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1、中考情景作文复习,English Composition,- by Liu Wei,luoCheng Middle School, Shaoyang,关于情景作文(话题作文),情景作文(也称情境作文或话题作文),就是根据具体场合的情形或某种现象或某种境地,运用联想和想象进行写作的一种作文样式。这种作文形式对训练同学们的描写、记叙、抒情能力,特别是想象能力、创新能力,都具有较重要的作用。 话题作文中通常是以记叙文、议论文、说明文三大体裁为基本体裁,除了这三种基础体裁而外,另外还有“书信体”、“故事体”“、“小说体”、“剧本体”等,三种常见题材的典型篇章结构,1论证型:问学生是否同意或在多大程度上

2、同意题目给出的陈述内容,并给出理由 2问题型:让学生分析某问题或现象产生的原因,并阐述解决问题的办法,或分析可能产生的影响或后果 3对比型:让学生比较或对比某现象,并就此发表看法,mobile phones,Phubber英fb 美fbr n. 低头族,Listen to music,problems,Bad for eyes,2011话题作文- Lets sing red songs,2012话题作文-网络交友Who can be my QQ good friends?,C)作文 (计10分) 交网友须慎重。假如有几位网友想加你为QQ好友。请根据下面表格信息,以Who can be my Q

3、Q good friends?为标题,写一篇英语短文。 Name Age Sex Hobbies Liu Xing 15 malegoing fishing playing the guitar reading magazine Li Tao 14 malesmoking drinking wine(白酒) dying(染)hair into different colors Xia Xue 16 remalereading good books listening to music playing table tennis 要求:1.70词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数; 2.语言流畅,

4、书写规范,卷面整洁; 3.文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名。,2013情景作文作文-不要浪费Dont waste any more,作为一名学生,你发现有许多同学在学校就餐时存在不同程度的浪费食物的现象,对此请你根据以下要点,以Dont waste any more为标题写一篇英语短文,呼吁大家节约粮食,防止浪费。 1. Food is important to us 2. Many students waste much food. For example 3. Lots of people are short of food in the world, dieof hunger. 4. We

5、 should have a good habit. 参考词汇:leaveon the plate(留在盘里);pourinto(倒进);rubbish can(垃圾桶) 要求: 70词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数; 语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁; 文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名。 Dont waste any more Food is very important to us. _ _ _ Lets take an active part together!,2014情景作文-保护环境 Protect the environment,2015情景作文-保护空气 Protect the

6、air,写作指导: 行文结构:三段法 第一段 What 第二段 Why/effect 第三段 How,三段法套一套,唱红歌 Lets sing red songs (2011年) 网络交友 QQ friends(2012年) 拒绝浪费 Dont waste any more (2013年) 保护环境 Protect the environment (2014年) 保护空气 Protect the air (2015年) 2016?,中考英语作文评分标准,1. 内容完整(80个字左右),语句流畅,无语 法错误,书写规范,给9-10分 2. 内容较完整,语句较流畅,基本无语法错误,书写较规范,给6

7、-8分; 3. 内容不完整,语句欠流畅,语法错误较多,书写较规范,给3-5分; 4. 只写出个别要点,语法错误较多,书写欠规范,给1-2分。 5.加分准则:有创意新意,行文如水,文章富有感情和生命以及灵魂,赏心悦目回味无穷。给满分,真题回故,2015情景作文-保护空气 Protect the air,我们从各大媒体了解到由于空气污染导致人类受害的种种现象。比如:中国的许多城市都出现“雾霾”;印度有成千人死于高温;世界各地出现各种肺病等等。对此情况,请你根据以下要点,以Protect the Air为题,写一篇英语短文,呼吁大家减少空气污染。 1 The air has become reall

8、y polluted around us 2 There is heavy smog 3 Thousands of people in india Die(死)/High temperature(高温)Lung disease(肺病)Plant(种植)/Ride bikes (骑自行车),Air pollution do harm to /be bad for our health,Haze weather,Traffic Accident,Cough/ Lung disease,High temperature,Global warming,Plant trees,Walk/by bike/

9、by bus,Instead of /rather than by car,列提纲,一段What:空气污染是个大问题 二段Effect:雾霾对人们健康有害,比如引起咳嗽最后导致肺病,雾霾天交通事故更多,全球变暖印度很多人就死于高温。 三段How:我们该怎么办呢?让我们一起植树吧,步行去上班上学吧,骑自行车去上学上班吧,少开私家车,这样世界就会变更好。,连词成句- 连句成篇,一段 Air pollution is a big problem for us 二段 Haze weather/ lung disease /traffic accident High temperature/global

10、 warming 三段 Plant trees Walk/by bike instead of by car Make less rubbish,空气污染是个大问题,简单版:The Air pollution is a big problem. 扩充版: The Air pollution is becoming a more and more serious problem all over the world. 1.用上现在进行时表明污染正在发生 2.more and more serious 越来越严重 说明紧迫性 3.all over the world 状语 给出范围 全球,雾霾对人

11、们健康有害,简单版: The haze is bad for our health 扩充版:The heavy haze does great harm to our health. 1 heavy, great 形容词作定语,分别修饰后面的名词 让句子更生动 2 do harm to约等于be bad for 但是危害程度大,一个是有坏处一个是有害处,显得更深刻入骨,雾霾天交通事故更多,简单版:On haze days there are more traffic accidents. 扩充版: On haze days ,many traffic accidents were caused

