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1、Welcome To our class!,Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section A (1a-1c),Made by Crystal,Crystals store,hats,a jacket,a sweater,a shirt,a T- shirt,a skirt,a blouse,pants,shorts,socks,shoes,bags,a shirt,a blouse,1.socks_ 2.T-shirt_ 3.shorts_ 4.sweater_ 5.bag_ 6.hat_ 7.pants_ 8.shoes_ 9. skirt _,b,g,a

2、,d,c,f,e,h,i,Crystals store,What do we use to buy things?,Money,dollar 美元,pound英镑,RMB人民币,$,=dollar 美元,=pound英镑,=yuan元,Do you know ?,$ 10=ten dollars, 10=ten pounds, 10=ten yuan,$ 1=one dollar, 1=one pound, 1=one yuan,Listen and circle the things you hear.,1b,A: How much is the hat? B: The hat is six

3、 dollars. A: And how much are the shorts? B: Oh, they are eight dollars. A: And the sweater? How much is the sweater? B: Lets see. The sweater is nine dollars.,$ 10,$ 8,$ 4,$ 9,$ 5,$ 3,$ 8,$7,How much is this ? Its dollar(s).,Practice,How much are these ? Theyre dollar(s).,$10,$9,$8,$2,$7,Practice,-

4、How much is this bag? -Its $8. (its = it is; $ = dollar),$8,$9,-How much are these shoes? -Theyre $9. (theyre = they are),$9,$8,those,that,bag,hat,T-shirt,pants,shoes,shorts,sweater,socks,-How much is/are this / that / these / those ? -Its / Theyre $.,$8,$3,$5,$8,$9,$6,$7,$2,Ask and answer:,总结一下,How

5、 much is this/that + n单? Its .,2. How much are these/those + n复 ? Theyre .,Save money Save time Thanks for your attention!,Homework,1.作业本第一课时。 2.回家询问父母衣服鞋子的价格。 3.选做:写下你与父母的对话。 4.记忆41页词汇。,Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section A (2a-2c),Made by Crystal,colors,purple,yellow,brown,blue,green,orange,b

6、lack,red,pink,white,A red sweater,Yellow shorts,A black hat,A green T-shirt,A pink bag,Red socks,A blue hat,big,small,long,short,Antonym 反义词,a,skirt,a,skirt,a,skirt,a,skirt,Listen and circle the tings you hear.,2a/b,$5,$10,$9,$8,$2,$2,1. How much is the green T-shirt? It is eight dollars.,2. How muc

7、h is the black bag? It is two dollars.,3. How much are the red shorts? Theyre nine dollars.,4. I like this green sweater. How much is it? It is ten dollars.,5. I like big blue hats. Do you have one? Yes, I have this one here. How much is it? Its five dollars.,6. I like those long blue, yellow socks.

8、 How much are they? Theyre only two dollars.,Can you do the exercises?,How much is your _?(衬衫) How much are these_?(短裤) Do you like that _ ?(毛衣) _ _ (多少钱)are this hamburger and the French fries ? This watch is very nice. It is _ (50美元). How much _ (be) his shoes? How much _ (be) the red socks?,shirt

9、,shorts,sweater,How much,are,are,50 dollars,A: What are these? B: Theyre shoes. A: What color are these shoes? B: Theyre brown, theyre brown shoes,a shirt a green shirt,shoes brown shoes,A: Whats this? B: Its a shirt. A: What color is this shirt? B: Its green, its a green shirt.,pants blue pants,a p

10、air of,socks red socks,shorts white shorts,a bag a small pink bag,a hat a big black hat,a sweater a long, blue and purple sweater,a T-shirt a short purple T-shirt,$5,$=dollar,A: How much is this short purple T-shirt? B: Its 5 dollars.,$5,A: How much are these red socks? B: Theyre 3 dollars.,A: How m

11、uch is this purple T-shirt? B: Its 5 dollars.,$2,$8,$9,$10,$5,$2,Pairwork,How much? Its / Theyre.,Homework,1.作业本第2课时。 2.背Grammar Focus。 3.记忆41,42页词汇。,Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section A (3a-4),Made by Crystal,Brainstorming,Tell me the names of clothes you wear and you know.,Fill in the blanks

12、 in the conversation.,3a,sweater,color,How much,Thanks/Thank you,将下列句子按正确的对话顺序排列 What color do you like? Ill take it. Thank you very much. The yellow one. Here you are I want a sweater. Can I help you? How much is it? Thirty dollars. Youre welcome.,小测试,Key: F E A C D G H B I,A: _ B: Yes, please. I _

13、 a hat. A: _ B: Black. A: _ B: _ A: 5 dollars. B: Ill take it. Thanks. A: _,Can I help you?,want,What color do you want?,How much is it?,Youre welcome.,Fill in the blanks.,Here you are.,Can I help you?,Yes, please,No, thanks.,提供帮助的表达法:,Can I help you? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can d

14、o for you?,回答是直接说要买什么东西:,I want a sweater.,I want to buy a sweater.,决定买时说:,Ill take / buy / get / it.,Ill =,I will,1. Here you are. = =,2. Thanks a lot. =,3. You are welcome. = = = =,4. How much is it? =,Thats all right.,Thats OK.,Not at all.,Its my pleasure.,Whats the price of it?,Here it is.,It is

