现代大学英语精读5unit 1作者简介及课文背景.ppt

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1、Where Do We Go from Here?,- Martin Luther King Jr.,Martin Luther King,Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 April 4, 1968),The most famous leader of the American civil rights movement,a Baptist minister a peacemaker,美国黑人民权运动,He received the Nobel Peace Prize before he was assassinated in 196

2、8.,He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Jimmy Carter in 1977,the Congressional Gold Medal in 2004,Achievement,King is a hero, he had done many hard work to fight for the civil rights, the speech “I Have A Dream” which is delivered on March 1963 at Washington had turned th

3、e whole United State upside down, the number of discrimination and racism decreased to a minimum level between black people and white people. People start to help each other and care about other people. This contribution had changed the history of America.,I have a dream,Kings most influential and w

4、ell-known speech is the “I Have A Dream“ speech,Martin Luther King is a very intelligent person; the main reason is because of his nonviolent method (This method is developed by Mahatma Gandhi) By using this method, he became the first one who changes the history not by war, massacre people or repre

5、ssive people by using their power. He changed the history by speeches, kindness, and his non-giving up spirit. Those are the examples of his nonviolent method.,But,King was murdered in 1968.During his life ,he put his heart and soul into fighting for equalities and he had already changed the society

6、.,He fought for their Freedom and rights,He will be alive in everyones heart forever,种族歧视: 种族歧视是指否定某些种族对宝贵的社会资源的平等使用权。在美国,尽管所有的少数民族仍然是受歧视的目标,但黑人在所有的种 族中往往更易于受到歧视,遭受歧视已成为他们日常生活中的一部 分。由于奴隶制、种族主义和种族歧视的长期影响,美国黑人作为一个整体,和白人相比,在很多领域处于明显的劣势。,政治歧视 世纪六、 七十年代在美国内战和解放黑人奴隶宣言的推动下,在联邦军队的保护下,美国黑人开始拥有选举权和被选举权。进入世纪,美

7、国黑人争取平等权利的斗争也进入一个新时代。民权运动的组织者们组织了一 些其他形式的非暴力行动,如游行、 罢工和静坐,以此来和当权者争论平等使用权和选举权的问题。 美国黑人的民权运动于在华盛顿举行的游行中达到了高 潮,这次游行的参与者达到了二十多万。 就在这次游行中,在林肯纪念堂的台阶上,马丁路德金发表了他历史性的演讲“我有一个梦想”,这次游行也给肯尼迪总统及其后的约翰逊总统施加压力,促使了年民权法案的颁布,该法案明令禁止在公共场所、就业方面实行种族歧视。之后,美国黑人政治地位有了很大提高,逐渐进入一些政府部门。年,弗吉尼亚成为美国历史上第一个选举黑人州长的州,到年,美国共有位黑人官员,比年净增

8、位,年,有位市长和位国会议员。但政治地位的提高并未改变黑人受歧视的命运,和他们的白人同伴相比,美国黑人在政府中仍处于几乎无权的地位,许多合法权益仍然无法得到保障。,经济歧视 经济上,黑人社区存在的最严重、最长久的问题之一是贫困,贫困是一种极大的苦难,因为它是与婚姻的压力和破裂、健康、低少的教育机会和犯罪等问题紧密相连的。年,的美国黑人家庭生活在贫困线以下。据估计,美国有三分之二的黑人属于社会底层。 美国黑人的就业问题也很严峻,黑人家庭和白人家庭的收入差距是巨大的。年,在同样的工作中,黑人的工资只有白人的,比年的有了下降。黑人比白人更有可能从事服务行业及筑路工、修理工及搬运工等一些体力劳动。在国

