观光旅游Charter :On The Airplane 机舱英语.ppt

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1、On The Airplane 机舱英语,Penny,After Takeoff 起飞后 In-Flight Service 机上餐点服务 Duty-Free Shopping 免税购物 Turbulence 湍流 Getting Airsick 晕机 The Approach 降落机场前,vocabulary (飞机内部相关),captain 机长 copilot 副驾驶 flight attendant 空服员 first-class cabin 头等舱 business-class cabin 商务舱 economy-class cabin 经济舱 tray table 折叠餐桌 sea

2、tback pocket 置物袋 airsickness bag 晕机呕吐袋 emergency exit 紧急出口 overhead compartment 舱顶置物柜 reading light 阅读灯 window blind/shade 遮阳板 call button 服务铃 armrest 扶手 seat belt 安全带 life jacket 救生衣 window seat 靠窗座位 aisle seat 靠走道座位 service cart 餐车 lavatory 盥洗室,After Takeoff 起飞后,Narrator:The flight attendant is gi

3、ving more instructions following takeoff. Flight Attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, please be advised that smoking is not allowed during the flight, neither in the cabin nor in the bathrooms. We will distribute headsets shortly. Please check the menu card in your seat pocket to help you make your meal

4、 selections. We will be coming around with drinks shortly. Amy: This is terrific service. Those snacks in the lounge will tide me over till we get some real food. Ed: Did you notice the overhead lights and air-conditioning jets? You can turn them on and off with this button. Amy: What else have you

5、discovered? Ed: There are nine music channels and four movies to choose from. I know what I will be doing on this flight.,In-Flight Service 机上餐点服务,Narrator: A meal is now being served on the airplane. Flight Attendant: Excuse me, sir. What would you like for dinner? Ed: We ordered the low-fat meals.

6、 Do we get a choice of entrees? Flight Attendant: Yes. Today, we have broiled shrimp with rice pilaf or chicken teriyaki served with noodles. Ed: Ill have the chicken. Amy: Id like the shrimp. Ed:What else comes with the meal? Flight Attendant: Vegetables, salad, a roll, and yogurt for dessert. Woul

7、d you care for some wine with dinner? Amy: Sure. Were celebrating. This is our second honeymoon. Lets live a little. Flight Attendant: Congratulations. White or red? Ed: Wed both like white. Flight Attendant:Yes, sir. Here you go.,Duty-Free Shopping 免税购物,Narrator: Ed and Amy want to buy some duty-fr

8、ee items. Ed: Did you see this duty-free catalog? Amy:Yes.Theres some really cool stuff in there. Excuse me, miss. How do we go about purchasing things in this catalog? Flight Attendant: You can order them here on the plane or visit one of the duty-free shops in the airport when we land. Amy: OK. Id

9、 like this model airplane. Flight Attendant:Sorry, maam. The model airplanes have been out of stock recently. Amy: How about these neat electronic gadgets? Flight Attendant:You have to pay tax on them. Amy: I think Ill wait and shop around at the airport. Flight Attendant:Just show your passport and

10、 boarding pass to the salesclerk. Amy: Thanks for the tip.,Getting Airsick 晕机,Narrator:The plane has just passed through the turbulence, and Amy is not feeling very well. Amy:I feel sick to my stomach. Its in knots. Ed:Do you feel dizzy? Amy:Yes, and I feel like I am going to throw up. Ed:Put your h

11、ead down. Ill call the flight attendant. Excuse me, miss? Flight Attendant:May I help you, sir? Ed:My wife is sick. I think its from the turbulence. Flight Attendant:Cover your mouth and nose with this paper bag and breathe slowly through your mouth about ten times. Try to relax. Ed:Do you feel any

12、better? Amy:I feel much better now. Flight Attendant:Here is an airsickness bag just in case you feel sick again. Ed:Thank you.,nausea vomiting vertigo loss of appetite cold sweat skin pallor difficulty concentrating confusion drowsiness headache increased fatigue,晕机症状面面谈,恶心 呕吐 晕眩 没有胃口 冒冷汗 脸色苍白 无法集中

13、精神 意识模糊 睡意 头痛 严重疲劳,The Approach 降落机场前,Narrator:The plane is about to land at the airport. Flight Attendant:Ladies and gentlemen, we are now approaching Los Angeles International Airport. The local time is seven AM. Please fasten your seat belts, put your seat in the upright position, and return your

14、 table to its locked position. Amy:We are almost there. I wonder what the temperature is. Ed:It is seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit, and there is no rain forecasted for days. Amy:Thats great! We really lucked out. Ed:Look around and make sure you havent forgotten anything. Amy:I looked already. Ed:We

15、re coming down pretty fast. Here. Chew some of this gum and keep swallowing hard. Amy:Thanks. My ears are all plugged up.,细说飞机的 Ups and Downs,pull the nose up 降级头拉起 accelerate/ speed up 加速 brake/ slow down 减速 descend/ descent 下降,下滑 lower the landing gear 放下飞机起落架 landing strip/ runway 飞机跑道 taxi (飞机起降时在地面的)滑行 landing/ touchdown 降落 perfect/ safe landing 安全降落 emergency landing 紧急降落 water landing 水面降落 crash (飞机)失事,撞毁,


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