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1、初一句子翻译,1、见到你很高兴。 Nice/Glad to meet you. 2、早上好。 Good morning. 3、你会拼写它吗? Can you spell it? 4、怎样拼写它吗? How do you spell it?,5、欢迎来中国。 Welcome to China. 6、谢谢!不用谢! Thank you! Youre welcome. 7、你好吗?我很好,你呢? How are you? I am fine, and you? 8、你好! How do you do!,9、你是王雷吗? Are you Wang Lei? 10、那是谁? Who is that? 1

2、1、那是什么? What is that? 12、再见。 Good bye.,13、他名字叫什么?叫刘翔。 What is his name? He (His name) is LiuXiang. 14、她的电话号码是多少? What is her telephone number? 15、你的朋友在哪个年级? What grade is your friend in? 16、你妈来自哪里? Where is your mother from?,17、他来自加拿大吗? Is he (Does he come) from Canada? 18、他们多大? How old are they? 19

3、、他在哪个班级? What grade is he in? 20、你的电话号码是多少? Whats your telephone number?,21、他个子矮。 He is short. 22、她长着一双大眼睛。 She has big eyes. 23、你妈留着黑色的短发吗? Does your mother have short black hair? 24、我们在同一个学校,但在不同的年级 We are in the same school, but in different grades.,25、他们长相不同,但却是好朋友。 They look different ,but they

4、 are good friends. 26、他们俩都有一件紫色的连衣裙。 They both have a purple dress. 27、你的朋友长什么模样?他长着张圆脸。 What does your friend look like? He has a round face. 28 、穿红色的那个女孩在八年级三班。 The girl in red is in Class Three, Grade Eight.,29、穿着蓝色T恤衫的那个男孩是她的同班同学。 The boy in a blue T-shirt is her classmate. 30、他穿着一条褐色的裤子。 He is

5、in a pair of brown pants. 31、这是你的帽子吗? Is this your cap?,32、那是谁的自行车?是我的。 Whose bike is that? It is mine. 33、他的大衣是蓝白相间的吗? Is your coat black and white? 34、我妈的裤子是黑色的,我的是绿色的。 My mothers pants are black, mine are green.,35你的头发是什么颜色的?金黄色的。 What color is your hair? Blond. 36、我明白了。 I see. 37、我不认识那个男孩。 I don

6、t know the boy. 38、我认为这件夹克衫是她的。 I think this jacket is hers.,39、请帮我们找找他。 Please help us find her. 40、劳驾!你能告诉我你的名字吗?当然可以。我叫简。 Excuse me! Can you tell 41、你能帮我学英语吗?没问题。 Can you help me with English? No problem.,42、他住在哪儿?他住在英国。 Where does he live? He lives in England. 43、她喜欢英语吗?是的,非常喜欢。(不,一点都不喜欢。) Does

7、she like English? Yes, very much.(No, not at all.) 44、是谁寄来的信?是他的笔友。 Who is the letter from? It is from his pen pal.,45、他在信中说什么?他想去参观长城。 What does he say in the letter? He wants to visit the Great Wall. 46、你的叔叔讲英语吗? Does your uncle speak English? 47、见到你很高兴。 Nice to see you. 48、请坐。Please sit down.,49

8、.你叔叔是干什么工作的?他是医生。 What does your uncle do? Hes a doctor. 50.她在哪里工作?她在农场工作。 Where does she work? On a farm. 51.这是他家的一张照片。 This is a photo of his family. 52.他和他家人住在一起。 He lives with his family.,53、您可以点菜了吗,夫人? May I take your order, Madam? 54、请稍等。 Wait a moment, please. 55、你呢,约翰。 What about you, John?

