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1、New words and expressions of Unit 1 Great scientists,1.他提出了几项令人感兴趣的计划。 2.从这些数据中你能得出什么结论? 3.病人在医院里得到很好地照顾。 4.长时间在阳光下暴晒对你的皮肤有害。 5.这名老者全神贯注于他的书,He puts forward several interesting plans.,What conclusions do you draw from these statistics?,The patients are well attended in the hospital.,Being exposed to

2、 the sun for a long time does great harm to your skin.,The old man is absorbed in his book/reading his book.,6.警察怀疑他偷了钱 7.她把他们失败的婚姻归咎于她的丈夫 8.这名醉酒的司机应该为事故而受到指责。 9.他的懒惰导致了他的失败。 10.你在会议上说的话对我有很大的意义。,The policeman suspected him stealing the money.,She blamed the failure of their marriage on her husband.

3、 She blamed her husband for the failure of their marriage.,The drunk driver should be to blame for the traffic accident.,His laziness contributed to his failure.,What you said at the meeting made great sense to me.,characteristic n. c 特性,特性;性格 用来描述人或事物的特征、特点,并非性格 2. character n. (小说,电影里的)人物,角色;特点,特征

4、;性格 常用来描述人的性格,像是坚强、懦弱、乐观、积极;也用来表示(字母的)字符/字号 He is firm in character-他性格坚强。 Id like to use small characters of this essay- 这个作文我想用小号字符。 Sympathy is the feeling characteristic of mankind. 同情心是人类特有的感情。,put forward vt. 提出,建议 come up with 提出,He puts forward several interesting plans.,推荐 recommend 我推荐你担任高

5、尔夫俱乐部的秘书好吗? Can I put you forward for golf club secretary?,他提出了几项令人感兴趣的计划。,拓展: put aside搁在一边(不去理会) put off 推迟 put away 把收起来 put into practice 把付诸实践 put on 穿上;上演;打开 put out 扑灭;使熄灭;生产 put up举起;建立;张贴,conclude v. 总结 conclusion n. 结论,结束 make / draw a conclusion 得出结论 draw drew drawn in conclusion 总之,概括来说,

6、2.最后,我对我的东京之行说几句。 In conclusion, I will say a few words about my visit to Tokyo.,1.从这些数据中你能得出什么结论?,What conclusions do you draw from these statistics?,4. analyse vt. 分析 拓展: analysis nlsis n. 分析,分解,这本书教会我们如何分析数据。,This book teaches us how to analyse these datas.,defeat (1) vt. 打败,击败 n. 失败,战败 我们在战役中打败了

7、敌人。 We defeated the enemy in the battle.,辨析: win/ beat /defeat (1).defeat可表示在战斗、竞赛、比赛、辩论中击败 对手。后接sb. (2).beat主要用语在比赛、竞争中击败对手。后接sb. 多数情况下可以和defeat互换 (3).win“获胜;赢得”,其宾语是比赛、战斗、奖品和荣誉 等。,6. expert n. 专家 adj. 熟练的,内行的 be ( an) expert in / on / at 在方面是内行 他对音乐很内行。 He is expert in music.,7. attend v. 出席,参加 他决

8、定亲自赴会。 He decided to attend the meeting himself. 照顾,护理 病人在医院里得到很好地照顾。 The patients are well attended in the hospital.,The students are busy making preparations for the lecture because they will _it. A. attend B. join C. take part in D. attend to attend :参加会议,上课,上学,听报告 join : 加入组织,如入党 join the Party

9、join in take part in : 参加某种活动,A,8. expose expose sb. / sth. to sth. 使面临,使遭受 不要让婴儿受到强烈的阳光照射。 expose sb. to sth. 使某人接触; 使某人体验 我们想让孩子们收到尽可能多的艺术熏陶。 We want to expose the kids to as much art as possible.,Dont expose babies to strong sunlight.,9. cure heal / recover / treat vt. 治愈,治疗 n. 治愈,痊愈;措施,对策 拓展: cu

10、re sb. of sth. 治好某人的病,医生你能治好他的癌症吗?,Will you cure him of his cancer, doctor?,challenge n. 挑战 vt. 向挑战 challenge sb. to sth. / to do sth. 向某人挑战 他向我挑战下象棋。 He challenged me to play chess.,Challenges and Oppotunities for college school students in the 21th century,11. absorb vt. 吸收,吸引,People absorbed the

11、disease into their bodies with their meals.,人们通过食物把病菌吸收到体内, 使专心 be absorbed in 专注于,全神贯注于 focus()on / concentrate()on/ fix()on,老人全神贯注地读这本书。,The old man was completely absorbed in the book.,suspect vt. 怀疑,觉察 我们怀疑他们的诚实。 We suspected their honesty. suspect sb of doing sth 怀疑某人做某事 suspect sb.to be 怀疑某人是

