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1、Book One,Unit 3,Book One,Content,Warming-up,Reading,Writing,Text A,Text B,Book One,Warming-up,Book One,Questions: 1) In what ways does human activity influence the environment? Offer some examples. 2) Have you experienced the pressure of Chinas large population? Tell about your experiences. 3) For h

2、ow long do you think China should insist its Family Planning Activity? Why?,Group discussion,Book One,THE CASE AGAINST MAN (PART I) Isaac Asimov,Book One,ReadingText A,Text Study,Main Idea & Structure,Sentence Analysis,Language Points,Useful Expression,Text Translation,Book One,Main Idea and Structu

3、re,First reading: Scan the text and try to catch the main idea. The following words are for your reference to organize the idea: Mankind intricate web dependent on single species increasing explosion,Second reading: read the passage again and try to identify the structure of this passage.,For your r

4、eference,For your reference,Book One,Mankind is part of an intricate web of life on the planet and dependent on the rest part of the system. In the past thousands of years, mankind is the single species that has been increasing in numbers. We have to do something to stop human population explosion.,

5、Main Idea,Book One,Structure,Para. 8-11,Main idea: The entire planet is made up of nonliving portions and a large variety of living portions which are interdependent. And mankind is part of the intricate web of life.,Main idea: Living things are interrelated and interdependent, just as various types

6、 of cells composing of a man are interrelated and interdependent,Main idea: The wild increase of human population will destroy the ecology just as any ordinary cancer would destroy an organism.,Para. 12-16,Para. 1-7,Para. 17-20,Main idea: To stop human population explosion is a problem of top priori

7、ty to be solved;,Book One,Text Study,Book One,1 The first mistake is to think of mankind as a thing in itself. It isnt. It is part of an intricate web of life. And we cant think even of life as a thing in itself. It isnt. It is part of the intricate structure of a planet bathed by energy from the Su

8、n. 2 The Earth, in the nearly 5 billion years since it assumed approximately its present form, has undergone a vast evolution. When it first came into being, it very likely lacked what we would today call an ocean and an atmosphere. These were formed by the gradual outward movement of material as th

9、e solid interior settled together. 3 Nor were ocean, atmosphere, and solid crust independent of each other after formation. There is interaction always: evaporation, condensation, solution, weathering. Far within the solid crust there are slow, continuing changes, too, of which hot springs, volcanoe

10、s, and earthquakes are the more noticeable manifestations here on the surface.,Para.1-3,Book One,Para.4-6,4 Between 2 billion and 3 billion years ago, portions of the surface water, bathed by the energetic radiation from the Sun, developed complicated compounds in organization sufficiently versatile

11、 to qualify as what we call “life”. Life forms have become more complex and more various ever since. 5 But the life forms are as much part of the structure of the Earth as any inanimate portion is. It is all an inseparable part of a whole. If any animal is isolated totally from other forms of life,

12、then death by starvation will surely follow. If isolated from water, death by dehydration will follow even faster. If isolated from air, whether free or dissolved in water, death by asphyxiation will follow still faster. If isolated from the Sun, animals will survive for a time, but plants would die

13、, and if all plants died, all animals would starve. 6 It works in reverse, too, for the inanimate portion of Earth is shaped and molded by life. The nature of the atmosphere has been changed by plant activity (which adds to the air the free oxygen it could not otherwise retain). The soil is turned b

14、y earthworms, while enormous ocean reefs are formed by coral.,Book One,Para.7-9,7 The entire planet, plus solar energy, is one enormous intricately interrelated system. The entire planet is a life form made up of nonliving portions and a large variety of living portions (as our own body is made up o

15、f nonliving crystals in bones and nonliving water in blood, as well as of a large variety of living portions). 8 In fact, we can pursue the analogy. A man is composed of 50 trillion cells of a variety of types, all interrelated and interdependent. Loss of some of those cells, such as those making up

16、 an entire leg, will seriously handicap all the rest of the organism: serious damage to a relatively few cells in an organ, such as the heart or kidneys, may end by killing all 50 trillion. 9 In the same way, on a planetary scale, the chopping down of an entire forest may not threaten Earths life in

17、 general, but it will produce serious changes in the life forms of the region and even in the nature of the water runoff and, therefore, in the details of geological structure. A serious decline in the bee population will affect the numbers of those plants that depend on bees for fertilization, then

18、 the numbers of those animals that depend on those particular bee-fertilized plants, and so on.,Book One,Para.9-11,10 Or consider cell growth. Cells in those organs that suffer constant wear and tearas in the skin or in the intestinal lininggrow and multiply all life long. Other cells, not so expose

