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1、Human Resource Management,Unit 1 Introduction,1.1 Definition HRM-those activities designed to provide for and coordinate the human resources of an organization.,Obtain Retain Motivate Utilize Develop,Human Resource,1.2 The important role of HRM,1.3 the main activities involved in HRM Job analyses Hu

2、man resource planning Recruiting Selecting Human resource development (orienting , training , development and career planning ) Appraising performance Compensation and benefits Labor relation,1.4 Linking HRM to strategy,1.4.1 Corporate strategy leads to HR strategy,Corporate strategy,Business strate

3、gy,HR strategy,1.4.2 HR competencies lead to business strategy,1.4.3 The combination of HRM and Corporate Strategy -HR department become a strategic partner, The role of the HR department in strategy analysis, The role of the HR department in strategy formulation, The role of th

4、e HR department in strategy implementation,1.5 why all managers have HRM responsibilities 1.5.1 HRM can help managers and avoid mistakes 1.5.2 HRM can help to solve “want or not ” and “can or not ”,Unit 2 Job Analysis,2.1 define job analysis job analysis-The procedure for determining and reporting t

5、he information relating to the nature of each job (tasks, duties, and responsibilities), and the human attributes required to perform it (knowledge, skills , and abilities) .,2.2 the use of job analysis 2.2.1 the products of job analysis,Job analysis,Job description and job specification,2.2.2 the u

6、se of job analysis - the cornerstone of HRM,Job analysis,Job description and job specification,HRM activities,2.3 steps in job analysis,2.4 job analysis techniques the interview questionnaires observation participant diary data analysis key affairs,2.4.1 the interview three types: individual

7、 interviews with each employee group interviews with employees having the same job supervisory interviews with one or more supervisors, advantages and disadvantages, typical questions why is the job being performed what are the major duties? what percentage of time is spent on each? wh

8、at are the education, experience, skill and certification and licensing requirements?,what are the jobs physical demand? The emotional and mental demand? what are the health and safety conditions? To what hazard is there exposure, if any?,2.4.2 questionnaires types: structured unstructured/o

9、pen ended advantages and disadvantages,2.4.3 observation types: one approach is to observe and interview simultaneously another approach is to interview after observe advantages and disadvantages.,2.4.4 participant diary/log 2.4.5 data analysis 2.4.6 key affairs,2.5 writing j

10、ob descriptions and job specification,2.5.1 the information provided in a job description, job identification job summary relationships responsibilities and duties authority of incumbent standards of performance working conditions and physical e

11、nvironment job specifications,2.5.2 job description guidelines be clear be specific be brief be logical,Unit 3 Human Resource Planning,3.1 define HRP HRP is the process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. HRP is the process of reviewing human

12、 resources requirements to ensure that the organization has the required number of employees,with the necessary skills,to meet its goods.,3.2 the framers of HRP HR department exclusive managers line managers consultant,Forecasts of labor surplus or shortage,3.3 HRP process,planning and implementing

13、HR programs,Evaluating HR programs,Forecasts of labor demand,Forecasts of labor supply,3.3.1 step 1 : forecasts future human resources demand, considerations the demand for your product or service (major factor) projected turnover quality and nature of your employee technological and administ

14、rative changes resulting in increased productivity , techniques utilized trend analysis ratio analysis scatter plot computerized forecast managerial judgment ,3.3.2 step 2 : forecasts future human resources supply, considerations general economic conditions local labor market condition

15、s occupational market conditions internal HR conditions , techniques utilized staffing tables Markov analysis skills inventories succession planning ,3.3.3 step 3 : forecasts of labor surplus or shortage,3.3.4 step 4 : planning and implementing HR programs to balance supply and demand,

16、 methods to deal with a labor surplus (supplydemand) extend effective operation hiring freeze attrition buy-outs and early retirement programs job sharing,part-time work alternative jobs within the organization supplemental unemployment benefits layoffs termination severance pay outplacement assista

17、nce, methods to deal with a labor shortage training improve efficiency increase machine overtime,hire temporary employees subcontract work transfer promotion recruitment,3.3.5 step 5: evaluating HR programs,3.4 The importance of HRP to the organization,Unit 4 Recruitment,4.1 define recruitmen

