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1、副词,定义 副词的分类 副词在句子中的位置以及作用 一些具体副词的用法和比较 形容词、 副词的原级、比较级和最高级,副词的定义,用来说明事情或动作发生的时间、地点、原因、方式等含义或说明其它形容词或副词程度的词叫做副词。,副词的分类,时间副词 频度副词 地点/方位副词 程度副词 方式副词 疑问/连接副词 其他副词,副词在句子中的位置以及作用:,作状语 作表语 作定语 作宾语补足语,时间状语, 时间副词作状语:一般放在句首或句尾. 注意: 1 early、late、before、later、yet等一般放在句尾; 2 already、just一般放在动词的前面。 如:We will visit

2、the Great Wall tomorrow.(我们明天要去参观长城) / They have already been to the UK twice.(他们去过英王国两次) / Soon the lost boy found his way back home.(不久迷路的孩子找到了回家的路),频度状语,频度副词作状语:一般放在be动词之后或者助动词与主要动词之间, 但sometimes、often等还可以放在句首或句尾,usually可放在句首,once可放在句尾,twice、three times等一般放在句尾。 如:Sometimes I get up early.(我有时起得早)

3、 / The workers usually have lunch at the factory.(工人们通常在厂里吃午饭) / Take this medicine twice a day.(这种药一天吃两次),方式状语,方式副词作状语:一般放在行为动之后,suddenly可以放在句首、句尾或动词之前。 如:Old people can hardly walk as quickly as young people.(老年人几乎不可能走得和年轻人一样快) / Suddenly he saw a light in the dark cave(山洞).(突然,在黑黢黢的山洞里,他看见了一丝亮光),

4、地点状语,地点副词作状语:一般放在句尾,但here、there还可放在句首。 如:There you can see thousands of bikes running in all directions(方向).(在那里,你可以看到成千上万的自行车朝各个方向流动) / The frightened wolf ran away.(受到惊吓的狼逃开了) / He walked out quietly and turned back soon.(他悄悄地走了出去,很快又返回),程度状语,程度副词作状语:修饰动词时,放在动词之前;修饰形容词或副词时,放在形容词或副词之前。但注意,enough总是放

5、在被修饰的形容词或动词的后面;only位置比较灵活,总是放在被修饰的词的前面。 如:I nearly forgot all about it if he did not tell me again.(如果他不再次告诉我,我几乎把那事全忘了) / It was so strange that I could hardly believe my ears.(它那么奇怪一直我都不能相信我的耳朵) / She got to the station early enough to catch the first bus.(她早早地赶到车站赶上了首班车),疑问词,疑问副词作状语:用于对句子的状语进行提问,

6、位置总是在句首。 如:When and where were you born?(你何时何地出生?) / Why did little Edison sit on some eggs?(小爱迪生为什么要坐在鸡蛋上?) / How do you do?(你好!),注意疑问词的顺序,连接副词用来引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,在从句中作状语。 How I am going to kill the cat is still a question.(我打算怎样杀死那只猫还是个问题) /That is why everyone is afraid of the tiger.(那就是人人都害怕老虎的原因

7、) / He wondered how he could do it the next day.(他不知道第二天怎样做那事),连接副词,关系副词用来引导定语从句,在从句中作状语。 如:This is the place where Mr Zhang once lived.(这就是张先生曾经住过的地方) / Please tell me the way how you have learned English so well.(请告诉我你的英语是怎样学得这么好的方法),关系副词,其它副词:,too“也”,用在句尾;also放在动词前;either “也不”,放在句尾;nor“也不”,放在句首;s

8、o“如此,这样”,放在形容词、副词前;on/off“开/关”放在动词之后;not放在be之后、助动词之后、不定式或动名词之前;maybe/perhaps放在句首;certainly放在句首或动词之前。 如:He went to the Palace Museum and I went there,too.(他去了故宫博物院,我也去了) / Maybe your ticket is in your inside pocket.(也许你的票就在你的里边衣袋里) / -Tom doesnt have a computer. Nor do I.(汤姆没有计算机,我也没有。),作表语,地点副词一般可以作