9、56、你爸爸通常早餐吃什么?牛奶和面包。 What does your father usually have for breakfast? He has milk and bread.,57.为什么不吃些鸡肉呢?好主意。 Why not eat some chicken? Good idea. 58.让我想想。 Let me see. 59.请随便吃些鱼肉,朋友们。 Help yourselves to some fish, friends. 60.给你。 Here you are.,61、你想喝些橙汁吗?是,想。 Would you like some orange juice? Yes,

10、 I love/like to. 62、你想要吃的东西吗? Would you like something to eat? 63、你想要吃什么? What would you like to eat? 64、先生,你要买什么? May/Can I help you, sir?,65、多谢。不用谢。 Thanks a lot. Thats all right. 66、这条裤子多少钱?88元。 How much is this pair of pants? 88 yuan. 67、好的,我们就买它了。 All right, Ill take it. 68、你觉得这件上衣怎么样呢? How do

11、you like this jacket? What do you think of this jacket?,69、你是开玩笑吧? Are you kidding? 70、你们需要多少瓶? How many bottles do you want? 71、别担心我。 Dont worry about me. 72、还是很感谢您! Thank you all the same!,73、几点了? What time is it?/What is the time? 74、他这个星期天有空吗?有。什么事? Do you have time this Sunday? Yes, whats up? 7

12、5、你想去西山野餐吗?哦,我愿意去。 Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? Oh, Id love to.,76.别忘了带上你的吉他。 Dont forget to bring your guitar. 77.和我放风筝怎么样?我很愿意,可是恐怕我没时间。 How about flying kites with me? Id like that, but Im afraid I have no time. 78.请找玛丽亚接电话好吗?哦,对不起。她现在不在家。 May I speak to Maria? Oh, sorry. She i

13、snt in now.,80.和唐纳德先生吃饭怎么样? Would you like to have a picnic with Mcdonald? 81.你最喜爱哪种动物? What kind of animal do you like best? 82.咱们九点在我家见面。 Lets meet at nine at my home. 83.该回家了。下次见。 It is time to go home. See you next time.,84、你怎么啦? Whats wrong with you? 85、我找不到回家的路。 I cant find my way home. 86、我们到

14、了。 We are coming. 87、你真是太好了。 Its very nice of you.,88.谢谢你的帮助。 Thanks for your help. 89.他通常怎样去上学?他通常乘地铁上学。 How do you usually go to school? He usually goes to school by subway. 90.你多常去图书馆?很常。 How often do you usually,91.他们现在在做什么?在看电视。 What are they doing now? They are watching TV. 92.这些书我能借多久?两个星期。 H

15、ow long may I keep these books? For two weeks. 93.请问我可以用一下你的照相机吗?当然可以。 Excuse me,may I borrow your camera? Of course.,94.今天是星期几?今天是周六。 What day is today/is it today? It is Saturday. 95.昨天是几月几日?七月九日。 What was the date yesterday? July 9th. 96.她们正在上什么课?上数学课。 What class are they having? They are having

16、a math class.,97.你最喜欢哪个学科?音乐。 Which is your favorite subject?Music. 98.为什么喜欢音乐?因为容易又有趣。 Why do you like music? Because it is easy and interesting. 99.在房间里有什么?有电脑、书、灯、书架等等。 What is in the room? There is a computer, a book , a bookshelf and so on.,100.在你的书房里有电脑吗?没有。 Is there a computer in your study?

17、No, there isnt. 101.你的家是什么样子的?是城市住宅。 Whats your home like? It is a town house. 102.你怎么啦?我感觉有点不舒服。 What is wrong with you?,103.你的电脑出问题了吗?是的,它不能运转了。 Whats wrong (the matter) with your computer? Yes, it doesnt work. 104.请问去邮局怎么走?沿着这条路在第二个十字路口向右转。 Excuse me, which is the way to the post office? Go along

18、 the road and turn right at he second crossing. 105.上学别迟到。 Dont be late for school.,106.你妈的生日是什么时候的?九月一日。 When is your mothers birthday? September 1st. 107.他什么时候出生的?1995年八月二日。 When was he born? On August 2nd, 1995. 108.我们的教室有多宽?大约八米。 How wide is our classroom? About 8 meters long.,109.我只会唱英语歌。你呢? I

19、can only sing English songs. What about you? 110.他们会说日语吗?一点点。 Can they speak Japanese? A little. 111.你还能做什么?画画。 What else can you do? I can draw. 112.昨晚你在晚会上跳舞了吗?没有。 Did you dance at the party last night?No.,113.昨晚你为什么回来那么迟? Whey did you come back so late last night? 114.你如何跟我撒谎的?为什么不告诉我真话? How coul

