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1、PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003. All rights reserved.,Part IV Leading Chapter 10 Communication,2,Learning Objectives:,After studying the chapter, you should be able to: 1Explain why effective communication helps an organization gain a competiti

2、ve advantage. 2Describe the communication process, and explain the role of perception in communication. 3Define information richness, and describe the information richness of communication media available to managers.,3,Learning Objectives (contd),4Describe the communication networks that exist in g

3、roups and teams. 5Explain how advances in technology have given managers new options for managing communications. 6Describe important communication skills that managers need as senders and receivers of messages.,4,Communication,I. Communication and Management 沟通与管理,II. Communication Networks 沟通网络,II

4、I. Technological Advances in Communication 沟通中的技术进步,IV. Communication Skills for Managers 管理者的沟通技巧,Chapter Outline,5,Chapter Outline,I. Communication and Management The Importance of Good Communication The Communication Process The Dangers of Ineffective Communication Communication Media II. Communi

5、cation Networks* Communication Networks in Groups and Teams Organizational Communication Networks External Networks,6,Chapter Outline (contd),III. Technological Advances in Communication The Internet Intranets Groupware IV. Communication Skills for Managers* Communication Skills for Managers as Send

6、ers Communication Skills for Managers as Receivers Understanding Linguistic Styles,7,I. Communication and Management 沟通与管理,* Communication The sharing of information between two or more individuals or groups to reach a common understanding. 1. Importance of Good Communication Increased efficiency in

7、 new technologies and skills Improved quality of products and services Increased responsiveness to customers More innovation through communication,8,I. Communication and Management,2. The Communication Process 沟通的过程 2.1 Phases(阶段)of the Communication Process: Transmission phase传送阶段in which informati

8、on is shared by two or more people. Feedback phase 反馈阶段in which a common understanding is assured.,9,I. Communication and Management,2.2 The process starts with a sender发送者 (an individual or group) who wants to share information. Senders 发送者must decide what information to share and puts the message

9、讯息into symbols or language (encoding编码). Noise噪音: anything harming the communication process.,10,Figure 10.1 The Communication Process,11,2. The Communication Process,2.3 Messages are transmitted over a medium媒介 to a receiver. Medium媒介: the pathway over which the message is transmitted (e.g., teleph

10、one, written note, email). Receiver接收者: the person getting the message. The receiver decodes解码 (interprets) the message, allowing the receiver to understand the message. This is a critical point: failure to properly decode the message can lead to a misunderstanding. Feedback 反馈by receiver informs th

11、e sender that the message is understood or that it must be re-sent.,12,Communication Issues,Verbal Communication 语言沟通 The encoding of messages into words, either written or spoken Nonverbal Communication 非语言沟通 The encoding of messages by means of facial expressions, body language, and styles of dres

12、s.,13,3.The Dangers of Ineffective Communication 无效沟通的危害性,3.1 How to become effective communicators: Selecting an appropriate medium for each messagethere is no one “best” medium. Considering information richness信息充分性 (the amount of information a medium can carry). A medium with high richness can ca

13、rry much more information to aid understanding. Is there a need for a paper path书面纪录or electronic trail 电子纪录to provide documentation of the communication?,14,Figure 10.2 Information Richness of Communication Media,15,图 10.2 信息充分性与媒介类型,面对面沟通,电子传送的口头沟通,个人书面沟通,非个人书面沟通,高信息 充分性程度,低信息 充分性程度,16,4. Communic

14、ation Media 沟通媒介,4.1 Face-to-Face 面对面沟通 Has highest information richness. Can take advantage of verbal and nonverbal signals. Provides for instant feedback. Management by wandering around takes advantage of this with informal talks to workers. Video conferences provide much of this richness and redu

15、ce travel costs and meeting times.,17,4. Communication Media,4.2 Spoken Communication Electronically Transmitted 电子传送的口头沟通 Has the second highest information richness. Telephone conversations are information rich with tone of voice, senders emphasis, and quick feedback, but provide no visual nonverb

16、al cues.,18,4. Communication Media,4.3 Personally Addressed Written Communication 个人书面沟通 Has a lower richness than the verbal forms of communication, but still is directed at a given person. Personal addressing helps ensure receiver actually reads the messagepersonal letters and e-mail are common fo

17、rms. Does not provide instant feedback to the sender although sender may get feedback later. Excellent media for complex messages requesting follow-up actions by receiver.,19,E-Mail Dos and Donts,E-mail allows telecommuting employees to work from home and keep in contact. The use of e-mail is growin

18、g rapidly and e-mail etiquette is expected: Typing messages in all CAPITALS is seen as “screaming” at the receiver. Punctuate your messages for easy reading and dont ramble on. Pay attention to spelling and treat the message like a written letter.,20,4. Communication Media,4.4 Impersonal Written Com

19、munication 非个人书面沟通 Has the lowest information richness. Good for messages to many receivers where little or feedback is expected (e.g., newsletters, reports),21,II. Communication Networks 沟通网络,* Communication Networks 何为沟通网络? The pathways along which information flows in groups and teams and through

20、out the organization. Choice of communication network depends on: 沟通网络的选择依据 The nature of the groups tasks The extent to which group members need to communicate with each other to achieve group goals.,22,1.Communication Networks in Groups and Teams 群体和团队中的沟通网络,23,Figure 10.3 Communication Networks i

21、n Groups and Teams,24,图 10.3 群体与团队中的沟通网络,25,2. Organization Communication Networks 组织中的沟通网络,Organization Chart 组织结构图 A pictorial representation of formal reporting channels in an organization. Communication in an organization flows through formal and informal pathways Vertical communications flow up

22、 and down the corporate hierarchy. Horizontal communications flow between employees of the same level. Informal communications can span levels and departmentsthe grapevine 小道消息is an informal network carrying unofficial information throughout the firm.,26,Figure 10.4 Formal and Informal Communication

23、 Networks in An Organization,27,图 10.4 组织中的正式和非正式沟通网络,28,III. Technological Advances in Communication 沟通中的技术进步,1. Internet 互联网 Global system of computer networks used by many firms use it to communicate with their suppliers. * World Wide Web (WWW)万维网 Provides multimedia access to the Internet. 2. In

24、tranets 企业内部网 A company-wide system of computer networks for information sharing by employees inside the firm.,29,III. Technological Advances in Communication,3. Groupware 群件 Computer software that enables members of groups and teams to share information with each other and improve communication. Be

25、st used to support team-oriented working environments.,30,IV. Communication Skills for Managers 管理者的沟通技巧,1. Barriers to Effective Communication有效沟通的障碍 Messages that are unclear, incomplete, difficult to understand Messages sent over the an inappropriate medium Messages with no provision for feedback

26、 Messages that are received but ignored Messages that are misunderstood Messages delivered through automated systems that lack the human element,31,IV. Communication Skills for Managers,2. Managers as Senders 管理者作为发送者 Send clear and complete messages. Encode messages in symbols the receiver understa

27、nds. Select a medium appropriate for the message and, importantly, one that is monitored by the receiver. Avoid filtering (holding back information) and distortion as the message passes through other workers. Ensure a feedback mechanism is included in the message. Provide accurate information to avo

28、id rumors.,32,IV. Communication Skills For Managers,3. Managers as Receivers 管理者作为接收者 Pay attention to what is sent as a message. Be a good listener: dont interrupt. Ask questions to clarify your understanding. Be empathetic: try to understand what the sender feels. Understand linguistic styles: different people speak differently. Speed, tone, pausing all impact communication. This is particularly true across cultures and managers should expect and plan for this.,


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