9、表语,放在be等连系动词之后,说明人物所处的位置。 如:Im very sorry he isnt in at the moment.(很抱歉,他此刻不在家) / I have been away from my hometown for nearly 20 years.(我离开家乡有将近20年了) / Jim is over there.(吉姆就在那边),作定语,时间副词(如now、then)以及许多地点副词都可以作名词的定语,放在名词的后面。 如:People now often have their festival dinners at restaurants.(现在的人们经常在餐馆里

10、吃节日晚宴) / Women there were living a terrible life in the 1920s.(在二十世纪20年代那儿的女人过着可怕的日子),作宾语补足语:,地点副词一般可以作宾语补足语。 如:Put your dirty socks away, Jim! They are giving out bad smell!(吉姆,把你的脏袜子拿开!它们在散发着臭气。) / Father kept him in and doing his lessons.(父亲把他关在家里做作业) 注意 “动词+副词”的宾语如果是代词,则该副词应该放在代词之后。 如:He wrote d

11、own the word.(他写下了那个词。)He wrote it down.(他把它写了下来。),asas,常构成一些词组: as soon as(一旦就), as well as(同样), as+形容词/副词+as possible(尽可能地)。 如:Please ring me up as soon as you get to Beijing.(请你一到北京就给我写信。) / Miss Gao hurried to the school gate as quickly as possible.(高小姐尽快地赶到了校门口。) 注释 “as long / much as + 名词”可以表示

12、“长达/多达”的含义。 如:The house costs as much as five hundred thousand yuan.(那幢房子花费高达50万元。) / They stayed in the cave(山洞)as long as two weeks.(他们呆在山洞里长达两周。),later、after、ago、before的,“一段时间+later/ago”分别表示“(多久)以后/以前”,主要用于过去时态。 “after/before+某个时刻”分别表示“在某时刻之后/之前”,此时两个词是介词。 ago与before:ago只能用于过去时,before用于完成时。 如:He

13、had an accident a week ago.(一周前出了一个事故) /Some years later, the boy became a very famous singer.(数年后这个男孩成了著名的歌唱家) / Have you been there before?(你从前到过那儿吗?) / After a few years he gave up smoking.(过了几年他戒了烟。),above、below、over、under,在上下方用above和below,在高低处用over和under. 如:The stars are high above in the sky.(

14、星星高挂在空中) / A plane flew over quickly.(一架飞机从头顶飞过。) 当above、below、over、under是介词性质时,意义相似。,too、also、either、nor,too(“也”)用于肯定句和疑问句的末尾,且用逗号隔开;also(“也”)用于肯定句句子谓语动词之前;either(“也”)用于否定句末尾,也用逗号隔开;nor(“也不”)用于倒装句句首; 如:Are you American,too?(你也是美国人吗?) / He is not happy and I am not happy, either.(他不愉快,我也不。) / He did

15、nt watch the football game. Nor did I.(他没有看足球赛,我也没有。) You can also find the market is very good.(你还可以发觉那个市场很好。),enough、too、so、very、quite、very much,的用法: enough (“足够,十分”)放在形容词或副词之后;too(“太”)、very(“非常”)、quite(“相当”)、so(“如此地”)等放在形容词或副词之前,very much(“非常”)放在动词之后。 如:Its too/so/very/quite expensive.(它太贵/那么贵/非常

16、贵/相当贵。) / I dont like sweets very much.(我不很喜欢糖果) 注意 very与 much的区别:very修饰形容词、副词的原级和现在分词形容词,much修饰形容词和副词的比较级;much还可以修饰疑问句和否定句中的动词,very不可以。 如:He is very stupid.(他很笨) / The film was very moving and everyone swept.(电影非常动人,大家都哭了) / You must work much harder or you will fail to enter the good school.(你得学习更

17、努力,不然你考不进那所好学校) / I dont like him much.(我不太喜欢他),sometimes、 sometime、 some times 、some time,sometimes(有时)用于一般现在时、 sometime(在将来某时)用于将来时、 some times(数次)表示次数、 some time(一些时间)表示一段时间。 如:Sometimes they go hiking in the mountains.(他们有时徒步旅行到山里去) / I will stay here some time.(我会在这儿呆些时候的。) / I will meet your f

18、ather sometime.(我什么时候要见见你的父亲。),how、what用于感叹句,对句子中的形容词或副词感叹时用how,对人或事物(可能含有形容词作修饰语)进行感叹用what. 如:What a fine day (it is) today!(今天天气真好!) / How difficult (the problem is)!(问题)真难呀!),already、yet,在完成时中,already一般用于肯定句,yet一般用于否定句和疑问句。 如:Have you done it already?(你已经做好了?) / I have not had my breakfast yet.(我

