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1、Module9 Unit1 第1课时教案一、教学内容外研版小学英语六年级上册第九模块第一单元第一课时:Unit 1 1. Look, listen and say. 2. Listen, read and act out.二、教学目标1. 大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:UN, UN building, around, all around, country, inside.2. 大多数学生能够听懂并用句型“Do you want to ?”及其答语。3. 能读懂课文并能够完成与课文相关的问题。能够按要求书写单词和目标语句培养学生在图片及例句的提示下进行语言交际。三、教学重难点(一)重

2、点:1. 听、说、读、写单词和短语:UN, UN building, around, all around, country, inside.2. 能在实际情景中运用句型“Doyou want to.? (二)难点:1. 会用一般现在时表述某人想做某事,知道want to后面要接动词原形。2. 询问某人是否想做某事并做出回答。四、教学准备1. 单词卡片(可从优教平台下载“Module9 Unit1单词卡片集”直接使用)。2. 音频(可从优教平台下载使用)。3. 人物头饰。4. PPT课件。五、教学设计Step 1 Warm-up1. Enjoy some pictures of America

3、, (the Statue of Library, Chinatown, Disneyland, NBA)2. Free talk between the students and the teacher.Where is it?What do you think of it?Do you want to visit it?What can you see in the street?Can you tell me more about it?Who is he?Whats your favorite NBA star/cartoon character?【设计思路】对出示的关于美国的图片进行

4、问答,通过自由问答环节,调动学生的学习兴趣,营造出学习英语的氛围,同时帮助教师了解学生的知识储备,为学习新知识做好准备。Step 2 Preview1. Present the picture of the UN building. Guide students to talk about the UN building, eg:Whats this?What do you think of it?How tall/old is it?Where is it?Do you want to visit the UN building?【设计思路】通过自由问答引出本节课的重点句并进行板书,调动学生

5、对联合国已有的知识并进行拓展。2. Know something about the UN.(1) UN=United Nations (2) Present the flag of the UN. 【设计思路】通过这个环节的学习,可以起到承上启下的作用。使第一环节自然过渡到第二个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本节课重点部分,即下面的新授环节。Step 3 Presentation1. 新课导入。T: The UN is the United Nations. Do you know the UN building?Do you want to visit the UN building?Toda

6、y well visit the UN building with Daming and Simon.2. Text learning.(1) Play the tape and let the students listen.(播放Module 9 Unit 1 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.的录音)T: Look at the screen. Who are they?Ss: Darning and Simon.T: Yes. What are they talking about?Ss: They are talking about China.T: W

7、hat does Simon want to do?Ss: He wants to visit China.(2) Learn something more about the UN. And show some pictures about the UN.The teacher shows a picture of many flags in the UN.(引出There are flags from around the world )Listen to the tape, and answer the question:How many member states are there

8、in the UN? (播放Module 9 Unit 1 Activity 2 Listen, read and act out.的录音)Ss: 193.T: Is China in the UN?Ss: Yes, it is.T: China is one of the first countries in the UN. Lets read the conversation again, then fill in the blanks.The UN building is in .Darning wants to take a .答案: New York photoT: What doe

9、s Darning think of the UN building?S1: What a big building!(3) Find the sentences with “want to” and pay attention to the function of “want to”. Then follow the tape to repeat the conversation.(4) Read the dialogue by themselves.Step 4 Consolidation and extension找规律。Do you want to go inside the UN b

10、uilding?I want to show Daming one of the presents from China.I want to take a photo.观察这三句话有什么共同之处。会有学生发现want to后面接动词原型,这时课件闪烁visit, make, go三个动词,教师总结:want to后面要接动词原型,如want to play, want to eat.让学生说几个想做什么事的词组。Step 5 Homework1. 听Listen, read and act out的录音,模仿表演。2. Make some sentences with “want”.六、板书设

11、计Module 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building?Lesson 11. New words:UN building around (all around the world) country (countries) inside (outside)2. New sentences:I want to.Do you want to.?七、回顾总结本课时围绕联合国大厦展开学习活动,学会运用“want to do sth”来表达自己的意愿。Simon向Daming介绍位于纽约的联合国大厦。通过Simon的介绍,Daming 了解到许多国家都加人了联合国组织。Daming觉得联合国大厦看起来非常髙大。更多资源:http:/


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