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1、语法 Grammar,名词 n.,(一)概述,名词是表示人、地方、事物或抽象概念名称的词,可以说名词是万物之名称。它们可以是: 人的名字 Li Ming, Tom 地方名称 China, London 职业称呼 teacher, doctor 物品名称 pencil, dictionary 行为名称 study, invention 抽象概念 history, grammar,(二)名词的分类,专有名词 &普通名词,可数名词 &不可数名词,1专有名词 主要指人名、地名及某些类人和事物专有的名称。 如:Mary,Beijing,Americans, English,May, Saturday,

2、Easter Gone with the Wind 2普通名词 除专有名词外,其它都属于普通名词。 如: boy,classroom,book, bag, aunt, family, juice, milk, age, childhood,分类:专有名词() or 普通名词()?,Saturday, tea, Zhanghua, rain, West Lake, enemy, computer, beauty, Mrs. Green weather, peace, ice-cream, Russians, Journey to the West,1.可数名词( countable noun)

3、可以分清个体,以数目来计算的,有复数形式。 如:book, girl, ruler, room, apple, box, bus, watch, day, zoo 2.不可数名词( uncountable noun) 不可以分清个体,不能以数目来计算,只有单数形式。 如: water, milk, coffee, tea, rice, bread, work,study, love,分类:可数名词() or 不可数名词()?,boy, knife, peace, potato, wind, tomato, hero, music, pleasure, map, radio, technolog

4、y, desk, egg,当然,也有特殊的哦!,1.既可以当可数名词又可以当不可数名词: 可数 不可数 glass paper time orange advice tin iron ,玻璃杯,眼镜,玻璃,报纸,试卷,纸张,次数,时代,时间,橙,橘子,橙汁,橙色,劝告; 建议,通知,公函,消息,锡,罐头,铁,熨斗,在中文是可数,英文却不可数: 如: money ,cloth ,bread , hair ,meat, furniture, rice ,news ,因此,平时要多积累哦!,可数名词的复数形式,1.规则变化: 一般情况 在词尾加-s: deskdesks ;daydays; girl

5、girls 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词 在词尾加-es: bus buses; boxboxes; watchwatches 以辅音字母加y结尾的词 变y为I再加-es: familyfamilies factoryfactories partyparties 以f或fe 结尾的词 变f或fe为v再加-es: knifeknives; lifelives; wifewives; halfhalves,Important !,Lets practice!,I. 写出下列名词的复数形式: house _ 2. village _ 3. map _ 4. orange _ 5. bag _

6、7. dish _ 8. family _ 9. boy _ 10. monkey _ 11. box _ 12. knife _ 13. class _ 14. factory _ 15. leaf_ 16. dictionary _ 17. watch _,houses,villages,maps,oranges,bags,dishes,families,boys,monkeys,boxes,knives,classes,factories,leaves,dictionaries,watches,2.不规则变化: 1)以o结尾加-es: potatopotatoes tomatotomat

7、oes heroheroes Negro Negroes 2)字母a变e: manmen, womanwomen, FrenchmanFrenchmen, policeman-policemen 3)字母oo变ee: toothteeth, footfeet, goosegeese,但:German Germans human humans,4)单复数同形: sheepsheep, deerdeer, fishfish Chinese-Chinese, Japanese Japanese cattle cattle 5)其他: childchildren, mousemice, medium

8、media, basis bases,不同国籍的人的复数形式:,1)加-s: Australian Australians Russian Russians Italian Italians Greek Greeks American Americans Indian Indians Canadian Canadians German Germans 2)变a为e: Englishman Englishmen Frenchman Frenchmen 3)单复数同形: Chinese Chinese Japanese Japanese Swiss Swiss,Exercises!,1. matc

9、h _ 2. man _ 3. German _ 4. tomato _ 5. policeman _ 6. kilo _ 7. human _ 8. potato _ 9. Chinese _ 10. shelf _ 11. Japanese _ 12. American_ 13. life _ 14. tooth _ 15. wife _ 16. foot _ 17. knife _ 18. sheep _ 19. half _ 20.key_,matches,men,Germans,tomatoes,policemen,kilos,humans,potatoes,Chinese,shel

