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1、第一讲 导言 第二讲 阅读教学的设计思路与教学途径 第三讲 如何在阅读中实施语言知识教学? 第四讲 重视学生自主性阅读能力的培养,英语教与学的重要途径 能力与素质的基本要求 终身自主性学习的基础 运用英语最迫切的需求 评价与考试的重要内容,三级 能读懂小故事及其他文体的简单书面材料 四级 能读懂常见文体的小短文和相应水平的报 刊文章 五级 能读懂相应水平的读物和报刊、杂志,克 服生词障碍,理解大意。能根据阅读目的 运用适当的阅读策略。,九年义务教育英语课程标准(送审稿),九年义务教育英语课程标准(送审稿),朗读,猜测生词的意思,理解,使用英汉词典等工具书,课外阅读,九年义务教育英语课程标准(送

2、审稿),阅读策略,利用词典等工具书,课外阅读,九年义务教育英语课程标准(送审稿),第一讲 导言 第二讲 阅读教学的设计思路与教学途径 第三讲 如何在阅读中实施语言知识教学? 第四讲 重视学生自主性阅读能力的培养,阅,简明汉英词典,1. experience 感受、体验 2. inspect 观察、检验、检查 3. read 看懂、理解、读,导言,读,看阅,默读,诵读,观察、感受、联想、想象、思考,识别、识记、思维、理解、记忆,领悟、记忆、表达、抒情、创造,Arouse interest / emotion / motivation Cultivate vocabulary Teach for

3、comprehension Increase reading rate Verify reading strategies Evaluate progress,ACTIVE,A,C,T,I,V,E,1 to prepare and use to work hard to develop a particular skill, attitude, or quality 3 to make an effort to develop ,1 to discover 2 to check out ,阅读,“悦”读,happy 高兴的、愉快的 pleased 满意的、乐意的,情 感 感 情,Cultiva

4、te vocabulary ,学生双语报双语学习报,词汇是阅读教学研究关注的重点之一; 词汇量与阅读技能有着明显的相关性; 词汇量与词汇技能是值得探讨的问题。,词汇和语篇之间是存在很大障碍的。教英语不等于就是教词汇。(Teaching English is NOT a matter of teaching words.)语感是完成词汇到语篇之间飞跃的助力。语感只有在语篇(会话与课文)和其他英语信息的感觉与学习中才能获得并得以强化和发展。,Lets share our happiness. If you share your problems and worries, youll feel be

5、tter.,分享? Strategy: You will learn to use new words better if you use a learners dictionary. A bilingual dictionary sometimes gives the wrong meaning for the situation you want.,词汇量(vocabulary size) 掌握词汇的多少 词汇能力(vocabulary skills) 运用词汇的能力,如识别单词的意思、在说话和写作中选择合适的单词、在语境中猜测单词的意思等。,教师普遍比较忽视词汇技能的培养。,Buildi

6、ng Vocabulary: Using Context Clues to Learn Word Meaning,When authors write, they often include context clues to the meaning of words they use but think that some of their readers may not know ,Teach for comprehension,阅读教学不能以检测学生理解的活动为主线进行。以 检测阅读理解结果为主导的阅读活动不完全能提高学 生的阅读技能。 阅读教学应该以帮助学生去理解为核心目标,即要 以帮助

7、学生学会阅读;帮助他们解决如何理解等问题。,Problem: testing reading comprehension rather than teaching readers how to comprehend,Computers have become very important in many areas of work and play. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. In space, computers help astronauts and pilots

8、 control the speed and direction of a spaceships flight. With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve other problems. For example, tiny computers inside peoples bodies keep their hearts beating well. In factories, robots controlled by computers can do work that is dangerous

9、 to humans. Computers are also used in business to place and cancel orders. At the same time, they have made the workplaces safer and better. Since the Internet came into being, peoples lives at home have changed, too. More and more people have personal computers, and they use them to play games and

10、 watch movies. Thanks to the Internet, people can do shopping and do business at home. Instead of writing letters on paper, people communicate by sending e-mails and chatting on line. The whole world is connected. Computers have made the world smaller, like a village. Computers have improved our liv

11、es, but they have brought problems, too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes. If we play computer games too much, we wont study well and get enough exercise. Although computers help us at work and at home, we must use them properly.,Computers have become

