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1、第一部分 基础模块夯实,Module 1,Unit 1 Friendship,Section I. 课本扫描,一、核心单词 1. upset pset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的 vt. (upset, upset) 使人心烦;使不安 (1) He was upset at not being invited. 人家没邀请他,他很不痛 快。 (2) Dont upset yourself no harm has been done. 不要难过,并没有造成伤害。 (3) Dont get me upset today, okay? You know I dont like to get

2、 upset. 别惹我烦心,我讨厌心烦!,小练:用upset的适当形式填空 (1) Is it _ you, dear? (2) She felt rather _ on hearing the news. (3)Yous not still _ with me, are you? (4)She was really_ about the way her father treated her .,upsetting,upset,upset,upset,2. concern kns:n v. 担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系 (1) The news concerns your

3、 son. 这消息与你儿子有关。 (2) Our losses are beginning to concern me. 我们损失使我担心起来。 (3) Our main concern is that they are not receiving enough help. 我们最忧虑的是他们一直没有得到足够的帮助。,小练:用concern的适当形式填空 (1) There is an article that _ the rise of the prices. (2) The children are rather _ about their mothers health. (3) Offi

4、cials should _ themselves _ public affairs.,concerns,concerned,concern,with,3. suffer sf v. 遭受;忍受;经历 (1) Do you suffer from headaches? 你常头痛吗? (2) Shes suffering from loss of memory. 她患有失忆症。,小练:中英互译 (1) We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis. _ (2) 他的脚痛得不得了。 _,我们在金融危机中损失惨重。,He suffers terrib

5、ly with his feet.,4. disagree disri: vt. 不同意 (1) Even friends sometimes disagree with each other. 即便是朋友也有时意见不一。 (2)We disagreed on future plans. 我们对未来的计划产生了分歧。,小练:根据中文,补充下列句子 (1) 罗马的报道与米兰的不符。 The reports from Rome _ those from Milan. (2) 他不同意让我早些回家。 He _ let me go home early.,disagree with,disagreed

6、 to,二、重点词组,1. add up 加起来 (1) The waiter cant add up. 这个服务员不会算账。 (2) Add up all the money I owe you, please. 请把我欠你的钱全部加起来。,小练:用add的适当形式或构成的词组填空 (1) Will you _ some more students to this project? (2) Small numbers _ a large one. (3) 50 _ 50 equals 100. 2. go through 经历;经受;通过;经过 (1) The deal did not go

7、 through. 这笔交易未谈成。 (2) Shes been through a bad patch recently. 她最近经历了一段困难时期。,add,add up to,added,小练:用go 构成的词组填空 (1) Despite the bad weather the party will_. (2) Prices _ a little now. People are happy. (3) As time_ my memory seems to get worse . (4) She _ a lot of sport.,go ahead,go up,goes by,goes

8、in for,3.on purpose 故意,有目的地 I think she lost the key on purpose. 我认为她是故意丢掉钥匙。 小练:用 purpose的相关词汇填空 (1) He went to town _ to sell one of his paintings. (2) 这些实验毫无用处。 The experiments serve no_ .,on purpose,no useful purpose,4. get along with 与相处;进展 (1) He is not easy-going. Its very hard to get along w

9、ith him 他不是个随和的人,很难相处。 (2) How are you getting along with your work? 工作进展如何?,小练:用get的相关词汇填空 (1) How can we _ poverty? (2) Can we _ this difficulty? (3) If you want it, just _ me first.,get away from,get over,get through,三、课文回顾 Ann Franks family were Jewish so they had to hide away or they 1 (catch)

10、by the German Nazis. During that time she made her diary her best friend because she wouldnt be afraid that it would laugh at her, 2 would not understand 3 she was going through. In her diary, she said she had grown 4 (crazily) about everything to do 5 nature.,would be caught,or,what,crazy,with,She

