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1、健康类核心词汇,addiction n. 上瘾 aerobic exercises n. 有氧运动 ailment n. 疾病(微恙) amnesia n. 健忘症 antibiotics n. 抗生素,bacteria n. 细菌(复数) blood circulation n. 血液循环 calorie n. 卡路里(热量) carcinogen n. 致癌物 chronic disease n. 慢性疾病,convenience food n. 方便食品 couch potato n.肥胖的人 depression n. 抑郁、消沉 diabetes n. 糖尿病 dieter n. 节

2、食者,endanger v. 危及 epidemic n. 流行病 expectancy n. 期望寿命 eye irritation n. 眼睛发炎 family breakdown n. 家庭破裂,flesh-eater n. 吃肉者 hazard n. 危害 headache n. 头痛 heart disease n. 心脏病 household garbage n. 家庭垃圾,hypertension n. 高血压 impair v. 危害 inactive lifestyle 缺乏运动的生活方式 infectious disease n. 传染病 insomnia n. 失眠,lu

3、ng cancer n. 肺癌 mental and physical health n. 身心健康 myopia n. 近视 nicotine n. 尼古丁 non-smoker n. 不吸烟的人,nourishment n. 营养 nutrient n. 养分 nutrition n. 营养 obesity n. 肥胖症 omnivorous adj. 杂食的,passive smoking n. 被动吸烟 protein n. 蛋白质 remedy n. 疗法 second-hand smoking n. 二手烟 sedentary adj. 久坐的,sore throat n. 喉咙发

4、炎 stroke n. 中风 tar n. 焦油 threaten v. 威胁 vegetarian n. 素食者 adj. 素食的,许多teenagers喜欢吃hamburgers和French fries等西式快餐。A recent research发现,越来越多的小孩suffer from obesity,不少青少年成了couch potatoes,甚至有些人得了hypertension,diabetes。为了健康,建议大家少吃junk food,多吃fruits和 vegetables。俗话说,An apple a day keeps the doctor away。In additi

5、on,我们应该做aerobic exercise,例如,jogging,biking和yoga.,词汇大串联,Many teenagers love to eat western fast-food such as hamburgers and French fries. A recent research finds that an increasing number of kids suffer from obesity. Quite a few teenagers become couch potatoes and even some of them suffer from hypert

6、ension and diabetes.,People are suggested to eat less junk food and take in more fruits and vegetables to keep healthy. As the old saying/proverb goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. In addition, we should do more aerobic exercises, for example, jogging, biking and yoga.,不应该鼓励keep pets,因为宠物携带

7、许多parasites,传播infectious disease。Official figures show that 每年都有数百人死于rabies。中山医科大学的研究也显示,pet-owners比较容易得skin diseases和respiratory diseases.,Keeping pets should not be encouraged because they carry a lot of parasites and spread infectious diseases. Official figures show that hundreds of people die of

8、 rabies each year.,A study conducted by Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences reveals that pet-owners are more likely to get skin diseases and respiratory diseases.,现在人们suffer from heavy stress,经常有insomnia,anxiety和depression的symptoms。专家建议他们多做physical exercises.,People nowadays suffer from heavy

9、 stress, so they often have symptoms including insomnia, anxiety and depression. Experts suggest that they should do more physical exercises.,句子翻译,整个社会都过着一种懒洋洋的生活,所以导致肥胖症、高血压、糖尿病等成为流行疾病。 live a sedentary lifestyle obesity hypertension diabetes epidemic,The whole society is living a sedentary lifesty

10、le, so obesity, hypertension and diabetes become epidemics.,工作压力过重会导致抑郁、焦虑,甚至自杀。 depression anxiety suicide,Too much work pressure leads to depression, anxiety and even suicide.,研究发现素食主义者有70%的可能性会缺乏各种必需的养分。 vegetarian indispensable nutrient,A study shows that vegetarians have a 70% chance of lacking

11、 various indispensable nutrients.,青少年只有减少糖和盐的摄入、多吃蔬菜水果,才能保持健康体重。 maintain a healthy weight,In order to maintain a healthy weight, teenagers must take in less sugar and salt and more vegetables and fruits.,吃肉的人坚信肉是人类所需蛋白质的唯一来源。 meat-eater protein source,Meat-eaters firmly believe that meat is the onl

12、y source of protein human beings need.,吸烟者每吸一次烟都会严重伤害他人健康,比如,导致无辜的二手烟民中风的风险增加。 impair second-hand smoker risks of stroke,Every time smokers smoke, the smoking will impair others health seriously and increases innocent second-hand smokers risks of stroke.,吃快餐的人永远也不能成功减肥。 lose weight,A fast-food eater

13、 can never lose weight successfully.,一般来说,传统食品比快餐的营养成分高,而脂肪、热量和糖的含量低。 contain nutrient calorie fat,Generally, traditional food contains more nutrients than fast food and is low in fat, calorie and sugar.,减少看电视的时间有助于解决肥胖问题。 TV viewing time obesity,Less TV viewing time helps reduce obesity.,垃圾所带来的危害已经

14、遍布世界每一个偏远角落。 penetrate the remotest places,The damage of rubbish has penetrated the remotest places in the world.,Eat apple a day keep doctor away. Eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Rubbish problem endanger peoples health. The rubbish problem endangers peoples health.,改错练习,Keep dog and ca

15、t are harmful to pet-owner because pet spread virus and bacterium. Keeping dogs and cats is harmful to pet-owners because pets spread viruses and bacteria.,Child and old people are vulnerable to infectious disease. Children and old people are vulnerable to infectious diseases. Going jogging is benef

16、icial hobby which help people relax stress. Going jogging is a beneficial hobby which helps people relax stress.,Art funding is luxurious for develop country. Art funding is luxurious for developing countries. Build stadium and theater lavish the governments tight budget. Building stadiums and theat

17、ers lavishes the governments tight budget.,University student do part-time job can help relieve parents financial burden. University students doing part-time jobs can help relieve parents financial burden.,Send child to go abroad is a luxurious dream for many poor family. Sending children to go abroad is a luxurious dream for many poor families.,Playing PC game lavish parents hard-earned money. Playing PC games lavishes parents hard-earned money.,


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