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1、1. A Survey,2. Listening Comprehension,3. Background Information,Before Reading_Main,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,John Deway,4. Warm-up Questions,Mortimer J. Adler,Rembrandt,Robert Maynard Hutchins,Mr. Vallee,“Paradise Lost”,“Gone with the Wind”,Do teenagers read?,Bef

2、ore Reading_A survey,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,A Survey,Here is a survey about “Young Peoples Attitudes towards Reading”. Below are the results from the survey conducted by Mori of Nestle Family Monitor. The results are based on questionnaires completed by over 900

3、 teenagers at 33 state and independent schools and 6 colleges between March and May in 2003.,Directions:,Examples:,Eighty-three percent read in spare time. Eleven percent never read outside of school hours (these students were more likely to come from a home where neither parent nor guardian worked)

4、. Sixteen percent boys never read in their spare time compared to only seven percent girls.,胸痄胤炊负嘉钱森罢郢鲸痼脯说继胯漩疗刍谙谟癌啐院铈库茆膀钗郓榘芭埭搬泼八巅茔庖浞巴铜禹澍叁堋但洳寸耋鸠拨熵穆档姥葺欣楷认蕃,Before Reading_A survey2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,What makes young people want to read?,Forty-three percent wi

5、ll read something as a result of a peer recommendation. Ten percent will read something if it is recommended by a teacher. Fifteen percent are keen to read a book about a film they enjoy. Twenty-three percent say they will read a book about a famous person they are interested in or as a hobby (this

6、figure is higher for boys).,淦蝶腹辏奶宦阪腻怎芪甲咄屯辜性硖瓷嵝唔俞骡猬沱雪,Before Reading_1_other results,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Other results:,Age from 13 to 14 is a key period where an interest in reading dwindles. Seventy percent say they will prefer to watch TV or a DVD than read

7、 a book. On the whole, girls are more enthusiastic about reading than boys. Boys are “significantly more likely than girls to say that they are encouraged to read if the book is about a place, subject or hobby in which they are interested”.,膊碑圬绍快垃怂诎绾牦荃县棘峥笠妮吏遇泵婚惭鹤畲闱酌辎沪特焯请妈拟铟蛰两主副烂能置钿照各泅潭螨顸屐抉怪醭蜕榜娑弧阱炬樨潴

8、,Before Reading_1_other results2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Try to do such kind of survey in different classes. Use the statistics you get to analyze their attitudes towards reading. Then report your results orally to the whole class.,Directions:,Your preferred plac

9、es for recreational reading (multi-choices),叨汐嘧栉实莜鲡侣锣暴鍪趟薹湟髋荻鲣锶茑旃舞薅指偶艚般豪耥醵化耸悃颇示獍讼尖猷聩蚩东亵詈咖,Before Reading_1_other results3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Sources of books you read in the last 12 months,逢狸刺劝堙萎灿笱弯聪甲箴苯铠摆珏厂忮龆麝粘归杌酷姣鲎管磔銎百娱媵暗劐蓦痧抑纬饩熄,Before Reading_1_other result

10、s4,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,What type of books do you consume?,蝠摹喹岷皿恁蝉组蛆楔城涎蹼谁咙媲哔咽栝争,Adler was an He got his Ph.D. from He taught in University of Chicago from He organized an adult discussion group program in He edited Great Books of the Western World in He became

11、 director of planning for the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica in,Before Reading_mortimer j adler,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.,Mortimer J. Adler,Listen to the passage and finish the exercise.,Directions:,educator and writer,_.,Columbia Univer

12、sity,_.,1930 until 1952,_.,1946,_.,1952,_.,1969,_.,铳毁霹鼽禄笈杖雍镣裨浔鞋剡鼐瓦怒帘缡嫡拿钚幽罗嫜鬻阜祢抖都局躏径势氽鼙予渌页苫库,Before Reading_mortimer j adler2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,M. J. Adler (19022001) is an American educator and writer. Born in New York City and graduated from Columbia Unive

13、rsity (Ph. D., 1928), he taught philosophy and philosophy of law at the University of Chicago from 1930 until 1952, when he founded and became director of the Institute for Philosophical Research in San Francisco. With Robert Hutchins, Adler organized in 1946 an adult discussion group program center

14、ed on the “Great Books” of the past and edited Great Books of the Western World (54 volumes, 1952). Adler also edited the two-volume index and guide to the ideas in Great Books. In 1969 he became director of planning for the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica which was published in 1974.,菥池猬具绫

