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1、,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,Summary,With her lifetime experience, the author tells us there have never been any limitations to love whatever life may present. The writing method of this text is:,I. Structure A

2、nalysis,Problem + Response + Evaluation,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Part I (Para.1_ ):,3,All family members took good care of Jimmy.,Part II (Paras. _ _ ):,I looked after Jimmy alone after parents death.,4,7,Part III (Paras. _ _ ):,Jimmys 57th birthday was a success.,Part IV (Para. 12):,Conclusion:

3、 Love without limitations,8,11,Text StudyStructure Analysis,II. Understanding,Love is a song without words. One must feel it with his soul. Love is an endless path. One must walk on through his life.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Since his birth, Jimmy has always been surrounded in the atmosphere of love.

4、 During his growing up, the occurrence of some concrete events was the reflection of “love without limitations”. Rearrange the following events according to the time sequence in the text:,Footsteps of Being Loved,Text StudyUnderstanding,I alone was left to look after Jimmy. Inseparable with father,

5、Jimmy did everything with him. With ideal gifts, my friends made Jimmys birthday party a success. I must take care of Jimmy wherever I went. E. Jimmy has finally become independent physically and mentally. F. In Jimmys eyes, the world changed a lot after fathers death.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Key: D

6、 B F A E C,Jimmys life is a misery because he was born with brain damage; meanwhile, Jimmy is lucky because he is deeply loved by the people around all through his life. Now, go to the text to find out what people around,sister: _. mother: _. father: _. sisters friends: _.,Tips,2. Action of Love,Tex

7、t StudyUnderstanding,have done to him.,Tips:,sisters life revolved sister was in charge outside mother taught father held the house sisters friends brought,Text StudyUnderstanding,3. Philosophy of Love,If you read carefully, youll find that except the narration of how the family cared about Jimmy, t

8、heres some understanding about lovephilosophy of lovescattered in the text. For example:,It was possible to have a home with room for both his limitations and my ambitions.,Can you find more?,Tips,Text StudyUnderstanding,Tips:,In fact, caring for someone who loves But as we sang for Jimmy , we were

9、reminded The simplicity with which There had never been any limitations,Now challenge yourself to translate them into Chinese to see whose version is the best one. Try to be faithful and elegant.,Text StudyUnderstanding,In the text, Jimmy was in deep depression due to fathers passing away so that he

10、 was indulged in the emotion of missing father for a long time. Enjoy a song “Dance with My Father” to see how much the singer misses his father.,4. Mightiness of Love for Fun,Text StudyUnderstanding,Back when I was a child, 小时候, Before life removed all the innocence, 天真懵懂。 My father would lift me h

11、igh, 父亲会把我高高举起, And dance with my mother and me, 跟我和母亲一起翩翩起舞。 And then. 然后, Spin me around til I fell asleep, 抱着我转圈,直到我入睡。 Then up the stairs he would carry me, 父亲会把我抱上楼。 And I knew for sure I was loved 我知道父亲深深爱着我。,Dance with my father,Text StudyUnderstanding,If I could get another chance, 如果我还有一次机会

12、, Another walk, another dance with him, 跟父亲散步,与父亲共舞, Id play a song that would never ever end 我会放一首永远不会结束的曲子。 How Id love love love. 我是多么想 To dance with my father again. 再跟父亲跳一次舞。 When I and my mother would disagree, 当我不想听母亲话的时候, To get my way I would run from her to him. 我就会跑到父亲跟前。 Hed make me laug

13、h just to comfort me, 他会想办法让我笑起来,安慰我。,Text StudyUnderstanding,Then finally make me do just what my momma said. 但是最后让我照母亲的话去做。 Later that night when I was asleep, 那一晚在我睡觉的时候, He left a dollar under my sheet. 他在我的床单下放了一块钱。 Never dreamed that he would be gone from me. 从来没有想过父亲会离开我。 If I could steal one

14、 final glance, 如果我能再看父亲一眼, One final step, 再迈出一步舞步, One final dance with him, 再跟父亲跳最后一支舞。 Id play a song that would never ever end 我会放一首永远不会结束的曲子。 Cause Id love love love. 因为我是多么想 To dance with my father again. 再跟父亲跳一次舞。,Text StudyUnderstanding,Sometimes Id listen outside her door 有时候我会在母亲的门外, And I

15、d hear how my momma cried for him 听见她思念父亲的哭声。 I pray for her even more than me. 我为母亲祈祷 I pray for her even more than me. 我为母亲祈祷. I know Im praying for much too much, 我知道我的要求有点过分, But could you send back, The only man she loved. 但是你能不能 把她唯一深爱的男人送回来? I know you dont do it usually, 我知道你一般不会这么做, But dea

