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1、1. 2. 3. 4.,Do you think it is necessary to learn another language besides your mother tongue? How long have you been learning English? Do you think English is very difficult to learn? If possible, what other foreign languages do you want to learn? Why? Speaking from your own experience, what effect

2、ive ways would you like to suggest to help others learn English?,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Directions: Read the following ad. What do you think of it? Do you believe that one can learn to speak English in only 30 days?,Background Informa

3、tion,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,For Your Ears Only Learn like a spy! Smith courses help people who need to learn another language quickly. Our courses spent 40 years developing and are now used by the business professionals everywhere. Start speaking English in

4、 30 days or receive a full and courteous refund. You have nothing to loose! You really can learn everything you need to speak English fluently in only 15 hours! Numerous studies have revealed that in every country, native speakers use only about 2,500 distinct words and phrases on a daily basis. Dr.

5、 Smith spent his lifetime studying these language building blocks. With the Smith approach, its not how many words you know, but rather, which words you can use. By aiming each lesson at teaching you to use those 2,500 words, the Smith approach teaches you to speak the most English in the least amou

6、nt of time.,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,You learned your first language in between 10,000 and 30,000 hours but you were unconscious much of the time. With the Smith approach, you can now learn each of your next languages in only 15 hours.

7、Maybe youve already tried to learn a language but realized it was all in vain. Dont give up. Its time to change your approach! In only thirty days, youll learn to speak English or well refund your money. You dont have anything to lose . You can start to speak English now!,Directions: George Pickerin

8、g is an educational coach, consultant and trainer. He gives advice to students all around the world about English learning on the BBC Learning English website which offers online English teaching. Here is a question from Hisham in Egypt: Please, I want to improve my English. How can I do it?,Listen

9、to the answer. What is the advice that Mr. Pickering gives to Hisham? Jot down his points as many as possible.,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Well Hisham, its hard to give specific advice without knowing more about you, so Im going to give yo

10、u some general advice which will may be of interest to other listeners and readers. Point 1 Be clear about why you want to learn English. Do you want it for your job, to help you get a job, to talk to English speakers, to help you study? Point 2 Be clear about how good you want your English to be. H

11、ow good do you want to be at speaking English, listening, reading, writing? Point 3 Have a clear image of yourself when you have achieved the proficiency that you want. What will you see, what will you hear, how will you feel? Point 4 If possible, enroll on a language course. If you cant, put yourse

12、lf in situations where you can use English which leads on to . Point 5 Look for opportunities to learn and use English. Speak English whenever you can. Listen to the radio and CDs in English, read and write in English. If you look for opportunities, you will find them.,Background Information,Warm-up

13、 Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Point 6 Write down new words and phrases in a notebook. Keep the notebook with you so you can look at it when you have a spare moment. Point 7 Practise, practise, practise. Theres an expression in English. “If you dont want to lose it, use i

14、t.” This is very true when it comes to learning foreign languages. Theres a story about a teacher who told his students, “You know youre making progress in English when you speak in English, think in English, and dream in English.” One day a student came into the class very excited and said, “Teache

15、r, Teacher, last night I dreamt in English.” The teacher said, “Thats wonderful. What did you dream about?” And the student said, “I dont know, it was in English.” Hisham, may you achieve your dream of learning English.,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think a

16、nd Speak,1. Imagine you are talking with a beginner in English. Give him some tips on the best ways to learn English fast.,To learn English well, youd better .,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,2. Read the advice on how to learn English. Check i

17、f they are similar to what you have written down.,Tips for Beginners 1 Listen to the radio 2 Watch English TV programmes 3 Talk to yourself in English 4 Record your own voice 5 Read something every day 6 Record vocabulary in a personal dictionary 7 Always have an English-English dictionary nearby 8

18、Read at the appropriate level 9 Keep a diary/journal 10 Listen to automated answering machine recordings,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,3. Match the details below with the Tips for Beginners.,You can find these numbers in telephone books in m

