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1、Module1 Unit2 第2课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第一模块第二单元第二课时:Unit 2 4. Listen and learn to say. 6. Guess and say. & 7. Write and talk.二、教学目标1. 大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语: map, right, in the east/west/north/south of.2. 大多数学生能够听懂并用句型:Whereis.? Its in the. (east/west/north/south) of.讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。3. 能把握句子的节奏和重音。能运用

2、所学的语言知识与同伴进行交流。三、教学重难点(一)重点:1. 听、说、读、写单词和短语map, right, in the east/west/north/south of.2. 学习句型: Where is.? Its in the (east/west/north/south) of. (二)难点:1. 用句型: Where is.? Its in the. (east/west/north/south)of.讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。2. in the east/west/north/south的用法。3. 句子的节奏和重音。四、教学准备1. 单词卡片(可从优教平台下载“Mod

3、ule1 Unit2单词卡片集”直接使用)。2. 音频(可从优教平台下载使用)。3. PPT课件。4. 人物大明和西蒙的头饰。五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1. Listen and do.Revise the words: east/west/south/north. The whole class stand up, listen to the teacher and do the actions.The students should point to the right/left/or point up/ down, (in Chinese that is:上北下南,左西右东

4、。)2. Show a map of China on the screen. Revise the sentence patterns: Where is.? Its in the east/west/south/north of.【设计思路】 从听一听,做一做和一幅中国地图入手,激发学生的学习积极性,复习和巩固上节课所学的单词和句型。让学生快速地进入学习状态。Step 2 Preview 老师根据中国地图提问:1. Where is your city?2. Where is the zoo of your city?3. Where is Shanghai?【设计思路】通过这三个问题的设

5、置,可以起到承上启下的作用。让第一环节自然过渡到第二个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本节课重点部分即下面的新授环节。Step 3 Presentation1. Unit 2 Activity 6 Guess and say.老师根据中国地图提问:T: Which city do you live in?Ss: I live in Guangzhou.(根据实际情况回答自己所在的城市名) T: Where is Guangzhou?Ss: Its in the south of China.T: Is there a zoo in your city?Ss: Yes, there is.T: Whe

6、re is it?Ss: Its in the north.T: Can you see a lot of animals there?Ss: Yes, we can.Then let the students open the book, turn to Page 7 and look at Unit 2 Activity 6 Guess and say.T: Read the dialogue after me please.After that, let the students practice in pairs and act it out Make similar dialogue

7、s by using other places in the city or town.2. Unit 2 Activity 7 Write and talk.老师用课件出示中国地图,向学生提问:T: Where is Shanghai?Ss: Its in the east of China.T: Is it big? (引导回答)Ss: Yes, it is.T: How many people are there in Shanghai?Ss: There are about.people.老师把学生的答案写在黑板上。把句子组成小短文。This is Shanghai. Its in t

8、he east of China. Its really big. It has got about.people.老师让学生就其他城市提问,跟同学谈一 谈,写一写。3. Unit 2 Activity 4 Listen and learn to say.At first let the students read the sentences one by one, the teacher should give some advice to the students after their reading. Tell the class the rules of reading an Eng

9、lish sentence. Tell them to pay attention to the stress.Then let the students listen to the tape and follow the tapaAt last let the class read the sentences together.【设计思路】本环节是让学生把上节课所学的单词和句型进行巩固和运用,通过各种各样的活动来操练单词、重点句型和对话,做到了把所学知识用于实践,符合新课标的要求。Step 4 Consolidation and extension活动1: 看谁读得好PPT出示一些句子,让学

10、生四人一组进行朗读训练,注意节 奏和重读单词。小组成员每人所读句子必须不同。四分钟后进行课堂展示,读得好的组可以获得老师的奖品。 活动2: 说说写写Use the map of the US and have a talk in groups of 4, then write a short passage like the following: This is. Its in the.of the US. Its really big. It has got aboutpeople.示范一组后让学生分成四人小组开展练习。教师可用PPT出示美国地图让学生分组进行活动。Then act out.

11、【设计思路】本环节设计了两个活动,使学生在合作探究中完成学习任务,运用所学的新知识。Step 5 Homework1. Unit 2活动4,听录音模仿语音语调,特别注意句子中的重音部分。2. 在本子上用This is.Its in the.of.Its really big. It has got about. people.介绍一个城市。六、板书设计Module 1 Unit 2 Its in the west.Lesson 21. New words:map地图 right正确的 east东 north北 south南 west 西2. New sentences:Its in the east of China.A: Where is.?B: Its in the.of.七、回顾总结本节课主要是继续学习用句型A: Where is.? B: Its in the.of.讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息,并且学习了一些新单词和词组: map, right, in the east/west/south/north.更多资源:http:/


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