He is askin

8、g his_ (主人), Eddie, for help. “Eddie, please _ (come) with me. I need you_ (carry) all the bags.” But Eddie_ (not want) to go.,free,to go,shopping,doesnt want,any,master,come,to carry,down,Act out,Retell the conversation according to the pictures:,将下列词组译成英文: (1)想要你和我去_ (2)跟我来_ (3)需要你搬所有的包_ (4.) 鞋店_

9、(5.)一个新的大型购物中心_ (6.) 礼品店_ (7.)服装店_ (8)体育商店_ (9) 想给他们买些礼物(2)_,want you to go with me,come with me,need you to carry all the bags,a shoe shop,a new shopping mall,a gift shop,a clothes shop,a sports shop,want to buy them some presents want to buy some presents for them,Homework: 1.Recite Comic Strips.,Thank you!,


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