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1、Cover,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE,Practical College English Course (IV),上海交通大学出版社,美心英语,实用英语,Contents,美心英语,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),Unit Three,Focus 1 Language Skills,Focus 2 Language Use,Focus 3 Translation Skills,上海交通大学出版社,F1 Contents,美心英语,Focus 1 Language Skills Section 1: Text: The Marry Month of May Backgr

2、ound Information Warm Up Vocabulary Intensive Reading Exercises: I , II, III, IV, V, VI, VII Section 2: Listening and Speaking,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),Unit 3,上海交通大学出版社,Background information Focus1 Section 1,Focus 1 Section I,美心英语,Background Information,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),上海交通大学出版社,Warm up Focus1

3、 Section 1,美心英语,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),Why is May the marry month? What crazy things did you do in the month of May?,Warm Up,上海交通大学出版社,Vocabulary Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,Vocabulary,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),上海交通大学出版社,Vacabulary,Stray: a. 1)lost from home ; having no ho

4、me He often feeds stray dogs and cats 2)seperated from other things or people of the same kind. A civilian was killed by a stray bullet. A few stray hairs,Stray: v 1) to move away from the place where you should be, without intending to Her parents fear that, living in the neighbourhood, she might s

5、tray into the wrong company. 2)to begin think about or discuss a different subject from the one you should be thinking about or discussing. My mind kept straying back to our last talk together.,Sag: v 1) to hang or bend down in the middle, espcially of weight or pressure The tent began to sag under

6、the weight of the rain. 2) to become weaken or fewer Their share of the vote sagged badly at the last election.,Sniff Sniff around/round: try to find out information about sb/sth We dont want journalists sniffing around Sniff around/round sb: to try to get sb as a lover,employee Hollywood agents hav

7、e been sniffing around those who have the potential to become a super star.,Sniff at sth: to show no interest in or respect for sth He sniffed at my efforts at writing. Sniff sb/sth out: to discover or find sb/sth by using your sense of smell or looking The dogs are trained to sniff out drugs. Journ

8、alists are good at sniffing out a scandal.,Plump A plump body/face/figure Plump tomatoes/cushions Verb. Plump sth(up) to make sth larger, softer and rounder He learned forward while the nurse plumped up his pillows,Draft: v 1) to write the first rough version of sth such as a letter To draft a contr

9、act/ bill 2) to choose people and send them somewhere for a special task Extra police are being drafted in to control the crowds.,Bow 1) to move your head forwards and downwards She bowed her head in shame. They stood in silence with their heads bowed. 2) to bend or make sth bend The pines bowed in

10、the wind.,Bow out ( of sth): to stop taking part in an activity, esp. one in which you have been successful in the past. She has finally decided its time to bow out of international tennis. Bow to sth: to agree unwillingly to do sth because other people want you to They finally bowed to the pressure

11、 from the public.,Sour Go/turn sour: to stop being pleasant or satisfactory Their relationship soon went sour. Sour grapes: used to show that you think sb is jealous and is pretending that sth is not important He said that he didnt want the job anyway, but thats just sour grapes.,Take it into ones h

12、ead: it occurs to someone that She took it into her head to go and see her aunt, whom she had not visited for many years. He took it into his head that he even couldnt approve his identity to the policeman.,Chase after: to run, drive,etc. after sb/sth. In order to catch him. The kids chased after ea

13、ch other in the garden.,In the air: felt by a number of people to exist or to be happening There is romance in the air There are rumors in the air that the war will be at end.,I(Tom/Susan),take thee(Tom/Susan) to my wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse

14、, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us apart, according to Gods holy ordiance; and thereto I plight thee my troth. 我以上帝的名义,郑重发誓:接受你成为我的妻子,从今日起,不论祸福、富贵、贫穷、疾病还是健康,都爱你,珍视你,直至死亡将我们分开。,.,Thats funny-he was here a moment ago and now hes gone. strange If

15、there has been any funny business, well soon find out. Suspicious/illegal Dont you get funny with me. Without respect I feel a bit funny today. Ill/sick,I will never forget the day when I joined the army. I will never forget the day on which I joined the army. We have no idea when she was born.,Take

