高考英语总复习热点考向典型例题导读讲义课件:4-1 Unit 1 Women of achievement.ppt

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1、高考英语总复习 热点考向典型例题导读讲义课件,(2010浙江高考)最近,李越被评为你们班的“每周之星”。请你根据她的事迹(在上周六下午,不顾天气炎热,为班级选购歌咏比赛服装),用英语为班级板报写一篇100120个词的短文。你的文章应包括下列要点: 1李越的事迹及其对同学的影响; 2你的评论。,注意:1.文章的标题和开头已给出(不计词数)。 2参考词汇:singing contest 歌咏比赛 costume 服装 Star Student of the Week Li Yue has been awarded the title of “Star Student of the Week” fo

2、r what she did for our class._,【满分作文】 Star Student of the Week Li_Yue_has_been_awarded_the_title_of_“Star_Student_of_the_Week”_for_what_she_did_for_our_class.On the hot afternoon of last Saturday,Li Yue went downtown and walked from one store to another,looking for the costumes we would wear in the

3、singing contest.While the rest of us were enjoying our leisure time in cool and comfortable rooms,she spent the whole afternoon searching and selecting. Finally,she found the right clothes.Deeply moved by her efforts,we tried our best and won the first prize in the contest.,Li Yue is always warmhear

4、ted and cares a lot about the class.Besides,she often devotes her spare time to helping others.She has set a good example for us.Therefore,she deserves the honor and we should learn from her.,【高级词汇】 right恰好的;正好的 devote.to.致力于 deserve应受;应该得到,【佳句变换】 1Last Saturday afternoon,it was very hot,but Li Yue

5、went downtown to look for the costumes we would wear in the singing contest from one store to another. 2It took her the whole afternoon to search and select the right clothes while we stayed in cool and comfortable rooms,having fun. 3In addition,she often helps others whenever they are in trouble.,.

6、词汇链条 1_n观众;听众;读者 2_vt.计划;打算 3_n突发事件;紧急情况 4_n一代;一辈 5_n成就;功绩 _vt.达到;获得;实现 6_n项目;工程;规划 7_n连接;关系 _vt.连接;联系 8_n运动;战役 vi.作战;参加运动 9_n组织;机构;团体 _vt.组织,audience intend emergency generation achievement,achieve,project,connection,connect,campaign,organization,organize,10_vt.& vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现 _n行为;举止;习性 11_n荫;阴凉

7、处 vt.遮住光线 12_adj.值得的;值得做的 _adj.值;值得n.价值 _adj.值得做某事;应得某事物 13_n联系;关系;结合;纽带 14_vt.观察;观测;遵守 _n观察;观测 _n观察者 15_adj.直言的;坦诚的 16_vt.& n尊敬;尊重;敬意 17_vt.& vi.讨论;辩论;争论 _n辩论;争论;讨论,behave,behaviour,shade,worthwhile,worth,worthy,bond,observe,observation,observer,outspoken,respect,argue,argument,18_n款待;娱乐;娱乐表演 _vt.使

8、快乐;招待 19_n人群;观众 vt.挤满;使拥挤 _adj.拥挤的 20_vt.鼓舞;激发;启示 _n鼓舞;激励;启示 21_n& vt.支持;拥护 _n支持者;拥护者 22_vi.谈到;查阅;参考 _n提及;涉及 23_adj.考虑周到的 _n考虑;体谅 _vt.考虑;看作;认为 24_vt.递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说) 25_adj.谦让的;谦虚的;适度的,entertainment,entertain,crowd,crowded,inspire,inspiration,support,supporter,refer,reference,considerate,consider

9、ation,consider,deliver,modest,.重点短语 1_人 2_离开;启程;出发 3_过着的生活 4_(想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海 5_蔑视;瞧不起 6refer to_ 7by chance_ 8come across_ 9carry on_ 10be intended for_,human being move off lead alife crowd in look down upon/on,查阅;参考;谈到 碰巧;凑巧 (偶然)遇见;碰见 继续;坚持 专门为,.经典句式 1She spent years_ their daily activities. 她用了

10、很多年的时间观察并记录了它们每天的活动。 2_after her mother came to help her for the first few months_begin her project. 她母亲头几个月来帮忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。 3I_know the answer_one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China. 直到有一天晚上坐在电脑旁研究中国的伟大的女性时,我才有了答案。,observing and recording,Only,was

