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1、Book Four,Unit Five,Athletes,Unit Five,Task 1: Talking about sports activities Task 2: Your ideal sports Task 3: Super stars Task 4: Air your opinions,Sports Activities,Task 1,Talking About Sports Activities,Directions: Divide the class into three groups. Each group is required to deal with one cate

2、gory to list as many items as possible.,Task 1,Talking About Sports Activities,Task 1,Your Ideal Sport,Task 2,Whats your favorite sport? What kind of sport do you like to watch? What sport is most popular in your university? Why?,Directions: Discuss the following questions in groups.,Chinese Sayings

3、 and Slogans About Sports,Task 2,Dont become cocky with success nor downcast over defeat. 胜不骄,败不馁。 Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health. 加强体育锻炼,增强人民体质。 Friendship first, competition second. 友谊第一,比赛第二。,Directions: Here are some famous Chinese sayings and slogans, see if you can tr

4、anslate them correctly.,Task 3,Directions: The following pictures are some of the famous athletes who are regarded as super stars. Do you know them?,Click the picture to get the answer,Super Stars,Super Stars Guessing Work,Task 3,Directions: Describe your favorite athlete to your group members witho

5、ut mentioning the name. See if they could guess correctly. Your description should include a few important facts about him or her.,Super Stars Guessing Work,Task 3,Ronaldo Brazilian; football player; a good goal scorer; was elected as Football Player of the Year in 1996 and 1997; played on the Brazi

6、lian team in the 1998 World Cup, but his team placed only second ; has been called “the next Pele” (贝利第二) in Brazil.,Inspirational Quotes about “Sports“,Luck? Sure. But only after long practice and only with the ability to think under pressure. Babe Zaharias (全能奇女扎哈里亚斯),Never let the fear of strikin

7、g out get in your way. Babe Ruth (棒球运动员鲁斯),The man who has no imagination has no wings. Muhammad Ali (拳王阿里),Task 3,Ive failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan (篮球名将乔丹),A Super Star,Task 3,Should sports stars be role models? Being a star, Michael Jordan will te

8、ll us his hard working experience.,Click to stop and click again to continue,Diving, The Dream Team of China in Olympic 2000,Task 3,Fu Mingxia _a record equaling fourth Olympic diving title in _fashion on her final two _Fu, who came out of _last year, and _a total of 609.40 points, to beat compatrio

9、t Guo Jingjing into second place. Mainland athletes also _in the diving pool. Springboard _Xiong Ni teamed up with Xiao Hailing to take the mens synchronized springboard title(跳板双人冠军). They led from the first round, ,picked up,dramatic,dives,retirement,achieved,dominated,champion,Listen and fill in

10、the blanks.,Air Your Opinions,Task 4,Directions: Discuss in groups the following serious problems in sports circle. Air your opinions and solutions.,Air Your Opinions,Task 4,Problem A: Some athletes take advantage of drugs to win.,Drugs are dangerous and they are forbidden. Athletes should be role m

11、odels for young sports fans. If they dont set a good example, perhaps their fans will follow them and take drugs, too. Winning is important, but the spirit of the Olympic Games peace, friendship and fair play is more important. Coaches, governments and officials concerned should take measures to pre

12、vent this harmful behavior.,In-Class Reading Athletes Should Be Role Models,Work in pairs to answer the following questions.,Yes. I think of the famous world Ping-pang champion Deng Yaping as my role model. I feel proud of her because she won four championships in the Olympic Games and earned fame f

13、or our country.,Do you regard any famous persons as your role models? Who are they? Why do you consider them your role models?,Sample,I think we young people can learn some good qualities from her, such as her toughness, good athletic skills, and strong willpower. Star athletes like her often serve

14、as models of courage and determination. The record-breaking accomplishments of many athletes are inspirational examples of men and women approaching the limits of human endeavor.,Why do you think athletes should be role models?,Sample,Athletes should be role models because they have no choice. They

15、dont choose to be role models, they are chosen. They can only choose to be a good role model or a bad one. Another reason is that they should accept the responsibility of being a role model as well as all the glory and the money that comes with being a famous athlete.,How can a star athlete become a