12、 very important in many areas of work and play. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. In space, computers help astronauts and pilots control the speed and direction of a spaceships flight. With the help of computers, doctors can find diseases easily and solve o

13、ther problems. For example, tiny computers inside peoples bodies keep their hearts beating well. In factories, robots controlled by computers can do work that is dangerous to humans. Computers are also used in business to place and cancel orders. At the same time, they have made the workplaces safer

14、 and better. Since the Internet came into being, peoples lives at home have changed, too. More and more people have personal computers, and they use them to play games and watch movies. Thanks to the Internet, people can do shopping and do business at home. Instead of writing letters on paper, peopl

15、e communicate by sending e-mails and chatting on line. The whole world is connected. Computers have made the world smaller, like a village. Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too. For instance, if we work on computers too long, we may get headaches or sore eyes. If we

16、 play computer games too much, we wont study well and get enough exercise. Although computers help us at work and at home, we must use them properly.,Computers have become very important in many areas of work and play. computers are very useful in technology and business. Since the Internet came int

17、o being, peoples lives at home have changed, too. Computers have improved our lives, but they have brought problems, too.,technology,Computers,important in ,useful in ,business,In space In hospitals In factories,the Internet,peoples lives at home have changed,have brought problems,设问:When? What to d

18、o? ,感知 读图 猜想 预测,Key words: festival Halloween witch trick treat,On Halloween 1. What the children do Trick or treat 2. The game the children play Apple Bobbing,Show them a picture what a switch like,获取信息; 选择信息; 连接信息; 理解信息; 加工信息; ,Zhang Hua is 25 years old. He helped his neighbour out of a fire. On 1

19、0th May, Zhang Hua was at home alone. Suddenly he heard someone shouting Fire! Fire! He ran outside. He saw a lot of smoke from next door. He went in and saw his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. She could get out because she hurt her leg. Anything could happen to her at that momen

20、t. Zhang Hua quickly ran back to his flat and poured water over his jacket. Then he rushed into Mrs Suns kitchen to save her. There was a lot of smoke and the fire was very hot. He was not afraid. He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs Sun out. The fire burnt Zhang Huas neck, arms and fac

21、e. He was in hospital for two months. Many people visited him and brought him flowers and presnts. What a brave young man! they said. Zhang Hua was glad that he helped Mrs Sun. We should help each other, he said. Zhang Hua also said, Fire can be very dangerous. It is important to be careful with fir

22、e.,A brave young man!,Everyone likes gifts. Some little kids think they dont get enough gifts. Some old people think they get too many gifts. Different people like different kinds of gifts. Some presents are never too small. A little child may give his mother a leaf from a tree. It is enough to make

23、 her very happy. Gifts giving is different in different countries. In Japan, people sometimes give special gifts. But they are not opened. Later, the same gift may be given away to someone else. Many people have enough things and dont want too many gifts themselves. In Canada, many people will not g

24、ive big gifts to someone else. They will pay for a park bench or a tree to help remember a person. In the USA, some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts. In Sweden, doing something for someone is the best gift. People dont need to spend too much m

25、oney. Instead, making a meal is enough.,Gift giving,Different people like different kinds of gifts.,Everyone likes gifts.,Gifts giving is different in different countries.,Japan,Canada,USA,Sweden,give special gifts (sometimes); not open the gift; give the same gift away to someone else,not give big

26、gifts; pay for a bench or a tree to help remember someone,give money to charity rather than buy someone gifts,not spend too much money on gifts do something for someone, e.g. making a meal,Gift giving,Different people like different kinds of gifts.,Everyone likes gifts.,Gifts giving is different in

27、different countries.,Japan,Canada,USA,Sweden,Some presents are never too small. People dont need to spend too much money on gifts. Small gifts, even a leaf can make people happy. Gift giving makes others remember your love or friendship. ,阅读理解过程中的两种心理活动,认知活动,元认知活动,思考(thinking), 理解阅读材料所 表达意思的过程,对思考的思

