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1、1,送给新学期的你,一个人最优越的素质是顽强,坚韧.只有顽强坚韧将如数报偿你所付出的一切:时间,精力,辛苦而枯索的整整一段青春. 凡自强不息者,终能得救.-歌德 比智慧和博学更为重要的是优秀的性格和钢铁般的意志,2,送给新学期的你,如果有一点点的可能,都不要忘记追求自身各方面的进步,自己的命运自己把握。 天下莫柔弱于水者,而攻坚者,莫之能胜。-老子 大块载我以形,劳我以生,佚(逸)我以老,息我以亡。-庄子,3,大纲对阅读的要求,能读懂难度相当于美国Newsweek的国际新闻报道; 能读懂难度相当于Sons and Lovers的文学原著。要求在理解的基础上抓住要点,并能运用正确观点评价思想内容

2、。 阅读速度为每分种120-180个单词,理解准确率不低于70%。 能在5分钟内速读1,000词左右、中等难度的文章,掌握文章的大意。,4,Lecture of Reading Skills,5, 阅读中出现的问题及不良阅读习惯 阅读的双重目的 阅读中所需要的技能 应试技巧,6,阅读中出现的问题及不良的阅读习惯,1.问题 2. 不良的阅读习惯,7,1问题 “只见树木, 不见森林” 型细,慢,个别点;抓不住main idea “不注意细节”型大致了解 “具有丰富想象力”型或 “ 主观臆断”型掺杂个人经验及观点.,8,阅读理解中的问题与不好的阅读习惯有关,阅读理解中的问题主要有三类: A型只见树木

3、, 不见森林” 型: 这类学生阅读时读得很细,很慢,反复回读,仅注意了个别点, 却未抓住文章的总体意思.,9,B型“不注意细节”型: 这类学生读文章读得很快,不注意细节,他们对文章或许有大致的了解,但误解了具体细节.常常忽略一些小词,如连词,情态动词等,因而很容易就文章的某部分得出完全错误的理解.,10,C型“具有丰富想象力”型, 这类学生是 “具有丰富想象力的读者” 尤其是对文章主题略知一二,或对此有强烈个人观点时,他们往往以个人的经验和观点来阐释文章,因此,往往忽视了作者在文中的观点,错把自己的观点当作文章的观点.,11,2.不良的阅读习惯 A. 用笔,手指指着字 B.头动 C.嘴动 D.

4、心中读出声(自觉不自觉默读每个单词) E.喜欢反复回读(有可能是由于中途走神或不自信造成) 其中D和E 尤其延长阅读时间,12, 阅读的双重目的,1.获取信息,了解世界科技发展的最新动态 2.学习新的语言知识的最重要的渠道 3.大学阶段英语过程,每一项阅读活动一般都有双重目的,13,1.获取信息,了解世界科技发展的新动态,这一类阅读的特点: 注意的中心是内容,而非语言的形式. 例如 我们看中文报纸,看完后我们能说出其主要内容,但很少有人记得原文所用的词语,偶尔遇到个别不认识的单词,也懒得查字典.同样,我们阅读英语的最终能力也应该和阅读母语的能力差不多.也就是说,通过阅读,我们能知道作者要传达的

5、信息.,14,这类阅读所需的阅读技能,浏览skimming主题速读 寻读scanning细节速读 细读close reading(scouting) 归纳内容的能力summarizing 猜词义的技能 word-attack skills 这些技能我们已经在学习母语的过程中获得,所要做的就是通过大量的实践将这些技能运用到英语阅读当中来,15,2.学习新的语言知识的最重要的渠道,可以毫不夸张得说,95%的新语言知识都是从书本中获得的 这类阅读的特点: 注意新词的准确词义在上下文中的用法; 新语法知识不同于为获取信息而进行的阅读,16,现阶段英语学习,每一项阅读活动一般都有双重目的.,既要训练阅读