10、ves,Japanese,Americans,lives,teeth,wives,feet,knives,sheep,halves,keys,3.合成名词的复数形式: 有主体时,主体变为复数 father-in-law fathers-in-law (岳父,公公) 无主体时,结尾加“ s ” grown-up grown-ups (成年人) go-between go-betweens (媒介者;中间人) 如果其中有man或者woman,则两个都要变复数 woman doctor women doctors man doctor men doctors,Can you try?,把下列名词变复

11、数形式: looker-on woman singer sister-in-law man cook passer-by housewife bride-to-be woman doctor schoolroom,lookers-on,women singers,sisters-in-law,men cooks,passers-by,housewives,brides-to-be,women doctors,schoolrooms,名词 n. Period 2,1、orange_ 2、class_ 3、text _ 4、monkey_ 5、piano_ 6、child_ 7、shelf _ 8

12、、bed_ 9、country_ 10、family_ 11、toy _ 12、foot _ 13、Japanese_14、radio_ 15、photo_ 16. army_ 17.cattle_ 18.Australian_,Brainstorm!,oranges,classes,texts,monkeys,pianos,children,shelves,beds,countries,families,toys,feet,Japanese,radios,photos,armies,cattle,Australians,Lets learn more!,不可数名词的量的表达:,可以加上一个表

13、示数量的修饰词来表示它的数量,如:a piece of, a cup of, a bag of, a glass of, a kilo of 一张纸 a piece of paper 三张纸 three pieces of paper 一包大米 a bag of rice 十包大米 ten bags of rice *可数名词也可以这样表达量,但要用复数形式: a box of books five bags of apples ten kilos of oranges,也就是短语里面可数名词要变复数的都变复数哦!,常用量词总结,a glass of 一玻璃杯 a cup of 一杯 a bo

14、ttle of 一瓶 a bag of 一包,一袋 a box of 一盒;一箱 a piece of 一张(一片,块) a kilo of 一公斤;一千克 a basket of 一篮 a pair of 一对,一双,一副 a group of 一群,一队,一组,Lets try!,1、三杯水 2、五杯茶 3、一公斤米 4、二十箱书 5、三篮子蔬菜 6、八双鞋子 7、十杯牛奶 8、五块肉 9、一副眼镜,three glasses of water,five cups of tea,a kilo of rice,twenty boxes of books,three baskets of ve

15、getables,eight pairs of shoes,ten glasses of milk,five pieces of meat,a pair of glasses,名词所有格:,1) 一般情况加 -s: childrens books 儿童图书 todays paper 今天的报纸 (2) 带词尾-s的复数名词只加 (): girls school 女子学校 the Smiths car 史密斯家的小汽车 (3)注意以下情况: Toms and Jims rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间 Tom and Jims room 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间,一.用名词所有格填空: 1.

16、They are going to their _ home.(grandparents) 2.The _ shoes are behind the door.( boy) 3.This shop sells _ clothes only. ( men) 4.Those are my _ cars. ( friends) 5.We are cleaning the _ stables. (horses),Exercises,grandparents,boys,mens,friends,horses,6. Do you know where this _ handbag is ? ( lady)

17、 7. Many of my _ houses were robbed. ( neighbours) 8.The _ uniforms are red. ( player) 9.These are the _ toys. ( children),ladys,neighbours,players,childrens,1. _ room is next to their parents. A. Kates and Joans B. Kates and Joan C. Kate and Joans D. Kate and Joan 2.June 1 is _. A. childrens day B.

18、 childrens Day C. Childrens Day D. Childrens day 3. - Whose room is this? - Its _. A. Li Ming B. Li Mings C. Li Mings D. Li Mings 4.The woman over there is _ mother. A. Julia and Shelleys B. Julias and Shelleys C. Julia and Shelley D. Julias and Shelley,二.选择填空:,English is spoken by many people in th

19、e world. 主语 This is a pencil-box. 表语 I like English, but I like Chinese better. 宾语 Our English teacher is drinking water. 定语 Mr. Black, our teacher, is from England. 同位语 I am going to see a film this evening. 状语 Miss Wang is considered a good teacher. 补语 主语,表语,宾语,定语,同位语,状语,补语,名词的功能,Exercises P33,1.主

