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1、More than Words,More than Words,Listen to a short paragraph and answer questions.,1. Apart from speaking, what can help us to communicate with people? Please explain using the examples mentioned.,We can use body language to help us. For example, we sometimes move our heads up and down to say “yes”.,

2、2. How can we correctly understand nonverbal communication?,One way to learn to correctly read the 65% of communication that happens nonverbally is to be clear about the body language in our own culture.,A Short Paragraph,1. Brainstorming: Try to tell the special gestures you use to communicate the

3、following expressions.,Be quiet.,finger over lips,Smells bad.,wrinkle nose,I dont know.,shake head,Surprise.,Come here.,I cant hear.,Shyness.,widen the eyes,wave hand upwards,cup hand behind ear,cover face with hand,Anger.,one fist in air,Discussion Questions:,Sample answer Hand gestures: clap hands

4、 hit palm on forehead put hand over mouth wave hand upwards stretch palm out point thumbs up Arm gestures: wave hand sideways cross arms put arm around someone Facial gestures: frown smile blush look down,2. Can you tell some commonly used gestures concerning hand, arm and face?,Human Body and Sayin

5、gs,Directions: In English, we can find a lot of interesting sayings or phrases related to our body. Try to name some with the pictures given.,Video Clip,Charlie Chaplin, the world famous silent movie actor, is regarded as the pioneer of non-verbal communication. Chaplin is classed as the best silent

6、-movie actor just by the extent to which he could use gestures and other body signals to communicate effectively.,Watch the video clip and pay attention to Chaplins effective way of using his body language. Try to point out how many kinds of body language he used in this video.,Communication Without

7、 Words,Study the following movements of body language. Then work in pairs to discuss what each gesture means in your culture.,Nodding your head up and down,It means “I agree” or it shows that you are paying attention.,Shaking your head,It means you are saying “No!” or it shows that you are disappoin

8、ted.,Study the following movements of body language. Then work in pairs to discuss what each gesture means in your culture.,Waving your hand while curling the fingers downward/upward,It means “Come here!”,Study the following movements of body language. Then work in pairs to discuss what each gesture

9、 means in your culture.,Introduction: What “body language” is. (Para.1),“Body language” is a term used to describe _ _,of the body that send messages .,facial expressions, gestures, and other movements,Nonverbal signals of different cultures may cause difficulties in learning a foreign language. (Pa

10、ra.25),nodding the head up and down,Eye contact,Asia,North America,Conclusion (Para.6),To communicate successfully in a foreign language we need to _ _.,master the skill of cultural,awareness,1. When you learn a foreign language you must learn more than just the vocabulary and the grammar. (Line 1),

11、more than just,不仅仅(要做),提到北京2008年奥运会,我们关心的不仅仅是经济利益,更重要的是它的国际影响。,When speaking of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, we concern more than just financial profits. The more important thing is its international influence.,1. When you learn a foreign language you must learn more than just the vocabulary a

12、nd the grammar. (Line 1),当你学习一门外语的时候,你要学的不仅仅是词汇和语法。,2. Visitors to other countries must be aware of the difference or they may send the wrong message.(Line 32),or 可做并列连词 表示“否则,要不然”。,Wear the coat or you will catch cold.,把大衣穿上,不然会感冒的。,她不可能有病,否则她不会来的。,She cant be ill or she wouldnt have come.,2. Visit

13、ors to other countries must be aware of the difference or they may send the wrong message.(Line 32),去国外访问的人必须了解这种差别,否则也许会表达错误的信息。,比较状语从句的倒装。在than引导的复合句中,如果谓语动词省略,且两句的主语进行比较,than后可用倒装。,3. Generally, North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle East. (Line 35),F

14、lying demands a much greater supply of energy than do most other forms of transportation.,飞行所需的能量比其他运输方式所耗的能量大得多。,她花在英语学习上的时间比其他同学都多。,She spent more time on English study than did the other students.,3. Generally, North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle E