16、 it into ones head: it occurs to someone that 1) she took it into her head to go and see Jane, whom she had not visited for many years. 2)They took it into their heads to exchange their houses for a month.,Run off with sb: to leave home,ones husband, wife. etc, in order to have a relationship with a

17、nther person. 1) She ran off with her boss. 2) Running with a kind man was her best choice when being forced to marry an old local tyrant.,Chase after: to run.drive.etc, after sb./sth.in order to catch them. 1) my dog liks to chase after rabbits. 2) The kids chased after each other in the garden.,Al

18、l smiles:looking very happy, esp. soon after you have been looking worried or sad. 1) Twenty-four hours later he was all similes again. 2) knowing that his disease was falsely diagosed as cancer, he was all smiles. Im all ears,In the air: felt by a number of people to exist or to be happening 1) The

19、re is romantic in the air. 2)There are rumors in the air that the war will be at end. 3) What changes they will make nobody know, but there is something in the air.,Be getting on: ( informal)(of a person) to be becoming old. 1) We are both getting on now. 2) Through my father is getting on, he still

20、 works hard.,This house would be lonesome without you I couldnt finish the job without you. But for the storm, we should have caught the train.,Sweep into: move quickly and confidently, esp. because you are impatient or like to seem important. e.g. Eva swept into the meeting room and demanded to kno

21、w what was going on.,Asas 1) One is as light as the other is heavy. 2)She was happy as she was sad.,Do sb.(no) good - to have a useful effect; to help sb E.g. Having a financial awareness will do you good in the current society. Investing so much money into the project will do you no good.,Language

22、Points,Have a heart of stone - to be a person who does not show others sympathy or pity E.g. He has a heart of stone. He punished the maid who had made a mistake by torture。 作为中国历史上唯一女皇,她亲手杀了自己的孩子。真是铁石心肠。 She, the only empress in the history of China, killed her own baby. She has a heart of stone. .

23、,Language Points,To death - extremely; very much; to the utmost E.g. Im worried to death when I heard you had a car accident. .百无聊赖的我孑然一人静静地坐在河边公园的长椅上,目光呆滞地望着渐渐西沉的夕阳,不言不语,满脸惆怅。 Bored to death, I sat on the bench along the riverside in the park in silence all by myself, with my eyes fixed on the fadi

24、ng sun, wearing an anxious expression.,Language Points,So much for sth - used to say that a particular action,idea, statement, etc, was not useful or did not produce the result that was hoped for 到此为止,仅仅这些 E.g. So much for your advice, I still want to have a try. 既然开始下雨了, 我去散步的念头只好作罢。 Now its starte

25、d raining; so much for my idea of taking a walk.,Language Points,Wrapup - put warm clothes on E.g. Its snowing today. Youd better wrap yourself up - complete a job or an agreement in a satisfactory way. 圆满完成,圆满结束(工作、协议等) E.g.NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today. 北约各国国防部长今天圆

26、满结束了在布鲁塞尔的会议。,Language Points,To the bone - affecting you very strongly. E.g. Thats an expensive piece of equipment, dude. And the rest of us have had our budgets cut to the bone. 老兄,那玩意儿可不便宜。 而我们的预算经费被剥削了。,Language Points,Pile up - to put things one on top of another; to form a pile; - amass; get t

27、ogether E.g. He piled the books up on the desk. Problems were piling up at work.,Language Points,Shut off - to stop the supply or flow of, e.g. gas, steam. Water, etc; cut off - avoid seeing other people, usually because you are feeling depressed. 避免见人 E.g. Shut off the gas and electricity when you

28、leave! Billy tends to keep things to himself more and shut himself off. 比利更加倾向于把事情藏在心里,不与他人来往。,Language Points,Bring to life - bring sth back to life; make sth more interesting E.g. Flowers can bring a dull room back to life. A great actor can bring a character to life.,Language Points,take it into

