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1、Biochemistry,Introduction & Universities Analysis,Content,Biochemistry Brief introduction History Biochemistry, from elements to environments Research Branches Targets and techniques,Harvard, inner life,Biochemistry,Brief,Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living organisms. Biochemis

2、try governs all living organisms and living processes. By controlling information flow through biochemical signalling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life. enzyme-catalyzed reactions. cell metabolism endocrine system genetic co

3、de (DNA, RNA), protein synthesis, cell membrane transport and signal transduction Biohazard I-III, alcoholic fermentation(yeast) AND structures, functions and interactions of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules(biopolymers). Monomers: sim

4、ilar repeating subunits subunit types: eg. protein is a polymer whose subunits are selected from a set of 20 or more amino acids.,Almost all areas of the life sciences from botany to medicine are engaged in biochemical research. Important discoveries: 1828, Friedrich Whler, proved organic compounds

5、can be created artificially. 1833, Anselme Payen, the first enzyme, diastase. 1947, Gerty Cori, Carl Cori, Nobel Prize for their discovery of the Cori cycle. 1953, Hans Adolf Krebs, Nobel Prize, Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle). 1956, James D. Watson, Francis CrickNobel Prize, DNA structure, gene tra

6、nsfer information. 1958, George Beadle, Edward Tatum, Nobel Prize, one gene produces one enzyme. 2006 , Andrew Z. Fire, Craig C. Mello, Nobel Prize, RNAi in the silencing of gene expression. 2009, Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz Nobel Prize, ribosome atomic level research. ,History,Gerty

7、Cori and Carl Cori,Watson and Crick,Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello,Nobel Prizes put Biochemistry in the spotlight,Biochemistry: fundamental of life sciences,From elements to environments,Chemical elements, molecules, cells, individuals, environments,Elements,Most earth organisms share chemical el

8、ement needs, 6 elementscarbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, calcium, and phosphorusmake up almost 99% of the mass of a human body. Humans require smaller amounts of possibly 18 more. Around two dozen of the 94 naturally-occurring chemical elements are essential to various kinds of biological life. Mo

9、st rare elements on Earth are not needed by life (exceptions being selenium and iodine), while a few common ones (aluminum and titanium) are not used.,The four main classes of molecules in biochemistry are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Dehydration synthesis: Monomers(micromolec

10、ules) - polymers(macromolecules) Biological activity: different macromolecules -larger complexes,glucose (C6H12O6),Molecules,Carbohydrates,Energy storage and providing structure, cell to cell interactions and communications. Monosaccharides, include glucose (C6H12O6), fructose (C6H12O6), and deoxyri

11、bose (C5H10O4). dehydration synthesis: monosaccharides-Disaccharides-Oligosaccharides/polysaccharides Disaccharides Sucrose: glucose+ fructose, the most familiar carbohydrate. Lactose: glucose+galactose. lactose intolerance, lactase decreases. Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides one long linear cha

12、in, or branched. cellulose(plants) , glycogen(animal),A molecule of sucrose (glucose + fructose), a disaccharide.,Glycolysis Glucose glycolysis pyruvate + ATP, NAD+ NADH. This does not require oxygen; anaerobic if no oxygen is available, the NAD is restored by converting the pyruvate to lactate (lac

13、tic acid) (e.g., in humans) or to ethanol plus carbon dioxide (e.g., in yeast). Aerobic In aerobic cells with sufficient oxygen, as in most human cells, pyruvate is further metabolized to acetyl-CoA, citric acid cycleATP, NADH.,Lipids,A triglyceride with a glycerol molecule on the left and three fat

14、ty acids coming off it. Lipids, especially phospholipids, are also used in various pharmaceutical products, either as co-solubilisers or else as drug carrier components (e.g., in a liposome or transfersome).,Most lipids have some polar character in addition to being largely nonpolar. amphiphilic mol

15、ecules (having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions). In the case of cholesterol, the polar group is a mere -OH (hydroxyl or alcohol).,Proteins,Proteins are large molecules made from amino acids. There are 20 standard amino acids, each containing a carboxyl group, an amino group, and a side-cha

16、in (known as an “R“ group). When amino acids combine, they form a special bond called a peptide bond through dehydration synthesis, and become a polypeptide, or protein. Longer stretches merit the title proteins. As an example, the important blood serum protein albumin contains 585 amino acid residu

17、es.,Antibodies are an example of proteins that attach to one specific type of molecule. Probably the most important proteins, however, are the enzymes. The structure of proteins is described in a hierarchy of four levels. sickle-cell disease: hemoglobin, glutamate residue at position 6 with a valine

18、 residue change Ingested proteins are usually broken up into single amino acids then be joined together to make new proteins. Humans and other mammals cannot synthesize essential amino acids.,Nucleic acids,Nucleic acids are the molecules that make up DNA. The most common nucleic acids are deoxyribon

19、ucleic acid(DNA) and ribonucleic acid(RNA). The most common nucleotides are adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil. Aside from the genetic material of the cell, nucleic acids often play a role as second messengers, as well as forming the base molecule for ATP. Each nucleotides consists of t

20、hree components: a nitrogenous heterocyclic base (either a purine or a pyrimidine), a pentose sugar, and a phosphate group.,Cells,stem cell therapy,The Pros of Stem Cell Research,Individuals,Environments,University of Michigan-Ann Arbor,UCB,Lupines add nitrogen to the soil through their mutually ben

21、eficial symbiosis with root-nodulating bacteria,Almost all areas of the life sciences from botany to medicine are engaged in biochemical research. Techniques: chromatography, X-ray diffraction, dual polarisation interferometry, NMR spectroscopy, radioisotopic labeling, electron microscopy, mass spec

22、trometry, bioinformatics, computer modeling and simulation, chemical synthesis, molecular dynamics simulations, molecular biology,genetics,Equipments: Samples: Fungi(yeast) Rat, Mouse Human being,Branches,Researchers in biochemistry use specific techniques native to biochemistry, but increasingly co

23、mbine these with techniques and ideas from genetics, molecular biology and biophysics. There has never been a hard-line between these disciplines in terms of content and technique.,Animal-, Plant-, Microbial-, Insect- biochemistry Muscle-, Neuro-, Immuno- biochemistry Protein-, Nucleic acids-, Enzyme- biochemistry Medical-, Agricultural-, Industrial-, Nutrition- biochemistry Palaeobiochemistry, Ecological biochemistry, Pharmaceutical biochemistry Biophysics, Quantum Biochemistry,Thank you for your attention!,


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