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1、PETS 3 串讲,主讲人:褚衍阳,课程说明,参考教材: 一教育部考试中心 组编 全国英语等级考试词汇手册 二研究小组 全国英语等级考试考核内容详析,串讲目的,通过串讲 一.使考生在有限的时间内对考试大纲中所要求掌握的知识点了然于胸; 二.使考生在考前对于本门课程的重点和考点再一次进行梳理和进一步得到强化; 三.使考生掌握简单实用的考试技巧; 四.使考生了解本次考试的趋势和倾向,做好考前准备.,内容串讲,一.动词的时态.语态和语气 A.12种时态 1.动词的一般时 2.动词的进行时 3动词的完成时 4.动词的复合时态 B.语态 动词的被动语态 尤其是特殊形式的被动,如动词短语的被动,主动表被动

2、等. C.语气 虚拟语气 包括三大从句中的虚拟和经常考察的和虚拟相关的动词及动词短语.,二.非谓语动词 A.对于非谓语动词的理解 B.非谓语动词用法大比拼 1.做主语 2.做宾语(重点) 3.做表语 4.做定语 5.做状语,尤其是分词做状语(重点) 6.做宾语补足语和主语补足语(难点) 7.非谓语动词的特殊结构(重点/难点) 8.三种非谓语动词的各种形式归纳,三三大从句(即名词性从句,定语从句和状语从句) 对于从句的学习,大家要把重点放在: 从句的结构关系词中的热点: 名词性从句中的主语从句和宾语从句注意形式主语和形式宾语的应用 名词性从句中的同位语从句和定语从句的区分 定语从句的先行词是表地

3、点的名词,要谨慎使用关系词 非限定性定语从句 状语从句中的注意事项: ()时间状语从句中的引导词 when VS while/ before VS after ()目的状语从句中的引导词so that和结果状语从句中的引导词so that/sothat/suchthat ()条件状语从句中需要特殊“关照”的引导词as long as/ provided (that)/ providing (that),()no matter + 引导词结构形成的让步状语从句 ()和倒装句相关的状语从句 四.其他热门考点归纳 名词中的主谓一致 代词中的不定代词间的比较 形容词和副词比较级中的常考结构 定冠词及零

4、冠词 介词和介词短语 强调句 倒装句 反意疑问句,内容串讲,一.动词的各种变形包括:第三人称单数,现在分词(各种进行时),过去分词(各种完成时和被动句式)以及不定式,动名词等非谓语形式. A.12种时态 全国英语等级考试第三级大纲要求考生掌握英语中的12种时态:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,现在完成时,过去进行时,过去完成时,将来完成时,过去将来时,过去完成进行时,现在完成进行时和将来完成进行时. 1.在表一般状况的三种时态中,需要大家注意以下几点: (1)一般现在时的第三人称单数(在写作中不要在这一点上犯低级错误) My watch says five to eleven.

5、 (2)在表示客观真理,科学事实或格言警句时,无论在什么情况下,都要使用一般现在时. Our teacher told us that light travels faster than sound.,(3)某些动词的一般过去时可表示试探性的,委婉的询问,请求和建议. Could you do me a favor? I thought you might have some. (4)一般将来时的表达形式丰富,要注意其区别. 1will/shall + v 一般形式,shall用于第一人称 They will leave for Hong Kong tomorrow. 在时间,条件状语从句中表

6、示将来的动作,遵循“主将从现”的原则 When the mixture is heated, it will give off a powerful force. shall可用做情态动词,其中用于第二和第三人称,表示承诺,规定,命令,决心等;will则用于各人称,表示意志,意愿和习惯等 You shall come at once.(你必须马上到) will pay you at a rate you ask.(我会按你要求的费用支付的) 2be going to + v表示最近打算去做的事情或可能要发生的事情 How long are you going to stay here ?,3b

7、e to + v表示必须或计划要进行的动作 There is to be a sports meet on Saturday 4be about to + v表示即将要发生的动作 Please get everything ready. The experiment is about to start 5be +ving 这个句型中的动词必须是短暂性动词(或点动词),如:go, come, start, move, leave, arrive, approach, die等 The exam is approaching. 此外,我们也可以在复习的时候把过去将来时和一般将来时进行对比学习和记忆

