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1、Unit 4 EARTHQUAKES,disasters,fire,earthquakes,floods,typhoon,hurricane,tornado,What strange things had happened before the earthquake?,rose and fell,had deep cracks,too nervous to eat,ran , looking for,jumped,could be seen and heard,cracked and burst,could be heard,felt,cut across,burst,became,lay i

2、n ruin,died and injured,were killed,were left,It was the greatest earthquake of the 20th century.,back,were gone,covered,fell,were filled,hard to get,useless steel,never gave milk,died,Everything in the city was destroyed.,back,were sent,organized to dig out and bury,built,was taken,All hope was not

3、 lost. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.,Further information about Tangshan earthquake,When Where Degree The damage,Struck at 3:42a.m. on July 28, 1976,Hebei China, 11km below the city,7.8 magnitude,242,419 people killed(12.8% of Tangshans population) Economic damage: about 3 billion yuan Cau

4、se 2,200 people to become paraplegics,Key Words,1. imagine vt. form a picture of in the mind;think of (sth.) as probable:想象;认为(某事)可能发生或存在。 Eg: We can imagine her sadness.我们可以想象她的悲伤。 I didnt imagine (my) becoming a teacher in my childhood.在童年时代,我并未想象能成为一名教师。,imagine, guess, suppose imagine意为“想象,幻想”,指

5、在脑海中形成一个清晰明确的印象,或认为某事物可能发生或存在; guess: “猜测,臆测”,指未知道前的猜测; suppose: 认定,假定。,2. shake, tremble shake: 可指人或物 “摇动,发抖”。指人时常用于感情激动、寒冷、惧怕引起的身体颤动。在表示 “因而颤抖”时,多用with。在表示 “使受震撼,使(信念等)动摇”,常用于be shaken by/with/at中。,tremble: shake involuntarily ( with fear, anger, cold, physical weakness, etc.) 颤栗,震颤,发抖(因恐惧,愤怒,寒冷,体

6、弱等),常常与shake相互替换,但指握手,摇头或捧腹大笑时用shake, tremble只用作不及物动词。 如:The poor boy was shaking with cold.这个孩子正冻的发抖。 The host shook hands with all the guests.主人跟所有的客人握手。 Her voice was trembling with anger.她气的声音发抖。,3. rise, raise rise vi:指自然“上升”,常用于日、月、云、霞、烟、水蒸气、物价、温度、河水、潮水及人的职位等: Eg: He rose from his chair and be

7、gan his speech.他从椅子上站起来开始了他的演说。 Her temperature is still rising.他的体温还在上升。 He has risen in rank.他已经升职了。,raise vt. (1) lift up:外部的力量,“举起、提高”: The peoples living standard has greatly been raised.人民的生活水平已大大的提高了。 (2) grow or produce (crops); breed (sheep, etc.); bring up a family: 饲养、种植”、养育、抚育: They can

8、raise rice here.他们这儿能种水稻。,4. burst into / burst out : send out suddenly; break out into; suddenly begin to 突然如何 burst into + n : She burst into tears. = She burst out crying.她突然哭起来了。 burst out + doing.:All of them burst into laughter = All of them burst out laughing.他们全都大笑起来了。,5. destroy, ruin, dama

9、ge destroy: break to pieces; make useless; put an end to: 毁灭;摧毁;毁坏;破坏。 表示在肉体上、精神上或道义上彻底摧毁,使之无法复原,也可以表示对某物体进行完全的毁坏: All his hopes were destroyed.他所有的希望都毁灭了。 An atom bomb would destroy a city. 一颗原子弹可以摧毁一座城市。,ruin: 败坏,毁坏,崩溃的状态。 指对物体或生命彻底的破坏,但往往是非暴力的,也往往不是一次的打击结果,常指对美好的或希望中的事物的破坏: Smoking ruined his hea

10、lth.吸烟毁了他的健康。She ruined his prospects.她毁了他的前途。 damage: 损害;损毁(使失去价值)。一般指对物体或生命的局部损坏: Their houses were damaged by the enemys shellfire.他们的房屋被敌人的炮火击毁了。,6. hurt, wound, injure hurt: 既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害,还可用作不及物动词,意为“疼痛、惹起痛苦”: What he said hurt me deeply.他说的话使我非常伤心。 wound: 指外伤,尤指在战争中,战斗中受伤: He got wounde

11、d in the fighting.他在战斗中受了伤。 injure: 一般指由于意外或事故而受伤。如:He was badly injured in the accident.他在这次事故中受了重伤。Smoking will injure your health.吸烟会毁了你的健康。,7. shock, astonish, surprise shock vt./n: 震惊,打击,吃惊程度最大,后面常跟介词at/by构成词组be shocked at/by,表示“对吃惊”,或接to do表示原因,也可作名词,意为“震动,打击”: He was shocked by what you said.