19、any English-speaking countries. Before you dial, make sure that you are calling the free numbers. You want to learn new vocabulary, but you also want to understand what you are reading. If you are looking up every word, the reading is too difficult. It is a bad habit to always rely on a translation

20、dictionary or electronic dictionary. Talk about anything and everything. Do it in the privacy of your own home. If you cant do this at first, try reading out loud until you feel comfortable hearing your own voice in English. Dont always have a pen in hand. Sometimes it helps to just listen. This mig

21、ht feel very uncomfortable, but it will help you find your weak points in pronunciation. Listen to yourself a few days later. Which sounds do you have difficulty hearing?,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,a) b) c) d) e),f ),1e, 2h, 3d, 4f, 5g, 6

22、i, 7c, 8b, 9j, 10a,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Childrens books, simplified readers, newspapers, magazines, Internet sites, novels, and much much more . Childrens programming is very useful for ESL learners. Remember that much of what you h

23、ear on TV is slang. Keep this separate from other notebooks. Write sample sentences for yourself and review your personal dictionary every night before bed. Dont always pay attention to grammar. Free-writing can be very useful. It can show you that writing is fun. Have fun with the language.,g) h) i

24、) j),1. Life of William Shakespeare,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,William Shakespeare (15641616) is considered the greatest playwright who ever lived. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. While the actual date of his birth is not known, it is traditionally

25、 celebrated on April 23rd. Shakespeare left Stratford sometime between 1585 and 1592, and joined a company of actors as a performer and playwright. In 1594,.,Background Information,Shakespeare became an actor and playwright for a theater troupe (剧团). Until the end of his London career Shakespeare re

26、mained with the company; as an actor he played old mens roles, such as the ghost in Hamlet and Old Adam in As You Like It. In 1599 he became a partner in the ownership of the Globe Theatre, and in 1608 he was part owner of the Blackfriars,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and S

27、peak,Theatre. Shakespeare retired and returned to Stratford. He undoubtedly enjoyed a comfortable living throughout his career and in retirement, although he was never a wealthy man.,Background Information,Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare.

28、Stratford is an attractive market town in mid-England. And in summer the town is literally festooned (用花彩装饰) with flowers. Stratford is situated on the river Avon. And the famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre lies on its banks. The river is home to many swans and increasing numbers of geese.,Warm-up Que

29、stions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Background Information,2. Plays of William Shakespeare,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Background Information,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Background Information,3. Shakespea

30、re Quiz: Test your knowledge of Shakespeare.,1) When was Shakespeare born? 2) Who said “O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo”? 3) The line “To be or not to be” comes from which play? a) King Lear. b) Richard II. c) Julius Caesar. d) Hamlet. 4) Shakespeare was born in: a) Stratford. b) London. c

31、) Venice. d) New York.,Shakespeare was born in 1564.,From her balcony, Juliet said “O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” in Romeo and Juliet.,d).,a).,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Background Information,5) Was Shakespeare an actor as well as a poet and play

32、wright? 6) Is there a monument of Shakespeare in Stratford today?,Yes, Shakespeare acted in his own plays before Queen Elizabeth I and King James I.,Yes, there is.,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Background Information,4. Match the plays of Shakespeare with their Ch

33、inese translations.,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Speak,Background Information,Alls Well That Ends Well As You Like It The Comedy of Errors Measure for Measure The Merchant of Venice A Midsummer Nights Dream Much Ado About Nothing Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Twelfth

34、 Night Winters Tale Hamlet King Lear Macbeth Othello Romeo and Juliet,驯悍记 罗密欧与朱丽叶 第十二夜 错误的喜剧 李尔王 哈姆雷特 冬天的故事 一报还一报 奥瑟罗 仲夏夜之梦 终成眷属 皆大欢喜 麦克白 威尼斯商人 暴风雨 无事生非,终成眷属 皆大欢喜 错误的喜剧 一报还一报 威尼斯商人 仲夏夜之梦 无事生非 驯悍记 暴风雨 第十二夜 冬天的故事 哈姆雷特 李尔王 麦克白 奥瑟罗 罗密欧与朱丽叶,Warm-up Questions,Listen and Think,Read and Think,Think and Spea

