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1、Unit 4 Person to person,Teaching Objectives: to learn such reading skills as predicting, inferring, and understanding writers style through reading the two passages in active reading to learn the usage of some words and expressions through reading and doing the exercises in language in use to learn

2、to write an argumentative passage to be familiar with some cultural information about cellphone, way to communicate with people,etc. by reading, listening and watching to train listening skills by listening and watching the materials in the listening and speaking book to practice oral skills through

3、 individual, pair and group work. Teaching Focus: reading skills - predicitng and inferring Teaching Sequence : 1. to lead into the topic by brainstorming on words related to food and watching a video 2. to deal with Active Reading Passage 3. to deal with Active Reading Passage 2 and cultural readin

4、g 4. to deal with exercises and play vocabulary games 5. to listen and watch the materials on the listening and speaking book, and practice oral work conrespondingly Teaching Output Expectation: to read more effectively by using the skilled learned to grasp language points to know how to write an ar

5、gumentation to be able to understand the listening materials to be able to express oneself orally for given topics,Can we live without our mobile phones?,Unit 4 Active Reading (1),Active reading 1,Pre-reading Activities,While-reading Activities,After-reading Activities,Further Resources,Contents,1,2

6、,3,4,5,Background Information & Cultural Notes,New Words & Expressions,Pre-reading Activities,While-reading Activities,Active reading (1),Quit,Post-reading Activities,Background Information & Cultural Notes,Invention of telephone,Mobile phone development,The film Shouji,Russell Crowe,The underground

7、,Home,Invention of mobile phone,Mobile phone popularity,Born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell was the son and grandson of authorities in elocution and the correction of speech. Educated to pursue a career in the same specialty, his knowledge of the nature of sound led

8、him not only to teach the deaf, but also to invent the telephone.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,To Be Continued,In the 1870s, two inventors Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell both independently designed devices that could transmit speech electrically (the telephone). Both men rushed the

9、ir respective designs to the patent office within hours of each other, Alexander Graham Bell patented (获专利) his telephone first. Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell entered into a famous legal battle over the invention of the telephone, which Bell won.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,Back,

10、According to British newspaper Daily Mail, Nathan Stubblefield, is finally being recognised as the father of mobile phone technology exactly 100 years after he patented his design for a “wireless telephone”. The melon farmer (果农) came up with his invention in 1902 after devoting every spare hour and

11、 penny he had to establishing a telephone service in his rural home-town of Murray, Kentucky.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,To Be Continued,He constructed a 120ft mast in his orchard (果园), which transmitted speech from one telephone to another using magnetic fields. He demonstrated his dev

12、ice in the towns public square on New Years Day in 1902, broadcasting music and speech to five receivers. And in 1908 he patented a new version designed to communicate with moving vehicles such as stagecoaches and boats. Unfortunately, his phones were not commercially successful in his lifetime and

13、he died virtually penniless in 1928.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,Back,Some basic facts on mobile phone development: In 1979, the first commercial mobile phone network was opened for business in Tokyo. On March 6 1983, Motorola introduced the worlds first commercial portable cellular phon

14、e, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. By the 1980s to have a mobile became a symbol of success. By the 1990s mobiles were commonplace and by the 2000s the majority of the population in some countries had one.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,Motorola DynaTAC 8000X Inventor: Dr Martin Cooper,Back,Som

15、e basic facts on mobile phone popularity: There are an estimated 2.5 billion mobile phone handsets in use worldwide. 13% of UK households have a mobile phone instead of a landline. There are 95 mobile phones for every 100 people in Europe. Six million mobiles are bought every month in India. 90% of

16、under-16s in Britain own a mobile and one in ten spends more than 45 minutes a day using it, according to one survey.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,Back,Cell Phone is an award-winning Chinese comedy-drama film directed by Feng Xiaogang and starring Ge You, Zhang Guoli, Xu Fan and Fan Bingb

17、ing. It was first released on 18 December 2003 in Mainland China, and was subsequently screened at the Cleveland International Film Festival on 18 March 2005. With a box office earning of over 50 million, Cell Phone became the best-selling domestic film in 2003.,Background Information & Cultural Not

18、es,To Be Continued,Written by Liu Zhenyun, based on his own novel of the same title, the film revolves around two successful men whose marriages were wrecked when their wives uncovered their extramarital affairs through traces left in their cellphones. More broadly, the film explores the role of cel

19、lphones in interpersonal relationships in modern China, where the rapid development in information technology is having huge impacts on the way people communicate.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,Back,Russell Crowe is an Australian actor. He is famous for films such as Gladiator and A Beauti