8、例如,根据刚刚讲过的结构,我们很容易就知道过去将来时的形式和用法:would/should + v ; were/was going to + v ; were/was to + v ; were/was + about to + v ; were/was + ving I was about to go out when a friend of mine dropped in. (我刚要出去,这时我的一个朋友来了),动词的进行时(包括现在进行时,过去进行时,将来进行时) 其形式为be + ving,be表时间,ving表状态,故而be是am, is, are为现在进行,是was, were为

9、过去进行,是will/shall be 为将来进行.需要注意的是,进行时除可表示正在发生外,也可表示经常发生的行为,这种状况下主要强调状态 My sister is working in a foreign enterprise. The umbrella was always hanging behind the door. This time next week I will be still working here. 当然,短暂性动词的进行时可表示将来,我们在前面已经讲过 动词的完成时(包括现在完成时,过去完成时和将来完成时) 无论是哪种完成时,都要明白“完成”是表示发生过了,完成可表

10、示一段时间内发生的动作,完成可表示造成了影响,这些都是完成时和过去时的根本区别 Most of us have studied English for more than five years.,We were very surprised at what he had done. Im sure he will have left Beijing by this time tomorrow. 另外,我们在复习的时候也可以把情态动词的完成时和非谓语动词的完成时放在一起复习例如,情态动词can, could, may, might, must, ought, need, should 等后面都可

11、以跟完成时,可根据例句想清楚它们真正的表意 He must have studied abroad before. The young man should have stopped his car at the red light. You shouldnt have watered the flowers so much. 有关非谓语动词的完成时我们将在后面的非谓语动词一节中详细讲解 动词的复合时态(现在完成进行时,过去完成进行时)这两种时态分别是现在完成,过去完成和进行时的复合,所以其结构分别为:have/has been + ving ; had been + ving.这两种时态都强

12、调动作是从过去某一时间开始一直延续下去,It has been raining for three days. Dick had been smoking for ten years before he decided to give it up last year. 被动语态 基本结构为:be + Vpp 大纲中要求掌握的各时态的被动结构,我们通过例句来加以巩固复习 ()Electricity is used to run machines. ()When was the building completed. ()The film wont be developed until next

13、month. ()The issue is being discussed at the conference. ()When I got there, goods were being unloaded. ()The party has been planed since the new year. ()When I came back, the door had been closed.,()The work will have been finished before you come back. ()The teacher said that we would be given ano

14、ther chance some time next month if we failed in the exam. ()He said the homework would have been done by 8 oclock. .特殊结构 ()含有情态动词的被动结构 Sometimes bad things can be turned into good things. ()短语动词的被动结构 Women were looked down upon in the past. ()含有两个宾语的主动结构变为被动结构 We allowed him an hour to get to the a

15、irport. 1He was allowed an hour to get to the airport.,2An hour was allowed him to get to the airport. 3含有复合宾语的主动结构变为被动结构 ()一般动词 We advised him to practice speaking English. He was advised to practice speaking English. ()感官使让动词(如see, feel, hear, watch, make, let, have等) 转变规则:主动去to,被动加to. Because of

16、many mistakes, the manager made her type these letters again. Because of many mistakes, she was made to type these letters again. 4主动表被动 (1)need ,require + ving My room is a mess, it needs tidying up. (2)sell, wash, read, write, run等动词带状语修饰时 This kind of cloth sells well.,()主语sound (feel, look, smel

17、l, taste)形容词 The dish tastes terrible! I dont like it at all. 虚拟语气(可概括为) 三大从句中的虚拟 ()状语从句中的虚拟,最常见的就是if从句,包括现在,过去和将来三个时间段的虚拟,其中表过去的虚拟是考试的重点和热点 遵循规则:相对自然语气的句子时态上“退后一步” If the sun didnt rise in the east , I would jump off the high building. If I were you, I would go on my study instead of looking for a

18、job. If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train. If you had come to the party , you would have met Mary. If he should fail , we would encourage him to try again. If I were to do it , I would do it in a different way.,注意:如果条件从句的谓语含有had,should或were可以省略if .这时had, should或were要移到主语前面,形