19、d, as in nerve and muscle, do not multiply at all in the adult, under any circumstances. Still other organs, ordinarily quiescent, as liver and bone, stand ready to grow if that is necessary to replace damage. When the proper repairs are made, growth stops. 11 In a much looser and more flexible way,

20、 the same is true of the “planet organism” (which we study in the science called ecology). If cougars grow too numerous, the deer they live on are decimated, and some of the cougars die of starvation, so that their “proper number” is restored. If too many cougars die, then the deer multiply with par

21、ticular rapidity, and cougars multiply quickly in turn, till the additional predators bring down the number of deer again. Barring interference from outside, the eaters and the eaten retain their proper numbers, and both are the better for it. (If the cougars are all killed off, deer would multiply

22、to the point where they destroy the plants they live off, and more would then die of starvation than would have died of cougars.),Book One,Para.12-14,12 The neat economy of growth within an organism such as a human being is sometimesfor what reason, we know notdisrupted, and a group of cells begins

23、growing without limit. This is the dread disease of cancer, and unless that growing group of cells is somehow stopped, the wild growth will throw all the body structure out of true and end by killing the organism itself. 13 In ecology, the same would happen if, for some reason, one particular type o

24、f organism began to multiply without limit, killing its competitors and increasing its own food supply at the expense of that of others. That, too, could end in the destruction of the larger systemmost or all of life and even of certain aspects of the inanimate environment. 14 And this is exactly wh

25、at is happening at this moment. For thousands of years, the single species Homo sapiens, to which you and I have the dubious honor of belonging, has been increasing in numbers. In the past couple of centuries, the rate of increase has itself increased explosively.,Book One,Para.15-18,15 At the time

26、of Julius Caesar, when Earths human population is estimated to have been 150 million, that population was increasing at such a rate that it would double in 1000 years if that rate remained steady. Today, with Earths population estimated at about 4000 million (26 times what it was in Caesars time), i

27、t is increasing at a rate which, if steady, will cause it to double in 35 years. 16 The present rate of increase of Earths swarming human population qualifies Homo sapiens as an ecological cancer, which will destroy the ecology just as surely as any ordinary cancer would destroy an organism. 17 The

28、cure? Just what it is for any cancer. The cancerous growth must somehow be stopped. 18 Of course, it will be. If we do nothing at all, the growth will stop, as a cancerous growth in a man will stop if nothing is done. The man dies and the cancer dies with him. And analogously, the ecology will die a

29、nd man will die with it.,Book One,19 How can the human population explosion be stopped? By raising the death rate or by lowering the birthrate. There are no other alternatives. The death rate will rise spontaneously and finally catastrophically, if we do nothingand that within a few decades. To make

30、 the birthrate fall, somehow (almost any how, in fact), is surely preferable, and that is therefore the first order of mankinds business today. 20 Failing this, mankind would stand at the bar of abstract justice (for there may be no posterity to judge) as the mass murderer of life generally, his own

31、 included, and mass disrupter of the intricate planetary development that made life in its present glory possible in the first place.,Para.19-20,Book One,Sentence Analysis,Book One,1. Between 2 billion and 3 billion years ago, portions of the surface water, bathed by the energetic radiation from the

32、 Sun, developed complicated compounds in organization sufficiently versatile to qualify as what we call “life”. (Para.4, Line 1-3) versatile: having great diversity or variety 丰富多变的,多功能的 e.g. a versatile new machine develop: cause to grow 形成 The SVO structure of the above sentence: portions of . dev

33、eloped . compounds The part after “compounds” is its post modifier (后置定语), meaning: these compounds were sufficiently versatile in organization, so much so that they were qualified to be called “life” by us.,Book One,译文: 在20亿到30亿年前期间,一部分地球表面的水在太阳能的作用下,形成了结构复杂的化合物,这些化合物灵活多变,足以形成我们称之为“生命”的东西。 The word

34、ing of “develop” in translation: developed engine trouble 发生故障 develop a very large lift force 产生升力 developed a practical lightning rod 发明避雷针 developed a theory of magnetism 提出理论 develop the capabilities 提高能力 developed tuberculosis 患上结核病 develop the natural substances 开发资源 develop the deposit 开采矿床,B

35、ook One,2. If too many cougars die, then the deer multiply with particular rapidity, and cougars multiply quickly in turn, till the additional predators bring down the number of deer again. (Para.11, Line 4-5) multiply: increase in number by giving birth to offspring; breed 繁殖 e.g. When animals have

36、 more food, they generally multiply faster. in turn: in order of one following another 依次 e.g. We shook hands in turn with each of the people on the line. bring down: reduce, injure, capture, or kill 减少、打伤、捕获、杀死 e.g. With one shot he brought down the wolf. 译文: 如果美洲狮死得过多,那么鹿的数量就会迅速得到增长,美洲 狮反过来就会迅速繁衍,