20、ful Mind.,Background Information & Cultural Notes,Back,The Underground refers to the underground train system in London and other British cities. Previously, because of the depth of stations and tunnels, the Underground was out of range of mobile phone signals, but not now.,Background Information &

21、Cultural Notes,Do you know what is the equivalent word for it in America and France?,In America, it is the “Subway”; in France, the “Metro”.,Back,New Words & Expressions,Home,杂志订阅者 有线电视用户 手机用户 主叫用户 被叫用户,New Words & Expressions,n. C someone who pays money to receive something regularly, such as a new

22、spaper, magazine, or in this case, a phone service 订阅者,订户,用户,subscriber,magazine subscriber cable TV subscriber mobile phone subscriber call subscriber called subscriber,Back,a. too long, slow, or dull; tiresome or monotonous 冗长乏 味的,New Words & Expressions,tedious,Back,a tedious journey a tedious le

23、cture,沉闷的旅程 乏味的讲课,n. C a thing that is absolutely necessary 必需品;不可缺的东西 We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment. 我们只有最基本的必需设备。,New Words & Expressions,essential,adj. absolutely necessary; extremely important 必不可少的 Food is essential for life. 生命离不开食物。,Back,n. C an inessential, desirabl

24、e item which is expensive or difficult to obtain 奢侈品,高档物品,New Words & Expressions,luxury,Back,He lived a life of luxury. 他过着奢华的生活。 What a luxury it is to be alone! 单独一人多舒服!,a. 1 showing a willingness to take risks 大胆的,冒险的 2 having thick strokes 黑体的,粗体的,New Words & Expressions,bold,No journalist was

25、bold enough to take on the Prime Minister. 没有一个记者大胆到敢与首相较量。 Difficult words and sentences are printed in bold type. 难词难句是用粗体字打印的。,Back,a. done or existing alone; isolated 单独的;独自的,New Words & Expressions,solitary,a solitary life a solitary valley a solitary example,Back,独居的生活 人迹罕至的山谷 独一无二的例子,n. C/U a

26、 sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed programme 例行公事;常规;惯例;固定程序,New Words & Expressions,routine,I settled down into a daily routine of work and sleep. 我安定下来,整天就是例行的工作和睡觉。 The Ministry insisted that this was just a routine annual drill. 国防部坚持说这只是一次年度常规演习。,Back,Similar sayings: make a stron

27、g / great / full impact on have an impact on have a strong / great / full impact on give an impact to give a strong / great / full impact to,have a strong effect 产生影响,make an impact on,Back,New Words & Expressions,Make sure the current is switched off before you leave. 你出去前一定要把电源关上。 Switch that fell

28、ow off! 别让那个家伙再讲下去!,New Words & Expressions,turn off, cut off 关闭,切断,switch off,switch on, turn on,Back,New Words & Expressions,something or someone was intended (expected) to be or to do, especially when they have failed to be or do it 有意(或打算)做某事(有时用于表示该事的结果不是很好),be meant to,I was meant to be there

29、before 5 pm. 我本应该 5 点之前就到那儿。(可是我没有做到),Back,New Words & Expressions,1 Business slows down in summer. 夏季生意清淡。 2 If I could find some way of slowing my father down! 如果我能找到什么办法使我的父亲轻松一些就好了!,slow down,Back,1 starts to move slowly(使)慢下来;(使)缓行 2 someone becomes less active(使)松弛下来;(使)放松,New Words & Expressi

30、ons,Here, “plus” means an advantage, benefit. the plus factors: 有利因素 the minus factors: 不利因素,on the plus side,Back,on the advantageous side 从有利方面看,说从好的方面说,New Words & Expressions,She bought the dress on impulse. 她一时冲动买了这件衣服。 (Hence, this dress was an impulse buy. ),on (an) impulse,Back,suddenly deci

31、de to do something without carefully planning it 凭一时冲动;一时冲动之下,New Words & Expressions,make a fuss,Back,(+ about / over) to display unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest 大惊小怪,Dont make such a fuss about nothing! 别大惊小怪,无事生非!,Pre-reading Activities,Home,Pair work Words related to t

32、elephone Questionnaire,Words related to telephone:,Pre-reading Activities,Back,座机/固话 听筒 手机/移动电话 信号 服务区/信号区 短信 语音信箱,house phone / landline handset mobile / cellular phone signal service / signal range text message voicemail,Pair work: Ask each other the following questions.,1 How many calls a day do

