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1、Unit 3,Travel Journal,Warming up,Do you know the following places, have you ever been there?,Tiananmen Square,The Great Wall,Forbidden City,The Heaven Temple,Eiffel Tower 巴黎艾菲尔铁塔(位于塞纳河南岸),Louvre Museum 罗浮宫法国巴黎(或译卢浮宫现为国立美术博物馆),The North Pole,The South Pole,Under the sea,The Moon,The Earth,On National

2、 Day and May Day, many people including you may prefer to go traveling for a break.,1. If you want to go traveling, where are you going? 2. How are you going?,What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transport you will use?,means of transport,on foot,by bike,by motorbike,by bus,

3、at the bus stop,by jeep,by car,by train,by ship/boat/sea,at the port/ harbor,by plane/ air,at the airport,by spaceship,What do you have to consider before you decide which means of transport you will use?,Cost(花费) Safety(安全) Comfort (舒适) Quickness Convenience (方便),On National Day and May Day, many p

4、eople including you may prefer to go traveling for a break.,1. If you want to go traveling, where are you going? 2. How are you going?,While you are discussing with your partner, ask each other the following questions:,When are you leaving? Where are you staying? How are you going to? How long are y

5、ou staying in? When are you arriving in/at? When are you coming back?,Sample dialogue A: Tom, where are you going on holiday? B: Im going to Canada. A: When are you leaving? B: Next Sunday. A: How are you going to Canada? B: Im taking a plane. A: How long are you staying in Canada? B: About two week

6、s. A: Great. Have a good trip. B: Thanks.,Speaking & Listening,F: Excuse me ,but I cant find my friends. Can you help me? Y: Could you say that again? F: Oh, sorry. i said that I need to find my friends. Y: Oh, I see. Where are they? F: At the east gate of the park. Y: Well ,this is the south gate.

7、Walk along this street and take the first left turn. Walk on until you reach the east gate. F: Thank you very much.,Listen to what Wang Ting and Chen Peng have to say and find out how they improve their English. Write down the main idea.,Wang Ting and Chen Peng are discussing how they improve their

8、English listening outside class.,A: What are you doing this weekend, Wangting? B: Im going to buy some CDs to improve my English. A: What ? Are you kidding? B: No, I often listen to English songs and learn them. It is an easy way to learn some idiomatic English expressions. Sometimes I watch films t

9、oo. A: No , not me. I used to watch English films but I cant understand them without the Chinese subtitles(字幕). I think English is too hard. B: You give up too easily. Why not watch CCTV9 or listen to songs like me?,A: I sometimes do that. I like watch the news and the interviews on CCTV9. They ofte

10、n have Chinese people talking and they often give subtitles in English to explain what they are saying. I find that very useful. B: Yes , thats a good way to practise your understanding of English. Why dont you also listen to the native speakers and improve your listening skills. A: Yes , I think Il

11、l do that more regularly. My teacher always says that “little and often” is the way to learn. Shell be proud of me. B: I am sure she will,Write down the three ways Wang Ting suggests to improve English skills.,Listening to _ is an easy way to _ some idiomatic _. 2. Watching _ _ is a good way to _ yo

12、ur _ of English. 3. Listening to _ can improve your _.,English songs,learn,expressions,the news and the interviews on CCTV 9,practise,understanding,The native speakers,listening skills,Learning about language,用现在进行时表示将来,当句子涉及确切的计划、明确的意图和为将来安排好的活动时, 现在进行时可用于表示将来。,1) come, go, stay, arrive, leave 等词的现

13、在进行时经常用于表示将来确切的计划。 2) 表示交通方式、行程安排的动词,例如 fly, walk, ride, drive, take (a bus, a taxi)等的现在进行时也经常用于表示将来。,- When are you going off for your holiday? 你什么时候动身去度假? - My plane is taking off at 9:20, so I must be at the airport by 8:30. 我乘坐的飞机将于9:20分起飞, 所以我必须在8:30之前赶到机场。,Betty _ (leave) for Guangzhou by plan

14、e at 3:00 this afternoon. Her brother Bob _ (see) her off. Its half past one now. They _ (wait) for a taxi outside the school gate.,is leaving,is seeing,are waiting,练一练,2. The Browns _ (go) to the North China by train next week. They _ (stay) in Beijing for a week. They _ (go) to Xian. They _ (get)

15、there by air.,are going,are staying,are going,are getting,3. Some friends _ (come) to Annes birthday party this evening. Annes mother _ (be) busy _ (get) ready for the birthday dinner. Anne _ (help) her mother now.,are coming,is,getting,is helping,注意: 英语中一些表 “状态和感官”的动词通常不用于进行时:,表示将来的动作或状态,有哪几种形式?,思考

16、?, will / shall动词原形 I shall be seventeen years old next month., be going to动词原形:表示即将发生的或最近打算进行的事。 We are going to have a meeting today., be 动词的ing形式:表示按计划或安排要发生的事, 含义是 “预定要” 这一结构常用趋向动词 go, arrive, come, leave, start, stay , return 和 play, do, have, work, wear, spend, see, meet等 。 Eg: When are you le