35、k,Background Information,Alls Well That Ends Well As You Like It The Comedy of Errors Measure for Measure The Merchant of Venice A Midsummer Nights Dream Much Ado About Nothing Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Twelfth Night Winters Tale Hamlet King Lear Macbeth Othello Romeo and Juliet,Directions: Th

36、e following sentences are quoted from text A. Rearrange them into a logical order.,No doubt this is true to a certain extent, but it is not very helpful to students. But it is difficult for anyone to explain in simple language why one method is better than another, and it is no use pretending that a

37、nyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English in every possible situation. It is natural for students to be attracted to methods that will teach them as quickly and efficiently and cheaply as possible. Some experts even argue that there are as many good methods of teaching a language as the

38、re are good teachers, because every teacher is an individual with his own personality.,Sentence Rearrangement,List of Headings,Agree or Disagree,Questions and Answers,1. 2. 3. 4.,3-2-4-1,Directions: The following are some viewpoints about English learning quoted from Text A. Do you agree with them?

39、What are the possible attitudes of the author towards them?,One may learn to speak English fluently in three months with proper methods. The only way to learn a language is to spend a great deal of time in the country where it is spoken. One can teach himself English at home with textbooks and dicti

40、onaries. No one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in it.,1. 2. 3. 4.,Sentence Rearrangement,List of Headings,Agree or Disagree,Questions and Answers,Directions: Text A has six paragraphs (1-6). Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the l

41、ist of headings below.,A good method that suits all students does not exist The behaviorist approach Two false attitudes toward English learning The role of fellow students Advertisements often give the false impression The role of interest,1-E 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-F 6-D,Sentence Rearrangement,List of Head

42、ings,Agree or Disagree,Questions and Answers,1. According to Will Pidcroft, the writer of this text, can English be mastered within a very short period of time? 2. What is the belief held by behaviorists in terms of language learning?,Behaviorists believe that language learning is a kind of habit fo

43、rmation. So they are fond of making students repeat phrases and do exercises where they continually have to change one word in a sentence.,No, Will Pidcroft doesnt think that English can be mastered within a short period of time.,Sentence Rearrangement,List of Headings,Agree or Disagree,Questions an

44、d Answers,3. What does Pidcroft say about ones interest in language learning? 4. What distinguishes human beings from parrots and chimpanzees according to Pidcroft?,Parrots and chimpanzees make noises that are meaningless while the speech sounds human beings make are meaningful and they can relate t

45、hem to their own lives. In other words, human beings use language to communicate.,Pidcroft thinks that interest is a very important factor in language learning.,Sentence Rearrangement,List of Headings,Agree or Disagree,Questions and Answers,As English is becoming an international language and thus a

46、 useful tool for people in the world to communicate with one another, more and more people are learning English. And they naturally hope that they can become competent users of this language within the shortest possible time. But are there easier, quicker ways to master English? Read the following e

47、ssay and see what a language teacher has to say.,Detailed Reading,Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage him even more. When I see advertisements like this, I dont know whether to laugh or cry. If it were as easy to learn English as they say, I would have to look for another job, because very f

48、ew qualified teachers would be needed. But a large number of people must believe these ridiculous claims, or else the advertisements would not appear.,Every day I see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses claiming that it is easy to learn English. According to these advertisements, with

49、very little effort on the students part, he will be able to speak the language fluently in three months or even ten days. There is often a reference to William,A Language Teachers Personal Opinion Will Pidcroft,Detailed Reading,It is natural for students to be attracted to methods that will teach them as quickly and efficiently and cheaply as possible. But it is difficult for anyone to


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