33、you make or receive on your mobile phone? 2 How many texts a day do you send or receive? 3 At what time do you switch your mobile phone on and off? 4 When did you most need your mobile phone? What happened? 5 Can you live without your mobile phone?,Pre-reading Activities,Back,While-reading Activitie

34、s,Home,Scanning for answers Text Translation,Skim the passage and then find out who can live without their mobile phones:,While-reading Activities,The businessman The schoolgirl The working mother,To Be Continued,Who can live without their mobile phones?,While-reading Activities,The businessman: He

35、says he can live without a mobile phone, but he doesnt want to (it seems to be essential for his work).,To Be Continued,Who can live without their mobile phones?,While-reading Activities,The schoolgirl: She says it is essential (but she can give it up without serious problems).,To Be Continued,Who c

36、an live without their mobile phones?,While-reading Activities,The working mother: She says there is no problem (but she seems very anxious and worried without the mobile phone at first although most of what she says is exaggerated for humorous effect).,Back,No network: Can we live without our mobile

37、 phones? Para. 1 Russell Crowe was arrested for throwing a hotel phone at the receptionist of his Manhattan hotel, apparently “because he couldnt get a call out to Australia”. Whats the matter with him? Whats wrong with his mobile phone?,Translation,Whats the purpose by telling Russell Crowes story?

38、,While-reading Activities,Back,The purpose is to introduce the topic of this passage: mobile phone.,Para. 2a Mobile phones have been the biggest factor of change in everyday behaviour in Britain over the past 15 years. Today it is thought that there are more than 55 million mobile phone subscribers,

39、 a rise from less than 10 million in 1997. The smaller the handset gets, the more calls we make, and the more quickly we take decisions that make an impact on our lifestyles.,Translation,While-reading Activities,How has the mobile phone changed our lives?,With the mobile phone people make more calls

40、 and take decisions more quickly.,Para. 2b At the same time, the world has got smaller too, and whereas in the past, people took photos of each other at famous tourist sights, nowadays few people can resist making calls to loved ones back home instead. Now it has been announced that the signal range

41、 throughout London will be extended, nowhere in London will be beyond the reach of a mobile phone, not even the Underground.,Translation,While-reading Activities,According to this sentence, can people use mobile phone in the Underground?,Yes, they can.,Para. 3 So can we live without mobile phones? W

42、e asked three people to switch off for three days and find out how much they depend on their mobiles.,Translation,What is the function of this paragraph?,While-reading Activities,Back,This is a transitional paragraph. The purpose is to introduce the research question.,The businessman Para. 4 During

43、the day I spend a lot of time on my mobile, and I send a lot of texts. In the evening and at weekends my friends call me on my mobile, so I dont use the house phone much. I work in an office so people can sometimes reach me on my landline, but these are people I dont necessarily know, because as soo

44、n as I know someone, I almost always give them my mobile number.,Translation,While-reading Activities,Back,Because he gives people he knows his mobile number, and his friends call him on his mobile in the evening and at weekends.,Why doesnt he use his landline very often?,Para. 5 The first night I w

45、as without my phone, I was meant to meet some friends at a club, but I was late and I couldnt call them to let them know. By the time I got there, theyd gone. Para. 6 At work people were calling me urgently on my mobile and ended up quite angry that I didnt call them back for three days, and anyway,

46、 by then it was too late.,Translation,While-reading Activities,Back,“There” refers to the club; “they” refer to his friends.,Wheres “there”? Who are “they”?,Para. 7 Without a mobile, everything is slowed down and a bit tedious. People dont make plans until the last minute because they can just call

47、each other, so I had practically no social life for the three days my mobile was switched off.,Translation,While-reading Activities,Back,What are the disadvantages of life without a mobile phone for the businessman? Say it in your own words!,His friends and colleagues cant contact him and he misses

48、social engagements.,Para. 8 But on the plus side, I was much less able to act on an impulse which I would later regret. Not having a phone created more time for me to think. So could I ever give up my mobile completely? Of course I could. Its just that I dont want to.,Translation,While-reading Activ

49、ities,Back,What are the advantages of life without a mobile phone for the businessman?,He has more time to think and he is less likely to act on impulse.,The schoolgirl Para. 9 When I agreed to give up my phone, I hadnt prepared myself. As it was over the holidays, and the computer wasnt working, I couldnt speak to my friends at all. I had to make arrangements for my social life on the landline at home. The other thing was that I had to arrive back on time because I couldnt call to say Id be late. And at the end of thre


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