6、技能,又要学习新的语言知识,17,举例说明: 英语成绩好的学生和英语成绩不理想的学生在处理这个问题上存在着明显差异.成绩不太好的学生往往不能将双重目的有机结合起来,不是忽视了技能的训练,就是忽视语言知识的学习;成绩好的学生通常会兼顾阅读活动的双重目的.他们把阅读教科书和阅读课外材料区分开来.在阅读教科书时, 语言内容和形式并重.而后者的侧重点则放在训练阅读的技能上,但也没有完全放弃学习新语言知识的机会. 例如阅读教科书中的课文,第一二遍时,他们不查字典尽量掌握课文的大意,然后再研究语言形式和作者隐含的意义.在阅读课外读物时,在读懂的前提下,他们尽量地读得快一点,遇到不懂的单词一般不查字典.但如

7、过这个单词反复出现好几次,或者他们认为特别重要,就用笔做上记号,根据上下文猜词义,了解新词的用法.,18, 阅读中所需要的技能,A 培养默读(silent reading)的技能 B. 学会快速浏览skimming 获取文章的 中心思想; C. 学会略读scanning 了解文章中的细节和信息,阅读测试中主要解决 D. 细读SCOUTING E.视觉化技巧的目的及训练方法,19,A. 培养默读 (silent reading)的技能,正确的默读技能: 不出声双唇不动喉结不动脑子里没有声音 朗读口语 朗读是奠定英语基础的唯一法宝 默读阅读 母语的默读技能是自然习得, 第二语言中的默读不容易自然习

8、得,要靠有意识地训练.,20,大部分中国人默读英语时常出现的问题有:,有的嘴巴在不停的动, 有的有手指和铅笔在书上不停地移动,有的头在不停地晃动, 有的无上述问题,但在阅读时,会情不自禁在心中默读起来 要克服这些毛病, 需要有意识得进行训练。,21,B. 学会快速浏览skimming 获取文章的中心思想;,阅读测试中主要解决短文的主旨题 Skimming的目的及运用方法,22,目的: 快速寻找段落/文章中心大意,23,方法: (1) 如果时间来不及,可以只读文章的题目及每段的第一句和最后一句,对文章有个大概了解. 有时候第一句不是topic sentence, 而是introductory s

9、entences 举例说what do you think of money? Money is really important, but it doesnt mean anything. (2) 如果全面理解,可快速浏览每一行,浏览时只选取关键词,忽略虚词(介词,冠词和助词) *主题句通常在段首,中,尾, 若不在这三处,那么主题句有可能是隐含的(写文章亦如此),24,C.学会略读scanning 了解文章中的细节和信息,阅读测试中主要解决 细节类题目 猜词义类题目 作者态度/文章语气类题目,25,scanning的目的及运用方法,目的: 确定你要寻找的信息(如何确定,放在5类题目里面讲)并

10、且想一下它可能是以什么形式出现的,文字还是数字 确定在何处能找到你所需的信息,它可能会出现在哪一部分(即大致在文章的那一部分)。 用眼睛快速扫过每一行,直到找到你需要的信息,再仔细阅读前后的句子 当找到所需的答案后,就不需要再读下去了 略读是需要训练才能掌握的,,26,训练方法: 开始时,可用笔或手指沿着每行快速移动,遇到你所需要的信息时,可以停下来,仔细阅读,然后再继续读下去。 这样做有两个好处:可防止眼睛漫无目的的移动,可提高总体阅读速度,使得精力容易集中。,27,D. 细读SCOUTING,细读的目的 是彻底理解文章的内容和作者的观点。,28,具体步骤如下: 先找到文章中相关的内容部分,

