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1、大学基础英语系列教材 听说教程介绍,编写目的 编写指导思想 内容特色 教学建议 教学辅助手段,编写目的 WHY?,To meet the requirements of the new syllabus To enhance communicative skills To meet the demand of the society To tap the ELT potentials: an educational initiative,编写理念 训练手段和方法,功能/意念 (句型操练;提供输入) 情景交际 (特定语境;强化输入) 建构主义 (语意贯穿;理解消化) 解构主义 (引导提示;主动输

2、出) 学习的过程是一个由被动变主动的过程,由必然王国向自由王国前进的过程,编写指导思想,基本原则: 听为输入,说为输出,听说相联, 层层深入。 主线: 听读、听写、听说、说。 框架:以某一主题串联有关功能意念 目标:使学生首先轻松愉快地 接受和领会有关的语言信息,然后兴趣盎然地 加以模仿,最后充满信心地运用所学的语言知识表达自己的观点。,内容特色 Topics,介绍应答 问侯致意 爱好与兴趣 旅游购物 体育活动 家庭生活 民俗文化 校园生活 风俗习惯 中国传统文化 历史传统 人生哲理 现代教育 管理方法 职业选择 防御犯罪 音乐艺术 国外生活 经济发展 新科技发展 娱乐生活 友情友谊 语言文化

3、 健康与卫生 电话交流 电视电影 跨文化交际 餐馆英语 环境保护 名篇欣赏 人际交流 名人逸事 家庭婚姻 毒品问题 克隆伦理讨论 时间与空间 中外节假日 名人演讲 信息高速公路 科学幻想 宗教文化 天气气候 法律常识 各国教育 英语学习方略 社会保障体系,教材编写特色,语音训练, 句型输入/操练, 主题导入, 难点聚焦 以听为主的听说基础知识训练 以说为主的听说交际技能训练 篇章理解, 展开与主题有关的讨论 读写系列、泛读系列在主题、内容和 技能训练上相互呼应和补充,内容特色,题材广泛、短小精悍 知识性、趣味性、实用性和可思性 素材既熟悉又陌生 贴近生活,学以致用 语言学习上的进步,生活上的启

4、迪,内容特色,听说教材的课文体例 1. Exercises on phonetics, patterns and mini-talks; 2. Exercises on notion and function-based short talks and monologues; 3. Exercises on communicative activities; 4. Exercises on the reading texts concerned / at the discourse level,练习设计特色,1.重点句型、疑难语音语调的听读和辨音 2.语音语调操练、标注语音语调符号 3.句型操

5、练(有提示、更变提示、无提示) 4.简短问答(有提示、更变提示、无提示) 5.多项选择; 6.词、词组、短语填空,练习设计特色,7.完型成句 8.分类、重新组合、重新排序 9.大意简述 10.翻译(中英互译) 11.替换(词、短语时态;任务,人物) 12.句子重写 13.延扩、总结、归纳、推论 14.信息转移(文字、图表信息互换等),Part One Warm-up (输入) 形式:简短对话 (mini-talk) 练习: 听音、跟读:导入 听音选择应答:多途径强化输入信息和交 际技能的转化 设计目的:通过情景对话,展示功能、意念和词汇,避免机械性句型操练带来的枯燥和复杂练习引起的畏难, 通过

6、有针对性的语音、语言输入, 增强学生的自信心,为帮助学生能学会自主表达思想打一个良好的基础,Part Two 输入-输出,练习: 听:听音填充,选择答案,回答问题 说:回答问题,提供情景编对话,组织活动 形式:富有典型性,趣味性,层次感的对话 内容:介绍与该单元主题有关的典型场景及表达方法,提供丰富,有趣,灵活的口语交际活动(controlled oral practice) 设计目的:帮助学生掌握并灵活运用典型场景语言知识和交际技能,Part Three 输入-输出,篇章听力练习: 听:听前准备,听后问答,填充或选择,等 说:回答问题,复述,续编故事,问题讨论 内容:与主题有关的独白或幽默故

