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1、课程教案 课程名称:大学英语(第二册) 学时数:64 本章名称: Values 学时数:4 授课对象:全院非英语专业学生 授课学期:第二学期 授课教研室:外语系第一教研室 授课教师:外语系第一教研室全体教师,Unit 2 Values 本章主要内容: Values 教学目的及要求:Learn some important new words and phrases. Appreciate the passage in section A 教学重点:Reading comprehension the material in section A 教学方法及手段:1. Communicative m

2、ethod 2. Audio-lingual method 3. Grammar-translation method 教学时间:6 学时 时间分配:1、Preparation: 20-40 分钟 2、Section A:200 分钟 3、Section B:50分钟,Unit 2 Text A,The Richest Man in American, Down Home,Warm-up,In-class reading,Useful expressions,Writing,Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯),Any of the large , expensive, comfortable

3、,cars are made by the British company Rolls-Royce. Many people recognize them by the small metal statue on the front of every Rolls-Royce car. The company was formed in 19051906 by Charles Rolls(18771910)and Henry Royce(18631933)and also produces aircraft engines .The Rolls-Royce company was bought

4、by the germen company Volkswagen in 1998.The name Rolls-Royce is also used informally to refer to the best product of a particular type.,Do you prefer ROLLS-ROYCE (劳斯莱斯) ? If you have enough money , which car would you buy ? Can you tell its brand (商标)from a various of brands?,三菱(Mitsubishi),通用别克 (B

5、UICK),林肯(LINCOLN),中国红旗(FAW),日本丰田(TOYOTA),德国宝马(BMW),德国奔驰 (BENZ),意大利法拉利(FERRART),美国福特(FORD),法国雷诺,日本本田(Honda),美国AMG 悍马,德国保时捷(Porsche),宾利(BENTELY),德国奥迪(AUDI),捷豹(JAGUAR),韩国现代 (Hyundai),克莱斯勒(CHRYSLER),法国标致(Peugeot),德国大众 (Volkswagen),Wal-mart(沃尔玛),Wal-Mart(沃尔玛) Any of a very large chain of shops in the US

6、selling a wide range of goods at low prices. The first Wal- Mart Discount City was opened in 1962 by Sam Walton .,Sam Walton,Walton was American retail magnate who founded Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., the largest retail-sales chain in the United States. Walton graduated from the University of Missouri wit

7、h a degree in economics in 1940 and opened his own Ben Franklin variety store in 1945. Based on his concept for a discount-store chain in small towns, Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in 1962. He was convinced that even small towns could generate enough business to make such stores profitable.

8、,A dime store offers a wide assortment of inexpensive items, formerly costing five or ten cents, for personal and household use.,Forbes is a privately held publishing and new media company.Its flagship publication is Forbes,oldest of the nations major business magazines.In an industry increasingly d

9、ominated by public conglomerates ,Forbes remains one of the largest and most successful family businesses of its kind.In recent years the company has expanded to include several new divisions.,forbes,The tenth:卡尔-奥布莱彻(Karl Albrecht)德国,The ninth:奥莱格-德里帕斯卡(Oleg Deripaska)俄罗斯,The eighth:KP-辛格(KP Singh)

10、印度,The seventh:英格瓦尔-卡姆普拉德(Ingvar Kamprad)瑞典,The sixth:阿尼尔-阿巴尼(Anil Ambani)印度,The fifth:穆克什-阿巴尼(Mukesh Ambani)印度,The fourth:拉克西米-米塔尔(Lakshmi Mittal)印度,The third:比尔-盖茨(William Gates III)美国,The second:卡洛斯-斯利姆-埃卢(Carlos Slim Helu)墨西哥,The first:巴菲特(Warren Buffett)美国,the richest of the rich,Bill Gates,has

11、 topped the Forbes 400 list for nine consecutive years since 1994 and is most likely to remain to be the richest in the world in the years to come,born in 1955 in Seattle, Washington,had been shy and awkward, rarely ventured out to parties even when studying at Harvard University,founded the Microso

12、ft Corporation (1974), a computer software firm, with Paul Allen,MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) and subsequent programs (including the Windows operating systems) made Microsoft the worlds largest producer of software for microcomputers,Warm-up Questions,In-class Reading,1.Content comprehen

13、sion Pair work: ask and answer questions (see textbook P39),2. Part Division of the Text Part 1 (Paras1-3): The waiter was disappointed to find that the Richest Man in America led so simple a life. Part 2 (Paras4-13): Being friendly, easy-going and never flashy, Walton carries on like plain folks an

14、d never wants any special treatment. Part 3 (Paras14-22): With the Wal-Mart team in mind, Walton devotes himself heart and soul to making the business a great success. 3. Further Understanding A. Scan Text A and underline all the names mentioned. Tell who these persons were and mark the words they s