19、成倒装. Had I left a little earlier , I would have caught the train. (2).名词性从句中的虚拟 在表示建议,命令,要求以及表示重要性和紧迫性等含义的主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句中,谓语动词常用虚拟语气,由“动词原形”或“should动词原形”构成 主语从句用于下列结构中: It is necessary/ important/essential/advisable/better/ordered/proposed/desired /requested/ suggested/recommended/demanded/dec

20、ided/arranged that It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once.,2在下列动词后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气suggest/ advise/ propose (建议) /insist(坚持)recommend(推荐)/order/command(命令)/require/request/demand(要求) We insisted that Mr. Brown (should) chair the meeting. 3在下面名词后面的同位语从句和表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气suggestion(建议)/p

21、roposal(提议)/order(命令)/instruction(指示)/advice(劝告)/motion(提议) I am in favor of his proposal that a special committee (should) be set up to examine the problem. My suggestion is that we (should) send a trade delegation to the U.S. (3)定语从句中的虚拟 句型:It is (high) time (that),谓语动词用过去时,表示早该做而未做的事情,意思是“该了”或“早该

22、了” Lets finish our homework in a few seconds. Its time we played football.,2十大常用词短语所“导致”的虚拟 (1)wish I wish I knew both English and French. We wish he hadnt gone. We wish we could live in the moon for a few days in the future. (2)would rather (sooner) I would rather you came tomorrow. I would rather

23、you had gone there too. (3)with I would have succeeded with your help. (4)without Without heat and light , plants on the earth would not grow well. (5)but for But for the rain , we would have had a nice holiday.,(6)if only If only I were rich. If only the alarm clock had rung. (7)as if / as though H

24、e talks as if he knew everything in the world. (8)in case (that) Take some money with you in case you should need it. (9)lest(唯恐,免得) He took his umbrella with him lest it should rain. (10)for fear that He entered the room lightly for fear that someone should hear.,二非谓语动词 关于非谓语动词,首先要从概念上明确两点: 决不能做谓语(

25、可以做谓语以外的句子成分,如主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语等。) 虽然不能独立做谓语,但在句子中出现都有动作意味 三者的用法概括地说,动名词是有动作意味的名词,能做名词使用;分词可以看作形容词和副词使用;不定式除了不能做谓语,在其它方面可谓“全能” 非谓语动词用法大比拼 从用法上讲,不定式和动名词更接近具体说来,二者均可做主语,宾语,表语,定语;不同之处在于不定式可做状语,动名词则不可以 ()做主语,二者基本没有区别,Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. ()做宾语是学习的重点,也是考试的重要考点有些动词后面只能跟动名词做宾语,如:admit/ a

26、ppreciate/ avoid/ consider/ delay/ enjoy/ finish/ imagine/ mind/ miss/ practice/ postpone/ risk/ suggest等;有些动词后面只能跟不定式做宾语,如:afford/ appear/ arrange/ attempt/ decide/ expect/ fail/ fear/ happen/ hope/ intend/ learn/ manage/ offer/ plan/ pretend/ promise/ refuse/ want/ wish等;还有部分动词后面的宾语既可以是动名词也可以是不定式,

27、多数情况下宾语的形式不同,表意是有出入的对于这类动词我做了以下分类 like; hate; prefer I like swimming but I dont like to swim this afternoon. begin ; start ; cease,He begin doing his homework after class. Suddenly it began to rain. remember ; forget ; regret I remember seeing you somewhere. Remember to close the window before you l

28、eave. stop ; mean What he said means giving up. I mean to complete the task one way or another. need ; want ; require Plants need watering. Plants need to be watered. (3)三种非谓语动词都可以做表语,其区别在于,动名词表达的是一般的,抽象的行为,不定式表示的是特殊的,具体的行为,分词表示的,则是主语的性质或状态 My job is teaching. My job is to teach students how to avoi

29、d making mistakes. The news is very exciting. The little girl looked a little disappointed. ()三种非谓语动词都可以做定语,难点是如何区分在句中做定语 的动名词和现在分词我们可以这样界定:动名词做定语表示的是后面名词的功能或用途,修饰的多为事物;现在分词做定语时,分词的核心动词和所修饰的名词间有主谓关系,修饰的多为有动作执行能力的人例如: They are too poor to buy a new washing machine.(动名词做定语) Dont make much noise to wak