11、remembered that there was a time 6 a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept her 7 (spellbind). One evening, Ann stayed awake on purpose 8 half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by herself. But she failed to do it because the window was sh

12、ut. However, one day she happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open and 9 was the first time in a year and a half that she 10 (see) the night face to face.,when,spellbound,until,it,had seen,四、句子精析与仿写 1. You want to see a very interesting film with your friend, but your friend cant go u

13、ntil he or she finishes cleaning the bicycle. 你想和你朋友一起看一场很有意思的电影,但是只有当他/她清洗了单车以后才可以去。 句子分析:not until/till 直到才。如果在否定句中,前面的动词一般使用短暂性动词;如果用于肯定句,前面的动词应该使用延续性动词。It was/is not until +被强调部分that ,仿写: (1) 直到得了重病,他才放弃抽烟。 _ (2) 直到看到母亲眼中的泪花,我才意识到母亲是多么难过。 _ (3) 直到昨天我才收到你的来信 _,He didnt give up smoking until he go

14、t a serious disease.,I had not realized how sad my mother was until I saw the tears in her eyes.,It was not until yesterday that I got your letter.,2. When he borrowed it last time, he broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired. 他上一次借它的时候,把它给弄坏了,而你就不得不找人修理了。 句子分析:get /have sth. done 让某人做某事;get +

15、adj. 表示状态。注:此处是过去分词作宾补,表示被动和完成。,仿写: (1) 这是不是你想送去修理的收音机? _ (2) 今晚我不得不把鞋子洗了,因为实在太脏了。 _ (3) 当我在国外迷路不得不向当地人问路时,他们却听不懂我说的话。 _ _,Is this radio the one you would like to have repaired?,I have to get /have my shoes washed tonight because they are too dirty.,When I got lost abroad and had to ask a native for

16、 direction, I didnt always make myself understood .,3. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. 你在遛狗的时候不小心让狗松脱了,接 着它被一辆小车撞着了。 句子分析:在状语从句中,当主句和从句的主语一样的时 候,如果从句的谓语动词与从句的主语有主动关系,则把从 句的主语省略,用动词的现在分词形式,如果从句中的动词 为be的话也省去。 仿写: (1) 在日本时,我拍了许多漂亮的照片。 _ (2) 尽管她精疲力竭,但仍继续工作

17、。 _,When (I was) in Japan, I took many beautiful pictures.,She went on working though (she was) exhausted.,4. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。 句子分析:I wonde

18、r+宾语从句是由if引导一个宾语从句,而在宾语从句中用了强调句型its被强调部分that来强调原因状语从句because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time。,仿写: (1) 他想知道是否是因为没有按时完成工作就被公司解雇了。 _ _ (2) 我想知道是否要接受这个工作。 _ (3) 我想知道你是怎样做这件事的。 _,He wondered if it was because he didnt finish the work on time and was fired by the company.,I wondered if

19、I was to take the job.,I was wondering how you did it.,5. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. 为了能亲自好好地观看月亮一次,有一天晚上直到11点半我还特意不上床睡觉。 句子分析:stay+adj. 保持,作连系动词一般后面加上形容词作表语,表示一种状态;stay还可以作实义动词表示“停留或者逗留”。in order to do. .

20、 .为了,在句中作目的状语,可以放在句首也可放在句末。与它相同意思的短语是so as to do,但它不能放在句首,只能放在句中。,仿写: (1) 这扇窗子整夜开着。 _ (2) 那晚他留下来在办公室里干了些活。 _ (3) 为了实现他的梦想,他经历了许多艰辛。 (in order to, suffer) _ (4) 为了不丢掉工作,她一直女扮男装。 _,The window stayed open all night.,That evening he stayed in the office to finish some work.,In order to realize his dream

21、, he suffered great hardship.,She dressed herself as a man in order not to /so as not to lose the job.,6. it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face这是我一年半以来第一次欣赏夜景 句子分析:It is/was the +序数词+ time(that) +主语+完成时。这是 一个固定句式,“这是某人第几次做某事”,it可换成this或that; first可换成second, t