20、d you lie to me? Why didnt you tell me the truth? 115.明天那儿的天气怎样?天晴。 Whats the weather like there? Sunny/Fine.,116.我想去伦敦。你想跟我一起去吗? I want to go to London. Would you like to go with me? 117.你的旅行愉快吗?很棒。 Did you have a good trip? Great. 118.你打算在那儿呆多久?五天。 How long do you plan to stay there? For five days

21、. 119、你应该参观九寨沟。 You should visit Jiu Zaigou,八年级上 120.下午我们打算进行一场篮球赛。 We are going to have a basketball game this afternoon. 121.明天下午将要进行一场乒乓球赛。 There is going to be a Pingpong game tomorrow afternoon. 122.他打算加入我们吗?是。 Is he going to join us? Yes.,123.当她长大时,她打算要干什么? What is she going to be when she gro

22、ws up? 124.划船与骑自行车,你更喜欢哪个运动? Which sport do you prefer, cycling or rowing? 125.早上你几点去上学?七点。 What time do you go to school in the morning? Seven.,126.我把自行车停在这儿你介意吗?不。 Would you mind my putting bike here? 127.不在这里打球你介意吗? Would you mind not playing balls here? 128.我把门关上你介意吗? Would you mind my closing t

23、he door?,129.你牙疼,最好去看牙医。 You have toothache, youd better go to see a doctor. 130.熬夜对你的健康不利。 Staying up late is bad for your health. 131.我必须要我爸戒烟。 I must ask my father to give up smoking.,133.他让我在门外等了半个小时。 He kept me waiting for half an hour outside the door. 134.保持健康对每个人来说都很重要。 Keeping health is ver

24、y important for everyone 135.这些书我们能借多久?三天。 How long may I keep these books? For three days.,136.他们更喜欢背颂诗歌。 They prefer reciting poems 137.我过去喜欢听摇滚乐。 I used to enjoy listening to rock music. 138.他习惯早起。 He is used to getting up early. 139.中国人用筷子吃饭。 Chinese people use chopsticks to have dinner.,140.多么好

25、的天气呀! What fine weather! How fine the weather is! 141.多么有趣的一条消息啊! What interesting news! 142.他跑得多么快呀! How fast he runs! 143.这音乐听起来很美妙。 The music sounds wonderful.,144.昨天这个时候他在干什么?在看电视。 What was he doing at this time yesterday? He was watching TV. 145.当我妈回来时,我正在做家庭作业。 I was doing my homework when my

26、mother came back. 146.昨晚他什么时候回来?大约十点。 When did he come back last night? About ten.,146.他问我什么时候会做完这项工作。 He asks me when I will finish the work. 147.当我遇见他时,我会把这好消息告诉他。 I will tell him the good news when I see him. 148.他们很认真。 They are very careful.,149.我们比他们更认真。 We are more careful than they. 150.我们做作业

27、比他们认真。 We do our homework more carefully than they. 151.四川的食物比福建的食物辣。 The food in Sichuan is hotter than that in Fujian.,152.我认为玫瑰是所有花中最美的。 I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. 153.我们的祖国越来越漂亮。 Our country is becoming more and more beautiful. 154.你越努力,你获得的就越多 . The harder you stud

28、y, the more you will get.,155.他不如我聪明。 He isnt as clever as me. 156.他吃东西跟他的爸爸声音一样大。 He eats as loudly as his father. 157.如果明天下雨,我们就不去泰山。 We wont go to Mountain Tai if it rains tomorrow. 158.他问我是否明天去泰山。 He asks me if I will go to Mountain Tai.,159.他既会唱歌又会跳舞。(八年级下) He can not only sing but also dance.