15、ast. (Line 35),通常,比起拉丁美洲和中东人来,北美人更喜欢彼此间谈话距离远一点。,4. The person who prefers more distance usually loses the fight when he finds himself with his back against the wall. (Line 39),The person 是句子的主语,who prefers more distance是主语的定语从句,loses the fight 是谓语和宾语。when 引导的是状语从句。,School comes again and we find our

16、selves back into the classroom.,又开学了,我们发现我们又回到了教室里。,Even if you have very good health insurance yourself, you dont know what situation you might find yourself in twenty or thirty years from now. (Sentence often used by salesmen of insurance companies.),即使您今天很健康,您也无法知道20或30年后您是怎样的状况。(保险公司推销员经常用到这句话。)

17、,4. The person who prefers more distance usually loses the fight when he finds himself with his back against the wall. (Line 39),想拉开距离的那个人退到背靠墙,无路可退为止,他的奋斗只好以失败告终。,1. term (Line 7, Para. 1),n. a word or phrase used to express a definite idea,名词,术语,The users guide of that digital camera is full of te

18、chnical terms.,那款数码相机的使用说明书中充满了专业术语。,We may get familiar with quite a few legal terms by watching “Legal Report” of CCTV.,通过观看中央电视台的今日说法节目我们可以熟悉很多法律术语。,2. means (Line 9, Para. 1),n. method, process, way, by which a result may be obtained,方法,手段,the means of substance (livelihood),生活资料,the means of pr

19、oduction,生产资料,by all means 想尽一切办法 / by no means 决不,一点都不,2. means (Line 9, Para. 1),n. method, process, way, by which a result may be obtained,方法,手段,He could _ other than jumping out of the window.,他除了跳窗外找不到其他逃跑的方法。,find no means of escape,3. signal (Line 12, Para. 2),n. sign, gesture, sound, etc. th

20、at conveys a message, demand, etc.,信号,暗号,A red light is a signal to stop.,红灯是停止前进的信号。,This opinion poll is a clear signal to the President that the voters do not support his foreign policy.,这项民意测验向总统清楚地表明选民们不支持他的外交政策。,In order to give your sister a pleasant surprise on her birthday, Ill _ to start p

21、laying S.H.E.s Super Star, her favorite song, when she comes home.,为了给你妹妹一个生日惊喜,在她到家的时候我会给你暗号来播放她最喜欢的S.H.E的Super Star。,3. signal (Line 12, Para. 2),n. sign, gesture, sound, etc. that conveys a message, demand, etc.,信号,暗号,give you a signal,4. contact (Line 22, Para. 3),n. (state of) touching or comin

22、g together,接触,联系,A scholar should_ regularly.,学者应该经常接触新思想。,The online novel _ is quite popular among the youngsters.,网络小说第一次的亲密接触深受年轻人的喜爱。,come into contact with new ideas,“The First Intimate Contact”,如果您想了解更多的关于我公司产品的情况,请与我们当地的代理商联系。,If you wish to know more information about our products, please c

23、ontact our local agents.,vt. get into touch with (sb.),与(某人)接触;会晤;联系,4. contact (Line 22, Para. 3),5. embarrassed (Line 27, Para. 3),adj. uncomfortable or ashamed,尴尬的,She was embarrassed to see her husband talking so loudly at the party.,看见自己的丈夫在聚会上那么高声地谈话,她感到很难堪。,The couple sat in embarrassed silen

24、ce.,这对夫妻尴尬地坐着,彼此无言。,vt. cause mental discomfort or anxiety to (sb.),使困窘;使局促不安,使不安,She did not want to embarrass him in front of so many guests by refusing his requests.,当着这么多人的面,她不想拒绝他的请求而让他难堪。,5. embarrass (Line 27, Para. 3),The smoke from the campfire curled upwards.,营火所释放的烟缭绕上升。,The dog curled (i

25、tself) up on the rug.,狗蜷着身子卧在地毯上。,6. curl (Line 32, Para. 4),vt. & vi. twist,使卷曲,扭曲,长成卷曲状,7. be aware of (Line 33, Para. 4),have knowledge or realization of sb./sth.,知道,意识到,觉察到,Smokers _ of cigarette smoking to their own health.,吸烟者很清楚吸烟对他们自身健康的种种危害。,are well aware of the dangers,Before the group ma