22、hird等,以表达不同的意思。 仿写: (1) 这是他第二次来中国旅游。 _ (2) 我相信那是我第四次获得该奖。 _,It is the second time that he have taken a trip to China.,I believe it is the fourth time that I have got the prize.,Section II. 读写强化,一、根据课文回答下列问题 What do you think friends are? Friends should be the people you feel safe around when you hav

23、e difficulties or when you are in trouble. A friend is a person whose hand you can hold, or he or she will stick with you and help you to solve some troubles even you never hope he/she could do.,2. And what can we do for friends? 3. What can we get from friends?,We can help them out of the difficult

24、 situation and try our best to comfort them.,We can get help, support and encouragement from friends.,4. What will you do or say to your friend if he or she asks you to help do something wrong? 5. How to explain the proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”?,I will explain why it is wrong and gi

25、ve him or her some good advice.,That means a friend who helps you when you need is a true friend.,二、美文欣赏与模仿 A life withouta friendis a life withouta sun. Friendshipis one of the mostimportant thingsin everyones life. But whatis friendship? Friendsare who change a partof your life, makeyou believetha

26、t thereis true love in the worldand convinceyouthat there reallyis an unlocked doorjust waiting for you to openit. When youre down, friends liftyou up. When you loseyour way, friends guideyouand cheer you on. So cherishyour friends. This is Forever Friendship.,Section. 单元配套,一、重点词词形变换 1. All of us ar

27、e _ about the earthquake-hit area. As far as I am _, lack of enough food, water and clothes _ the health of the people there. (concern) 2. I can forgive your _but I wont forgive your rudeness. You can _me, but you mustnt ignore the rules. He is just _. He isnt stupid. (ignore),concerned,concerned,co

28、ncerns,ignorance,ignore,ignorant,3. My teacher gave me some useful _, which _ me on how to learn English effectively. (advice) 4. After the president came to _, all the polls said he was a _ leader, but now he felt so _ that he couldnt control the rioting. (powerful) 5. My father _ from high blood p

29、ressure .There is so much _ that he is a _ at home. (suffer) 6. In the 17th century, the British crowded into America and many _ were set up for the_ to _down. (settle),advice,advises,power,powerful,powerless,suffers,suffering,sufferer,settlements,settlers,settle,7. The door wont close. The screws(螺

30、钉)are _. (loose) The farmers _ the soil before sowing the seeds. 8. He is so fond of _ activities that he sometimes even sleep _. (outdoors) 9. The _village was under the water. The crops were _destroyed. (entire) 10. _ the big block of store, he _a very big snake, which terrified him. It took quite

31、 a while for him to _from the terror. (recover),loose,loosen,outdoor,outdoors,entire,entirely,Uncovering,discovered,recover,二、活用本单元的短语 1. The burglar turned around the corner and found himself_ with a policeman. 2. Shes been _a bad patch recently. 3. She seems to do these things _ . 4. He was too pr

32、oud to _ our fun. 5. People use more than words when they _ each other.,face to face,going through,on purpose,join in,communicate with,6. We are all _ her safety. 7. We only moved house last week and we havent _ yet. 8. The new government will _ next month. 9. _ , there is nothing to worry about. 10

33、. I _ with her at first sight.,concerned for/about,settled in,come into power,Calm down,fell in love,三、完形填空,The other day I was talking to a stranger on the bus; he told me that he had a good friend in Chicago and he wondered if, by any chance, I happened to know him. For a moment, I thought he migh

34、t be 1 , but I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not. He was 2 . I felt like saying that it was ridiculous (可笑的) to 3 that out of all the millions of people in Chicago I could possibly have ever bumped into his friend. But, 4 , I just smiled and reminded him that Chicago was a v

