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1、头部穴位与足部反射,头部穴位图,The general belief with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that the head is the focal point of the Yang. A comforting head massage can cause the ren and du meridians to align with qi-rich blood, providing a refreshing experience for the mind and a boost to the body. 。,中医认为“头为诸阳之会”

2、,坚持头部按摩,可使任督脉气血经络通畅,起到清脑提神、健身强体的效果。,align with 与 结盟 The best environment is one where the company values align with each candidates own. 当公司价值与每个应聘者自身的价值观相匹配,这样才是最好的环境,Head massage头部按摩,Head massages can also stimulate blood circulation, increase the blood supply to the brain and rouse the nervous sy

3、stem. Washing and combing your hair provides an excellent opportunity for a whole head massage.,After combing, use your fingers to rub your scalp in circular motions from the front to the back of your head and then from left to right. Repeat this process 3 t o 5 times. Then, begin lifting the scalp

4、gently using your thumb(拇指), middle finger and index (食指)finger. Continue this process over the entire scalp using soft, gentle pressing motions. If too much pressure is applied, you can end up with pains all over your head.,Acupuncture针灸,Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) says that good health is as

5、sociated with the balance of qi-an energy force that flows through the body. Qi can be hindered or helped by yin and yang(阴阳)- opposing forces that, when balanced, work harmoniously together. According to traditional theory, the goal of acupuncture is to promote the flow of qi by keeping yin and yan

6、g in balanceand this is done by inserting needles at various points along primary channels and meridians (脉络)that crisscross the body.,In China, acupuncture is used to alleviate postoperative pain. (术后痛感)Medical experts believe that inserting needles into the body at precise(精确的) points can stimulat

7、e nerves that cause the brain to release its natural pain-killing chemicals.,There is sufficient evidence in literature that shows a positive effect between the technique of acupuncture itselfstimulating these acupuncture points(穴位) in the skinand the release of substances in the brain which we know

8、 to be associated with the relief of pain.,Map of Foot Reflective Zones,足部反射图,what is Reflective zones. ?,background 背景,Metabolism allows humans to rid their bodies of waste and toxins. The lymphoid system, intestines, and skins are all essential to detoxifying the organs of the body. Observing or f

9、eeling failures or weaknesses in these organs is difficult, if not impossible without special equipment. 人们的身体籍由新陈代谢的作用,达到排除体内废物和毒素的目的,包括五藏六腑、淋巴系统、大小肠和皮肤组织都是排毒的重要器官。如果说这些器官功能失常或减弱,平常是看不出,感觉不到的。,rid of .,基本意思:除去 引申短语:be rid of v.摆脱 get rid of 1.摆脱;解脱;除去 2.把干掉, 弄死,处理掉 rid oneself of v.摆脱 rid up 除去,扫除,

10、收拾干净 rid someone of 使某人摆脱,Concept 概念,But due to the special structure of human body, every organ has nerves that stretch and connect to the feet, with the nerve ends gathered to form the reflective zones. 由于人体的特殊构造,所有器官都有神经 延接至足部,其末梢神经区块,就是所谓 的反射区。,miniatures of,短语 miniatures of you转变的你 Miniatures o

11、f real objects实物的微缩模型 例句 As the miniatures of the central government, local governments play a vital part in social development. 地方政府是政府的缩影,在社会发展中起着同样至关重要的作用。,Definitions 释义(一),Proven by clinical experiments, the two feet are actually miniatures of the three dimensional (3D) distribution of the orga

12、ns and tissues. When the organs and glands are notworking in order, crystal deposits will appear in the corresponding reflective zones and form pain points.The sensation may differ at various points. Some points will feel like sand, some like granite, while others will feel swollen. 临床实验证明,人的双脚合并正是人

13、体器官组织立体分布的缩影。当体内器官或腺体异常时,其足部反射区就会有结晶沉积而成为(痛点),每个痛点触觉反应不同,有些像沙子,有些呈颗粒,有些只有肿胀的感觉。,Definitions 释义(二),Proper stimulation in the corresponding reflective zones will help to hasten discharging waste and toxins that surround particular tissues and result in a curative effect. This is what the modern medicine called Tertiary Medicine: physiotherapies that stimulate the regenerating ability of cells and therefore allow the organs and tissue to recover and function properly. 适当刺激各反射区,自然也会加快排除沉积在组织周围的毒素和废物,因而达到疗效. 这就是现代医学所称的第三医学:利用刺激细胞组织的 再生能力,让器官自我恢复并保持正常功能的理疗法。,thanks!,


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