15、aid.,Detailed reading(Language study),Para2 1. discount: n. amount of money which may be taken off the full price Traditional retailers whove opened cyberstores may offer special discounts to online shoppers. Collocation: give/make/allow a discount打折扣 at a discount:低于正常价格,Para 5,2carry on: 1) behave

16、 or conduct oneself in a specific way Theres nothing unusual about them. They carry on just like everybody else. He carries on as if he were a millionaire, spending money left, right and centre. 如果你们再那样胡闹下去,你们会给自己惹麻烦的。 If you carry on in that way, you will get into trouble. 2) continue carry on with

17、 your work;carry on talking 尽管条件极端困难,我们必须坚持下去,直到成功。 We must carry on till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.,3. folk: 1) n. people in general (You can refer to people as folk or folks.) 他们确实是些纯朴的乡下人。They are really simple country folks. 2) adj. (esp. of music) in the traditional

18、 style of a country folk music/songs/art民间音乐/歌曲/艺术,4. get away with: do sth. wrong or risky without being caught or punished How did he get away with cheating? 他是如何考试作弊而未被发现的? Eric has been getting away with tax fraud for years.,Para 6,6. treatment: n. the way you deal with sb. or behave towards the

19、m (followed by of) Like everyone else, I resent his cruel treatment of his old father. The old woman suffered from bad treatment at the hands of her sons. None of them were willing to take care of her.,Para 7,7. by/from all accounts: according to what everyone says Tom, by all accounts, is a superb

20、pianist. 根据大家的说法,汤姆是个很棒的钢琴家。 according to/by sb.s own account据某人自己说 8. blend in/into: What he said reinforced my determination to blend in with my surroundings. As a newly-appointed manager, he was not sure whether he could blend in. The painter blended in with the crowd at the art sale. blend in /b

21、lend into sth/blend in with sth.,Para 14,10. hold to: keep to John holds to his belief that you can be successful as long as you work hard. 约翰坚信只要努力就会取得成功。 Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我将坚持我的决定。 Hold on(打电话时用语)稍候;坚持/Hold out坚持,忍耐;伸出 hold to: keep to She always holds p

22、assionately to the view that her mother is an angel.,Para 15,12. story:不是指“故事”、“传闻”或“经历”。类似的含有story的短语有: another story/a different story:另一回事,另一种情况 only part of the story: 只是部分情况 not the whole story: 不是全部情况 the (same) old story: 老一套,经常听到的借口、诉苦等 cut/make a long story short: 长话短说,简而言之,Para 18,17. put

23、off: distract sb. Dont laugh while Im playing the piano, you put me off. 我弹钢琴时你不要笑,你让我分心。 put sb. off put sb. off sth.,Useful Expressions,1. 廉价品商店,a dime store,2. 普通百姓,3. 平民作风,4. 人人都说,5. 融洽,a plain folk,a folksy way,by/from all accounts,blend in,6. 盛气凌人,throw ones weight around,7. 爱上头版新闻的人,8. 遵守,不改变

24、,9. 名人追星者,10. 逃避;忙个不停,a front-page person,hold firm to,a celebrity hunter,on the run,11. 避开,避免,steer clear of,12. 组成,构成,13. 鼓舞士气的会议,14. 制定;设立,15. 从最底层起集思广益,make up,a pep rally,lay down,get ideas from the bottom up,16. 尽可能降低价格,cut prices and margins to the bone,17. 优先认股权,18. 广开思路,19. 入伙,加盟,20. 与交往,st

25、ock options,cultivate ideas,come aboard,come into contact with sb.,A Summary of the Writing Techniques,To make a character portrait convincing, an author must refrain from telling readers directly what the person is like. Instead, he/she lets readers deduce. Of all the methods of indirect descriptio

26、n, the one used most frequently in Text A is _.,quotation,_,A Summary of the Writing Techniques,The author quotes not only _, but also _.,Sam Walton himself,his townsfolk and colleagues,A Summary of the Writing Techniques,The text begins with an anecdote: how waiter Jamie Beaulieu had anticipated _,

27、 only to find _. This kind of beginning lures readers to go on. There are other anecdotes,like_, and _,a lavish mansion at the Waltons,an ordinary-looking household,how Sam Walton forgot his wallet and insisted on fetching it to pay the local barber,how he lost 4 straight games after a Wal-Mart empl

28、oyee asked him a question about pricing,_,_,_.,A Summary of the Writing Techniques,Sam Walton is a folksy guy, of which a lot of examples are given. Examples of how generous an employer he is are also plentiful. Jamie Beaulieus anticipation and the reality he later found out form a _. It reveals_ _.When retired company president Ferold F. Arend compared Sam Walton with _, we appreciate further Sam Waltons _.,contrast,his previous employer,generosity,_,_,_,


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