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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Fit for life板 块:Reading 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是一节语言点教学课,语言点教学课应在学生充分了解熟悉文章的基础上帮助学生解疑释惑,教授学生需掌握的基本词汇、句子及语法。首先需要温故知新,设置关键词填空让学生对课文内容进一步加深巩固,其次列出文章出现的重点短语,进一步帮助学生梳理文章知识点。在此基础上,通过词汇释义、单词填空、造句等方式教会学生此单元必须掌握的词汇重点难点。然后留出空间给学生对所学语言点进一步练习巩固。Teaching aims:After this class, the studen

2、ts will be able to:1. consolidate the gist of the article;2. learn some phrases such as focus on, open up, take place, etc;3. learn some words such as trial, thin(vt), note, etc.Teaching procedures: Step 1 ConsolidationFill in the blanks with correct the words.Step 2 Useful phrasesfocus on, open up,

3、 take place, save ones life, be made from, in powder form, carry out a study, be considered to be, manage to do, due to, dream come true, heart attack.Step 3 Difficult language pointsWords: trial, thin(vt), risk, note, application, mass Sentence structure: 1. However, it was not until World War II t

4、hat two other scientists managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it.2. It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century. Step 4 Group discussionLet students discuss with partners about making up a story with the words and phrase we have just learned.Step5 PresentationAsk students to present their story in front of the class.Step6 HomeworkExplanation本节课5个步骤3个层次安排:Step 1巩固文章大意;Step 2-3,短语、词汇、句子重点难点教学;Step 4-5通过学生讨论用所学词汇短语编故事帮助自己消化所学知识;Step4 对所学知识加以运用。Step5作业,对语言点进行巩固。第 2 页 共 2 页


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