29、ones head: 突发奇想,心血来潮 e.g. (1) She took it into her head to go and see her aunt, whom she had not visited for many years. (2) He took it into his head that he even couldnt approve his identity to the policeman.,chase after: 追赶,追逐 e.g. (1) My dog likes to chase after rabbits. (2) The kids chased after

30、 each other in the garden.,stray: a. 流浪的,无主的,走失的 e.g. (1) He often feeds stray dogs and cats. (2) Statistics show that the number of stray dogs in Taipei has decreased from 30,000 to 18,000 this year.,五月是个结婚月 五月让我们大家都做一些荒唐可笑的事情。就是在这个月里,银行行长和清洁女工闪电结婚。在这个月里,富有的寡妇会突然决定和一个工人私奔。在这个月里一只演艺狗在镇上追求一只丑陋的流浪狗。五月

31、是个结婚月!,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,1 The month of May does funny things to us all. It is the month when the bank president suddenly marries the cleaning woman. It is the month when the rich widow takes it into her head to run off with a worker. It is the month when a show dog chase

32、s after the ugliest stray dog in town. It is the Marry Month of May!,The Marry Month of May,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),widow: n. C 寡妇 e.g. (1) She gets a widows pension. (2) She became a widow when she was 38.,run off with sb.: 与某人私奔 e.g. (1) She ran off with her boss. (2) She isnt goi

33、ng to run off with Tom.,上海交通大学出版社,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),(1) When did the story take place?,The story took place in May.,Question about Para. 1,上海交通大学出版社,它进入到我们每个人的骨子里,对年青人和年长者都一样。它也进到了老人库尔森的骨子里。库尔森松懒地坐在敞着的窗边的椅子里,闻着窗口花坛里的花香。他愉快地思念着他那身材丰

34、满、面色红润的女管家威达普太太。但他那只患有痛风病的脚疼得厉害,到了该吃药的时候了。他按铃叫男管家希金斯,但是,闻声进来的不是希金斯而是威达普太太。他喜欢看见她,她总是面带微笑。,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,2 It enters the bones of us all, young and old alike. It was in the bones of old man Coulson, sagging in a chair by the open window, sniffing the scent of flowers i

35、n the window box. He was dreaming pleasantly about his plump, rosy housekeeper Mrs. Widdup. But his gouty foot hurt. It was time for his medicine. He rang for the butler, Higgins. But it wasnt Higgins who came. It was Mrs. Widdup. He enjoyed the sight of her. She was all smiles.,Focus 1 Section I,EN

36、JOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),sniff: vt. 嗅,闻;抽鼻子 e.g. (1) He sniffed the perfume she wore. (2) He sat in the garden, sniffing the fresh morning air.,scent: n. U, C 香味;气味 e.g. (1) The scent of lemons filled the garden. (2) These flowers have no scent.,plump: a. 丰腴的,微胖的 e.g. (1) A short plump woman came waddli

37、ng along the street. (2) She is a small, plump woman, aging now but with a shiny, warm face.,all smiles: 满脸笑容 e.g. (1) Twenty-four hours later he was all smiles again. (2) Knowing that his disease was falsely diagnosed as cancer, he was all smiles.,上海交通大学出版社,“希金斯出去了,先生,他出去寄信了。” “他出去了?”库尔森先生问,“唉,我没有人

38、侍候,如果我由于无人照管而死在这椅子里也不会有人在乎!”,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,3 “Higgins is out, sir. Hes gone to mail a letter.” 4 “Out, is he?” cried Mr. Coulson. “Hah! Theres no one in this house. Who cares if I die here in this chair for lack of attention!”,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),

39、上海交通大学出版社,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),(2) What disease did Mr. Coulson suffer from?,Mr. Coulson suffered from gout.,Questions about Paras. 2-4,(3) Why did Mrs. Widdup come to serve the old man?,Because the butler had gone out to mail a lette

