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1、大学英语B统考,情景交际专项,1. Greetings 问候,问候: How are you? How are you getting on? How are you doing? How are things going? Hows everything going? How is it going? How are things with you? How is everything with you?,回答: Fine/Very well, thank you. Pretty well! Not (too) bad! Just so so. Please give my regards/

2、best wishes/love to Please remember me to 请代我向问候,1. Greetings 问候,问候: How do you do? Its a pleasure to meet you Pleased/Glad/Nice to meet you.,回答: How do you do? Me too. Pleased/ Glad/ Nice to meet you too.,2. Saying goodbye 告别,A: Well, I must be off now. I really must be going I have to leave now. I

3、ts getting late, Im afraid. I must be leaving. 这是告别之前的寒喧语,后面常跟上原因。,回答: Hope to see you again. Nice talking to you. Good night. Please keep in touch. See you later/tomorrow.,3. Introduction 介绍,May I introduce to you?我可以把介绍给您吗? Allow/permit me to introduce to you. 请允许我向您介绍 Id like to introduce you to

4、我想把你介绍给 Id like you to meet 要不要我把你介绍给 Please allow me to introduce myself. Im 请允许我作个自我介绍。我叫 Let me introduce myself. My names 让我自己介绍一下,我叫,4. Thanks 感谢,A 表示感谢 对人表示感谢 Thank you. Thank you very much (indeed). Thanks a lot./ Many thanks. 对具体的事表示感谢: Thank you very much for your /doing Many thanks for sth

5、. Its kind of you to do Thats nice of you, thank you.,4. Thanks 感谢,B 对感谢的回答 不必谢 Not at all./Thats all right. Dont mention it. 没什么 Its nothing. Its really nothing at all. 很乐意这样做 You are welcome. Its my pleasure. (My pleasure.) Its a pleasure. (With pleasure.),5. Good wishes and congratulations 祝愿和祝贺,

6、A. 向他人表示良好的祝愿 Good luck to you. Best wishes to you. Wish you a pleasant journey! Wish you a good luck! 回答: Thank you.,5. Good wishes and congratulations 祝愿和祝贺,B. 得知他人要去旅游、参加聚会、或看戏看电影等时表示道别祝愿 Have a good time/weekend! Have fun/a nice day! Enjoy yourself! Have a good/ pleasant trip/journey! Have a spl

7、endid voyage! 回答: Thank you.,5. Good wishes and congratulations 祝愿和祝贺,C. 祝贺别人获奖、提升、毕业、结婚、生孩子等 Congratulations! Congratulations on your success! Happy birthday to you. 回答: Thank you.,5. Good wishes and congratulations 祝愿和祝贺,D. 特定节日里人们相互问候祝愿 Happy New Year! 回答: Happy New Year!/Thank you. The same to y

8、ou./ You too.,Merry Christmas! 回答: Merry Christmas! /Thank you. The same to you./ You too.,6. Apologies 道歉,道歉用语: Im very/awfully/terribly/extremely sorry! Im sorry to have been late. Im sorry that Ive kept you waiting. Im sorry about the noise last night. Im sorry, but Ive had an accident with your

9、bicycle.,6. Apologies 道歉,道歉用语: B. Excuse me for giving you so much trouble. C. I must apologize for having kept you waiting. My apologies for not writing for such a long time. D. Im afraid Ive made a mistake. Its a bit short notice, Im afraid.,6. Apologies 道歉,回答: Thats all right./ Thats O.k. It does

10、nt matter. Never mind (about that). Dont worry about it. Dont mention it. Its nothing./ Not at all. Forget it.,7. Invitation 邀请,A. 邀请的表达方式: Would you like/love to ? Id like/love to invite you to How would you like to What/How about ? Why dont you do? Shall we do? Lets do,7. Invitation 邀请,B. 邀请的回答方式:

11、接受、拒绝、暂时答复 接受:Thank you. Id love to. With pleasure. Thatll be lovely. How nice of you. Thats very kind of you. Thank you. That sounds great. Sure. What time? Great idea.,7. Invitation 邀请,B. 邀请的回答方式:接受、拒绝、暂时答复 拒绝:Thats very kind of you, but Im afraid Id love to, but Im afraid Im sorry, but I wish I c

12、ould come, but Oh, what a pity! That would be lovely, but But thank you all the same/ anyway.,7. Invitation 邀请,B. 邀请的回答方式:接受、拒绝、暂时答复 暂时答复: But I think Could I let you know tomorrow? But Im not sure Can I call you back.,8. Asking for permission 请求同意,征求对方同意,婉转 May I ? Can/Could I ? Is it all right for

13、 me to do? Is it all right if I do? I wonder if I could do / if its possible to do? Do/ would you mind if I do?,8. Asking for permission 请求同意,B. 同意他人做某事 Yes, of course. Yes, please/you may. Ok. Ill see to it. Yes, help yourself. Yes, go ahead. Yes, hear you are. Yes, sure./Certainly/ Of course.,8. A

14、sking for permission 请求同意,C. 拒绝他人做某事 No, you may not, No, please dont. Certainly not./ Of course not. Im sorry, but you cant. Im afraid not. Youd better not I dont think thats possible.,8. Asking for permission 请求同意,Do/ would you mind if I do? 介意: Yes, I do mind. Please dont. 不介意: Of course not. Certainly not. Please do.,


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