11、在此范围内逐句阅读,特别对关键词,句也要仔细琢磨,以便对其有较深刻,较准确的理解和掌握。不仅要理解其字面意思,更要通过推理和判断,弄清文章中“字里行间” 所隐含的意思,这样才能做到真正找我文章的确切内容,对文章有深入的理解,正确理解作者的意图,观点和态度,近年来许多考题都指定考查某一段落或观点,对相应部分应尽可能细读。,29,E.视觉化技巧的目的及训练方法,1.Lip lid long left lip lap,30,2.A fast reading speed is developed through practice and concentration. Your reading rate

12、 also depends on how much you know about a subject.,31,4.Finish a task: lessen the impact cleaning the attic turn on the light complete a job 1) 2) 3) 4)训练难度逐渐递增,其目的是拓宽视幅 提高阅读能力,32,F.了解文章结构模式,了解文章结构模式,有助于阅读能力的提高,更有助于作文能力的提高。 简单地说,文章结构模式是指作者扩展或支持中新的方法。在组织严密的段落中,所有的句子都支持或解释中心大意。这些方法我们可以举几个例子:如举例法,因果分析

13、法,比较对比法等。,33, 应试技巧,1.阅读考试中三个思维阶段及做题顺序 2.阅读考试中题目类型及对策,34,1.阅读考试中三个思维阶段及做题顺序,阅读测试中的出题模式及顺序 出题模式 第二遍阅读: 主旨类题目 推理类题目 第一遍阅读:细节类题目 5wh- 猜词义类题目 作者态度文章语气 出题顺序:基本上按行文的顺序,尤其是第 一遍阅读题,35,阅读考试中的三个思维阶段及处理5类题目的顺序,第一二阶段同时进行:预读问题与第一遍阅读同时进行,并完成主旨类题目,推理类题目,细节类题目三类题目。 第三阶段:第二遍阅读后,完成猜词义类题目和作者态度文章语气两类题目 一定要遵循先读题目再看文章的规则,

14、36,2.阅读考试中题目类型及对策,1) 第一遍阅读中的三类题目及寻读(scanning)技巧的运用 2) 第二遍阅读中的两类题目及浏览(skimming)技巧的运用,37,1)第一遍阅读中的三类题目及略读(scanning)技巧的运用,A. 细节类测试题 B. 猜词义类题目 C. 作者态度,文章语气类题目,38,A. 细节类测试题:,常正问和反问两种形式出现 正问: According to the passage, when/where/who/how/what The author states in the passage that. The reason for .is that ,

15、39,反问 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? Which of the following statements are mentioned EXCEPT All of the following are true EXCEPT ,40,做这类题目的技巧:,用scanning方法找到提干或A.B.C.D 选项中的关键词/线索词 迅速回到原文找到关键词所在处,细读前后句子,找到答案。如找不到,可继续寻找关键词出现的下一个地方。 举例:According to the passage, heroes are compar

16、ed to high-voltage transformers in that - (2002, 12 reading 12 T),41,正确答案项常常不是原文的原句,答案项的内容与文章中的某一句话的内容最贴近,但用词和句子统统不同。 干扰项特点:大部分干扰项会适用与原句相同的词汇,但是由于句型和语法关系的变化,表达的意思都不同于远距;另外一种情况,干扰项与原句内容相似,但往往过于绝对。例如:原文是usually, 干扰项出现always, never 等绝对的词汇。,42,做好细节题目的要求 掌握一定量的同义词和扎实的语法 用不同的词语来表达同一意义的能力和“释义”能力,43,B. 猜词义类

17、题目,猜词义类题目有三类,出题点: 生僻词,旧词新义,指代性名词代词 常见题型: The word “.” In line refers to _? The best definition of .is _? What does .mean?,44,做题技巧:,用略读方式迅速找到文中考察词汇的位置,细读前后几句,猜测词义 充分利用上下文,前后词缀知识,如果文中出现A or B,那么AB为近义词,至少为同项词 猜词义类题目干扰项一般特点: 我们熟悉定义,但与上下文意思不符(旧词新义类) 错误的定义,与上下文似乎相符(生僻词类) 问及指代词时,干扰项中的词汇多为上下文中出现的名词或名词短语。 与原