29、He can both sing and dance. 160.他要么想买一条裤子要么想买一条裙子. He would like to buy either a pair of pants or a pair of skirt. 161.他不会弹钢琴我也不会。 Neither he nor I can play the piano.,162.我妹妹到了上学的年龄了。 My sister is old enough to go to school. My sister is so old that she can go to school. 163.他太累了走不动了。 He is too tir

30、ed to walk. He is so tired that he cant walk.,164.警察为了抓住那个贼,他跑得非常快. The policeman ran fast/quickly so that he could catch the thief. The policeman ran fast in order to catch the thief. 165.昨天我们选他当我们的校长. Yesterday we made him our headmaster.,166.他的演讲使我们如此激动。 His speech made us so excited. 167.她们的表演让他

31、们大笑起来。 Their performance made them laugh. 168.我觉得要设计好校服挺难的。 I think it difficult to design good school uniforms.,169.学生每天早晨读半个小时的英语是很有必要的。 It is very necessary for every student to read English for half an hour every morning. 170.他什么时候离开这里的? When will he leave here? 171.当他进来时,我正在做笔记。 When he came in

32、, I was taking a note.,172.他问我她什么时候离开这里。 He asked me when she would leave here. 173.他想知道明天他是否可以乘飞机离开这里。 He wondered if/whether he would leave here by plane.,174.如果我们穿校服,我们就会一门心思读书。 175.昨天直到雨停了他才回家。 He didnt go home until the rain stopped yesterday. 176.因为他看见一只蛇躺在地上,所以他很害怕。 Because he saw a snake lyi

33、ng on the ground, he was very afraid.,177.他做作业比我认真。 He does his homework more carefully than I . 178.今天天气跟昨天的天气一样热。 The weather today is as hot as that yesterday. 179.他的房间不如他爸爸的房间整洁。His room isnt as/so tidy as his fathers.,180.穿警服会阻止有人干坏事。 Wearing police uniforms can stop some people from doing bad

34、things. 181.我们周围许多东西会影响我们的心情,如颜色,天气,消息,环境。 Many things around us will effect our feelings, such as colors, weather, news and environment. 182.今天早上我喝牛奶而没吃米饭。 This morning I drank milk instead of rice.,183.不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯。 Different countries have different customs. 184.谢谢你邀请我参加你的生日宴会。 Thank you for inv

35、iting me to your birthday party. 185.我想邀请你参加下周的美食节。 I want to invite you to food festival next week.,186.世界各地的人有不同的饮食习惯。 People all over the world have different eating habits. 187.据说一半的学生早上没吃早饭。It is said that half students go to school without breakfast. 188.树木能阻止水土流失。 Trees can stop water from wa

36、shing the earth away.,189.正如谚语所说, “衣如其人.” As the saying goes, “You are what you wear.” 190.老师问我每天我花多少时间读书。 My teacher asks me how long I spend in reading every day.,初三句型: 1.昨天我花了一百二十元买了一本字典。 I spent 120 yuan on(in buying) a dictionary yesterday. I paid 120 yuan for a dictionary yesterday. It took me

37、 120 yuan to buy a dictionary. A dictionary cost me 120 yuan.,2.防止饮用水污染时非常必要的. It is very necessary to prevent drinking water from being polluted. 3.树木可以防风固土。 Trees can prevent/stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 4.无论这项任务有多么困难,我们都会按时完成。 However this task is so difficult. We will finish it in

38、time.,5.我更喜欢走路上学而不喜欢乘公车上学。 I prefer walking to school to taking a bus to school. I like going to school on foot better than( going to school) by bus. 6.他上课没有我认真听。 He doesnt listen in class so carefully as I . I listen more carefully than he.,7.夏天浙江的天气跟福建的天气一样热。 The weather in Zhejiang is as hot as t

39、hat in Fujian. 8.今天早上他没吃面包而是吃稀饭。 This morning he had porridge instead of bread. 9.林老师给我们提了一些如何学好英语的建议 Teacher Lin gave us some advice on(some suggestions about) how to learn English well.,10.你知道从南京到北京有多远吗? Do you know how far it is from Nanjing to Beijing? 11.奥运会多久开一次?四年一次吧。 How often is the Olympic

40、 Games held? Once four years. 12.你们去过长城几次了? How many times have you been to the Great Wall?,13.你打算去巴黎多久? How long are you going(do you plan) to stay in Paris? 14.格林先生多块会回到福州来? How soon will Mr. Green come to Fuzou? 15.我们学校有多少学生。 How many students are there in our school?,16.李雷不但学习好,而且跟同学们相处得也很好。 Li