30、e up the sleeping child.(现在分词做定语),此外,三种非谓语动词做定语时在句中的位置也有所不同:单个的分词和动名词做定语放在名词的前面,不定式和分词短语做定语则后置 The tiger was placed in a closed cage. I went downstairs to buy some drinking water. Everyone must attend the meeting to be held in room 201. The man standing in front of the blackboard is our new English

31、teacher. 最后,现在分词和过去分词做定语时表意不同:现在分词表示主动或动作正在进行;过去分词表示被动或动作已经完成 There are a number of patients waiting to be diagnosed in Xiao Tangsan Hospital. Patients diagnosed and infected with SARS must be isolated. (5)不定式和分词都可做状语,其区别在于: 分词可做除地点和比较之外的任何一种状语,而不定式则主要充当目的和结果两类状语,不定式常用在一些短语和搭配中,如:enoughto/ soas to/

32、so as to/ in order to /tooto He is old enough to make a living. 分词做状语是学习分词这一章节的重点,要能理解并运用分词的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致和不一致两种情况为了充分理解这一点,我从两个方面给大家作以解释: a.分词只是一种非谓语动词,自身只能形成单词或短语,决不能独立成句,所以,分词没有真正的主语 b.对于“分词的逻辑主语”的理解是:不是真正语法意义上的主语,而是从句子所表达的意思上来分析,可以把它看作是分词所表达的动作的执行者,是一个意象中的概念 分词的逻辑主语和句子主语一致的情况: Hearing the news, th

33、ey all jumped with joy.,相当于:When they were hearing the news, they all jumped with joy. 分词的逻辑主语和句子主语不一致的情况(即独立结构): The holiday being over, we returned to school. 相当于:Since the holiday was over, we returned to school. Weather permitting, we will go outing sometime this month. 相当于:If weather permits, w

34、e will go outing sometime this month. ()不定式和现在分词都可以做宾语补足语和主语补足语考试时主要考查感官使让动词如see/ watch/ notice/ hear/ have/ make之后的宾补是用不定式还是用现在分词其区别是:不定式表示动作已结束,现在分词则强调动作正在进行在这一结构中还要注意,不定式做宾补时要去掉to,变成被动结构时则要加上to,同时在句中的角色也由宾补变成主补 My parents made me stay home and look after my younger brother. 变成被动:I was made to sta

35、y home and look after my younger brother,()三种非谓语动词的特殊结构:不定式的复合结构,动名词的复合结构和分词的独立主格结构,其中分词的独立主格前面已经讲过 不定式的复合结构在使用时常有自己的逻辑主语,一般是句子的主语或宾语,或者由物主代词暗示出来 这一结构在句中可做主语,宾语,表语状语和定语做主语和宾语时,通常用it做形式主语或形式宾语来代替不定式的复合结构 His mother sent him abroad to study . It is impossible for us to complete the task in such a shor

36、t time. 动名词的复合结构:名词所有格或物主代词后加动词的ing形式就构成了动名词的复合结构在这一结构中,名词所有格和物主代词是动名词的逻辑主语这种复合结构在句中做主语或宾语 Do you mind my smoking here? Toms having known that did not surprise me.,()关于三种非谓语动词的各种形式,我们通过例句来加以巩固和提高 不定式(一般时,进行时,完成时和被动式) She asked me to see the movie together. John seemed to be listening to the class at

37、tentively. Im sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I hope you to be promoted soon. 动名词(一般时,完成时和被动式) I couldnt help crying. He apologized for not having kept his promise. For centuries the Atlantic Ocean kept the Americas from being discovered by the people of Europe. 分词(现在分词的完成时,被动式和完成被动式) No

38、t having made the experiment successfully, the scientists tried again. Being scolded he became very angry. Having been given such a good chance, how could she give it up?,三三大从句(即名词性从句,定语从句和状语从句) 对于从句的学习,大家要把重点放在: 从句的结构:关系词陈述句(切记.关系词后是陈述句,千万不要和特殊疑问句混淆了;还要明白关系词引导从句并在句中充当一定的成分) Where has he gone ? I do