18、文的句子太相似的选项一般不是正确答案 带有绝对字眼always, never, every的选项一般不是正确答案,45,C.作者态度,文章语气类题目,这类题目就文章语气,作者对文中所谈事务的态度而提问,与主旨类题目和推断类题目属于较难题目,但仍可在第一遍阅读中解决。 常见题目: The authors attitude to/ towards(线索词)is _? In the passage, the author looks on with an attitude of _. What does the author think of .? What is the tone of the p

19、assage? The tone of the passage can best be described as _.,46,考生应熟悉的有关态度的工具词有:optimistic(乐观的), pessimistic(悲观的), cautious(审慎的), enthusiastic(热情的), objective(主观的), subjective(主观的), arbitrary(武断的), neutral(中立的), positive(肯定的), critical(批评的), compromising(折衷的), indifferent(漠不关心的), positive(积极的),negati

20、ve(消极的),approval(赞成的), disapproval(不赞成的),sarcastic(讽刺的)。,47,做题技巧:,用scanning方式快速找到线索词所在,细读相应段落,领会字面意思及其涵义。 注意带有感情色彩的形容词,副词。 如:文中的somewhat, a little ,a bit, a trifle等词汇,或者作者使用might be / perhaps等词汇,作者态度可能是谨慎(cautious)如文中使用successful 之类的褒义词,作者态度可能是赞同(admiring),如使用little, insignificant等否定词贬义词,作者可能是批评的,否定

21、的(critical, negative) 文章题材,通常标明作者的态度,如科技类文章,作者会采用严谨的笔调和实事求是的态度,讽刺小品,作者常用幽默笔调,持否定态度。,48,2) 第二遍阅读中的两类题目及浏览(skimming)技巧的运用,A. 主旨类题目 B. 推理类试题,49,A.主旨类题目,常以确定标题或给出大意的形式给出 标题类问题通常以下列形式出现(都含有title字眼): The best title for this passage would be /might be /is What would be an appropriate title for this passage

22、? What might be the best title for this passage? Which is the best suggested title? This section is chiefly concerned about?,50,主题类问题常见形式: Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the passage? Which of the following statements best summarizes the authors main point? This pas

23、sage illustrates_. Which of the following best states the theme of the passage?,51,做题技巧:,运用scanning的方法,学会寻找主题句(与写作联系) 主题句在段首,作者多采用演绎法写作,即从一般到个别, 主题句在段尾,作者多采用归纳法,即先叙述/论述,再进行总结 主题句在段中,这种情况下,段落的开头几句都是都是铺述,可视为引言部分 主题句没有直接出现在文中,需要读者自己归纳,这里由于文章的题材原因或者由于短文是从原文节选的 先看ABCD选项大致猜测一下关键词,然后浏览全文。确定主题和中心思想,扫描定位文章的关

24、键词。因为标题中带有主题句或中心思想的关键词或是关键词的同义词。 Eg. A good title for this passage would be _. The Maligned Profit Motive TradeSociety Basic Need Why Trade Reasons for Trade,52,B推理类试题,常见的提问方式:what can be inferred from the passage? We can assume that_. The author implies that _. The passage suggests that_. It is mos

25、t likely that_. We can include from the passage that_.,53,做题技巧: 这类问题的答案一定不会是原文原句,是读者从文章暗示或作者言外之意推理得出来的。 先做主旨类题目再做推理类题目,即掌握文章中心,更易于把握作者或文章的“话外音”,54,干扰项的特点:,表面上看似文章的事实为基础而推理出的观点,但实际上偏离文章主旨,属主观臆断的结论。 虽以文章提供的事实为依据,但是推理过头,概括失度。 是短文具体内容的简单重复,而非推理而来。 似推理而得,实与原文内容相悖 与常理相吻合,当从文中无从推知。 将ABCD选项本身进行逻辑推理,先排除一些不合理