11、she allowed to,did not,until,4Further reading made me realize that_hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature _got her into medical school. 进一步阅读使我了解到,是苦干、决心和善良的天性使她走进了医学院的大门。,it was,that,.短文填空 There are a lot of famous women of achievement in the world.They all do well in their work,s

12、uch as Lin Qiaozhi,Jody Williams and Song Qingling.Of all the famous women,I admire Jane Goodall most for her contribution to the world.Nobody before Jane fully understood chimp_1_.She has spent years studying these families of chimps,_2_and recording their daily activities.Since her_3_she worked wi

13、th animals in their own environment.However,this was not easy.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.For forty years Jane has been_4_about making the rest of the world understand and_5_the life of these animals.,She has_6_ that wild anima

14、ls should be left in the wild and not used for_7_or advertisements.She has_8_everything she wanted to do and she_9_those who want to cheer the_10_of women. 答案 1.behaviour 2.observing 3.childhood 4.outspoken 5.respect 6.argued 7.entertainment 8.achieved 9.inspires 10.achievements,It is worthwhile doi

15、ng/to do sth做某事是值得的 It is worth ones while to do sth做某事对某人是有益/有好处的 be worthn.(如:a visit,the money等) 值得(参观、花钱等) be worth doing.值得做 be worthy of being done/to be done值得做,(1)Id rather the money went to a worthwhile cause. 我宁愿把钱花在有价值的事业上。朗文 (2) explain a job fully to new employees.给新雇员解释一下工作要求,费点事也是值得的。

16、牛津,Its worthwhile taking the trouble to,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)He considers his efforts _.(2011山东卷阅读理解B) 答案 worthwhile (2)His first book is of great use for our course.But his latest one is _worth reading.(2012杭高月考) Abetter Bmore Cmuch Dvery 解析 考查副词用法。be well worth doing.“很值得做”。由句意“他的第一本书对我们的课程很有用,但他最新出的这一本

17、更值得一读。”可知应选A项。 答案 A,observe sb do sth观察到某人做了某事 observe sb doing_sth观察到某人正在做某事 observe sb/sth done观察到被 observe thatclause 发现,(1)Howling is a behavior commonly among a wolf pack.(2011湖北卷阅读理解B) (2)She observed that the pond was drying up. 她注意到池塘在干涸。朗文,observed,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)I_(observe)a number of inte

18、lligent children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a regular class.(2011广东卷完形填空) 答案 observed (2)If,as a child,you _(observe) people whose lives were bad,you may have accepted their fear and pain as normal and gone on to follow what they did.(2011天津卷阅读理解D) 解析 根据observe后的宾语从句中谓语were可

19、知应用一般过去时态。 答案 observed,respect sb/sth尊重某人/某物 respect sb for (doing) sth因某人(做)某事而尊敬某人 show/have respect for sb尊重某人;向某人表示敬意 with respect尊重地;尊敬地 (1)Molly always told us exactly what she thought,and we that. 莫莉总是与我们坦诚相见,我们为此敬佩她。朗文 (2)With respect,sir,I think youre quite wrong.先生,尽管我极为尊重您,但我(仍然)认为您的确错了。朗

20、文,respected her for,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)To_(表示我们的敬意),we usually have to take our gloves off whoever we are to shake hands with.(2011重庆卷,30) 答案 show our respect (2)With time,I learned how to play and made friends in the process friends who_(respect) my efforts to work hard and be a team player.I never had

21、 so much fun!(2011北京卷完形填空) 答案 respected,argue with sb(about/over_sth)(就某事)与某人争论/辩论 argue for/against sth据理赞成/反对某事 argue that.主张;认为 argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事 argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事 persuade sb into doing sth说服某人做某事 persuade sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事 talk sb into doing sth说服某人做某事 tal

22、k sb out of doing sth说服某人不做某事,(1)Im not going to ,but I think youre wrong.我不想和你争辩,但我认为你错了。朗文 (2)Joyce argued me into buying a new jacket. 乔伊斯说服了我买一件新夹克衫。朗文,argue with you,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)Mr.Ball _ that some of the reasons have been building for the last few years.(2011新课标阅读理解C) 答案 argues (2)It has be