20、语 2.表语 3.状语 4.同位语 5.宾语,Review: 一.变复数: 1. Chinese _ 2. shelf _ 3. Russian _ 4. American_ 5. life _ 6. tooth _ 7. deer _ 8. piano_ 9.mouse_ 10.goose_ 11.hero_ 12.Swiss_,Chinese,shelves,Russians,Americans,lives,teeth,deer,pianos,mice,geese,heroes,Swiss,一玻璃杯 一茶杯 一瓶 一包,一袋 一盒;一箱 一张(一片,块) 一公斤;一千克 一篮子 一对,一双

21、,一副 一群,一队,一组,a glass of,二、常用量词总结,a cup of,a bottle of,a bag of,a box of,a piece of,a kilo of,a basket of,a pair of,a group of,1. Today is September 10th. Its _ Day. A. Teacher B. Teachers C. Teachers D. Teacher 2. This is _ ball. Its not _ . A. the boys, girls B. the boys, the girls C. the boy, the

22、girl D. boys, girls 3. This year, _ is on May 9th. A. my mothers brithday B. my mothers brithday C. my mothers brithday D. my motherss brithday 4. These are _ books. Li Lin bought some at the Sun Bookstore and Jill bought some at the Blue Sky Bookstore. A. Li Lins and Jill B. Li Lin and Jills C. Li

23、Lins and Jill D. Li Lins and Jills,三、名词所有格,动词 v.,语法 Grammar,一、概述,动词是表示动作或状态的词。 如: help,see,go,come, run, fly, look, seem, get, become,can,may,动词的基本形式,1.动词原形 2.第三人称单数 3.现在分词 4.过去式和过去分词,Important!,第三人称单数:,过去式与过去分词(规则变化),Exercises 按要求写出动词的形式: 1.wash 2.match 3.stop 4.make 5.read 6.play 7.watch 8.guess,第

24、三人称单数,现在分词,过去式,过去分词,原形,washes,washing,washed,washed,matches,matching,matched,matched,stops,stopping,stopped,stopped,makes,making,made,made,reads,reading,read,read,plays,playing,played,played,watches,watching,watched,watched,guesses,guessing,guessed,guessed,9.study 10.finish 11.go 12.snow 13.carry 14

25、.teach 15.do 16.say,原形,第三人称单数,现在分词,过去式,过去分词,studies,studied,studied,studying,finishes,finishing,finished,finished,goes,going,went,gone,snows,snowing,snowed,snowed,carries,carrying,carried,carried,teaches,teaching,taught,taught,does,doing,did,done,says,saying,said,said,动词 Period 2&3,Lets review what

26、we learned yesterday!,1.destroy 2.catch 3.dance 4.worry 5.get 6.wash 7.sing e,原形,第三人称单数,现在分词,过去式,过去分词,destroys,destroyed,destroying,catches,catching,caught,caught,dances,dancing,danced,danced,worrys,worrying,worried,worried,gets,getting,got,got,washes,washing,washed,washed,sings,singing,sang,sung,co

27、mes,coming,came,come,destroyed,动词的时态,一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时,现在进行时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时,1、一般现在时的标志词: every时间状语(如every day),on Sundays, at the weekend, often, always, sometimes, usually,没标志等。 如:She does her homework every day. My father usually goes to work by bus. 2、一般过去时的标志词: yesterday; “in + 过去年、月份”,

28、last短语;ago短语;just now, once(从前)。 如:I went to see a film yesterday. She worked in that factory last year.,用适当的动词形式填空:Exercises ,1. There _ a telephone call for you just now. (be) 2. People usually _ (eat) dinner in the evening . 3. His sister always_(go) to school at 7:00 a.m . 4.Tom and Mary _ (come

29、) to China last month. 5.Jenny and Danny sometimes_(play) games in the afternoon . 6.Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night.,was,eat,goes,came,play,didnt go,7.My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday. 8. She _(not visit) her aunt two days ago. 9. There _ (be) no one here a moment ago. 10.

