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1、Unit 2 Smart cars,In this Unit ,you will,Pre-reading task Text-analysis Words and expressions Class assignments Writing skills Homework,pre-reading task,Discussing: If I can afford a car, I will not buy one because,Listen to the passage again and say what changes will make driving:,- wheels/power? -

2、 seating arrangement? - road system? - drivers?,II,The characteristic of expository writing: Facts and opinions are often interwoven (交织) in expository writing , and we must learn to distinguish them . Please tell sentences that express opinions from factual statements in Part I . (分辨事实和看法) Another

3、ability - finding out definitions : Provide definitions for “blind spot” and “global positioning system”, “atomic clock”, “automated driver .”,Text analysis,What is “blind spot” ?,2.What is the Global positioning system?,3.What is an atomic clock?,4.What is an automated driver?,key,key,key,key,Answe

4、rs :,1.A blind spot must be a portion of the road behind a car, which a driver can not observe from the rear-view mirror,2. Global positioning system is a service linked with a satellite. They make it possible to determine your location on the earth to within about a hundred feet.,3. Atomic clock vi

5、brates at a precise frequency, according to the laws of the quantum theory.,4. An automated driver is a plan calls for computers, aided by thousands of three-inch magnetic spikes buried in the highway, to take complete control of the driving of cars on heavily trafficked roads. Cars will be bunched

6、into groups of ten to twelve vehicles, only six feet apart, traveling in unison, and controlled by computer,2. eliminate,remove, esp. sb./sth, that is not wanted or needed; get rid of vt.消除,消灭,排除,Examples: 1.It is difficult for our government to eliminate poverty. 2. 他可能被取消了参加游泳比赛的资格。 Collocation: e

7、liminate sth.; eliminate sth. from sth. e.g. If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it from your diet.,3. In the air,in the earths atmosphere; uncertain, not yet decided空气顺空中;悬而未决,Examples: There is a peculiar smell in the air. Hundreds of birds suddenly rose in the air. Our

8、plans are still in the air.,4. start up,Example: Peter looked in his mirror and started up the engine.,5. alert,Examples: Why werent the police alerted? Collocation: alert sb.; alert sb. to sth The manager alerted the staff to the crisis facing the company. The teacher alerted the students to the da

9、nger of swimming in the river.,warn sb. that there may be danger, trouble, etc vt. 使警觉,使警惕,使注意,6.prototype:,the first model or design of sth. from which other forms are copied or developed 原型,样品 Examples: 1.Manufacturers usually begin by building the prototype of a new model before they set up a fac

10、tory to make up the cars. 2.Toyota released its small-car prototype in 1947.,7.monotonous,dull and never changing or varying; constant and boring adj.单调的;一成不变的 Examples: In the 1970s we had a monotonous diet of rice and vegetables. My job in the car factory is monotonous.,8.hazard:,a thing that can

11、be dangerous or cause damage; a danger or risk 危险 Examples 1.The research has confirmed that tobacco smoke presents a hazard to health. 2. Smog developed into a major health hazard by the 20th century.,9. get / be stuck in (sth.) :,be unable to move or to be moved 停留,被阻塞 Examples: I was stuck in the

12、 traffic yesterday for about one hour. Thats why I missed the plane. I was stuck at home with flu.,Structure:,They make it possible: Pay attention to the structure v + it + adj. + to do (see Structure Exercise 2) (通过)这些卫星有可能确定 to within about a hundred feet: double prepositions (see Structure Exerci

13、se 1)以小于约一百英尺的误差,10.vibrate:,(cause sth. to) move rapidly and continuously backwards and forwards; shake颤动,摇摆 Examples 1.每当有重型卡车经过时,整个房子都在摇晃。 2.Sounds are produced by objects that vibrate in the air at a rate that the ear can detect.,11.convert:,change from one form or use to another (followed by in

14、to / to) Examples 1.He converted his pounds into dollars. 2.Water is converted into steam if it is boiled. 3. 那座楼房已经改成学校了。,12.correlate:,have a mutual relationship or connection, in which one thing affects or depends on another (followed by with / to) 使。相互关联 Examples: 1.Medical evidence shows that s

15、moking and lung cancer are correlated. 2.把理论和实践联系起来。,13.application:,the action or an instance of putting a theory, discovery, etc. to practical use n.应用;运用 Examples: Multimedia applications usually require more computer memory and processing power. 新发明的应用给这个公司带来了很大的利润。 applicant/apply for/applyto,b

16、e ready to take action at any moment 做好准备随时做 Example: The automobile company is poised to launch its new advertising campaign. It is reported that U.S. is poised to attack Iraq.,14 be poised to (do):,15.mount:,fix sth. in position for use, display or study; put sth. into place on a support 将固定住,将置于架

17、上 Examples 1.These devices are mounted in the vehicle to alert driver to an impending hazard. 2.He mounted the bicycle and rode away. 3.He mounted the stairs slowly.,control 控制 Examples: The new manager didnt know how to take control of his company. The government has taken control of all the newspa

18、pers.,16.take control of :,17.bunch:,group together (both active and passive) 使成一束 Examples: 1.They bunched together to allow others to squeeze into the crowded elevator. 2.The runners were still bunched together on the track.,A bunch of rose,18.incorporate:,make (sth.) part of a whole 将包括进去 Example

19、 1.His newly published book incorporates his earlier essay. 2.We will _ (把你的建议纳入新计划中),19. as well:,too They laid down a health club incorporating a gym, sauna and steam room.也,又 Examples: She wanted to produce the play and to direct it as well. Ellens face paled with disappointment; perhaps with ang

20、er as well.,20. expansion:,the process of becoming greater in size, extent or importance n.扩大;扩展;发展 Examples: Under heat the metal undergoes considerable expansion. His book is an expansion of the play he wrote before. 这些是扩大我们学校建筑的计划。,class assignments,Word formation,Word formation,Clipped words kil

21、o_ memo_ gym_ lib_ doc_ vet_ prep_ auto_,Blends medicate_ email_ comsat_ newscast_ autopilot_ eurodollar_ brunch_ telecast_,Writing skills,How to write a resume,Tips: Capitalize the headings to make them stand out on the page. Condense information, use phrases and clauses rather than complete senten

22、ces. List your most recent education and employment experience first and then work backward so the employer can quickly gauge(评估) what youve done recently. Dont try to cram(塞) too much material onto a page. Ample(扩充) white space is important.,Homework,Translation Pre-view: imitated interview,P 54,Si

23、tuation 1: Private tutor for teaching Chinese to a 7-year-old American boy. 30 yuan/hr; 3 hrs/week; near campus Interviewer: The boys motheran American housewife Interviewees: College students,Situation 2: tobacco processor in Xin Zheng Cigarette Factory 3500yuan/mon 8hr/day 5 days/week Endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, the medical treatment insurance, housing provident fund Interviewer: manager of the factory Interviewee: college students,


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