19、还没有吃早饭呢。),hard与hardly,hard作为副词意思是:“努力地,猛烈地”,hardly是否定词,意思是:“几乎不”,一般与情态动词can/could连用 如:They study English very hard.(他们英语学得很刻苦) / You can hardly see a person spit in a public place.(在公共场所你几乎看不到一个人随地吐痰),Work hard 副词 Hard work 形容词,like.very much、like.better(=prefer) like.best,三个短语分别表示“非常喜欢”、“更喜欢”、“最喜欢”

20、 如:I like baseball very much.(我非常喜欢棒球) / Do you like butter better than cheese? / They like hamburgers best.,“quite/what+a+形容词+名词”,记住:quite/such/what.+a+形容词+名词; too/so/how+形容词+a+名词; rather+a+形容词+名词 = a+ rather+形容词+名词。 如:I have never seen such a strange guy(家伙).(我从未见过这样奇怪的家伙) / It is quite a nice day

21、 for a walk.(这真是散步的好日子),how 的几个短语,how often“多常,每隔多久”,用于一般时态,对表示频度的词语进行提问; how soon“多久以后”,用于将来时态; how long“多久”,用于过去时、完成时或其他时态; how many times“多少次”,用于过去时或完成时,对总计次数进行提问; how much“多么,多少”,对程度进行提问,也可以对数量(不可数)或金钱进行提问。 如:How long have you been like this?(你这样已经多久了?) / How often does he wash his face?(他每隔多久洗一

22、次脸?),much、more与most,这三个词除了是形容词作名词的修饰语之外,还是程度副词, much表示“很”,修饰原级,比较级。最高级形/副, more表示“更”用来构成多音节形/副的比较级, most表示“最”用来构成多音节形/副的最高级。 此外,much也可以修饰比较级形/副。 如:This park is much more beautiful than that one.(这个公园比那个漂亮多了) / It is the most instructive film I have ever seen.(这是我看过的最有教育意义的电影),no more、no longer not.a

23、ny more、 no.any longer,表示时间,可以用no longer、not.ny more、no.any longer,而且no longer只能放在谓语动词之前;表示程度,可以用no more、not.any more. 如:He no longer lived there.(他不再住在那里) / Tom wanted no more cakes.(他不想再要蛋糕) / He didn t smoke any more/longer.(他不再抽烟),被动语态中,方式副词一般放在be与谓语动词之间。 如: The runner was badly hurt.(赛跑运动员受了重伤)

24、 / English is widely spoken in the world today.(如今世界上英语说得很广泛),too.to.与so.that.,副词too/so后面跟形容词或副词,to后面跟动词,that后面跟从句。Too.to. (“太.以致不”)是否定的结构,用于简单句;so.that.(“如此以致”)是肯定结构,用于复合句。 如:The child is too young to join the army.(这孩子年龄太小还不能参军) / He is so strong that he can lift the heavy box.(他这么强壮,搬得动那个重箱子。),既是

25、形容词也是副词,early, late, long, last, next, first, near, enough, much, all, hard, alone, fast, slow, high, low, straight等等。 如:It was a long holiday.(那是个长假) / He stayed there very long.(他在那儿呆了好久) / Think hard then you will find a way.(好好想你就会找到办法) / He is a very hard(难对付的) person.(他是个难玩的家伙),farther与further

26、,表示地点、方向或距离时两个词同义,意思为“更远、较远”,但是further还表示“更多、进一步、额外”等意思,此时不能换为farther. 如:They decided to go farther/further the next day.(他们决定第二天走得再远些) / This problem will be further discussed.(这个问题还要进一步讨论) / Every one of them had their further studies after they left college.(他们每个人大学毕业后继续进修),rather与quite,同very一样,两

27、个词都表示形容词或副词的程度,quite表示“不到最高程度但是比预料的好”,rather比quite更接近very的含义,含有令人惊讶的意思。见下图对“nice”程度的描绘: not nice (fairly) nice quite nice rather nice very nice 如:Its quite a nice film.(这是部好片子)。(可能意味着不是一部最好的电影) / Its rather a nice film.(这是部很不错的电影。)(意味着比大多数电影都好) 注意注意quite与rather后面的次序词序。,maybe、possibly、perhaps,maybe“可