28、考 (thinking about thinking) 对阅读理解过程的监控,阅读理解过程中的元认知技能: 选择、连接和解释所感知的信息; 想象,提出假设和预测 根据观察和感知的内容设问 采用自我监控和自我修正策略 评价阅读活动的成果,以话题为中心,语篇为主线 注重培养学生篇章阅读能力; 整体粗线条地阅读理解入手; 由表及里地多层次阅读理解; 分轻重缓急解决词语和结构; 词汇和语法等教学融合于阅、读、对话和表达等活动之中 围绕所获信息展开听说读写,整体输入 获得泛化的图像 多层次理解 理解语言学习 获得清晰的图像 拓展与运用,粗线条 in a rough way 多层次 from surfac

29、e to deeper comprehension & learning 大容量 3 times more input information “教学”转变为“学”和“习”,?,?,?,无疑则思不起 problem-solving method 词汇和结构学习融合在篇章学习过程中,紧密结合话题与语篇内容 学习、实践词语结构知识 深化课文内容理解和学习 避免孤立的知识传授讲解,第一讲 导言 第二讲 阅读教学的设计思路与教学途径 第三讲 初中英语阅读教学案例展示点评 第四讲 如何在阅读中实施语言知识教学? 第五讲 重视学生自主性阅读能力的培养,第一讲 导言 第二讲 阅读教学的设计思路与教学途径 第

30、三讲 如何在阅读中实施语言知识教学? 第四讲 重视学生自主性阅读能力的培养,I got up and took a shower. Then I ate breakfast. At 7:20 I went to school. Classes began at 8:30. We had English, Chinese, math and music in the morning. Ms Li taught us the song You and Me at the beginning of her class. Our Chinese teacher wrote a poem on the

31、blackboard and asked us to read aloud first. The math teacher gave us two problems to do as usual.,They were difficult, but I did pretty well. We didnt learn new songs in music class. Instead, we heard kinds of music and the teacher told us a lot about pop music. ,I came back home at around 5 pm. I

32、read newspapers till dinner. After dinner I did homework. At 9:20, I took another shower, then I went to bed.,?,Anne was a special girl. She is one of the top students in her class. She is in a wheelchair, but she took part in a run to raise money for cancer research. The run is called the Terry Fox

33、 Run. And she raised the most money in the Run. So she is going to receive a special award.,Ann has been in a wheelchair since she was eight years old. He ran for more than 5000 kilometres before he had to stop. Ann will get the award because she raised the most money in Terry Fox Run.,Although Ann

34、has been in a wheelchair since she was eight years old, she managed to be the top students in the class. Even though Ann was in a wheelchair, she decided to work hard and see if she could finish the 30-kilometre trip. Though he lost one leg to cancer when he was 15 years old, he worked hard trying t

35、o reach the goal.,第一讲 导言 第二讲 阅读教学的设计思路与教学途径 第三讲 如何在阅读中实施语言知识教学? 第四讲 重视学生自主性阅读能力的培养,听,是攻克英语城堡的突破口 读,是发展英语能力的永动机,Reading for pleasure Reading for information Reading for vocabulary Reading for language Reading for testing,support & help,Resource-based Pyramid,Valuable resources,3a related resources,Te

36、xtbook,Core resources,大量地“感觉”(即听和读)可接受的支持材料。对目标语的语言接触达到某一变量时(因个人而异),量变便引起质变,就能把英语变成自己的第二天性,即语感。,必须积极开发和广泛利用其他资源作为教材资源的补充、延伸和拓展,以开拓教与学的多种渠道,更新教与学的方式,增强教与学的开放性和灵活性,使正规教育和非正规教育得以和谐和有机的结合。,Newspaper in Education, NIE, is an international program begun in 1955 to advance the use of newspapers in schools.

37、 The main purpose of the program is to improve reading, spelling and writing abilities.,链接国际化发展,信息多元 动态活泼 贴近时代 贴近社会 贴近生活,Learning by using “tools”,人类进化:大约生存在300万年到150万年前,猿人已具备人类基本特点,能直立行走,制造和用简单的工具。,制造和运用工具 是人类进化 的典型特征,人类的进化:直立行走,学会制造、发明、运用工具 拓展性学习:自主体验,学会使用学习的资源和工具,电脑,网络,电子辞典,工具书,点读笔,笨,光会教书本的不是好老师,通过书本教会学生念书法子的才是好老师。,


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