15、 here.,Thank you very much.,3b,Practice the conversation above. Then talk about these things.,A: _ B: Yes, please. I _ _ _. A: _ B: _. A: _ B: _ _ _ A: _. B: Ill take_. Thanks. A: _,Can I help you?,want,What color do you want?,How much ?,Youre welcome.,Pairwork .,Here you are.,Who is memory king?,Ex

16、ample: The blue sweater is seven dollars.,Homework,Workbook : period 3 Memorize the vocabulary on page 41-43. Recite 3a.,Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section B (1a-2c),Made by Crystal,Can you count these numbers in English?,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

17、27 28 29 13 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 14 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 15 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 16 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 17 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 18 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 19 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101,one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ele

18、ven twelve,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety,twenty-one twenty-nine thirty-one thirty-nine forty-one forty-nine fifty-one fifty-nine sixty-one sixty-nine seventy-one seventy-nine eighty-one eighty-nine ninety-one ninet

19、y-nine,one hundred one hundred and one,Learn these numbers and find out the rules:,基数词的记忆方法:,1. 1 - 12: (记住每个单词),2. 13 - 19: -teen (thir-; fif-; eigh-),3. 20 - 90: -ty (twen-; thir-; for-; fif-; eigh-),4. 21 - 99:,5. 100 - 900:,6. 101 - 999:,_ hundred and,_,_,个位,十位,_,个位,数字小结:,two - twelve - twenty,t

20、hree - thirteen - thirty,four - fourteen - forty,five - fifteen - fifty,six - sixteen - sixty,seven - seventeen - seventy,eight - eighteen - eighty,nine - nineteen - ninety,one - ten - one hundred,Can you count these numbers in English?,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 20 21 22 23

21、24 25 26 27 28 29 13 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 14 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 15 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 16 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 17 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 18 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 19 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2

22、5 26 27 28 29 30 31,Listen and repeat,1a,The 2nd and 4th row,2b,Oh, look! I like that blue sweater. How much is it? Fifteen dollars. Oh, look! I like the socks. Oh, no. I dont like red. Do you like this? Mmm, yes, I do. But its eleven dollars. Oh, how much is the green sweater? Its twenty dollars. B

23、ut you have a green sweater. Mmm, oh, look at these shorts. Oh, yes, I like those. How much are they? Only sixteen dollars. Ok, Ill take those.,Homework,Workbook : period 4 Memorize the vocabulary on page 41-44. Recite numbers 1-31.,Unit 7 How much are these pants? Section B (3a-4),Made by Crystal,P

24、lay a guessing game !,$70-90,$86,Is it ?,$45-60,$58,Are they ?,$40-70,$56,Are they?,$70-90,$88,Is it ?,How much is this/that + n单? Its .,2. How much are these/those + n复 ? Theyre .,12,¥120,15,¥50,18,¥113,30,11,¥29,On Sale!,Fill in the blanks according the passage:,sweaters,25,bags,12,for sports,T-sh

25、irts,red, green, white,18,for girls,socks, 5,for boys,Answer the questions:,What does the shop sell? How much are the sweater? How much are the bags for sports? How much are the T-shirts for girls? How much are the socks for boys? What colors are the T-shirts for girls?,It sells sweaters, bags, T-sh

26、irts and socks.,They are 25 .,They are 12 .,They are 18 .,They are 5.,They are in red, green and white.,Come and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price - only 25! Do you need bags for sports? We have great bags for only 12! For girls, we

27、have T-shirts in red, green and white for only 18! For boys, you can buy socks for only 5 each! Anybody can afford our prices! Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store !,Huaxing Clothes Store SALE!,1 at Huaxings great sale 2 come and buy = come to buy 3 at a very good price 4 need bags for

28、 sports 5 for only 12,华兴大特价 来买 很实惠的价格 需要运动包 只要12元,6 for girls 7 T-shirts in red 8 for boys 9 afford 10 come and see for yourself 11 at Huaxing Clothes Store,对女孩子来说 红色的T恤衫 对男孩子来说 负担得起,买得起 自己来看 在华兴服装店,Come and buy your clothes at Huaxings great sale! Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very go

29、od price - only 25! Do you need bags for sports? We have great bags for only 12! For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green and white for only 18! For boys, you can buy socks for only 5 each! Anybody can afford our prices! Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store !,Huaxing Clothes Store SAL

30、E!,Zig Zags Clothes Store,Hi, boys and girls. Have a look at Zig Zags Clothes Store. We have black and blue hats for $ 15. The blue sweater is $ 31 and the red sweater is $ 30. The yellow shorts are also $ 30 and the green shorts are also $ 30 and the green shorts are on sale for $ 25! How much are

31、the shoes? Sorry . Those are my shoes! I need those!,Zig Zags Clothes Store,hats,black , blue,$15,sweater,blue,$31,sweater,red,$30,shorts,yellow, green,$30,shorts on sale,green,$25,What does Zig Zags Clothes Store sell? How much are the hats? What color are the hats? How much is the blue sweater? Ho

32、w much is the red sweater? How much are the yellow shorts? How much are the green shorts on sale?,It sells hats, sweaters and shorts.,They are $15 .,They are black and blue.,It is $31.,It is $30.,They are $30 .,They are $25 .,Homework,Workbook : period 5 Memorize the vocabulary of unit 7. Recite 3a on page 45.,


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