17、aving? When are you coming back?,Homework,1,To finish the EX2 on page21 2, To preview the next period of the Unit.,Fast reading,They reached Tibet in winter. ( ) Wang Wei always rode in front of me. ( ) 3. When we reached a valley, it became warmer.( ) 4. They went to sleep early in their tent. ( )

18、5. Their cousins will join them in Dali.( ),True and flause,F,T,T,F,T,Language points,The important words and phrases:,1,transport 2,prefer to 3.ever since 4.persuade 5.graduate 6.finally 7. schedule 8.be fond of,9. organize 10. care about 11.chang ones mind 12. make up ones mind 13.give in 14,it be

19、 that/ who,Which kind of transport do you prefer to use: bus or train? Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport. 你更喜欢哪种交通方式,汽车还是火车?想一想每一种交通方式的优点和缺点。 transport, 运输,运送 Prefer to 更喜欢.,阅读下列句子,注意prefer的意思和搭配。 1. She prefers dogs to cats. 2. My sister prefers staying at home

20、to going to see a film. 3. I prefer to play outdoors rather than play computer games in the room. 4. They preferred their son to go to college. 5. Would you prefer that he (should) go with you? a. prefer sth to sth. 比起.更喜欢 b. prefer doing to doing 比起.更喜欢做 c. prefer to do rather than do sth 宁愿做.而不 d.

21、 prefer sb. to do 宁愿某人做 e. prefer that sb (should )do sth .宁愿某人做.,1. 与咖啡比我更喜欢茶。 I prefer tea to coffee. 2. 我父亲宁愿走路而不乘坐公交车。 My father prefers to walk rather than take a bus. 3. 她宁愿没有人来看她。 She preferred that nobody should come to see her.,2,Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have_takin

22、g a great bike trip. 从中学起, 我姐姐王薇和我梦想作一次了不起的自行车旅行。,ever since. 自从以来,从那以后 (完成时) dream about = dream of 梦见, 梦想 1,My younger brother dreams of becoming a superman. 2,He always dreams about traveling around the world.,dreamed about,then she persuaded me _buy one. 然后她还说服我买了一辆. Persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某

23、事 1,The teacher persuaded her to buy an English dictionary . 2,The teacher advised her to buy an English dictionary. (=try to persuade sb to do) Eg:我尝试说服我的父亲戒烟,但失败了。 I trid to persuade/advised my father to give up smoking, but I failed.,to,After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to

24、take a bike trip. 大学毕业以后, 我们终于有了机会骑自行车旅行。 Now she is planning our schedule for the trip. 现在她正为我们的旅行制定计划 graduate from 从毕业 finally 最后,终于 schedule, 时间表, 进度表,It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 首先想到要沿湄公河从源头到终点骑车旅游的是我的姐姐。

25、这是一个强调句,强调了“my sister”,如: It was LilY that/who broke the window. It be + 强调部分+who/that+其他成分 Eg: it was yesterday evening that I finished reading the book,I _fond_ my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She can be really stubborn. 我很喜欢我姐姐, 但是她有一个很严重的缺点。她有时确实很固执。 be fond of 喜欢be tired of 厌倦 Sh

26、ortcoming 缺点 Stubborn 固执的,of,am,She insisted that she _(organize) the trip properly. 她坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。 insist表示“坚持要求,一定要”,其后宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用动词原形或 “should + 动词原形” ,如: I insist that you_ (visit) our school. organize vt,组织,成立,organize,(should) visit,.my sister doesnt care_ details. 我姐姐是不会考虑细节的。 care

27、about: be worried about 忧虑,关心 care for sb/sth: look after, love or like 喜欢, 照顾 1,He doesnt _what happens to me. 2,He _her deeply. 3, Who will _your child if you are out?,about,She gave me a determinded look the king that said she would not change her mind. 她给了我一个坚定的眼神这种眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。 Once she has ma

28、de up her mind , nothing can change it . Finally ,I had to give in. 她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。最好我只好让步了,mind 的短语: change ones mind 改变某人的主意 make up ones mind 下定决心做. 1,Choose one quickly. Do not always _. 2,He couldnt _ about what to do with the money.,give in 1. Mary usually has to give in to her little broth

29、er. 2. The hero would rather die than give in to the enemy. give in :让步,屈服,投降 你还知道其他有关give 的短语吗? give _放弃 give _发出,放出(气味、热、光等) give _赠送,捐赠 give _用完,耗尽,翻译句子。,最后我们完成了这项工作。(finally) 汤姆坚持认为我是错的。(insist) 3. 赢了这场比赛的是12班。(强调句,强调“12班”) 4.这个小女孩梦想成为一名歌手。(dream) 5,他说服我参加了这个晚会。(persuade) 6,一旦你下了决心,就不要再改变主意。 (once ,mind),Homework,Finish the exercises of page 20 Recite the new words and expressions .,Thank you for your listening!,


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