26、项 通读合理选项,找到关键词,然后回到文章中采用浏览和略读的方法找到关键词所在句段,详读并分析和推敲,选出正确答案。,55,How to learn this course well?,Preview the text beforehand. Review what we have learnt after class. Finish “fast reading” and more exercises What should you read after class? 1)Reading materials in Tem-4 papers 2) NCEIII or NCEIV,56,Unit

27、One,Genius and Craftsman,57,Outline,Background Information Understanding of the Title Pre-reading questions Structure analysis Detailed Analysis of the Text Vocabulary,58,Robert Frost (1874 1963),59,Frost was an American poet. He is famous for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command o

28、f American colloquial speech. He is good at using simple words to convey complex social and philosophical themes.,60,A popular and often-quoted poet, Frost was honored frequently during his lifetime, receiving four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry普利策文学奖. -Wikipedia(维基百科),61,Frosts house,Frosts Table,62,Fs

29、 bedroom,Woods behind Fs house& poetry trail,63,岁月留金 大自然的第一抹新绿是金色 她最无力保留的颜色. 她最初的叶是一朵花, 然而只绽放刹那. 于是叶沦落为叶, 乐园陷入了永夜. 黎明堕落成白天, 金色的东西都不长远,64,Nothing Gold can Stay岁月留金,Natures first green is gold, 大自然的第一抹新绿是金色 Her hardest hue to hold. 她最无力保留的颜色. Her early leafs a flower; 她最初的叶是一朵花, But only so an hour. 然

30、而只绽放刹那. Then leaf subsides leaf, 于是叶沦落为叶, So Eden sank to grief. 乐园陷入了永夜. So dawn gose down to day, 黎明堕落成白天, Nothing gold can stay. 金色的东西都不长远,65,66,67,Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1923),Whose woods these are I think I know.a His house is in the village though;a He will not see me stopping h

31、ere b To watch his woods fill up with snow.a,想来我认识这座森林, 林主的庄宅就在邻村, 却不会见我在此驻马, 看他林中积雪的美景。,68,My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year.,我的小马一定颇惊讶: 四望不见有什么农家, 偏是一年最暗的黄昏, 寒林和冰湖之间停下。,69,He gives his harness bell

32、s a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sounds the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.,它摇一摇身上的串铃, 问我这地方该不该停。 此外只有轻风拂雪片, 再也听不见其他声音。,70,The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.,森林又暗又深真可羡, 但我还要守一

33、些诺言, 还要赶多少路才安眠, 还要赶多少路才安眠。,71,雪夜林畔小驻(“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening“)是现代英语始终公认的短篇杰作。 此诗之难能可贵,在于意境含蓄,用语天然,而格律严谨。意境则深入浅出,貌似写景,却别有寓意。 这首雪夜林前小驻所描写的情景不用解释,但它后面的情趣、哲理、魅力,需要细细品位我 独自站在树林边沿,里面有一种东西在吸引我,但不能光听内心世界的召唤,我还要许多世间的约会、 责任:森林又暗又深真可羡/但我还要守一些诺言/还要赶多少路才安眠/还要赶多少路才安眠,72,The Road Not Taken 未选择的路,Two

34、roads diverged in a yellow wood, (a) And sorry I could not travel both (b) And be one traveler, long I stood (a) And looked down one as far as I could (a) To where it bent in the undergrowth; (b),黄色的树林里分出两条路 可惜我不能同时去涉足 我在那路口久久伫立 我向着一条路极目望去 直到它消失在丛林深处,73,Then took the other, as just as fair, And havi

35、ng perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,但我却选择了另外一条路 它荒草萋萋,十分幽寂 显得更诱人,更美丽 虽然在这两条小路上 都很少留下旅人的足迹,74,And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for anothe

