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1、WELCOME TO MY CLASS! Good morning everyone,I am glad to see you and welcome to Vocational School. In the latter days I will be your English teacher.Now Let me tell you something about me.please look at the screen. Im an easy-going person and I like making friends with everybody. I hope youll like me

2、 and enjoy my class. Lets work hard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set. HobbiesHobbies : : Teaching age:Teaching age:1313 Name:Name: seeing films & seeing films & singsinginging QQ:QQ: E-mail:E-mail: Tel:Tel: Motto:Motto: About Me:About Me: Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人, 成事在天。 Abo

3、ut English: Do you like English? Do you think it difficult? why? Learning English is a big challenge(挑战) or a piece of cake?(小菜一碟) In fact , learning English is interesting. 趣味小故事 The Perfect Son A: I have the perfect(完美) son B: Does he smoke(抽烟)? A: No, he doesnt. B: Does he drink whiskey(威士忌酒)? A:

4、 No, he doesnt. B: Does he ever come home late? A: No, he doesnt. B: I guess(猜想 )you really do have the perfect son. How old is he? A: He will be six months old next Wednesday. 趣味英语小测试 一 单项选择题 1. 大家都知道,如果路边的小屋上写有W.C. 的字样,那大概就是一个可以方便的地方。 请问W.C.的完整英语形式是怎样的? A. Washing Room B. Washing Case C. Water Clo

5、set D. Water Caster 2. 答案选D。 在此相当于英 语中的介词at,意为“在”,故读 作“At”,如 的意思就是“位于在 网 站上的一个名叫 pgbook 的邮 箱”。 3. 英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英国人 通常将中国人说的“红茶”,说成 _ tea。 A. red B. white C. black D. green 3. 答案选C。汉语说“绿茶”,说 成英语是 green tea,但汉语说 “红茶”,英语习惯上用 black tea表示,而不能按字面意思说 成 red tea。 4. 人有绰号,城市有绰号,有趣的是,有的国 家也有绰号,如美国的绰号是_,英国的 绰

6、号是_。 A. Aunt Sam, Uncle John B. New Continent, Great Britain C. Washington, Elizabeth D. Uncle Sam, John Bull 答案选D。Uncle Sam 译成汉语是“山姆大叔”, 是人们对“美国”“美国人”或“美国政府”的一种诙 谐称呼。据说在1812年的英美战争时,美国的 军事供应品的箱子上都印着 U.S.的字样(United States 第一个字母的缩写),而当时在美国特罗 城(Troy)有一位专门检查政府军用品订货的官员 ,名叫塞缪尔威尔逊(Samuel Wilson),他的朋 友平日都叫他

7、为“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam),由于 Uncle Sam这两个词的第一个字母缩写也是 U.S.,所以特罗城的人便开玩笑说,这些军用品 箱子都是山姆大叔的。后来这个笑话传开了,“ 山姆大叔”便成了“美国”、“美国人”或“美国政府” 的绰号。 John Bull 在汉语中通常译为“约翰牛”,是英国 人或英国的绰号。其中也有一个典故:英国18 世纪有位讽刺杂文作家叫约翰阿布什诺特(John Arbuthnot,16671735),他于1725年出版了一 本叫约翰布尔的历史(The History of John Bull)的书。作者在书中创造了一个矮胖愚笨的 绅士形象(即 John Bull)

8、,用以讽刺当时辉格党(“ 自由党”的前身)在长期的西班牙王位继承战争 (War of the Spanish Succession)中所扮演的角 色。由于书中John Bull这一形象塑造得相当成 功,简直就是当时当权者的影子,所以它就成 英国或英国人的绰号。 5. 有一种草叫“勿忘我”,许多文人常用它来描 述相思与痴情。据说,人们只要将它带在身上 ,恋人就会将自己铭记于心、永志不忘。这种 草的英语名字叫 _。 A. Dont forget me B. forget-me-not C. no-forgetting grass D. not-forget-me 答案选B。即“勿忘我草”的英语是f

9、orget-me-not, 你若不信,随便找本词典查查看。其实,该单词 来自一个爱情故事。据说,有一对恋人在海边散 步,姑娘被岸边峭壁上的一丛美丽的鲜花吸引住 了,小伙子便奋不顾身地去摘花,结果被卷入狂 涛巨浪之中。在与海浪的博斗中,他大声向姑娘 喊道:“不要忘记我。”为了纪念心爱的恋人,姑娘 就把那种花命名为“勿忘我”。现在,人们便用 forget-me-not 来象征爱情的“忠贞不渝”。 7. 许多学英语的人为了提高英语听说能力都选 择听“美国之音”。“美国之音”的英语形式是 _。 A. American Sound B. the Sound of America C. the Voice