16、r Lord shes dying, 但是我的主啊, To dance with my father again. 她是多么想再和父亲共舞啊! Every night I fall asleep 每晚入睡以后, And this is all I ever dream.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Luther Vandross于1951年4月20日出生于美国纽约最北部的Bronx区,作为最伟大的黑人男歌手之一,拥有超过两千万张的唱片销售记录,被他富有魔力的嗓音所征服的听众数以亿计。在R&B音乐这个年轻人的世界里,Luther Vandross称得上是大器晚成,直到他三十岁

17、时才发行了第一张专辑Never Too Much,之后便一发不可收,之后的十三张专辑都达到了白金销量,被称为是80年代R&B音乐三巨头之一,另两人是鼎鼎大名的stevie Wonder和Michael Jackson。,Text StudyUnderstanding,III. Summary,My brother, Jimmy, was born with brain damage due to a difficult _. Accompanying my growing up was _ around my brothers life and protecting him from bein

18、g _ by other kids. Unfortunately, father, who was _ with Jimmy, died in 1991. Jimmy was a _ and believed that the world hed known was _. Even worse, mother died six months later and I _ was left to look after Jimmy.,delivery,revolving,picked on,inseparable,wreck,gone,alone,To be continued,Text Study

19、Summary,and he finally returned. So far, he has lived there for _ years and blossomed _. I held a party for Jimmys 57th birthday just a few days after _disaster, but no one of the family could come. I called on my _ to,11,on his own,911,friends,merry,festive,longed,After that, Jimmy moved to New Yor

20、k City to live with me for a while. But he still _ to live in parents house,help who brought ideal presents and made it a _ and _ occasion.,Text StudySummary,I knew that the constant love and support of our friends and family would _ us _ all the hardships in life. There had never been any _ to what

21、 Jimmys love could accomplish.,get,through,limitations,Text StudySummary,Text StudyReproduction,The text is a first person narration ( “I”Jimmys sister ). Now, retell the story in Jimmys tone. Points to be paid attention to:,IV. Reproduction,the change of the roles in time sequence,restatement of th

22、e theme at the end of your retelling,Focus Study,Active Expressions,I. Active Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful.,Whats on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? Whats he up to? 他忙什么呢?,1.

23、I was in charge outside where 2. Jimmy grasped that the world hed known was gone. 3. This hit home a few days after 4. That was super!,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,in charge,responsible for,be gone,go away,hit home,be understood and accepted,super,very good

24、; wonderful,The active expressions:,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,一位有经验的工程师负责这项工程。 天晓得她跑到什么地方去了。 你的评论确实切中要害。 4. 我们在海边度过了美好的一天。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,An experienced engineer is in charge of this project.,2. Heaven knows where she is gone .,Your comments really hit home.,4. We had

25、a super day at the seaside.,II. Focus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,1. so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.,out-of-control kid-centered fun = to have as much fun as the kids like,out-of-control和kid-centered是复合形容词 more examples: up-to-dat

26、e; color-coded; student-centered,2. I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,I was . outside,where I administered of the kids,who picked on my brother,3. Usually very agre

27、eable, he now quit speaking altogether and no amount of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,no amount of word could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face = nothing could change the empty look on his face,4. I hired someone to li

28、ve with him and drive him to work, but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world hed known was gone.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,no matter (how, who, what, where, etc.) = however, whoever, whatever, wherever,stay the same = keep things as they were,g

29、rasp = understand,More Practice,1. 不管花多少时间,我总要完成这项工作。,Ill finish the job, no matter how long it takes.,2.不管发生什么事,我一定会支持你。,No matter what happens, I will stand by you.,3.不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。,No matter who points out our shortcomings, we will correct them.,4.不论我到什么地方,中国永远是我的家乡。,No matter where I go, Chin

30、a will always be my home.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Word Using,Old to New,Chinese to English,I. Word Using,justice n. the quality of being just; fairness,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,At last the criminals are being brought to justice.,这个罪犯终于要依法惩处了。,Everyone should be treated with justice.,2. w

31、reck n. a badly damaged ship, car or plane; sb. who is tired or unhealthy,他们潜入水下寻找一艘西班牙沉船中的黄金。 If these anxieties continue, she will become a nervous wreck.,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,They are diving for gold from a Spanish wreck. 如果她继续焦虑下去,她会得精神病。,3. beneath prep. in or to a lower

32、position than sth.; or directly under sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,我们在树下荫凉处休息一下好吗?,Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees?,4. disguise n. v. sth. that is worn to hide who one really is; to hide or change sb.s appearance,The thief wore a false beard and glasses as a disguise.,Words an