12、The police suspected him of stealing the money. n. 嫌疑犯,blame vt. 责备,谴责 blame sb.for sth./doing sth. 因为某事责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 sb. be to blame ( for ) 某人应为承担责任 (不能用被动),She blamed the failure of their marriage on her husband.,The drunk driver should be to blame for the traffic accident.,I fe

13、el it is your husband who _for the spoiled child. A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame,A,14. handle vt. 处理,操纵 n. 把手,柄,我相信你可以自由地处理所有的情况。,I am sure you can handle all the situations freely.,1.The plan that you _ at the meeting is wonderful.(提出) 2.Dont _ until tomorrow

14、 what can be done today.(推迟) -Benjamin Franklin,put forward,put off,Revision:,翻译下列句子。,1. 从事实中得出结论很重要。 _ 2.总之,我们应该防止污染。 _,It is important to draw a conclusion from the facts.,In conclusion, we should prevent the pollution.,join join in take part in attend May I _ your discussion? He was ill so he did

15、nt_ his classes. His brother_ the army two years ago. A lot of college students _sports meeting last year.,加入(团体,组织,参军)、,参加(某些小型活动),参加(会议,课程,婚礼),参加(某些大型活动),join in,attend,joined,took part in,Many girls like to _ themselves _ the sun in summer.,Many girls like to _ the sun in summer.,expose,to,be exp

16、osed to,_ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to ones skin. A. Exposed B. Exposing C. Being exposed D. Having exposed,Simon was so _(沉浸于)his book that he didnt even notice me come in. 2. This drug is quickly _(被吸收进)the body.,absorbed in,absorbed into,I dont know who _ blame for the car accide

17、nt.,was to,I think _(司机是罪魁祸首). He should have been more careful.,the driver was to blame, Who is _ the fire in the kitchen? A. to blame for B. to blame C. blame for D. blame,( ) They were in the football match. A. won B. defeated C. beat D. stroken ( ) The doctor _ her headache with a new medicine,

18、but didnt _ her. A. cured, treat B. cure, treated C. treated, cure D. treated, treat,B,C,16. link.to. 把与连接或联系起来,我的电脑无法连接网络 I cant link my computer to the internet.,be linked to 被连接,与有联系 The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer.,17. announce v. 宣布;通告;预示,He suddenly announced that he was le

19、aving. Warm sunshine announces the coming of spring.,预示,announce sth. to sb. announce to sb. sth.,eg:这则消息经由电视向大众宣布 The news was announced to the public on TV,announce that announce to sb. that,18. contribute v. 捐献,贡献 contribute to 有助于,促成;贡献 contributeto把贡献给 Eating too much fat can _heart disease and

20、 cause high blood pressure. result from B. devote to C. contribute to D. attend to,C,We hope your suggestions will contribute _the problem. to solving B. to solve C. solving D. solve,A,19. apart from 除之外,此外 (包括在内) = besides , in addition to 除英语外你还学些什么? What do you study apart from English ? 辨析: exce

21、pt : 除了(不包括其后宾语) besides : 除了 还 (包括其后宾语) but for : 如果不是因为,Some people choose jobs for other reasons _money these days. A. for B. except C. besides D. with The great changes would never have taken place _the economic reform in our country. A. apart from B. but for C. except D. besides,C,B,20. be stri

22、ct with sb. 对某人严格的 老师对学生们很严格。 Teachers are strict with students. 拓展: be strict in / about sth. 对某事严格 He is strict in his work.,21. make sense 讲得通,有意义 这句子毫无意义。 This sentence doesnt make sense./ makes no sense.,reject vt. 拒绝,抛弃 (后面常跟名词,代词,动名词,不跟不定式) Marys mother _to let her go abroad to study. refused

23、 declined turned down rejected,A,Exercises 巩固练习,1. 哪个医生护理你? Which doctor is _ _ you ? 2. 别把皮肤暴露在阳光下,你会被晒伤的。 Dont _ _ _ _ the sun or you will be burnt. 3. 这种药治好了他的病。 This kind of medicine _ him _ his illness. 4. 我全神贯注地读书,没听到你的电话。 I was _ _ a book and didnt hear your call. 5. 这孩子惯坏了应该怪谁了? Who is _ _ f

24、or the spoiled child?,attending on,expose your skin to,cured of,absorbed in,to blame,6. When the aged people _ polluted air or water, they are likely to get sick. 当老年人暴露在被污染的空气或水中,他们很可能会生病。 7. You are supposed to _your own idea at the meeting. 在会上你应该提出自己的观点。 8. He _a spy. 他被怀疑是一名间谍。,are exposed to,put forward,is suspected to be,


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