10、 of America D. Free Voice “美国之音”的英语形式是the Voice of America ,也可简称为VOA。VOA 节目分标准英语广播 (Standard English)和特别英语广播(Special English),前者语速快,句子长,词汇量大, 适合中级以上英语水平的人;后者语音清晰, 语速较慢,句子结构较简单,所用词汇量有限 ,适合初级英语水平的人。顺便说一句,与“美 国之音”一样有名的还有英国的BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation 英国广播公司)。 单击此处 编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 19 麻豆

11、model 晒 shine 秀 show PK player kill 败东 西 buy 雪碧 乐百氏 舒肤佳 纳爱斯 汰渍 飘柔 Sprite 精灵 Robust 健壮的 Rejoice 欣喜 Safeguard 保护 Nice 美好的 Tide 潮流 品 牌 标识 标 识 微博 山寨 裸婚 炫富 骨感美女 人肉搜索 水货 Micro blog copycat naked wedding flaunt wealth boney beauty flesh search smuggled goods 网 络 热 词 watch sister 表妹 horse horse tiger tiger

12、马马虎虎 no door 没门儿 go and look 走着瞧 You give me stop! 你给我站住! colour wolf 色狼 搞笑“英语” Love who who 爱谁谁 cousin no way lady-killer We will see. I dont care. Stop! Just so so. Importance of English: Most widely used language in the world. One of the official languages in the UN. English examinations in our s

13、tudent life. English is used in our daily life and future work. Some interesting English movies English proverbs (英语谚语) A good beginning is half done. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Work makes the workman. You never know what you can till you try. Practice makes perfect. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 一知半解,

14、自欺欺人。 勤工出巧匠。 是驴子是马,拉出来遛遛。 How do we learn English?How do we learn English? 熟能生巧 培养学会几个习惯 Learn to use resources Finding out how useful English is in your life. English is every where. If you have sharp eyes, sharp ears and a desire to learn, you will be surprised to discover that you are actually su

15、rrounded by rich learning resources. Reference books. Learn to use dictionaries. Internet. Learn to speak. Speak or read in a loud voice in class. Thats easy for all of you to do but as I know it is difficult for you to follow. Don t be shy if you want to express yourself in public. If you can speak

16、 and read in a loud voice, the whole class will listen to you attentively and you will be full of confidence be encouraged to learn it well. Learn to read. READ READ, read some more, READ things you yourself enjoy. READ, and talk about it. READ very carefully some things READ on the run, most things

17、, Dont think about READING, but . READ Learn to take notes. Learn to take notes. For collecting the key points in class or out of class while reading English magazines or newspapers. For keeping a diary in English every day. For collecting your mistakes. “二”习“五”多 Prepare your lessons well before eve

18、ry class.(预习 ) Review what youve learned in time.(复习) Read more and read different materials.(多读) Write as often as possible.(多写) Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说) Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问) Cooperate more.(多合作) Remember: Practice makes perfect. (熟能生巧) Attitude is ev

19、erything. (态度决定一切) Try your best . Just do it ! You can learn English well . Believe in yourself. DEVELOP A GOOD ATTITUDE. 态度决定一切。 STUDY EVERY DAY! 英语学习是一个长期的积累的过程。 DISTRIBUTE YOUR STUDY TIME. 学习要有主次轻重;要有目标,各个击破。 ATTEND AND PARTICIPATE IN EVERY CLASS 积极参与课堂活动 1 hour of class = 2 hours of study time!

20、 VISIT INSTRUCOR DURING OFFICE HOURS TO GET ACQUAINTED 多和老师交流 PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT 勤于练习 The rules to obey in class: Join in the class. Do hands up when you know sth or have some good point. Speak English. Speak it loudly & clearly. Listen to others. Ask for help if difficult. Mobiles off. Not eating or drinking. Never miss or forget homework (oral, written) . Homework: 1. 用英语写一篇短文简要介绍自己及自己以前的英语学习 方法。 2. 听懂、会说所学课堂用语。 3. 准备好“四本”,即作业本、听写本,笔记本和改错本。 4. 预习第一单元单词并查阅其用法。 Change Your Attitude Change Your Attitude And You Change Your Life ! ! !And You Change Your Life ! ! ! Thank you!


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