33、d ExpressionsWord Using,The woman tried to disguise her sadness in cheerfulness.,这位妇女强作欢笑以掩饰内心的悲伤。,那贼乔装打扮带上了假胡须和眼镜。,5. penetrate v. to enter sth. or pass through it; to see into or through sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest.,她戴了一顶假发,但是

34、我们很快就识穿了她的伪装。,Translation,She has a wig on, but we soon penetrate her disguise.,6. grasp v. to understand; to take hold of sb. or sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Did you grasp the point of what I said?,loosen, release,Grasp the shadow and let go the substance.,舍本逐末 。,7. reckon with to consider

35、sth when making plans,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,We hadnt reckoned with the possibility that it might rain.,I didnt reckon with having to wait so long.,我没料到要等这么长时间。,8. drain v. to cause to flow off gradually or completely to make sb very tired,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,这些孩子让我筋疲力尽。,These c

36、hildren drain my energy.,brain drain,人才流失,9. restrain v. to prevent sb. from doing sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,听到这消息我无法控制我的兴奋之情。,I cannot restrain my excitement about the news.,constrain 强迫,迫使,10. end up (doing) sth. to be in the end ( in a stated place or condition),Words and ExpressionsWo

37、rd Using,We were going to go to a movie, but ended up watching TV at home.,我们本计划去看电影,结果却是在家看电视。,11. get (sb.) through to help sb. deal with a difficult situation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,妈妈的支持让她走出了忧郁。,Her mothers support got her through her depression.,get across get along get over get on get

38、 off get up ,Words and ExpressionsC to E,II. Chinese to English,形影不离 伪装 依靠自己活得有声有色 维持原状 眼泪开始流 把某事做成 好极了 额外的礼物 度过难关,inseparable disguise blossom on ones own stay the same tears begin to flow work sth. out super a welcome bonus get through,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,III. Old to New,solve sth. emp

39、ty; not filling loyal promise to do intense fear standing straight up become more successful giving birth want sth. very much,work out vacant faithful pledge terror erect blossom delivery long,Group Work,What is “love” like in your mind? Use one word or one thing to describe “love”. And why is that?

40、 Share your thoughts with your group members. A representative from each group is going to show the groups idea after the discussion.,Idea Sharing,Group Work,Idea Sharing,What is love?,Practical Writing,Structured Writing,I. Structured Writing,1. The Writing Method of the Passage:,A Problem Response

41、 Evaluation Structure,This is a very commonly used structure in English. Normally, some part of a situation is introduced before the problem. Then, solutions are taken to solve the problem. Afterwards, some evaluation might occur in the actions taken.,WritingStructured Writing,Jimmy, was born with b

42、rain damage due to a lack of oxygen at his birth.,My mother taught Jimmy practical things.,My life revolved around Jimmys.,My father held the family together with his patience and understanding.,I protected Jimmy when the kids picked on him.,My father and Jimmy were inseparable and did everything to

43、gether.,Problem,Response,Evaluation,WritingStructured Writing,2. Sample 1Part 1 of the Text,Sample 2,Ever since I arrived at Essex University, I have found it very difficult to make friends with other students. I live with my parents off campus and Im finding that I dont generally get the chance to

44、know people since I dont live in student accommodation. After class, every one disperses and no one stays behind to chat.,WritingStructured Writing,situation,problem,Other students in my classes already know each other because they see each other on campus on a regular basis. I feel isolated and lon

45、ely.,Ive spoken to several people about this problem. The Student Support Office suggested that I should join more student clubs and societies where I will meet new students who share the same interests as me. Im sure this is a good idea but it will be difficult for me to get back home if any of the

46、 activities involve remaining on campus late into the evening.,solution,evaluation,WritingStructured Writing,3. Tips for writing,1. understanding the situation being faced; 2. analyzing the specific problem to be tackled; 3. creating, analyzing, and refining a solution; 4. further evaluating, improv

47、ing, and implementing.,WritingStructured Writing,4. Your Task,Write a paragraph with a problem-response-evaluation structure.,Topic: The Fight Against Air Pollution,WritingStructured Writing,For your reference,(For reference),The region has been seriously polluted by harmful smog, which proves to be

48、 the cause of many illnesses and for the climbing death rate. As a result, people have started to move out of the area. In response to the problem, the local government has decided to fight against air pollution. It has closed down several factories, which were considered to be the major cause of the pollution. Many power plants have been modernized to give off less pollution and also,WritingStructured Writing,moved further away from peoples homes so as to decrease the


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