7、事 设计特色: )听前导入: 减轻负担,引起兴趣 )问题讨论: 激发创造力和想象力 )涉及个人: 有话可说,有话要说,Part Four 输入与输出,篇章听力练习: 听:听前准备,听后问答,填充或选择,等 说:回答问题,复述,续编故事,问题讨论 内容:与主题有关、难度增加的独白或幽默故事 设计特色:更简洁自主地体现以下特点 )听前导入: 减轻负担,引起兴趣 )问题讨论: 激发创造力和想象力 )涉及个人: 有话可说,有话要说,教学建议 (1),量体裁衣,有所取舍 学习第一、二部分时帮助学生归纳总结基本句型结构 对话时安排适当的角色,变换情景,调动学生的积极性 鼓励学生开拓思维,创造性地回答那些讨

8、论型问题,教学建议 (2),读、听、说、写、译综合训练 鼓励参与,增强成就感,屏弃考、难、钻 课前预习是前提,课堂操练是关键,课后巩固是根本,教学建议 (3),口语、听力课堂练习形式: 1.问与答;2.替换;3.游戏;4.听写; 5.角色模仿与扮演;6.采访/面试; 7.短剧;8.集思广益;9.拼版游戏; 10.解决难题;11.交换意见/观点; 12.弥合信息差;13.做出决定; 14.完善/编述故事,教学建议 (4),听力、口语练习的组织安排形式: 1. 学生与教师; 2. 学生与学生; 3. 学生/教师与全班; 4. 成对活动; 5. 小组活动; 6. 轮流活动(依次或随意); 7. 教师

9、控制、半控制或学生自由式活动; 8. 团队合作式活动; 9. 个人或小组竞争式活动; 10. .,教学辅助手段,教材 图文并茂 教学参考书 1 听力原文和参考答案 2 文化背景介绍 3 补充练习 4 教学重点注释 5 教学提示和建议,教学辅助手段,磁带/光盘 多媒体课件,Notes for teachers:,1. The exercise is designed to first create a conversational context through listening (listening to the briefings) and then to develop students

10、 micro conversational skills by asking questions or making statements based upon the comprehension of the briefings and the cues provided. 2. It is advisable to remind the students of the following elements for assessing the appropriateness of ones conversational tone and choice of words and structu

11、res:,Factors affecting Oral Communication,A. To whom are you speaking and what is your relationship with that person? B. Where the conversation is taking place? C. When the conversation is taking place? D. What you are talking about? E. What kind of mood you and your partner(s) are in? F. Whats your

12、 partners background (cultural / educational / socioeconomic as you perceive it?,A competent communicator ( here a good language learner ) should always keep the above elements in mind, either consciously or subconsciously, and make appropriate adjustments to his or her conversational style as he or

13、 she has perceived any changes in his or her partners reactions. Listening and speaking is, to a great extent, a process of predicting and guessing according to any clues, available or collected, and confirming or adjusting ones predictions or guesses in time as the conversation proceeds.,3. Student

14、s may come out with different forms or expressions either by themselves alone or collectively, or with the help of the teacher. It is desirable to have an analytic study of what students have produced against the assessment criteria mentioned before, so as to cultivate a conscience of self-monitorin

15、g and a positive transfer of ones first language communicative skills to the foreign language learning.,4. There may be more than one version to answer a question . It is important to note that one appropriate form doesnt exclude any other appropriate forms in this context. What makes it different i

16、s that different people perceive and interpret the cues from different perspectives as far as the assessment criteria are concerned. Here again a teacher may find his or her real value by offering tutorials, support, assistance, assessment, etc. That is what we as the designers of these exercises ho

17、pe our teachers will do with these textbooks.,A teaching perspective, Three factors for L2 teaching: 1 Sufficient comprehensible input 大量的可理解的语言输入信息; 2 Low anxiety level 轻松愉快的学习环境; 3 Relevant and interesting materials 实用且生动有趣的学习内容,A teaching perspective, Different factors considered 各种需要考虑的要素: Situa

18、tional factors Input Learner Variable processes L2 output Learner differences,How to Improve Listening and Speaking Skills,A learning perspective environment: create and take full advantage of objectives: what I want to be motivation: will power strategies: look high and start low collect and intern

19、alize self monitoring: a conscious learner,Some tips on practice, utilization of resources available: radio broadcast; TV programs; VCD study materials; tape-recorders; language labs; internet; computers ,大学基础英语系列教材 听说教程,教学改革中的一项有益的尝试 编者、教师和学生三结合,理论探索和创新实践相结合 恳请同仁专家建议、批评、指正 欢迎大家加入试用、修改、补充、再次开发、后续编写的队伍,


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