41、Lei not only is good at studying, but also gets on well with his classmates. 17.如果下雨你可以带雨衣也可以带雨伞。 If it rains, you can take either a raincoat or an umbrella. 18.魏芳与李明都会说俄语。 Not only (Both) WeiFang but also (and) can speak Russian.,19.该到上课的时间了。 It is time for class/to have a class. 20.该到我们进行体育锻炼的时候了。

42、 It is time for us to do sports. 21.他迫不及待要离开这里。 He cant wait to leave here. 22.他爸爸要他游戏不要玩太久。 His father asked him not to play games too long.,23.过去工人被迫日日夜夜工作。 In the past workers were made to work day and night. 24.你的同学选你当班长。 Your classmates made you monitor. 25.她奶奶的去世让她很伤心。 Her grandmas death made

43、him very sad.,26.疾病通常让我们感到担忧。 Illness usually made us feel worried. 27.我们不应该在公众场合吐痰。 We are supposed not to spit in public. 8.昨天我看见有个男孩从他自行车上摔下 Yesterday I saw a boy fall off=down from his bike.,29.他们喜欢住在福州。 They enjoy (feel like, are fond of) living in Fuzhou. 30.他将在一个小时之内完成这项工作。 He will finish doi

44、ng the work in an hour. 31.别让他在雨中等你那么久. Dont keep him waiting for you for a long time in the rain.,32.今天天气很热(冷),请让门开(关)着. Today is very hot(cold), please keep the door open(closed). 33.上课铃声响了,让我们停下准备上课。 Bell is ringing for class, lets stop to get ready for class. 34.比起乘车上学,我更喜欢骑自行车。 I prefer riding

45、to taking a bus to school,35.这件事与他无关。 He has nothing to do with it. 36.最近我们都在忙着准备考试。 Recently we are busy getting ready for the exam. 37.他已经习惯早起了。 He has been used to getting up early. 38.他过去经常早起。 He used to get up early.,39.我们用MP4听音乐。 We use MP4 to listen to the music. 40.他父母期盼得到他的来信。 His parents a

46、re looking forward to hearing (getting a letter) from him. 41.除了李明之外,每个人都到了。 Everyone is here except LiMing. 42.去游泳怎样? How about swimming?,43.我们一起去野餐怎样? Shall we go for a picnic?/Lets go for a picnic, shall we? 44.请把你的相片给我看看好吗? Will you please show me your photos? 45.我在这里打篮球你介意吗? Would you mind my p

47、laying basketball here.,46.你还想要再来一杯果汁吗? Would you like a cup of juice? 47.校门口有几个学生在闲聊。 There are some students chatting outside the school gate. 48.为什么不跟他们一起徒步旅行呢? Why not go hiking with them?,49.他觉得学好地理很困难吗? Do you find/think it very difficult to learn geography? 50.保护环境对每个人来说都很重要。 It is very impor

48、tant for everyone to protect our invironment. 51.你觉得福州的天气怎样? How do you like the weather in Fuzhou?=What do you think of the weather in Fuzhou?,52.你喜欢福州的什么?我喜欢福州人和天气。 What do you like about Fuzhou? I like the people and the weather . 53.他的胳膊怎么啦? What is the matter/trouble with your arm? Whats wrong

49、with your arm? 54.我的电视机有点毛病。 There is something wrong with my TV.=Something is wrong with my TV.,55.麦克喜欢集邮,我也喜欢。 Mike likes collecting stamps, so do I (I like too/as well, I also like.) 56.麦克不喜欢集邮,我也不喜欢。 Mike doesnt like collecting stamps, neither do I .( I dont like either.) 57.据报道明天晴朗。 It is reported that it will be sunny tomorrow.,58.孩子们,请随便吃些水果。 Help yourselves to some fruit, children. 59.你帮助我们真是太好了。 Its very nice of you to help us. 60.在一小时之内完成这项工作对你来说太难了。 It is so difficult for you to finish the work in an hour.,61.为了通过这次英语测试我们应该更努力学习。 We should


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