26、tch of Euro 2004, Greek football fans _ that their national team could take back the champion.,在2004年欧洲足球锦标赛小组赛之前希腊球迷没有意识到自己的国家队有夺冠的可能性。,7. be aware of (Line 33, Para. 4),have knowledge or realization of sb./sth.,知道,意识到,觉察到,were not aware of the possibility,awareness (Line 47, Para. 6),n. knowledge

27、or understanding of a particular subject or situation 意识,The police are trying to increase _ of illegal pyramid sales.,警方正尽全力提高大众对于非法传销的(防范)意识。,public awareness,8. prefer (Line 39, Para. 5),vt. choose rather, like better,宁可,宁愿(选择);更喜欢,I preferred red wine to white.,我喜欢红葡萄酒,不太喜欢白葡萄酒。,I should prefer

28、you not to stay (that you did not stay) there too long.,我倒希望你不要在那儿呆得太久。,Most celebrities prefer to avoid the attention of the mass media.,大多数名人选择回避媒体的关注。,9. occur (Line 42, Para. 6),vi. come into being as an event or a process; take place; happen,发生,Dont let the mistake occur again.,不要让这种错误再次发生。,The

29、 traffic accident occurred at five oclock.,那起交通事故发生在5点钟。,词义辨析:occur, happen, take place,既可用happen也可用occur来表达某事件是偶然发生,但occur要比happen更正式。,e.g. When did the explosion happen/occur?,那起爆炸事故是什么时候发生的?,短语take place用来表达某事件是事先安排好,必然会发生的。,e.g. When will the wedding take place?,婚礼何时开始?,to look directly into a p

30、ersons eyes,to curl the fingers downward/ upward while waving ones hand,to increase/decrease the personal conversation distance,cultural awareness,Body Language,Click to listen,It is with time as with the current of water.,时间如流水。,At midday conditions may be really like winter with the temperature do

31、wn by about eight degrees.,中午时分呈寒冬气象,气温会降低8度。,A number of fax reproduction apparatuses for telecommunications have been successfully trial-produced in our country.,我国已成功地试制了一批远距离通讯用的传真再现设备。,One of them tries to increase the personal conversation distance and the other tries to decrease it.,其中一个竭力想拉大

32、谈话时彼此间的距离,而另一个竭力 缩短这一距离。,Work hard and you will pass the examination.,你若是用功读书,就会考及格。,We searched for a long time, and we found nothing.,我们找了很长时间,但是一无所获。,We are not really prepared to communicate in a foreign language unless we know whether to shake hands or bow, when to sit and stand, and how to beh

33、ave in unfamiliar situations.,如果不知道应该握手还是鞠躬,什么时候坐着,什么时候站 着,在不熟悉的场合应该有什么样的举止,那么我们就没有真 正具备用外语交流的能力。,Dont come unless I ask you to.,如果我不叫你,请不要来。(非请莫来),I will go for a walk unless it rains.,如果不下雨,我就出去散步。,1. 头脑风暴(brain-storming) 快速搜索大脑内关于这一话题的任何信息,包括:实践经历、阅读经历、所见所闻和想象内容等。拓展、深化、细化提示,将其转化为丰富合理的内容。,2. 罗列(li

34、sting) 将所搜索到的信息简要列出。多方位、多角度考虑问题。,3. 聚合(clustering) 将与主题相关信息聚合在一起,在合情合理的前提下联想 丰富,放开手脚,使内容丰满、多姿多彩。把握好自由度 和局限性的关系。构思大胆而不离谱。删除不可利用信息。,速开思路三步骤:,你在写下篇作文时,将如何运用上面的方法打开思路?,Directions: Read the following words from a freshman who is talking about a problem. Write a passage giving advice to him. Start with th

35、e sentence “To solve your problem you should pay more attention to your communication skills.” “When I go to English corner, I feel nervous. Those fluent Chinese speakers make me nervous; native speakers make me nervous; even greetings from others make me nervous. Everything there makes me nervous.”,


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