30、Lin Tao _ (like) his new sweater . 11. There _( be not) any hospitals in my hometown (家乡) in 1940. 12. Where _you_(have)lunch every day?,didnt do,didnt visit,was,likes,werent,do,have,3、 一般将来时的标志词:tomorrow(morning); next 时间状语;soon; “in+一段时间”;“in + 未来年、月份”;before long Mary will go shopping tomorrow. J

31、ane is going to travel abroad in two days. 4、 现在进行时的标志词: now; these days; look(at); listen(to)等 Look! The cat is chasing the mouse. My sister is doing her homework now.,Exercises ! 1.He _(come)back in a week. 2.She_(be)a conductor of a train soon. 3.Listen! She_(sing )in the classroom. 4. Li Ming _(

32、be)ten years old next year. 5.Look!The boy over there_(play) a model plane. 6.China _(become)a modern and strong country before long.,will come,will be,is singing,will be,is playing,will become,7.We often_(buy)books and things like that in the shop. 8.I _(leave)in a minute. I _(finish)all my work be

33、fore I _ (leave). 9.-What are you doing? -I_(do) my homework. 10. The day after tomorrow they _(watch) a volleyball match. 11.They _(hold) a birthday party this Sunday. 12._you _(work) hard from now on?,buy,will leave,will finish,leave,am doing,will watch,will hold,Will,work,5、现在完成时的标志词: already; ye

34、t; just; ever; never; “for +一段时间”,“since短语或从句”等 I have already spent all of my money. We have seen that film before.,Exercises ! I already (see) the film. I_ (see) it last week. 2. he (finish) his work today? Not yet. 3. you (be) to Hong Kong? Yes, I _ (be) there twice. 4. My father just (come) back

35、 from work. He is tired now. 5. Wheres Li Ming? He (go) to the teachers office.,have,seen,Has,finished,Have,been,have been,has,come,has gone,saw,6. I (work) here since I (move) here in 1999. 7. So far I (make) quite a few friends here. 8. How long the Wangs (stay) here ? For two weeks.,have worked,m

36、oved,have made,have,stayed,Remember? What have we learned? Lets review again!,1、一般现在时的标志词: every时间状语(如every day),on Sunday, at the weekend, often, always, sometimes, usually,没标志等。 如:She does her homework every day. My father usually goes to work by bus. 2、一般过去时的标志词: yesterday; “in + 过去年、月份”,last短语;a

37、go短语;just now, once(从前)。 如:I went to see a film yesterday. She worked in that factory last year.,3、 一般将来时的标志词:tomorrow(morning); next 时间状语;soon; “in+一段时间”;“in + 未来年、月份”;before long Mary will go shopping tomorrow. Jane is going to travel abroad in two days. 4、 现在进行时的标志词: now; these days; look(at); li

38、sten(to)等 Look! The cat is chasing the mouse. My sister is doing her homework now.,5、现在完成时的标志词: already; yet; just; ever; never; “for +一段时间”,“since短语或从句”等 I have already spent all of my money. We have seen that film before.,Come on! Try again!,Exercises ,用动词的适当形式填空: 1. Tom _ (not listen) to the radi

39、o every morning. 2. I _ (come) to see you again before long. 3. _ your uncle _ (have) a meeting last Friday? 4. How many classes _ you _ (have) every day? 5. Its seven in the evening, Toms family _ (watch) TV. 6. Listen! Who _(sing)in the next room?,doesnt listen,will come,Did,have,do,have,are watch

40、ing,is singing,7. Dont make a noise. Grandma _ (sleep) 8. Sometimes he _(help)his mother with the housework. 9. We _ (have) a meeting at that time. 10. Tom _ (not have) breakfast yesterday morning. 11.Mr Wang _ (teach) us maths since 1990 12. _ your father _ (go) to work by bike every day?,is sleepi

41、ng,helps,were having,didnt have,has taught,Does,go,1. Dont turn off the light I _a report now. A. have been reading B. read C. am reading D. have read 2. John _ the first party in his life tomorrow night. A. is given B. is giving C. has given D. has been giving 3. My uncle _ to see me. Hell be here

42、soon. comes B. is coming C. had come D. came,Exercises ,4. I think she _ right now. A. reading B. reads C. is reading D. read 5. Before long, he _ all about the matter. will have forgotten B. will forget C. forgets D. forgot 6. He _ a model plane when I came to see him. A. makes B. is making C. was making D. made 7. Look ! The boy students are _ football while the girls are _. playing dance B. playing dancing C. play dancing D. play dance,The end!,英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个),Review,辅音(28个),假期作业,把48个国际音标每个抄6遍。 (开学第一天上午交),


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