16、 positive role model according to the author?,Sample,A positive role model would influence peoples lives in a positive way. He would give much of himself, in time or in money, to help people who look up to him. He also displays the valueslike honesty and determinationthat are part of being a good pe

17、rson.,Introduction (Para. 1),Athletes are chosen to be role models, and they can choose only to be good or bad ones.,Athletes should be role models. (Para. 2-5),The authors arguments:,Athletes shouldnt refuse the responsibility of being a role model while accepting all the glory and the money that c

18、omes with being a famous athlete. (para. 2),B. I try to be a positive role model, but that doesnt mean Im perfect. (para. 3),C. Qualities of a positive role model. (para. 4),D. Athletes cannot take the place of parents, but can help reinforce what parents try to teach their children. (para. 5),Peopl

19、e sometimes expect so much that some athletes dont want to be role models. (para.6-7),Sometimes people put athletes on a pedestal.,B. Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times.,Conclusion (Para. 8-9),The good things about being a role model outweigh the bad.,Its a great

20、 feeling to think youre part of the reason that a kid decided to try to be good.,B. But parents should remind their kids that there are no perfect human beings.,C. Charles Barkley is a good role model.,One of the reasons we get along so well, though, is that we both say whats on our minds without wo

21、rrying about what other people are going to thinkwhich means we disagree from time to time. (Line 5),The reason is that 原因是 reason 后面接表语从句时,多用 that 引导。,译 文,Example,公众倾向路灯应该更多,而不是更少,原因是灯火通明的街道使人感到更安全。,The public prefer more street lights than less; the reason is, of course, that people feel safer in

22、well-lit streets.,他们的汽车卖得这么好的原因是他们有出色的营销策略。,The reason their cars sold so well was that they had a brilliant marketing strategy.,她之所以缺席是因为她病了。,The reason for her absence was that she was ill.,reason 的用法,我有理由拒绝他的邀请。,I have reason for rejecting / to reject his invitation.,错句,I have my reason to reject

23、 his offer.,Example, reason后面可接动词不定式或“for+动名词”, 但不能说“reason for sb. to do sth.” 也不可以 说“ones reason to do sth.”,他不及格的原因不难了解:他在考试时病了。,The reason for his failure was not far to seek: he was ill during the examination.,这件事的原因是明显的。,The reason of this is obvious.,Example, reason 后面可接“for+名词”结构,有时也可用 of,我们

24、不能那样做的原因有 很多。,There are several reasons why we cant do that.,Example, reason 后面常用 why 引导从句。,Exercise,The reason _ the flood was all that heavy rain. 这次洪水都是由于那场大雨引起的。,for,There is reason _ believe she was murdered. 有理由相信她是被谋杀的。,to,请完成下面的句子。,The reason _ she didnt get the job was _ her English was not

25、 very good. 她没得到这个工作的原因是她的英语不太好。,I think the reason _ Susan is shy is _ she lacks confidence. 我认为苏珊害羞的原因在于她缺乏信心。,why,that,why,that,她愁容满面,不知有什么心事。,She looks worried; I wonder whats on her mind.,如果你明确告诉我你的意图,我会把货架给您准备好的。,Ill put up the shelves if you tell me exactly whats on your mind.,Example,Whats o

26、n our minds 我们心里所想的,尽管如此,我们能相处得很好的原因之一是,我们俩都是心里想什么,就说什么,不在乎他人会怎么想,这就意味着我们时常会意见不一致。,One of the reasons we get along so well, though, is that we both say whats on our minds without worrying about what other people are going to thinkwhich means we disagree from time to time. (Line 5),I dont think we ca

27、n accept all the glory and the money that comes with being a famous athlete and not accept the responsibility of being a role model, of knowing that kids and even some adults are watching us and looking for us to set an example. ( Line18),译 文,本句是复合句。主句为I dont think。 we can acceptand not acceptset an