40、r.,(4) What did the old man mean by complaining that no one cared for him even if he should die?,He meant that he needed Mrs. Widdups care and love.,上海交通大学出版社,“哦,不是那样的,先生。”威达普太太脸上泛起了一层深色的红晕,“是有人在乎的,您却不知道。先生有什么吩咐?” “如果你愿意,把我的药拿过来。药瓶在桌上。一杯水里只要滴三滴就可以了,谢谢你,威达普太太。” “春天,年轻人的幻想,渴望或者说浪漫的幻想我的意思是一个老人的我的意思是任何男

41、人的幻想都能轻易地变成爱的遐想。”,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,5 “Oh, thats not true, sir.” Mrs. Widdup blushed a deep pink. “There are those who care more than you know. What may I do for you, sir?” 6 “My medicine, if you please. The bottle is on the table. Just three drops, in a glass of water. T

42、hank you, Mrs. Widdup.” “In the spring, a young mans fancy, desire, or romantic imaginationI mean an oldI mean any mans fancylightly turns into thoughts of love.”,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),blush: vt./vi.(因尴尬或害羞)脸红,羞愧 e.g. (1) She blushed with embarrassment at the memory of the convers

43、ation. (2) I blushed at his rudeness. blush 还可以作名词,意为“(因难堪、羞愧)面部泛起的红晕”。 e.g. He walked away to hide his blushes.,romantic: a. 浪漫的,多情的;不切实际的,空想的;有浪漫色彩的,传奇性的 e.g. (1) The hotel is promoting their romantic candlelit dinner. (2) She has a romantic view of American life. (3) Keats is one of the greatest

44、Romantic poets. (4) She insisted that she didnt have a romantic relationship with her teacher.,上海交通大学出版社,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),(5) How did Mrs. Widdup respond to Mr. Coulsons complaint?,Mrs. Widdup blushed a deep pink, saying, “Oh, tha

45、ts not true, sir. There are those who care more than you know.”,Question about Para. 5,上海交通大学出版社,“难道那不是真的吗?”威达普太太叹了口气,“看来好像每个人都有这样的想法。先生,我还能为您做什么?” “也许你能,”库尔森先生突然变得害羞起来,说:“也许你不能。你能否相信,威达普太太,一个老人会感到” “哦,先生,您没有老,只是,嗯,上了一点年纪。” “好吧,那就算只是上了点年纪。”库尔森先生说道,“谢谢你,威达普太太。你会相信只要看见你,这颗年老的心这颗稍稍上了年纪的心就会跳动加速吗?”,Inten

46、sive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,7 “Isnt that the truth,” sighed Mrs. Widdup. “Seems like its in the air. Is there something more I might do for you, sir?” 8 “You might,” said Mr. Coulson, looking suddenly shy, “or you might not. Could you believe, Mrs. Widdup, that an old man could feel” 9

47、“Oh, not an old man, sir. Justurngetting on a bit.” 10 “Just getting on a bit, then,” said Mr. Coulson. “Thank you, Mrs. Widdup. Could you believe that this old heartthis heart thats getting on a bitbeats faster at the very sight of you?”,Focus 1 Section I,ENJOYING CAMBRIDGE(IV),in the air: 可感觉到的,在传

48、播中的,流行的 e.g. (1) There is romance in the air. (2) What changes they will make nobody knows, but there is something in the air. (3) There are rumors in the air that the war will be at end.,be getting on: 变老,上了年纪 e.g. (1) We are both getting on now. (2) Though my father is getting on, he still works h

49、ard.,上海交通大学出版社,“哦,库尔森先生!”威达普太太的脸又红了。这次她的脸颊像春天的花朵一样粉红。“先生,您真是太好了。” “没有你,这房子变得冷冷清清。”库尔森先生说,“这是一幢精致的房子,一幢大房子。毕竟我是个百万富翁。这一切,亲爱的,有一天都将属于你如果”,Intensive Reading-Para1 Focus1 Section 1,美心英语,11 “Oh, Mr. Coulson!” Mrs. Widdup blushed again. This time her cheeks were as pink as the spring flowers. “Youre too kind, sir.” 12 “This house would be lonesome without you,” said Mr. Coulson. “It is a


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