28、能、也许”,比另外两个词更不正式、更随便、可能性不大;possibly“可能地、或者、也许”,可能性较大,在否定句和疑问句中表示“无论如何”;perhaps“可能”,较为常用而且正式,可能性也不大。 如:You could put it over there,maybe.(也许你可以把它放在那边) / I couldnt possibly have finished such a long book in such a short time.(我不可能在这么短的时间内完成这么长的一本书) / I thought perhaps it was the letter you have been e

29、xpecting.(我以为那也许就是你期盼的信件),most、mostly,most作为形容词和名词时意思是“大多数的、大部分的”,作为副词时意思为“最,十分、很”;mostly仅为副词,意思为“主要地、多半地、大部分地”。 如:I was at home most of the time when I was free.(我有空时大部分时间都在家)Most children are naughty.(大部分的孩子都淘气) / This is the most exciting part of the film.(这是电影中最令人兴奋的部分) /She is mostly out on Sun

30、days.(星期天她一般不在家),(be) worth、(be) worthy of,worth一般被看作是介词,后面接名词或者动名词,用主动表示被动含义,还可以用副词well修饰;worthy of表示“值得的、配得上的”,后面跟动名词的被动形式。 如:What is worth doing at all is worth doing well(凡是值得做的,就值得好好去做). / The house is worth ¥300,000.(房子价值30万元) / This book is well worth reading several times.(这本书值得好好读几遍) / It i

31、s a thing worthy of being seen.(这是一个值得看的东西),almost、nearly,两个词意思相近,都表示“几乎、将近”,大多数情况下可以互换,与否定词连用时用almost不用nearly. almost no 相当于hardly any(几乎没有)。 如:He had done almost nothing today.(他今天几乎没有干什么) / We are almost/nearly there.(我们几乎就到那里了) / Almost nobody/Hardly anybody understood his words.(几乎没有人懂他的话),a bi

32、t与a little,这两个名词短语经常当作副词使用,修饰形容词或副词的原级或比较级,可以互换,语气比rather弱。 如:This digital camera is a bit(a little) expensive.(这台数码相机有点贵) / It is a little(a bit) colder than yesterday.(今天比昨天冷了点) 另外,a little可以直接加不可数名词,a bit 则采用“a bit + of +名词(不可数或可数名词复数)”的形式。 如:I have got a bit of a cold.(我有点感冒) / Go and get a litt

33、le water for me, please.(请你去给我搞点水来) 注意 not a bit(=not at all)意为“根本不”,而 not a little则意为“非常,不是一点”。,形容词、 副词的原级、比较级和最高级,分类 规则变化 不规则变化 形容词和副词的原级、比较级和最高级的用法 关于比较等级的重要注释,分类,形容词和副词有原级、比较级和最高级三级。 原级变为比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化两种。,规则变化:,(1)单音节和部分双音节形容词和副词,在原级的后面加上er,est构成比较级和最高级。 a)直接加er,est : b)以重读闭音节结尾的,要双写最后一个辅 音字

34、母,后加er,est: c)以辅音字母+y结尾的,先把y改为i再加上er,est: (2)两个音节或两个以上的音节的,在原级前加more / most,不规则变化,形容词和副词的原级、比较级和最高级的用法:,(1)讲述某人/物自身的情况时,用原级。基本句型是: 主语(sb./sth) + 谓语动词+(very/too/so/quite/rather) + 形容词/副词原级 +. 如:He is very old now.(他现在很老了) / They ran quite fast.(它们跑得相当快) / The weather looks rather bad.(天气看上去相当糟) / I a

35、m so happy!(我是如此的快乐),表示两者之间没有差别时,使用句型: 主语(第一个人物) + 谓语动词 + as + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物 +. 如:He is as excited as his younger sister.(他和他妹妹一样兴奋) / Lily rode her bike as slowly as an old lady.(莉莉骑车像老太太一样慢) / They picked as many apples as the farmers (did).(他们摘的苹果和农民一样多),表示第一个人比不上第二个人时,使用句型: 主语(第一个人物) + 谓