18、t Recruitment-The process of searching for and attracting an adequate number of qualified job candidates, form whom the organization may select the most appropriate individuals to staff its job requirement.,4.2 methods of recruitment and their advantages /disadvantages,4.2.1 recruitment within the o

19、rganization job posting promotion,4.2.2 recruiting outside the organization, advertising the media to be used Newspapers Magazines Radio Television point-of-purchase (promotional materials at recruiting location), the ads construction-AIDA Attention Interest

20、 Desire Action, employment agencies advantage and disadvantage -an employment agency prescreens applicants for your job the guidelines when choosing an employment agencies, executive search firms the guidelines when choosing an executive search firm,4.2.2.

21、4 college recruiting two main problems relative expensive and time-consuming recruiters themselves are sometimes ineffective, or worse, online recruiting employee referrals walk-ins computerized employee data bases,Unit 5 Selection,5.1 selection-the process o

22、f choosing individuals 5.2 the purpose of selection -choose qualified individuals (who possess the necessary skills, knowledge, abilities, personality, interests, and preferences to fill the job opening, who will perform well and fit in with the corporate values and culture.),5.3 the selection proce

23、ss,5.3.1 step 1: preliminary reception of applicants - two-way street,5.3.2 step 2: initial applicant screening,5.3.3 step 3: selection testing- used for both hiring and promotion purposes, types of tests test of cognitive abilities intelligence tests-IQ specific cognitive abilities

24、, test of motor and physical abilities, personality tests, achievement test, work samples, management assessment center in basket leaderless group discussion management games individual presentation objective tests the interview, honesty tests po

25、lygraph graphology paper and pencil, physical examination (drug testing),5.3.4 step 4: the selection interview, types of interviews - interviews can be classified in four ways according to (1)degree of structure; (2)purpose; (3)content; (4)the way the interview is administered,5.3.4.

26、1.1 the structure of interview unstructured or nondirective interview structured or directive interview mixed(semistructured) interview, the purpose of the interview common interview stress interview, the content of the interview situation interview behavioral interview STAR - situ

27、ation, task, action, result, problems with interviews poor planning snap judgment negative emphasis halo effect poor knowledge of the job contrast error influence of nonverbal behavior too much / too little talking playing attorney or psychologist, questions that can and cannot be aske

28、d in the interview - interviewing and law, ways to improve interviews -how to design an effective interview, deciding who will be involved in the selection process and developing selection criteria, specifying musts and wants, determining assessment strategies and d

29、eveloping an evaluation from, developing structured interview questions situational questions behavioral questions Job-knowledge questions worker-requirements or willingness questions, developing candidatespecific questions,5.3.5 step 5: background investigation and reference check

30、ing 5.3.6 step 6: the supervisory interview,5.3.7 step 7: realistic job preview (RJP) 5.3.8 step 8: making the hiring decision,5.3.9 step 9: candidate notification 5.3.10 step 10: evaluating the selection process,Unit 6 Training, Development and Career Planning,6.1 define training training-the proce

31、ss of teaching new employees the basic skills / competencies they need to perform their jobs,6.2 the purposes and importance of training,6.3 the steps in a training program,6.3.1 step 1: need analysis,6.3.2 step 2: instructional design,6.3.3 step 3: validation,6.3.4 step 4: implementation,6.3.5 step

32、 5: evaluation and follow-up,6.4 training guidelines,6.5 training technique,6.5.1 on-the-job training (OJT),6.5.2 job instruction training (JIT),6.5.3 lectures,6.5.4 audiovisual techniques,6.5.5 vestibule or simulated training,6.5.6 computer-based and multimedia training,6.6 the distinction between

33、training and development,6.7 define management development management development-Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting knowledge, increasing skills , or changing attitudes.,6.8 management development techniques,6.8.1 development job rotation 6.8.2 coaching / u