9、家经济处于困难的时期,黑人会更多地遭受无业和失业的打击。“最后被雇佣,最早被解雇“是对黑人就业状况的最好写照。年月,全美黑人的失业率是,而白人的失业率仅为。,健康歧视 在美国,接受医疗服务的权利大小常常与收入水平和工作身份联系在一起,因此,作为异常贫穷和无业的一群,美国黑人是最没有保障的。对于多数黑人,他们接受的医疗服务是有限的,或是根本不存在的。即使能够享受到医疗服务,他们更可能比其他人口接受不标准的,甚至是伤害性的服务。根据疾病控制和预防中心的研究,黑人是最易受到艾滋病影响的种族。据统计,在至年间,个成人和青少年被诊断受艾滋病病毒的感染,其中以上是黑人。罗伯特简森博士说,在美国的一些城市中

10、,黑人患有艾滋病的比率甚至和非洲一些国家一样高。另外,美国黑人慢性疾病的普及率也很高。在美国,黑人婴儿的死亡率也很高,高于任何工业化国家,甚至高于一些第三世界国家。,American Civil Rights Movement,美国黑人民权运动(African-American Civil Rights Movement,又译为“非裔美国人民权运动”,1955年1968年),美国民权运动的一部分,于1950年代兴起,直至1970年代,乃是经由非暴力的抗议行动,争取非裔美国人民权的群众斗争。,运动简介:,1954年美国联邦最高法院判定教育委员会种族隔离的学校违法,1955年阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市,

11、黑人公民以全面罢乘来反对公车上的黑白隔离措施,1963年华盛顿的林肯纪念馆广场聚集二十五万名群众反种族隔离,美国民权运动领袖马丁路德金博士发表著名的演说我有一个梦为民权运动的高峰,其他参与的著名人物还有麦尔坎X(Malcolm X)等人,The Civil Rights Movement is that African Americans against racial discrimination and oppression, political, economic and social equality for the rights of the mass struggles in the

12、 mid-20th century, 50 to 60 mid-race. African Americans ,the largest minority in the United States, were suffering from long-term racial discrimination . Colored Asian and African countries victory in the struggle for national independence after World War II, the progress of industrialization and la

13、rge numbers of blacks coming into the cities caused the development of movement.,It is the most important of all social movements in the 1960s US history. Rosa Parks spontaneous action in 1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement. In Sept. 1961, the federal government d

14、eclared segregation illegal in all interstate bus stations. As a result of this movement, segregation was breaking down in the 1960s.,The Civil Rights Movement,“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.“,The Civil Rights Movement,A

15、 historic moment of the civil rights movement was the March on Washington D.C. of August 28, 1963 when Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his speech “I Have a Dream.” The Civil Rights Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Johnson in 1964. In December 1964, Martin Luther King was

16、 given the Nobel Peace Prize. 1968a violent and tragic yearMartin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated.,Martin Luther King, Jr., Day,The United States today celebrates the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with memorials (纪念活动), parades (游行) and a “King Day of Service.“ The King holid

17、ay, which President Ronald Reagan signed into law in 1983, has become known as a day of community service (社区服务).,Main Events,In 1954, U.S. Supreme Court claimed that schools in the Board of Education which insisted racial discrimination were illegal. In 1955, in Alabama, Montgomery, black citizens

18、took full strike against the bus segregation of black and white . In 1963 twenty fifty thousand people got together to fight against apartheid and the U.S. civil rights leader Martin Luther King delivered the famous speech “I Have a Dream“ as the peak of the civil rights movement in Lincoln Memorial

19、 Square in Washington.,In 1960, people generally carried out sitting in public places in southern states, showing that the range of motion is beyond the limits of a city . In 1961 and 1962, the focus of the civil rights movement were opposed to the apartheid system and the coach for Southern blacks

20、to vote. Movement culminated in 1963. April, in the most segregated Birmingham, Alabama, protests broke out the black struggle, forcing the authorities to accept blacks requirements. August, held in Washington, the citys largest demonstration ever, 25 million black and white sympathizers held jobs and freedom for “free to enter.“,If you want to know more about The Civil Rights Movement, please study this text carefully.,Thanks for your listening!,


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