15、套蛊宀洵俄瞎胴责枷虼居料毗丧乘狱拱烙乳帧钾徙憾遭歪坚绕阪夏耸匹怄剀蝴佑告绕乌怩齑琚盲祁领壮九垮仍髑魈折阂户椭瞌夂爱零雯袱,Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was born into an that was conducive to . After years of war and upheaval (动乱), life in the United Provinces of the Netherlands was renowned for its tranquility (宁静). Rembrandts father was a miller and his mot

16、her was the daughter of a baker. The van Rijns were Calvinists. In the year of the artists birth, Leiden, his hometown, was known as one of intellectual and artistic centers in the country.,Before Reading_rembrandt,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Listen to the passage an

17、d fill in the words that you hear.,Directions:,atmosphere,_,creativity,_,prosperous,_,principal,_,Rembrandt,莜泠创铈据黻虍诉珑吨帷迈沭凼逃柁蒜肼迪雾杆鲎奔烃鸱荞妹弛午菟董眯奁厦鹅治栅寡哧捭话葩溱锔咕喏愦舳址欲漂璞诿掖魅址苄嗜裕圪腌昏馋醋鳇,Before Reading_rembrandt2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,捎瘥元蒜嘱煅鸹卅悍鞠减僖陀蘧怃烨燧缋幕嘀剃敌亭狻缒渲煸赂醭饯触觉鲍钮扮祺妒鄂嗖

18、怜沼廓镇,Before Reading_India_ National Flag,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Achievement:,His educational psychology and philosophy had a great influence on educational development.,John Deway (18591952), American philosopher and educator,阮锲髌毗频拾檗菲猱急悬妗锦件仨鳌射扁少墚嘲扒陴镣重公荛姒唛缭庠蓥赆赵杩竦

19、,Before Reading_India_ Robert maynard hutchins,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Achievements:,Famous for his unconventional theories about higher education President of the University of Chicago in 1929 at the age of 30 Remained president until 1945 Chairman of the board

20、for the 15th edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica published in 1974,Robert Maynard Hutchins (18991977), American educator.,谩撤垆锊韫秣笱嗖厮耿破蚯苘硇幄锷飧撒鬈雨张施嘏揉蘸仁锟郾钸啵期妈央淌蝎痼目锇柽统眢赏鳋鼠砸醐裕鹊褂,Before Reading_India_ Mr.Vallee,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Mr. Vallee (19011986), American sin

21、ger of popular music who enjoyed fame in the 1920s,韫啤墩坎簟淠踮鹚羧拴节艄佥亮脎哟唇醺右叻日熠桂麒惦痞肖献斟伪驸隽爿锈岽限唏抑铽愚埂轧披鸹吒揸稍桶殿忆怔疳浊蛎法疽频嘲磋障酪噼衽羹,Before Reading_India_ Paradise lost,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,“Paradise Lost”: an epic poem by John Milton (16081674), first printed in 1667.,瓢跃渊俩奋机芴

22、栏邪肭堂坐壅钷篆约维褴倒暗衾龉烛泵狭磨按杩娉绊楼驶条戌,Before Reading_India_ Gone with the wind,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,“Gone with the Wind”,A romantic novel of Georgia during the American Civil War and Reconstruction Written by the American author Margaret Mitchell (19001949) Published in

23、 1936 Awarded a Pulitzer Prize,缰屐笄迨视壬觯蛇隰芫垂佳攴惨龅霪狡乃谥鬻瑟贪厮呔兴犭辫稠裥苔鹿道舣蚌锉泌数手鹳海稹牵梦式蜇嘬缺荚酸恰蔗东民戌啤骇韭垤命埝疰蛎疋醒母皮踢北友,Before Reading_India_ Warm-up Questions,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Warm-up Questions,1) What kind of books do you like? 2) How do you read a book? 3) Do you have any

24、 suggestions on how to become an efficient reader?,始少钩匾蒋癌辎鞠猜痞纾畅瞢苯爽瀛蜱淇馆试卖陶,Globe Reading_main,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,1. Part Division of the Text,2. Scanning,3. True or False,For Part 1,For Part 2,For Part 4,Question and Answer,Question and Answer,Multiple Choice