34、nderstudy approach 6.8.3 action learning,6.8.4 case study method 6.8.5 management game 6.8.6 outside seminars 6.8.7 college / universityrelated programs,6.8.8 role playing 6.8.9 behavior modeling 6.8.10 inhouse development center,6.8.11 (OD) organizational development 6.8.12 survey feedback 6.8.13 t

35、eam building,6.9 define career planning and development - The deliberate process through which a person becomes aware of personal careerrelated attributes and the lifelong series of activities that contribute to his or her career fulfillment .,6.10 roles in career planning and development,6.10.1 ind

36、ividual accept responsibility for your own career assess your interests, skills, and values seek out career information and resources establish goals and career plans talk with your manager about your career follow through on realistic career plans,6.10.2 manage provide timely performance feedback p

37、rovide development assignments and support participate in career development discussions support employee development plans,6.10.3 organization communicate mission, policies, and procedures provide training and development opportunities provide career information and career programs offer a variety

38、of career options,Unit 7 Performance Appraisal,7.1 define performance appraisal -performance appraisal may be defined as any procedure that involves (1) setting work standards; (2)assessing the employees actual performance relative to these standards; (3)providing feedback to the employee,7.2 the ro

39、le of the HR department and the line manager in performance appraisal,7.2.1 HR development -a policymaking and advisory role 7.2.2 line manager -actual appraising,7.3 the purpose and important of performance appraisal,7.4 performance appraisal methods and their advantages and disadvantages,7.4.1 nar

40、rative forms,7.4.2 graphic rating scale method,7.4.3 alternation method,7.4.4 paired comparison method,7.4.5 forced distribution method,7.4.6 critical incident method,7.4.7 behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS),7.4.8 management by objectives methods (MBO),7.5 problems with performance appraisal

41、 7.5.1 unclear performance standards 7.5.2 halo effect 7.5.3 central tendency 7.5.4 leniency or strictness 7.5.5 appraisal bias 7.5.6 recency,7.6 how to avoid appraisal problems,7.6.1 right raters,7.6.2 right system,设计绩效管理系统的基本原则,战略一致性 明确性 接受性 可行性信度 正确性效度,7.6.3 right appraisal tool,7.7 the appraisal

42、 interview 7.7.1 appraisal interview - An interview in which the supervisor and employee review the appraisal and make plans to remedy deficiencies and reinforce strengths.,7.7.2 how to conduct the appraisal interview,Unit 8 Compensation Management,怎样给猎狗分骨头?,详细,Organization rewards,Organization rewa

43、rds are received as a result of employment by the organization. Organization rewards include all parts of rewards, both extrinsic and intrinsic.,Organization rewards,extrinsic rewards intrinsic rewards (total compensation forms) (relational forms) Base wage or salary Learning opportunity Incentives

44、Challenging work Benefits Recognition,Compensation,Literally: Counterbalance, Offset, Make up for Implication: Exchange Defining: Compensation refers to all the extrinsic rewards employees receive in exchange for their work.,Base wage or salary,Base wage or salary is the hourly, weekly, or monthly p

45、ay employees receive for their work.,Incentives,Incentives are rewards offered in addition to the base wage or salary, and usually related to performance.,Benefits,Benefits are rewards employees received as a result of their employment and position with the organization.,Compensation plays an import

46、ant role in,Obtain Retain Motivate Utilize Develop,Human Resource,The role of the HR manager in compensation management,Assisting in design the reward system Ensuring equity,Equity,Strategic Issues Internal equity External equity Individual equity Organizational equity Procedural equity Resultant eq

47、uity,Consistency,Internal consistency refers to comparisons among jobs or skill level inside a single organization.,Competitiveness,External competitiveness refers to how an employer positions its pay relative to what competitors are paying,Contribution,Incentive program,王子能找到那位最完美的姑娘吗?,Pay objectiv

48、es at different companies,Corporation strategy,Business strategy,HRM strategy,Compensation strategy,Team assignment:,Outlook compensation management,Cost of HR will rising Work axiology Market axiology the flexibility turns,Unit 9 communicate,9.1 the element of the basic communication model 9.1.1 source 9.1.2 receiver 9.1.3 message 9.1.4 encoding process,9.1 the element of the basic communication model 9.1.5 decoding process


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