36、语动词(否定式) + as / so + 形容词/副词原级 + as + 第二个人物+. 如:He is not so / as excited as his younger sister.(他没他妹妹那么兴奋) / Lily did not ride her bike so / as slowly as an old lady. (莉莉骑车不像老太太那样慢) / They didnt pick so / as many apples as the farmers (did). (他们摘的苹果不如农民多),(2) 讲述两者有差异,第一个人物超过第二个人物时,用比较级。基本句型: 主语(A)+谓

37、语动词+(much/a little/even/still)+形容词/副词比较级+than+第二个人物(B)+. 如:A modern train is much faster than a car.(现代的火车比轿车快多了) / This book didnt cost me more than that one.(这本书花费我的钱不比那本多) 讲述两者有差异,第一个人物不及第二个人物时,用比较级。句型是: 主语(A) + 谓语动词 + less+ (多音节形/副)比较级 + than + 第二个人物(B) +. 如:I think English is less difficult tha

38、n maths.(我认为英语不比数学难) / Do you think it less important to learn a foreign language?(你认为学外语不那么重要吗?),(3)讲述某人/物是一群之中最突出的一个时,用最高级。句型是: 主语(sb./sth) + 谓语动词 +(the) +形容词/副词最高级 +in / of . 如:The Changjiang River is the longest in China.(长江是中国最长的河流) / He jumped (the) highest of the three (boys).(三个男生中他跳得最高),关于比

39、较等级的重要注释:,1、以上六个句型中,如果动词是及物或不及物动词,则后面用副词;如果后面是连系动词,则后面用形容词。 如:This car is the fastest of the four.(形容词)(这辆汽车是四辆之中最快的) / This car runs (the) fastest of the four.(副词)(这辆汽车是四辆之中跑得最快的) 2、“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”。 如:The weather is getting warmer and warmer.(天越来越温暖了) 3、“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越就越”。 如:The more tre

40、es we plant,the better it will be.(我们栽的树越多,情况就会越好) / The harder you try,the greater your progress is.(你越是努力,进步就越大),4、一般的形容词或副词的比较级前面可以加much/a little/even/still,而表示数量的more之前还可以加some/ any/ no/ one/ two/ many/ several/ a lot等词。 如:It is much colder today than yesterday.(今天比昨天冷多了) / Would you like some m

41、ore coffee?(你还要些咖啡吗?) /He did not eat any more.(他没有再吃) 5、more than / less than分别可以理解为“多于/少于”,相当于副词,more than=over; less than=under. 如:I lived in New York for more than four months.(我在纽约生活了四个多月) 6、“one of the +最高级+名词(复数)”整个短语为单数含义,谓语要用单数形式。 如:One of the oldest houses has been burnt in a fire.(最古老的一幢房

42、子在一场大火中被烧毁了),7、“Which / Who+动词+形/副,or?”句型中,如果有两个选项,形/副用比较级,如果有三个选项,形/副用最高级。 如:Who has more books, Lin Tao or Han Mei?(林涛和韩梅谁的书最多?) / Which is the heaviest,a pig,a horse or an elephant?(猪、马、象哪个最重?) 8、上下文中含有both/either/neither/two/twins等表示两个事物的词时,用比较级,而且往往还要加the;含有all/none/no one/ every 等表示三个或三个以上事物时,

43、用最高级。 如: -Do you like the smaller one?Neither.(小一点的那个你喜欢吗?一个都不喜欢) / -Which do you like best? All of them!(你最喜欢哪个?全部。),时间副词,tonight, today,tomorrow,yesterday, now,then, early, late, once, soon, just,long, already, yet, before,ago, later, ever, last, since,after, Whenever,first, someday,sometime,频度副词,

44、once,twice, always,usually,often,sometimes, ever, never,(seldom),地点/方位副词,here, there,home, below,anywhere, above, outside,in, inside, out, back, up, down,away, off, far,near, nearby, Wherever,everywhere,程度副词,very, too,enough,rather, quite,how, so,much, just,nearly, only,almost, hardly,as long as, even, all,a little, a bit,方式副词,well,hard, alone,fast, together,suddenly, -ly结尾的副词,疑问/连接副词,how,where,when why,whether however, etc.,其它副词,too,also,nor,so,as, on,off,either,yes, no,not, neither,maybe,perhaps,certainly,


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