28、 example 是宾语从句,其中 not accept 与accept为并列谓语;of being a role model 和of knowing that example都是responsibility的定语;that kidsexample 作 knowing 的宾语从句。 “look for” 意为 “期待”, “set an example” 意为 “做.榜样, 树立(好)榜样”。,I dont think we can accept all the glory and the money that comes with being a famous athlete and not

29、 accept the responsibility of being a role model, of knowing that kids and even some adults are watching us and looking for us to set an example. ( Line18),我认为我们不能只接受作为著名运动员而带来的荣誉和金钱,而拒绝承担作行为榜样(而应负的)责任, 我们有责任知道孩子们,甚至一些大人们正看着我们,期望我们树立起一个榜样。,There are days when I dont want to pose for a picture with e

30、very fan I run into, when I dont feel like picking up babies and giving them hugs and kisses (no matter how cute they are), those are the days I just try to avoid the public. (Line25),There are days(times, years, etc)when 有时,译 文,Example,有时候他们两个都会失业。,There are times when both of them are out of work.

31、,爱人之间有时也会感到厌烦,有时想放弃,有时感到压力,有时感到羁绊。,In a love relationship there are times when I am bored, times when I may feel like giving up, times of real strain, and times I feel I cant move forward.,Example,全国上下为商品短缺而发愁的日子已经永远成为过去。,The days when commodity scarcity was a nationwide worry are forever gone.,只要打上

32、一针预防针就能帮助你度过流感盛行的寒冷月份。,One simple injection can help to protect you right through the cold months when flu is most prevalent.,run into 1.(使汽车)撞在上,猛撞; 2.(非正式)偶然碰见; 3.遇到(困难),陷入(困境); 4.(累计)达到,共计,他的车打滑了一下,撞到了路灯柱上。,His car skidded and ran into a lamp-post.,Example,Example,公司起先很有生气,但之后便陷入了困境。,After a prom

33、ising start, the company ran into trouble.,他们的债务达到了几千英镑。,They had debts running into thousands of pounds.,猜猜我今天下午在高街碰见谁了。,Guess who I ran into on High Street this afternoon.,There are days when I dont want to pose for a picture with every fan I run into, when I dont feel like picking up babies and g

34、iving them hugs and kisses (no matter how cute they are), those are the days I just try to avoid the public. (Line25),有些日子,我并不想同遇见的每个球迷都摆姿势合影,不想抱起婴儿拥抱、亲吻(无论他们有多可爱)。处在这种时候,我就尽量避开公众。,I wouldnt ask whether he lives his life exactly the way I would live it or whether he handles every situation just the

35、way I would handle it. (Line34),由 whether 引导的两个从句做 wouldnt ask 的宾语,构成并列结构; “the way” 在句中意为 “in the same way that”(以与相同的方式),常与 “just” or “exactly”连用。,译 文,很有可能他与我们看待那件事的方式不同。,Its unlikely that he sees it exactly the way we see it.,请按老师要求的方法做作业。,Please do your homework the way your teacher told you.,Ex

36、ample,我希望你能像玛丽那样处理自己的问题。,I hope you can solve your problem just the way Mary does hers.,但我不会问他是否以我的那种方式生活,或者 是否以我处理事情的方式来对付每一个局面。,I wouldnt ask whether he lives his life exactly the way I would live it or whether he handles every situation just the way I would handle it. (Line34),Super star Tiger Wo

37、ods usually exercises on that piece of golf course.,course (n.) (Line 5, Para. 1),高尔夫球超级巨星老虎伍兹经常在那块球场上训 练。,Translation,他们负责场地的维护工作。,They are responsible for the maintenance of that race course.,1) an area of land or water on which a race is held or certain types of sport played 跑马场;球场;场地,2) the path

38、 along which something moves; direction of movement taken by someone or something 道路;路线;方向,强风把那条船吹得偏离了航向。,Strong wind blew the ship off the course.,Translation,The plane changed its course to avoid storm.,为了躲避风暴那架飞机改变了航线。,3) a set of lessons or studies 课程,他已经决定去学习那门两年制的工商管理课程。,He has already decided