12、他对你说的话感到震惊。 He was shocked to know his son playing all day.他知道他的儿子整天玩大为震惊。 The news gave me a great shock.这个消息给了我很大的打击。,astonish vt./n: surprise greatly. 语气比surprise要强,含有令人难以置信: I was astonished to see him in Tibet.在西藏见到他,真感到惊异。The news astonished everyone.这个消息使每个人都很震惊。 surprise vt./n: 意为“使惊讶,使吃惊”,含

13、有“意想不到”之意。如: I was surprised to see the great changes in my hometown.看到家乡的巨大变化他惊讶不已。,8.congratulation n :庆贺,祝贺,congratulations on sth. /doing . ;I offered my congratulations on his success. 我对他的成功表示了祝贺。 congratulate v. 意为“向某人表示祝贺,向某人道贺”,构成短语congratulate sb. on sth. /dong. We congratulated him on hav

14、ing passed the examination.我们祝贺他通过了考试。 He congratulates himself on having chosen a good woman to be his wife.他暗自庆幸自己挑选了一位贤惠的女子作妻子。,9. especially, specially especially: 特殊地,尤其,常用于正式文体中: This is a very common word, especially in spoken English.这是一个很普通的词,尤其在英语口语中。 specially: for a particular purpose: 特

15、别地,专门地,表示“为了特别的目的”:This cake was specially made for you. 这个蛋糕是专门为你做的。,10. be known as, be known for, be known to sb. be known as作为而闻名; be known for以/因而闻名; be known to sb.为而熟悉。,He was known as a excellent singer.他作为一名优秀的歌手而闻名。 The city is known for its long history.这座城市以它的悠久的历史闻名。 He is known to the

16、police as a thief. 警察都知道他是个小偷。,Phrases and Idioms,1. It seemed that the world was at an end.似乎世界末日来临。 seem连系动词,似乎,好象 1)seem + (to be ) + adj./n. 2)seem + to do 3)seem + like + n. 4)It seems/seemed (to sb.) + that 如:He seems to know everything = It seems that he knows everything. It seems that I have

17、 seen her before. = I seem to have seen her before.,2. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.人们无论朝哪里看,几乎一切都被毁了。 everywhere 用作连词,等于wherever, no matter where,引起让步状语从句。 如:Everywhere I go, I find the same thing.无论我去哪儿,我都看到一样的东西。 You see it everywhere you look.无论你往哪儿看,你都会看到它。,3. 90% of i

18、ts homes were gone.90%的家都不存在了。 gone是过去分词作表语,意为“不在”“走了”“丢了”“用完了”,或指人“死了”。 如:His job was gone.他的工作丢了。 My watch was gone.我的表不见了。 Hell be gone for quite a little while.他要离开很长一段时间。,分数、百分数作主语,谓语动词要根据分数、百分数代表的量是可数名词还是不可数名词而定。 50% of the students in our class are girls.我们班50%的学生是女生。 Two-thirds of the earth

19、surface is covered with water. 地球表面的三分之二是水。,Structures and Patterns,1. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.救援人员组成小分队,将被困的人挖出来,将死者掩埋。 those who相当于意为“凡的人”,表示的是两者以上的不定数量,who引导的定语从句用复数,不能用that代替。(注意:anybody who, he who中谓语动词用单数。),the dead意为“死难者”。形容词或分词前加表示同一类人或

20、物,谓语动词常用复数形式。 如:Those who want to see the film write your names on the paper.想看电影的人把你们的名字写在这张纸上。 Anybody who breaks the law will be punished.任何人犯法都要受到惩罚。 He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑在最后,谁笑的最好。 The rich are not always happy.有钱人并不总是幸福的。,2. To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were

21、rescued from the coal mines. 在城市的北部,一万矿工中的大多数从矿井中被救出。 in the north, to the north与on the north in表示“在其中”,在境界内;to表示在境外,不接壤;on表示接壤。如: China lies in the east of Asia.中国位于亚洲东部。 Japan lies to the east of China.日本位于中国的东面。(指在中国境外) China faces the Pacific on the east.中国东临太平洋。(指东部境界与太平洋相接),3. In the farmyard,

22、 the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. 农家大院里,鸡甚至猪都紧张得不吃东西。 1) Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun were too tired to walk any more. 2) The earth will become too hot for us to live on. 3) The work was too hard for him to do.,5. All hope was not lost. (=There was still some hope.) (然而,)也不是所有希望都没有了。 1) All that glitters is not gold. 2) Not everyone agrees with me. 3) Not all people are interested in fame and money.,


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