23、en_(argue) by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes.(2011广东卷完形填空) 解析 It is argued that.“有人主张;有人认为”。 答案 argued,in support of为了支持;为了拥护 give/offer/provide/lend support to sb支持某人 with_ones support 在某人的支持下 (1)Thanks for at this difficult time. 谢谢你们在这个困难时刻所给予的一切帮助。朗文 (2)The public

24、 stopped supporting the war in Vietnam. 美国公众不再支持美国在越南进行战争了。牛津,all your support,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)While Earth is the only planet known _ life,surely the adaptive ability of humans would allow us to live on other planets.(2011江西卷阅读理解D) 答案 to support (2)“No,”she said.“I dont expect you to help _us.”(2011陕

25、西卷阅读理解C) 解析 help (to) do.“帮助做”。 答案 support,intend doing/to do sth打算做某事 intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事 be intended to do sth/for sth专门为;专门给 had intended to do sth/to have done sth本来打算做某事 intend that.打算;主张,(1)I hear they / . 听说他们要结婚了。牛津 (2)I didnt intend her to see the painting until it was finished.我原本不

26、想在画还没有完成时就让她看。朗文 (3)I think the bomb was intended for me. 我认为那颗炸弹是要炸我的。牛津,intend to marry,intend marrying,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)The message you_(intend) to convey through words may be the exact opposite of what others actually understand.(2011上海卷,38) 答案 intend,(2)He_to go to Beijing today,but he postponed

27、the trip when he heard that there would be a downpour at noon.(2012上海南汇中学考试) Awas intending Bwould intend Chad intended Dintended 解析 考查动词时态。由句意“他打算今天去北京,但当他听说中午会有大雨后,他就推迟了出行。”可知,intend所表示的动作发生在postpone之前,故应选C项,即用过去完成时态。 答案 C,look up向上看;查阅;查寻 look up_to sb尊敬某人 look sb up and down上下打量某人 look after照料;照

28、看 look into调查 look forward to期待;盼望 look through仔细查看;浏览 look on.as.把当作/看作,(1)Mr.Garcia anyone who hasnt had a college education. 加西亚先生看不起任何未受过大学教育的人。朗文 (2)She has always looked up to her father. 她一向崇敬父亲。牛津,looks down on,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)I often _the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Interne

29、t.(2011四川卷,14) Alook up Blook at Clook for Dlook into 解析 考查动词短语辨析。A项意为“查找;查阅”;B项意为“看”;C项意为“寻找”;D项意为“调查”。句意:我经常在字典中或网上查找我不认识的单词。 答案 A,(2)If you_faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.(2011安徽卷,34) Acome across Bcare about Clook for Dfocus upon 解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意:如

30、果你发现这辆自行车有瑕疵,但是你仍想买,就让服务员降价。come across发现,碰到;care about 在意,关心;look for寻找;focus upon 集中注意力于。根据句意可知正确答案为A项。 答案 A,refer.to.把提交给 refer to.as.把当作 refer oneself to依赖;求助于 (1)Complete the exercise without . 请在不查阅字典的情况下完成练习。朗文 (2)When I said some people are stupid,I wasnt referring to you.我说有些人很愚蠢,并不是说你。牛津,r

31、eferring to a dictionary,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)When I am faced with a difficulty,I usually choose_ relevant learning materials or Web pages.(2011安徽卷书面表达) 答案 to refer to,(2)At the routine office meeting,the headmaster insisted that the problems_paid special attention to.(2012扬州中学测试) Areferred to being Brefe

32、rred to be Crefer to being Drefer to be 解析 考查非谓语动词和虚拟语气。该句可以是“.the headmaster insisted that the problems which had been referred to should be paid special attention to.”。由此可以看出,referred to为过去分词作后置定语;insist后的宾语从句用“should动词原形”,should被省略。句意:在例行办公会上,校长坚持提及的问题应给予特别的关注。 答案 B,come about发生 come on快点;加油;出场;改

33、进 come out出现;开花;发行;发表 come up(问题、计划等)被提出;升起;长出地面 come up_with提出 come to到达;共计;达到,(1)I some old photos in the attic. 我在阁楼上偶然翻到了一些老照片。朗文 (2)How did it come about that humans speak so many different languages?人类怎么会说这么多种语言,这种情况是如何产生的呢?朗文,came across,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)She_an old friend of hers yesterday whil

