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1、,Unit 1 Growing Up,Part II Text A,Writing for Myself,By Russell Baker,Cultural Notes,Russell Baker: American journalist and writer. The text is taken from his autobiography) Growing Up(1982), which won him a Pulitzer Prize. He served as a member of the Pulitzer Prize Board in the late 1980s and earl

2、y 1990s,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,more,Cultural Notes,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,Pulitzer prizes, awarded annually for outstanding achievements in journalism, literature, and music. Named after Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), the Hungarian-born US newspaper publisher, the prizes

3、 were established by Pulitzers will.普利策奖一年一度颁发给在新闻、文学和音乐领域有突出业绩的人士。该奖以匈牙利裔美国报纸出版商的瑟夫.普利策(18471911)的名字命名,是根据他的遗愿而设立的。,break,over,index,back,off and on,from time to time; sometimes,e.g. It has been raining off and on for a week.,Translate:,他昨晚时睡时醒。,He slept off and on last night.,Unit 1,break,over,ind

4、ex,next,previous,back,e.g. I hope youre not getting bored listening to me.,演讲者滔滔不绝地讲下去,听众对他的讲话已经变得厌倦了。,The speaker went on and on, and the audience grew bored by his speech.,Translate:,bore,vt. make (sb.)become tired and lose interest,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,e

5、.g. What do you associate with such a heavy snow?,We associate China with the Great Wall.,Translate:,想起中国, 我们就联想到长城。,associate,vt. join or connect together; bring in mind,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g. I hardly ever write compositions except on assignment.,Translate:

6、,What is todays assignment in history?,今天历史课指定的作业是什么?,assignment,n. a piece of work that is given to a particular person,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g. The company turns out new computer games at a great rate.,我们计划明年生产十万台计算机以满足市场需要。,Biz English:,We are to turn out 10

7、0,000 computers next year to meet the market requirements.,turn out,produce,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,turn out 常与to, that连用, 意为:结果,Biz English: I do hope the goods will turn out to be satisfactory.,我真的希望你们这批货物能最后令人满意。,The plan turned out t

8、o be a failure. 这项计划结果归于失败。,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g. The wounded man was in agony.,His last agony was over.,Translate :,他临死的挣扎已经过去了。,agony,n.very great pain or suffering of mind or body,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,e.g. 1. We anticipate running into

9、 problems in carrying out the medical welfare reform. 2. They anticipate that deaths from SARS will have doubled by May.,NCE-B1,anticipate,vt. expect,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,back,next,previous,more,Translate :,我们期待再接到你们的来信。,We anticipate hearing from you again.,他万分高兴地期待妻子的到来。,He anticipates

10、 his wifes arrival with much pleasure.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,令人乏味的缓慢或漫长 e.g. The movie was so tedious that many viewers left before it was over.,Translate :,他是一个令人乏味的人,我不想再见到他。,He is such a tedious man that I dont want to see him any more.,tedious,a. boring and l

11、asting for a long time,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,back,next,previous,more,Biz English:China Commodity Inspection Bureau(中国商检局) enjoy a good reputation in the world.,Translate :,他是一个名誉很好的人。,He is a man of good reputation.,reputation,n.名声;名誉,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,pr

12、evious,back,e.g. Martin Luther Kings speeches inspired people to fight for equal treatment of African Americans.,Translate :,我受到激励,比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。,I was inspired to work harder than ever before.,inspire,vt. fill(sb.)with confidence, eagerness,etc.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previo

13、us,back,e.g. The rigid headmaster would button up his clothes even on the hottest days.,Translate :,没人能改变他固执的想法。,No one can change his rigid ideas.,rigid,a. (often disapproving) fixed in behavior,views or method;strict,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,e.g. New words are con

14、stantly added to our vocabulary while some old words go out of date.,Translate:,Although her clothes were out of date, the old woman appeared clean and dignified.,尽管这个老妇人衣着已经过时,但她穿得既清洁又高贵。,out of date,old-fashioned,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,1) completely plain; 2) st

15、ern, strict;3) causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, etc.,e.g. 1) Earnest Hemingway is known for his severe writing style.,2) Fu Lei was so severe with his son that even his wife would cry.,3) The severe chest pain experienced by the Vice-President proved to be a heart attack.,severe,NCE-B1,Un

16、it 1: Part II,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,Translate:,The severe teacher has gone abroad; You can breathe freely again.,1.要求苛严的教师已经出国了,你可以完全放心了。,2. “非典”是对我们的医务人员的严峻考验。,SARS is a severe test to our medical workers.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,more,B R _ The U.S.

17、Grade School System,The American Educational System,In the United States, education is the responsibility of individual states, not of the federal government, so requirements may vary from one state to another. The following is a generalization:,The third year in high school?,Cultural Notes,Grade sc

18、hool in the U.S: It is necessary to have some knowledge of grade schools in the U.S because Ss have to realize that “ the third year in high school”( Para.1) equals “the eleventh grade”(Para.9).,Unit 1: Part II,NCE-B1,back,break,over,index,next,previous,more,D R _ Sentence 1,What can we infer from t

19、his sentence?,Up to then, Baker had had no interest in things related to English courses.,Until then Id been bored by everything associated with English courses.,D R _ Sentence 2,Paraphrase the sentence.,I found it painful to write long, boring essays as required by teachers; neither did teachers en

20、joy what I wrote.,I hated the assignments to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers to read and for me to write.,D R _ Sentence 3,What can we learn from this phrase?,We can know from this phrase that before Mr. Fleagle became Bakers English teacher, all English courses were

21、dull.,another cheerless year in that most tedious of subjects,Cultural Notes,What American teachers wear in schools: Nowadays, people in the U.S. love to dress casually. Even among those companies with a rigid dress code some now allow employees not to wear suits on Fridays.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,b

22、ack,break,over,index,next,previous,more,Cultural Notes,U.S. teachers wear fairly formal clothes at school, but not necessarily suits and ties. Bow ties are considered even more old-fashioned than ties.,NCE-B1,Unit 1: Part II,break,over,index,next,previous,back,G R _ True or False 1,True or False,1.

23、Baker had never thought of becoming a writer until he was in the eleventh grade.,F,As a child in Belleville, he had thought of becoming a writer from time to time.,( ),2. Teachers found it painful to read students long and lifeless essays.,T,( ),G R _ True or False 2,3. Before Mr. Fleagle became the

24、 English teacher for Bakers class, the English course had been interesting.,F,From the words “another cheerless year” we can see the English course had been quite boring.,( ),4. In Bakers opinion, Mr. Fleagle was really a formal, rigid and out-of-date teacher only because of Fleagles manner of speaking.,F,Besides the manner of speaking, Fleagles appearance and dress also showed that he was a dull and rigid teacher.,( ),


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