39、 to take that two-year business management course.,Translation,学习那门课程需要耐心和毅力。,Studying that course need both patience and perseverance.,follow ones lead / example (Line 22, Para. 2),vp. (=follow the lead of somebody) take somebody as the example 以某人为榜样,Exercise,_ to pursue their dream to become worl

40、d champion. 很多年轻田径运动员(hurdlers)以刘翔为自己的榜 样去追求自己的世界冠军梦想。,Many young hurdlers follow Liu Xiangs lead,_ _ to exhibit Chinese movie directors potential to the overseas market. 年轻的导演们应该以李安(Ang Lee)为榜样,在海外 市场展示中国导演的潜力。,Young directors should follow Ang Lees (Li An),请完成下面的句子。,lead,相关链接,follow the instructio

41、ns 按照指示办事,follow someones advice 听从某人的劝告,follow the latest fashion 赶时髦,follow in ones footsteps 步某人的后尘,Exercise,Famous film stars or athletes _ _ for the public. 著名影星或运动员应该给公众树立好榜样。,should set good,_ _ for all cadres. 焦裕禄同志为所有干部树立了为人民服务的好榜样。,Comrade Jiao Yulu set a good example of serving,请完成下面的句子。,

42、the people,set an example for 为 树立榜样,examples,pose (Line 26, Para.3),Exercise,Hong Kong singer Kelly Chen (Chen Huilin) _ _ in a news conference. 香港歌手陈慧琳在一个记者会上为拍照摆好姿势。,posed,Just before the start of this seasons NBA All-Star Game, _. 就在本赛季的NBA全明星赛即将开始之前,所有的球 星在一起合影。,all the star players posed for a

43、 photograph,请完成下面的句子。,v. 1) to (cause to) sit or stand in a particular position, esp. in order to be photographed, painted, etc. 使摆好姿势(照相、画像时摆好姿势),for photograph,2) to be the cause of (something difficult to deal with); present 造成,形成(难解决的问题),请完成下面的句子。,Exercise,Chen Shui-bians refusal to accept the “

44、One China Policy” _ to the Cross-Straits relations. 陈水扁拒绝接受“一个中国政策”给两岸关系制造了严 重的障碍。,The shortage of food _ to the continued existence of this species. 食物短缺给这个物种的生存造成了威胁。,poses a threat,poses a serious obstacle,give of (oneself, ones time/money, etc.) (Line 32, Para. 4),vp. do things for other people

45、without expecting anything in return 献出来帮助别人,请完成下面的句子。,Exercise,_ to help to turn the factory around. 他已经拿出了一笔钱来帮助工厂扭亏为盈。,_ to teach the children of those migrant workers. 她愿意用自己部分的业余时间来给那些农民工的孩 子上课。,She is willing to give of part of her spare time,He has given of certain amount of money,worship (Li

46、ne 49, Para. 6),那些为祖国献出生命的民族英雄值得我们的崇敬。,Those national heroes who devoted their lives to our motherland are worth worshiping.,Translation,他的儿子很崇拜NBA明星“小皇帝” 詹姆斯并且梦想能成为一个篮球运动员。,His son worships NBA star “King” LeBron James and dreams of becoming a basketball player.,v. 1) admire or love someone or some

47、thing very much 崇拜,崇敬,2) have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god 敬奉,信奉,如我们所知,基督教徒信仰上帝。,As we all know, Christians worship God.,Translation,在今天的中国农村地区还有很多人信奉神佛。,Today lots of people in Chinese rural areas still worship Buddha.,n. 1) 崇拜(上帝) 2) 礼拜;礼拜仪式,tolerate (Line 55

48、, Para. 7),Translation,你犯了一个相当严重而且是不可饶恕的错误。,You have made so serious a mistake that could never be tolerated.,他已经习惯了宽容儿子的顽皮。,He is used to tolerating his sons naughty behaviors.,v. 1) to allow (something one does not agree with) to be practiced or done freely without opposition; permit 容忍;宽容;纵容,2) to suffer (someone or something) without complaining or becoming annoyed 忍受,那些人无法再忍受他们首领的 残暴统治。,Those people could n


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