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1、U1T3P3Unit 1 Playing SportsTopic 3 The school sports meet is coming教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Playing Sports 为主题。第三话题以学校运动会及奥林匹克运动会为中心,在复习前两个话题所学的基础上,引入新内容的学习。Section A通过Yu Ting 和Li Ming关于各自在即将举办的学校运动会中参加的项目的讨论,学习will表示一般将来时的用法,学习询问和表达意愿和打算以及鼓励他人的功能用语,主要句型有:Which sport will you take part in ? Ill be in the l

2、ong jump and the high jump.I believe you will win等;Section B 通过Kangkang 和Michael打电话约定一起参加学校运动会的见面时间、地点等相关事宜,学习shall表示一般将来时的用法,学会有关约会的表达式,主要句型有:What shall we take?When shall we meet ? Where shall we meet ?,同时通过对辅音连缀和弱读的发音规则的学习形成正确的发音; Section C通过阅读的输入,学习有关奥林匹克运动会的词汇,并在提示词的指引下用一般过去时叙述学校运动会的情况。Section

3、D 通过阅读Kangkang的日记,复习巩固所学有关运动会的词汇和表达法,同时要求他们结合课本内容和已有的有关奥运会的知识,写一篇有关奥运会的文章。Topic3的的内容可以用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 3,2a, 2b,第二课时:Section A-4, Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2第三课时:Section B-3a,3b,1d, ,Section C-2第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,3,4第五课时:Section D-Kangkangs diary,Grammar and Functions, Project第三课时(Section

4、 B-3a,3b,1d, Section C-2)教学设计思路:本节课是一节语音课,主要活动为Section B -3a,b和1d。首先教师出示音标卡片,学生跟学3a,3b,辅音连缀的读音及弱读的方法。然后学生浏览1d三组信息,以小组活动形式,运用新学主要句型仿编对话并在全班展示。接着再对will/shall表示一般将来时的用法做巩固练习。最后完成Section C的部分替换练习。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:(1)能正确认识两个辅音字母在一起第一个辅音字母的轻读现象。(2)学生能正确认识朗读元音在句中的弱读现象,并能正确朗读发音。(3)能够正确使用shall表示

5、一般将来时。2. Skill aims: (1)能注意辅音连缀的读音、弱读。(2)能使用本话题中所学语法和功能进行简单交流。3. Emotional aims:能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1) 辅音连缀的读音、弱读。(2) will/shall表示一般将来时的用法。2. Difficult points: Will/shall表示一般将来时的用法. Learning strategies1. 能够了解辅音连缀的发音方法,

6、连缀中第一个辅音读得轻而短促。2. 能够注意到弱读的发音方法,带下划线的字母的弱读形式被发音为/. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪,音标卡片,单词卡片。V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class activity)Greet and warm up.Ask the students to play a game named“Beware Bomb”.The t

7、eacher introduces the rules.T: Before new lesson, lets play a game. The rules are like this: Ill show you some new words which were written on the cards. You please read them together. But you should keep silent when there is a bomb beside the word. Or you will be out . The student who finally left

8、will be the winner. Are you ready?Focus their attention on the teacher.Take an active part in the game to perform best .Ss: Yes!Ss: 该部分目的在于通过游戏活跃课堂气氛,帮助学生放松心情,以积极的状态进入到新课的学习当中。Remark:“当心炸弹”的词汇游戏Stage 2(10mins):Revision and phonetic learningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Indi

9、vidual activity)Ask students to show their dialogues to review the functions about making appointments Make up their own dialogue .S1:-Hello, May I speak to Wang Xuan?S2:-Speaking!S1:- Wang Xuan, Im Xiao Hong. Are you free this weekend?S2:-Yes,Whats up?S1:-I want to fly a kite in Hongshan park.Would

10、 you like to go with me ?S2:-Good idea! What shall we take?S1:该步骤复习和巩固上节课所学的表示约定的功能句。2( Class work)Present 3a.Show phonetic cards to the students one by one. Ask them to listen carefully and imitate.T:Please read the groups of words and then try to tell me the rules for spelling.Explain the rules of

