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1、Module10 Unit1 第1课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第九模块第一单元第一课时:Unit 1 1. Look, listen and say. & 2. Listen, read and act out.二、教学目标1. 大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:line, stand in line, close, librarian, rule, quiet.2. 大多数学生能够听懂并运用句型Dont talk in library. Please stand in line!3. 能够运用所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。三、教学重难点(一)重点:1. 听、说、读、写单

2、词和短语:line, Stand in line, close, librarian, rule, quiet.2. 学习句型:Donttalk in the library. Please stand in line!(二)难点:1. 用句型“Dont talk in the library. Please stand in line!”发出指令或要求。2. 祈使句的用法。3. 如何在现实中运用所学的句型。四、教学准备1. 单词卡片(可从优教平台下载“Module10 Unit1单词卡片集”直接使用)。2. 音频(可从优教平台下载使用)。3. 大明、西蒙和图书管理员的头饰。4. PPT课件。

3、五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1. Have a dictation of the new words and new sentences of Module 9.2. Look at the chant of Page 54, let the students listen to the tape and say the chant together, clap their hands at the same time.【设计思路】通过听写复习上一模块的单词和句型,通过一首英文歌谣激发学生的学习积极性,拉近师生间的距离。让学生快速地进入学习状态。使教学环节自然过渡到下一环节。Ste

4、p 2 Preview老师根据chant的内容提问:1. Do you want to go to the sea?2. Do you want to visit the museum?3. What should you do when you go into the museum?4. Do you want to go to the library? What should you do in the library?【设计思路】这四个问题的设置,可以起到承上启下的作用。让第一环节自然过渡到第二个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本节课的重点部分,即下面的新授环节。Step 3 Presenta

5、tion 1. 新课导人。After the chant the teacher asks the students:T: Do you want to go to the sea? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.T: Do you want to go to the library? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.T: What should you do when you go into the library? Ss: We should stand in line.(Teach the new word: line. Teach the

6、new phrase “stand in line”. Compare it to the phrase“wait in line”.)把话题引导到目标语言上来。请几个学生起立,到前面来听老师的英文指令然后排队。eg:Please come here and stand in line! Please stand in line!2. Unit 1 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.T: Good! I think you are so clever. Now please listen to the tape of Activity 1 on Page 56 t

7、hen answer the question: What I should you do when you go into the library?Let the students look at the book, listen to the tape and find the answer: We should stand in line. Let the students listen to the tape again and follow the tape. Then practise by playing games.3. 课文教学。T: OK, boys and girls,

8、you did a very good job. We know we should stand in line when we visit some places. Next please watch a video.给学生播放一段表现学校中的违规行为的录像片断。例如:上课时看课外书、在教学楼的楼梯上追跑、打闹等。老师一边播放一边询问学生:T: What are they doing?Ss: They are running on the stair.T: What should we say to them?引导学生说出:“Dont run on the stairs!”老师把句子写到黑板

9、上。老师告诉学生,录像里的学生违反了学校的行为规范。询问他们还知道学校的哪些行为规范。请学生们大胆发言,各抒己见。然后,老师可以引导学生尽可能多地说出不同场所的行为规范或规章制度。老师询问学生,图书馆中一般会有能不会用英语很好地表达。告诉学生:今天的课文就是关于图书馆中的规章制度的。老师使用教学挂图,然后让学生听录音。Let the students listen to the tape three times.The first time, let the students find out the new words and phrases: line, stand in line, li

10、brarian, close, rule, quiet. Teach the words by using the cards. And practise them by playing a finger game. The second time, let the students find out the sentences with the words “Please” and “Dont” and speak in the class, the teacher writes the new words the blackboard. The third time, let the st

11、udents rules, the teacher writes it on the blackboard, answer the following questions, eg:(1) When do they go to the library?At twenty to five.(2) What does Simon find?He finds a book.(3) What does the man say to Simon?He says “Look at the library rules.” (4) What are the library rules?Dont talk in

12、the library.Please be quiet.Please stand in line.老师对板书的句子加以总结,可以通过表情和手势使学生更加明确“Please”与“Dont”的含义,讲解祈使句的用法PPT出示其用法和例句。At last, let the students listen to the tape and follow the tape, practise the dialogue in groups or in pairs and then act out.(鼓励学生在表演时添加适当的动作和表情。全班选出今天的“最佳表演小组”,由老师进行表扬和奖励。)【设计思路】本环

13、节的设计做到了词不离句,句不离篇。通过各种各样的操练形式来操练单词,重点句型和对话,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中习得新知。Step 4 Consolidation and extension活动1:8人一组组成读书小组,写下想借的书名(英文),并设计好:可能用到的对话内容,做好实践课的准备。活动2:实践活动:教师带领学生到图书室上课,实践才是硬道理。还可准备一些“提醒牌”,在上面依次贴上进图书室后的流程,通过抽换及时提醒学生。如: Dont talk in the library! (可能的话再配上简笔画或手势帮助学生理解)然后老师充当图书管理员,学生8人小组选完书后向图书管理员借书。老师发给学生

14、书,同时附一张图书馆规则,让学生以小组为单位译成中文。完成该项活动。【设计思路】本环节设计了两个活动,使学生在合作探究中完成学习任务,运用所学的新知识。Step 5 Homework1. 抄写课后单词。听“Listen, read and act out”部分的录音, 并朗读课文。用英语制定一个学校微机房的规章制度,用上今天所学句型“Please.”与“Dont.”六、板书设计Module 10 Unit 1 Dont talk in the library.Lesson 11. New words:line长队 rule规定,规章 librarian图书管理员2. New sentences:Please stand in line. Please hurryPlease be quiet. Dont talk in the libraryLook at the library rules.七、回顾总结本节课主要学习用句型“Dont talk in the library. Please stand in line.”发出指令或要求。且学习了一些新单词和词组:line, stand in line, close, librarian, rule, quiet.更多资源:http:/


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