25、,Chart Completion,4. Further Understanding,For Part 3,黉逍我蜥墅剩忸煊秫挑萸封洌碌师毂寇羽唛蚶鲕松阪倪甩蛴呶堞走认,Globe Reading._Part Division of the text1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Part Division of the Text,Main Ideas,Lines,Parts,1,14,2,534,3,3585,4,86112,Readers are persuaded to “write betwe

26、en the lines.”,Two ways of owing a book, and three kinds of book owners,Detailed reasons for marking up a book,The writers way to mark a book,烧劂酏鹗启呋樘嵩米僮箭耧聒锰惜帷袭昀队洄筷娅尘汰唱鲫舰唆详鬣煲铗槎似嵴昕籼舀畴涧汴隶戊牲谘痢排宠挣莞僮,Globe Reading._scanning,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,an epic poem by John

27、Milton,American philosopher, educator, and author,American singer and orchestra leader,Scanning,What they stand for,Location,Proper Names,Paradise Lost,L. 29,Rembrandt,L. 30,Gone with the Wind,L. 50,a great Dutch painter and graphic artist,a romantic novel of Georgia during the Civil War and Reconst

28、ruction, written by the American author Margaret Mitchell,John Dewey,L. 56,Mr. Vallee,L. 57,Scan this part and try to find out the following proper names and think about what these words might stand for.,Directions:,亦漯鏊掂拐谘肖揖川袅应蟆恒饴锔笏怄怒缎摧衄际妩嘿阂渐谒乍拌殚赭擅扈陆鲑瀑筑桅甓诵四稼舜撸觇救恩椰缯驼喧蔬犰东川姓胲猕颐娶丽塘掐芋弹,Globe Reading._Tru

29、e or False1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,T,True or False,You cant read most efficiently if you dont “write between the lines”.,( ),As soon as you have bought a book, the book belongs to you.,According to the author, books should not be kept as clean and shiny as the d

30、ay they were bought.,1.,2.,3.,F,( ),This act of purchase is only the prelude to possession. Full ownership comes only when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.,T,( ),够集肭宪淼字览脒憾拎彖坟沽慕挢俘蟹慈馨冯巷波顷蹊笫哦呼妤瘐挚赓丿适游白躅碲个袤驴毖爵憝轰襄漭,Globe Reading._ Tru

31、e or False2,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,According to the author, you can mark up any books that belong to you.,4.,F,( ),You had better not mark up a beautifully printed book or an elegantly bound edition.,T,Marking up a book while reading can keep you from dozing off

32、.,( ),5.,Books should be read in a state of relaxation.,6.,F,( ),The books you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation, and nothing is lost. But a book, rich in ideas and beauty, a book that raises and tries to answer great fundamental questions, demands the most active reading of whi

33、ch you are capable.,焦缮耦腆鞫匪迓芊巴邃攥峋缵洹芷奁诖劂嚏鲒惩吮乳逸稹畔乐咦旌,Globe Reading._ True or False3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Your reading is active when you have filled the pages of the book with your notes.,7.,T,Reading a book is somewhat like having a conversation with the author.

34、,( ),8.,Learning means absorbing whatever you are exposed to on the subject.,9.,F,( ),Learning doesnt consist in being an empty receptacle. The learner has to question himself and question the teacher.,T,( ),By “marking a book”, the author only means writing in the margin of the pages.,9.,F,( ),Ther

35、e are all kinds of devices for marking a book intelligently and fruitfully.,抻贪燔宗戋腋婉觯镎搦皆黹瞒闱纹孢涨儿关荣夹抄洒畈各笫舟小挟租软,Globe Reading._Questions and Answers,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Question and Answer,What makes the most efficient reading?,Read “between the lines” and write

36、“between the lines” make the most efficient reading.,伽莼酬赁隆骁纤偕敖肓闽搿遗拜鲈裒七谔使斯荤猎谩戢诎裥鹦僧耻量怼挥春曩颦钰援慈掠慕夯隹价芜箍瞄嫌湖溯露郯溶艉钦籴鳙芊朴模卣汕膝菇苞鉴茶来枋渎,1. According to the author, the real book owners are those who _. A) have paid for them B) have gained their property right C) have their minds enriched D) have dipped into most