35、ery big city. He nodded, and I thought he was going to be content to drop the 5 and talk about something else. But I was 6 . He was silent for a few minutes, and then he 7 to tell me all about his friend.,His friends main 8 in life seemed to be tennis. He was an excellent tennis player, and he even

36、had his own tennis court. There were a lot of people with swimming pools, yet there were only two people with private tennis courts; his friend in Chicago was one of them. I told him that I knew several people like that, including my brother, who was a doctor in California. He 9 that maybe there wer

37、e more private courts in the country, than he 10 but he did not know of any others. Then he asked me where my brother lived in,California. When I said Sacramento, he said that was a coincidence (巧合) because his Chicago friend spent the summer in Sacramento last year and he lived next door to a 11 wh

38、o had a tennis court in his backyard. I said I felt that 12 was a coincidence because my next-door neighbor had gone to Sacramento last summer and had 13 the house next to my brothers house. For a moment, we stared at each other, but we did not say anything. “Would your friends name happen to be Rol

39、and Kirkwood?” I asked finally. He 14 and said, “Yes. Would your brothers name happen to be Dr. Rey Hunter?” It was my 15 to laugh. “Yes,” I replied.,1.A. expecting B. lying C. joking D. talking C 上文说陌生人向作者谈起他的好朋友,想知道作者是不是碰巧认识他的好朋友。作者开始觉得他这样说可能是在开玩笑。joking“开玩笑的“。 2.A. funny B. serious C. careful D.

40、disappointed B 由上一句的“I could tell from the expression on his face that he was not”可知,作者从陌生人脸上的表情看出他不是在开玩笑,而是认真的。serious“认真的,严肃的”。,3.A. think B. find C. realize D. see A 作者想要说陌生人认为作者在成百万的芝加哥人中能碰见过他朋友是可笑的。 4.A. indeed B. actually C. instead D. exactly C 由前句可知作者认为陌生人的想法很可笑,but表转折,且由空后的“I just smiled an

41、d reminded him.”推断,作者并没有说出自己的想法;相反,作者微笑着提醒陌生人芝加哥是一个很大的城市。,5.A. information B. communication C. conversation D. Subject D 由下文的“talk about something else”可知作者认为陌生人会停止聊这个话题,然后谈论其他的。subject“话题;主题”。 6.A. wrong B. happy C. right D. worded A 由下一句中的“and then he 7 to tell me all about his friend”可知,作者本来以为陌生人

42、会聊别的,但是作者错了。wrong“错误的”。,7.A. began B. stopped C. refused D. failed A 由第二段可知,陌生人并没有放弃这个话题,而是开始谈论起他的朋友。 8.A. problem B. interest C. choice D. work B 由下文“He was an excellent tennis player , and he even had his own tennis court.”可知,陌生人的朋友是个网球手,甚至有自己的网球场,所以说他朋友的主要兴趣是网球。,9.A. advised B. argued C. admitted

43、 D. announced C 陌生人承认在这个国家可能有更多的私人网球场。admit“承认”。 10.A. recognized B. realized C. visited D. found B 有比他知道的更多的私人网球场。realize“知道,了解”。 11.A. doctor B. friend C. neighbor D. player A 由前面的lived next door可排除C,由后文的Dr.Rey Hunter可知他是一位医生。,12.A. seriously B. certainly C. directly D. really D 作者觉得这真的是巧合。really“

44、确实,真正地”。 13.A. hired B. visited C. designed D. sold A 由空格前后的信息可知,作者的邻居去年夏天去了Sacramento并且租用了作者哥哥隔壁的房子。hire“租用”。 14.A. smiled B. laughed C. cried D. shouted B 听到作者的问话,陌生人大笑起来。由“It was my 15 to laugh.”可知答案是B项。 15.A. chance B. pleasure C. time D. turn D 轮到作者大笑。Its ones turn to do sth.“轮到某人做某事”。,四、语法填空 It was a very cold evening, an old man was waiting for a ride acr


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