34、e she was shopping at the department store.(2011天津卷,8) Aturned down Bdealt with Ctook after Dcame across 解析 考查短语动词的辨析。句意:昨天在百货商店购物时,她遇上了她的老朋友。turn down拒绝;deal with对付,处理;take after 长得像,性格类似于,效仿;come across穿过,越过,偶然遇见。 答案 D,(2)A recent study of ancient and modern elephant has_ the unexpected conclusion

35、 that the African elephant is divided into two distinct (不同的) species.(2011湖南卷阅读理解C) 答案 come up with,carry on with sth/doing sth继续做某事 carry out执行;实行;贯彻 carry away带走;搬走 carry back将送回;回忆起 carry through使渡过难关,(1)He is relying on his son to the family business. 他指望儿子继承家业。朗文 (2)The sound of seagulls carri

36、ed her back to childhood holidays by the sea.她听到海鸥的叫声就回忆起童年时在海边度假的情景。牛津,carry on,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)_with his fathers business.(2011陕西卷阅读理解C) 答案 To carry on,(2)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if_regularly,can improve our health.(2010浙江卷,8) Abeing carried out Bcarrying out Ccarried o

37、ut Dto carry out 解析 考查if条件句中的省略情况。主语是the experiment,谓语动词是shows,that引导宾语从句。if_regularly是插入的条件从句,从句的主语是proper amounts of exercise,条件句的主语与主句的主语一致,完整形式是:if it is carried out。句意为:这项实验表明,适当的运动,如果有规律地进行,能够有助于我们的身体健康。 答案 C,spend time/money (in) doing sth(某人)花费时间/金钱做某事 spend time/money on sth(某人)在某事上花费时间/金钱

38、(1)He clothes. 他在衣着上花费太大。牛津 (2)Much of my time is spent studying financial reports. 研究财务报告花了我很多时间。朗文,spends too much (money) on,直通高考看看高考怎么考 (1)The Richters_(spend) about $400 a month_(send) books to 200 children.(2011山东卷阅读理解A) 答案 spend;sending,(2)They would rather spend time_than_in the street.(2012

39、杭十四中月考) Aread;wander Bread;wandering Cin reading;to wander Dreading;wander 解析 考查固定结构。第一个空考查spend time (in) doing sth“花费时间做某事”;第二个空考查would rather do.than do.结构,意为“宁愿做也不做”。句意:他们宁愿把时间花在读书上也不在街上闲逛。 答案 D,.品句填词 1He is a little boy,but he b_as if he were an adult. 2On summer afternoons,his parents sit in t

40、he s_of the large tree drinking tea and chatting. 3Tom and Jim are good friends and they are joined by b_of friendship. 4I hope this success will i_you to greater efforts. 5They rushed her to hospital where doctors d_her baby safely. 6He often says that the younger_(一代)dont know what hard work is.,7

41、I_(尊重) his views,although I do not agree with them. 8The_(项目) is being managed by an experienced worker. 9Its said that the police there have begun a(n)_(运动) to reduce road accidents. 10We think that he is the most_(考虑周到的) person we have ever met. 答案 1.behaves 2.shade 3.bonds 4.inspire 5.delivered 6

42、.generation 7.respect 8.project 9.campaign 10.considerate,.短语识境 show respect for;lead a simple life;have.in common;devote.to.;set up;wake up;move off;crowd in;work out;fight for 1I cant stop thinking about all the problems that come _on me. 2Challenge yourself to _what is right,not what the most peo

43、ple accept. 3Well have to _how much food well need for the party. 4I cant get on well with him,for we _nothing _with each other.,5The car stood at the traffic lights for a minute,then_. 6Every morning when you _,decide to make that day the most important day. 7He _all his life _studying maths and wo

44、n great fame for our country. 8The group was _to prevent endangered species from dying out. 9We are supposed to _our teachers and parents. 10They are _in the remote mountains far away from the town now.,答案 1.crowding in 2.fight for 3.work out 4.have;in common 5.moved off 6.wake up 7.devoted;to 8set up 9.show respect for 10.leading a simple life,.翻译句子 1警方一直在监视着他的举动。(observe) _ 2一些科学家认为在外太空一定存在生命。(argue) _ 3主席的话让所有在场的工人们振奋起来。(inspire) _,4童年的记忆涌上我的心头。(crowd in) _


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