39、nt know where he has gone. 关系词中的热点:whose There are some children whose behavior is generally unacceptable. She lives in the house whose door and windows are broken.,名词性从句中的主语从句和宾语从句注意形式主语和形式宾语的应用(写作中也会经常用到) It has not been decided when the meeting is to be held. We find it necessary that we do much

40、practice every day. 名词性从句中的同位语从句和定语从句的区分 同位语从句中的核心名词是有内容的名词,如:belief; doubt; evidence; idea; fact; hope; possibility; thought等,且不能用which引导从句 There is the news that some British customers will visit our company. Ive got the news that/which excites everybody a lot. 定语从句的先行词为表示地点的名词,使用关系词时需谨慎,关键是 看定语从句

41、中的谓语动词是及物还是不及物;是不及物时要注意后面有没有介词 Ill never forget the hotel where I stayed last year. Ill never forget the hotel that/which I stayed at last year. 非限定性定语从句,She is going to spend the winter holidays in Hainan , where she has some relatives. 状语从句中的注意事项: ()时间状语从句中的引导词 when VS while/ before VS after We we

42、re watching TV together when a stranger came in.(表时间点) While he was reading , his father came in.(表时间段) In those days she was always so lost in thought that she had to be called two or three times before she came to her dinner.(注意中英文翻译的区别) ()目的状语从句中的引导词so that和结果状语从句中的引导词so that/sothat/suchthat Lets

43、 take the front seats so that we can see more clearly. The problem is so complicated that it will take us much time to work it out. They are such lovely children that I like them all. The children are so lovely that I like them all.,()条件状语从句中需要特殊“关照”的引导词as long as/ provided (that)/ providing (that)

44、(provided和 providing引导从句没有区别) You can go out as long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock. Well let you use the room provided/providing you keep it clean and tidy. ()no matter + 引导词结构形成的让步状语从句 No matter where you go , Ill follow you . Wherever you go Ill follow you . ()和倒装句相关的状语从句 a.时间状语从句中的ha

45、rdlywhen/ no soonerthan (三个特点:倒装;主从句在翻译时是颠倒的;虽然主从句中的动作是几乎同时发生,但从句要用过去完成时) Hardly had I got to the station when the train left. No sooner had they got the goods covered up than it started raining hard.,b. If引导的条件状语从句中若含有虚拟语气,可省略if,将句中的助动词提前(在虚拟语气一节中已经讲过) c. as引导的让步状语从句,如是主谓结构,把谓语动词提到句首;如是主系表结构,把做表语的名

46、词或形容词放在句首注意名词是可数名词的单数形式时,倒装时前面不能加任何冠词 Try as I might , I couldnt lift the stone. Child as he is , he has made a living by himself. 四其它考试热点归纳 名词中的主谓一致(如many a / together with/ the +(a) 表示一类人等) Many a student has realized the importance of learning a foreign language. Mr. Smith, together with his wife

47、 and children, is going to the party tomorrow. The old are to be respected.,代词中的不定代词间的比较 other; others ;the other ; the others ; another (尤其是the other和another) 形容词和副词比较级中的常考结构 ()no more than/ no morethan和两个短语表意一致:“与同样”或“不比怎样” This classroom is no larger than the next one.(两间教室一样小) The lion is no mor

48、e merciful than the tiger.(两种动物同样残忍) 定冠词及零冠词 这一部分尤其要注意在记忆名词短语时,记准前面究竟有无冠词如out of the question(不可能)和out of question(没问题) 介词和介词短语 介词在考试中是虚词部分考查的重头戏,要熟练掌握常用介词in, at ,on 等的用法,能够对表意相近的介词above/over ; under/below等进行比较,还要熟记一些有关介词的常用短语如be responsible for /be concerned with等,强调句 : It is/was + 被强调部分+that/who It was Ann that/who had a severe heart attack last night.(强调主语) It was a severe heart attack that Ann had last night.(强调宾语) It was last night that Ann had a severe heart attack.(强调状语) 倒装句(主要考查部分倒装) 复习时除了注意我们在状语从句中讲到的几种倒装外,还要注意: ()on


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