37、直到新增加的美洲狮将鹿的数量再一 次减少。,Book One,3. The neat economy of growth within an organism such as a human being is sometimesfor what reason, we know notdisrupted, and a group of cells begins growing without limit. (Para.12, Line 1-2) This is a compound sentence with a conj. “and”: The neat economy.is.disrupte

38、d, and a group of cells begins growing . the neat economy of growth: the balanced and interrelated development (of an organ). “economy” means “avoidance of waste”; and “neat” means “tidy; in good order, with nothing out of place”. disrupt: interrupt the, bring disorder to 扰乱, 干扰 e.g. The war disrupt

39、ed economy. 译文: 某些有机组织(比如人)内的净增长有时候会受到干扰,有机体中的部分细胞开始无限制地增长这究竟是因为什么原因,我们尚不得而知。,Book One,4. . the wild growth will throw all the body structure out of true and end by killing the organism itself. (Para.12, Line 4-5) out of true: not having the exact position or correct shape or balance; deformed 位置不正;

40、 形态不正;不均衡 e.g. The axle is out of true, therefore they have to fix it again. He found that the slanting door is out of true. Two of the pictures hanging on the wall are out of true. 译文: 疯长的癌细胞将会扰乱整个身体的结构,最终导致有机体本身的死亡。,Book One,5. Failing this, mankind would stand at the bar of abstract justice (for

41、there may be no posterity to judge) as the mass murderer of life generally, his own included, and mass disrupter of the intricate planetary development that made life in its present glory possible in the first place. (Para.20) fail: lack; be unsuccessful in 缺乏,失败 e.g. Our youth never failed an invin

42、cible courage. the bar: the law court system 法庭 e.g. John was a lawyers son and was destined to spend his career as a member of the bar. stand at the bar of . justice: be present at a court of law and tried,Book One,in the first place: originally; at first 起初,首先 e.g. Why do strikes occur so frequent

43、ly in coal mines in the first place? It wasnt my idea to go to that school in the first place. Dad shoved me in. 译文: 如果人类处理不好这一问题,那就会作为大规模杀害生灵(包括杀害自身)的凶手,以及大规模破坏地球错综复杂的进化发展(是这种进化发展最初形成了目前生命的繁荣景象)的罪魁祸首而受到抽象正义法庭的审判因为到那时可能已没有子孙后代来审判他了,Book One,Language Points,Book One,adj. containing many small parts o

44、r details that all work or fit together 错综复杂的 近义词 complex, complicated e.g. I was unable to find out the intricate windings of the labyrinth. 我无法找出迷宫中扑朔迷离的路线。 This is a novel with an intricate plot. 这是一本情节错综复杂的小说。 intricate patterns 花纹精致的图案 an intricate problem 错综复杂的问题 an intricate knot 复杂难解的结 an in

45、tricate intrument 复杂精细的仪器 intricate directions 难懂的使用说明,intricate,Book One,versatile,adj. good at doing a lot of different things and able to learn new skills quickly and easily 多才多艺的 e.g. a very versatile author 多才多艺的作家 a versatile man 多面手 Hes a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and

46、 play the piano. 他是个多才多艺的演员,会演戏,唱歌,跳舞,还会弹钢琴。 adj. having many different uses 有多种用途的,万能的 e.g. Nylon is a versatile material 尼龙是一种有多种用途的材料 Sillicon is a highly versatile substance. 硅是一种用途极为广泛的物质。,Book One,例题: He will easily get another job; He is so _. A. productive B. versatile C. professional D. pro

47、gressive 句意:他这么多才多艺,会很容易找到另外一份工作的。,B. versatile,Book One,decimate,vt. to destroy a large part of something 大量毁灭 近义词:eliminate, annihilate e.g. The population has been decimated by disease. 疾病导致大量人的死亡。 Student numbers have been decimated by cuts in grants. 助学金削减后,学生人数大大减少。 The wheat crop will be deci

48、mated withou strong spring rains. 春天如果不下几场大雨麦子可就要毁了。,Book One,multiply,v. to increase greatly or make something increase greatly (使) 大大增加 e.g. Our chances of success had multiplied several times over. 我们成功的机会已大大增加。 We must multiply our efforts to clear up the mystery. 我们必须加倍努力来澄清这一神秘的事件。 v. to de a

49、calculation in which you add a number to itself a particular number of times 乘,使相乘 multiply sth. by sth. e.g. 3 multiplied by 4 is 12. 3乘以4等于12。,Book One,V. to breed 繁殖,增殖 近义词:reproduce, procreate e.g. The bugs can easily multiply to give a nasty bout of food poisoning. 这些病菌繁殖迅速,容易引发严重的事物中毒。 Rabbits multiply quickl


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