36、r day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.,虽然在这两条小路上 都很少留下旅人的足迹 虽然那天清晨落叶满地 两条路都未经脚印污染 呵,留下一条路等改日再见 但我知道路径延绵无尽头 恐怕我难以再回返,75,I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, An

37、d that has made all the difference.,也许多少年后在某一个地方 我将轻声叹息把往事回顾 一片森林里分出两条路 而我却选择了人迹更少的一条 从此决定了我一生的道路,76,这首名诗 “The Road NotTaken”形式是传统的抑扬格四音步,但音步可变(含有不少抑抑扬的成分);每节的韵式(rime/rhythm)为abaab 。,77,Is Robert Frost the writer of the text?,78,Understanding of the Title,What is genius and what is craftsman? Genius

38、: (1)A strong natural talent or aptitude. (2)A person of extraordinary intellect and talent. “One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius” (Simone de Beauvoir) Craftsman: A man who practices a craft with great skill.,79,Pre-reading questions,1.What does the passage talk about? 2.To bring a story

39、into the world, how many stages one should experience? Would you like to explain them?,80,Discussion,1. It talks about how to write an exquisite /excellent story. 2. two processes a. the process of conceiving a story (how to conceive an idea of a story) b. the process of developing it into a perfect

40、 work of art.,81,Structure analysis,Part I The first two paragraphs An introduction to the topic. Part II The rest of passage (1) The necessity of understanding the creative function; (2) the process of conceiving a story; (3) the process of developing a story into a perfect work of art.,82,Detailed

41、 Analysis of the Text,83,Para 1,What does the 1st paragraph talk about? Do you think it is related to writing? Why? What is the function of the 1st paragraph? A figure of speech in this paragraph. What is it?,84,85,86,Pay attention to this sentence,I stayed there watching until the light was gone. I

42、 saw nothing of the trees origin, nothing of the might which had forced open a pit you could break your teeth on, and nothing of the principle which held it separate from the oaks and the grasses. All that appeared to me was a profound and eerie grace.,87,Parallelism,We shall fight him by land, we s

43、hall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with Gods help, we have rid the earth of this shadow and liberated its people from his yoke. (Winston S. Churchill),88,No problem too large, no business too small. (IBM advertisement),89,word attack skill: pit,How to guess the meaning of a

44、 word from context?,90,91,Read the 2nd paragraph.,What is the function of this paragraph?,92,So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes it to his heart, no question asked. so it is with: the same is true with e.g. San Fransisco is a big city, so it is with Sha

45、nghai. 当读者读到一部杰出的小说时,他也会这样如痴如狂,欲将小说字字句句刻骨铭心,绝不会提出任何问题。,93,Paragraph 3,What does the word “it” refer to? Translate the 3rd paragraph.,94,there is more to a storys life than the body of words which carries it into the world. the body of words: the words that a story is composed of 除那将小说带到世上的文字主体之外还有更多

46、的因素才能构成小说的生命。,95,. it does not begin with writing, but with conception in the dark of the mind. The secret construction of a story in the innermost part of ones mind, rather than the writing of it, is the very beginning of the whole creating process of a story. The pronoun it refers to a storys life

47、. in the dark: in secrecy. e.g. The transaction is made in the dark. 小说并不始于写作,而始于在隐密的内心深处的构思。,96,Paragraph 3、4、5 and 6,In this four paragraphs, the author begins to talk about the process of writing directly. One is conceiving the story, and the other is to develop the body of words. With the analys

48、is of the two processes, the two themes “genius” and “craftsman” are introduced in this part.,97,From this part, it can be concluded:,In the process of conceiving a story, _is required .While in the process of developing the original story into body of words _ is involved. Listing & classification,9

49、8,Your genius works at the level of origins, its business is to create, it is the creator of your story. The body of words that carries your story into the world is the work of craftsmans labor.,99,Genius is not the exclusive property of the master craftsman (天赋并非艺术家独有的特性) property: a characteristic t


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