11、 consonant clusters and then correct students pronunciation .Listen and imitate. Then read by themselves.Read the cards and say the rules for spelling.Ss:The first consonant is quicker and lighter than the next one.Students correct their pronunciation as the teacher reads.该部分引起学生对辅音连缀的读音规则的注意,要求学生进行

12、模仿和练习。3(Class work)Play the recording of 3b, asking the students to pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined letters.Play the recording again.Explain that the weak form of the underlined letters is pronounced as /.Students only listen, noticing the weak form of the underlined letters is

13、pronounced as / /.Member 1 reads then member 2 checks, Students try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation in 3b.该部分要求学生掌握弱读的发音规则,并进行模仿练习,以形成地道的语音语调。Remark:3a,3b部分教师应对发音规则进行简单讲解,让学生知道连缀中第一个辅音读得轻而短促。还要注意到弱读的发音方法,带下划线的字母的弱读形式被发音为/。Stage 3(14mins):Finishing 1dStepTeacher activityStudent activityDe

14、signing purpose 1( Pair work )Finish 1d.Ask the students to look through 1d and make up new conversations.Organize students to work in pairs. Each group makes three different dialogues. Each pair writes down their dialogue.Require each pair to read their conversations. Then they exchange the papers

15、with another pair and read.Look through 1d and make sure they know how to make a new conversation. Six members in a group assign the message, and each pair finishes one conversation. Then they write down their conversation.The pairs read their own conversation, and then read others.S1:-Hello, Is Jan

16、e in?S2:-Speaking!S1:- Jane, Lets go to Beihai park to row tomorrow morning. S2:-Good idea! Itll be fun. When shall we meet?S1:-lets make it ten in the morning.S2:-Where shall we meet?S1:At the school gate.S2: Ok.See you then.S1:See you.该部分要求学生仿编对话,促进学生进行语言输出。2( Class work )Provide some exercises fo

17、r the students to consolidate the usage of “will” and “shall”Finish the exercises.( Class work )Ask the students to skim through the exercises in Section C-2 to see if theres something they dont understand. Explain some difficult points that the students may ask.Students look through 2 first and mak

18、e sure they know what to do, and then finish 2.Volunteers answer and explain the reason.Remark:对于2部分出现的新单词或短语,如stand for等,让学生先猜测意思,然后核对单词表,最后教师再进行简要讲解,帮助学生理解和记忆。Stage 4(8mins):PracticeStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class work)Design exercises about the following phrases:Catch

19、 up withGo for a picnicMake it timeStand forTry ones bestOffer about 3 minutes for students to finish it . Skim through the exercises to find the difficult part, and then they turn to the teacher for help.Students point out the difficult points.Do the exercises carefully, leaving question mark near

20、the place where they are not sure.Check the answers in groups.Remark:练习的设计要兼顾学生的自主完成和合作完成。Stage 6(5mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Summarize what the students learned today. Important language points are shown on the computer s

21、creen.T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson. T:Wonderful!. I hope you can remember them. If you have difficulty understanding them, just turn to me or ask other students for help.All the students should know the meaning of the summary. S1: We learned t

22、he pronunciation of /sp/ /st/ /sk/; /gr/ /fr/ /dr/ /tr/;/fl/ /pl/ /kl/ /bl/ /gl/ S2:We knew about the usage of shall. S3:通过总结本节课所学知识点,让学生及时巩固新知识,加深印象。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.Ask students to Search something about Olympics and write them down, then report to the whole class tomorrow. Prepare

23、 Section C after class. Finish searching and writing after class, and prepare for the reporting tomorrow.Students learn to read vocabulary with the help of recording and the phonetic symbols, and read the passage after the recording. Remark:布置家庭作业时,教师要说明检查的方式,如将书面作业,可在下节课开始时进行展示等,这样学生才会认真完成。VI. Blackboard design第三课时(Section B-3a, 3b, 1d, Section C-2). /sp/ /st/ /sk/. Shall I/we /gr/ /fr/ /dr/ /tr/ make it + time /fl/ /pl/ /kl/ /bl/ /gl/ stand for10 / 10


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