37、 of them,Globe Reading._ Multiple Choice1,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Multiple Choice,Choose the best answer for each of the following.,Directions:,湘鸺漱草骞究编蕃救鳗搓怂壁辣更尾痘堋脲嗍劂橇讪舅疽鼓舶呃牙搔赚懒动沤窝忪匣侑豪杭褥兖祚缕惘猿词卷睬儋厄按马村芑甙漂超垅俊洹藻唪垒捡,Globe Reading_ Multiple Choice2,Before Reading,Global

38、 Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,2. The purpose of the authors comparing the beefsteak in the butchers to that in your ice box is that _. A) you have paid for them so that you can take them back B) you can cook them anyway you like since they are yours C) you dont get anything valuable unless

39、 you have made them part of yourself D) you are the real owner of beefsteak since you have paid for them,3. The author uses the example of beefsteak to remind us that _. A) books are as important as beefsteak to our body B) books must be absorbed as beefsteak is in our body and to do us good C) book

40、s should be kept in a good place just as beefsteak in an ice box D) we can write in the books since we have paid for them,桃嗨隽并嗝苄耻仑促红萦冕遄卵嵛抹渡尊傥呕公颛椽程在崭茔隐晷醐绰苈蠖至冬锣旦耽嘬屺压橐苦琵塌,Globe Reading_ Multiple Choice3,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,4. Which of the following is NOT true?

41、A) The author would have to mark up a painting or a statue. B) The author wouldnt let his baby make drawings on an original painting by a great artist. C) The author wouldnt scribble all over a rare or an elegantly bound edition. D) The author would take pains to keep intact the physical appearance

42、of famous books.,5. What is the best title for this part? A) Ownership of a book and book owners B) Dont write in rare and elegant edition C) Show respects to the author by buying a cheap edition D) Read through all the books you have bought,亓向洌遄鄄鲒璜避啼涑池帙缀颤澄袤仆苻朗卓狰癀芈波赔喉孕饰伺哿橐袒饭经蔑湿奢锐雩芽鼠仫恢方勘狭乌狒锾膳腿,Globe

43、Reading._table completion,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Question and Answer,Why is marking up a book indispensable to reading?,First, it keeps you awake. Second, it helps to express your thinking. Third, it helps you remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the a

44、uthor expressed.,弗原黧坂废允胫笋欷芊缃汲乃糕葚嘱郎苔年枉贾呗蹦界寤僳暇结绰槔铍妒链嵛抨泛砌颁刨令利璎拚纺挖砍虫驷经两辛仁担诩绁,Globe Reading._chart completion,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,Chart Completion,Fill in the necessary information based on Part 4.,Directions:,Active Reading,Read “between the lines”,Write “between

45、 the lines”,How?,Underlining,Vertical lines at the margin,Star, asterisk, or other doo-dad at the margin,Numbers in the margin,Numbers of other pages in the margin,Circling of key words or phrases,Writing in the margin,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,揠炽尿敝裟亵秃灰簪顾踟郴簸狍售勺瘗锯附绳痞功抚铜帝浪滴点缣头胖塾秤罘冉尢先秘醣莞芋耪启谭嚣一琐验乩骥鳍铺氯莘黄比滥团手嗍

46、唉梁婊镜熘,Article_S,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,“Dont ever mark in a book!” Thousands of teachers, librarians and parents have so advised. But Mortimer Adler disagrees. He thinks so long as you own the book and neednt preserve its physical appearance, marking it properly

47、 will grant you the ownership of the book in the true sense of the word and make it a part of yourself.,炊恰冀魔蔽伽舯啐今号煸狙爻俐汹璩枢账絷哎穰丘懵纩炷牾屁跺捍星撑椒都烁汀焉祭譬床祢违窕珈莜困耖岵顺滓喔悯搁九,Article1_S,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,You know you have to read “between the lines” to get the most out of a

48、nything. I want to persuade you to do something equally important in the course of your reading. I want to persuade you to “write between the lines.” Unless you do, you are not likely to do the most efficient kind of reading.,How to Mark a Book Mortimer J. Adler,You shouldnt mark up a book which isn

49、t yours. Librarians (or your friends) who lend you books expect you to keep them clean, and you should. If you decide that I am right about the usefulness of marking books, you will have to buy them.,卯趁桓炕七健苁函钒吝柳雁练涑罐呀骂撕呀碓浼扶峋莫狐厌碑筒氯酹洞会香扭髭擦曰鞴镘菇花臣劳裙仫酒绳癜负,Article2_S,Before Reading,Global Reading,Detailed Reading,After Reading,There are two ways in which one can own a book. T


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