12、 because the drivers couldnt see exactly what are standing in front of the windshield 1用上了被动语态were caused 2用了宾语从句 句式长短变化,更显灵活 what are standing in front of the windshield,全球变暖印度成千人就死于高温。,简单版: As the global warming, Thousands of people in India died of high temperature 扩充版:what a fire ball! The globa

13、l warming and heat wave in charged the lives of plenty of Indians. 1用上了感叹句 加强语气 2用上了拟人句 赋予生命 体现了语言的魅力,简单版VS扩充版,简单版同样可以得高分 小建议:在考试中,在有把握有能力的前提下可以使用复合句,被动语态,感叹句,俗语谚语俚语等。否则宁愿写简单句。千万不要白卷!,我们该怎么办呢?让我们多植树吧,步行去上班上学吧,骑自行车去上学上班吧,少开私家车,这样世界就会变更好。,What should we do? Lets plant more trees. Also we can choose wa

14、lk or bikes instead of driving cars. If we make less pollution, we will have a better world !,简单版Protect the air,The Air pollution is a big problem. The haze is bad for our health, It can make people cough and lead to death in the end. On haze days there are more traffic accidents As the global warm

15、ing, Thousands of people in India died of high temperature What should we do? Lets plant more trees. Also we can choose walk or bikes instead of driving cars. If we make less pollution, we will have a better world !,Protect the air 最后注意检查修改,The Air pollution is a big problems. The haze is bad for ou

16、r health, It can make people cough and leads to death in the end. On haze days there are more traffic accidents. what a fire ball! As the global warming, Thousands of people in India died of high temperature What should we do? Lets plant more trees. Also we can choose walk or bikes instead of drivin

17、g cars. If we make less pollution, we have a better world !,Protect the air,The Air pollution is a big problems. The haze is bad for our health, It can make people cough and leads to death in the end. On haze days there are more traffic accidents. As the global warming, Thousands of people in India

18、died of high temperature What should we do? Lets plant more trees. Also we can choose walk or bikes instead of driving cars. If we make less pollution, we will have a better world !,扩充版Protect the air,The Air pollution is becoming a more and more serious problem all over the world The heavy haze doe

19、s great harm to our health. It can make people cough and lead to death in the end. On haze days ,many traffic accidents were caused because the drivers couldnt see exactly what are standing in front of the windshield. What a fire ball! The global warming and heat wave in charged the lives of plenty

20、of Indians. What should we do? Lets plant more trees. Also we can choose walk or bikes instead of driving cars. If we make less pollution, we will have a better world !Lets take action now.,要有段落意识,主题句 支撑句 结尾句 多变的句式,长短结合,简单句复合句结合,奢华版 Protect the air,Air is as important as food in our daily.The air ha

21、s become really polluted all over the world. There is heavy smog in many cities in China. Thousands of people in India died of high temperature. All kinds of lung diseases appeared around the world. All these things do great harm to people. It is a morning call to send us a message that the topic co

22、ncerning environment pollution has been in the spotlight that attracts attention from every corner of society. So the action is urgently needed. In order to reduce the pollution of air , we must do something to protect the air. For example, we can plant more trees. We can ride bikes or walk or by bu

23、s to work or to school rather than by car . The government should pay great attention to such problem which closely related to ourselves. with no exaggeration to say that some more better rules should be banned to control such situation. All in all, a list including some constructive and liberal mot

24、tos to restrict the bad situation should be stuck on our dressing table as soon as possible.Its important to protect the air. If everyone try our best to do something to protect the air just like all of us share a little more love, our life will become more and more beautiful.It will be a much bette

25、r world.Lets take action now!,2016预测,智能手机:smartphones 电子设备:digital devices 家风家训,优良传承,榜样的力量:family tradition parental instructions /good example,智能手机在我们的日常生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用。我们可以用手机发送信息、打电话、读书看报、欣赏音乐但是因为玩手机,很多人成为了低头一族。许多负面影响随之而来,交通意外事故的发生、亲人朋友之间的沟通变少、视力下降所以,有些家长绝对地禁止了孩子玩手机,让孩子们心生不满。对此情况,请你根据以下要点,以Should

26、teenagers be allowed to use mobile phones为题,写一篇英语短文,呼吁大家要合理使用手机。,参考词汇: phubber(低头族); make phone calls(打电话); send messages(发短信); affect(影响); properly(正确地); problem(问题); traffic accident(交通事故) 参考要点: 1.Mobile phones are very popular. 2.They are playing an important part in our life. 3.They also bring u

27、s problems. 4.We should use them properly.,Listen to music,Shopping/pay,For entertainments,Bad for eyes,problems,Should teenagers be allowed to use mobile phones,第一段 what- 阐明主题:手机很流行 广泛使用 第二段 why/effect -使用手机带来的效果:很多人低头族,使用手机有好处、也有坏处 第三段how- 如何处理 We should use them properly,列提纲,一段What:手机广泛使用 二段Effec

28、t:手机一方面带给我们便利:如听歌,发信息,打电话,读电子书,购物,玩游戏等,另一方面也有缺点:开车打电话不安全,上网久了对身体不好,影响视力等。 三段How:所以我们要合理使用手机,Should teenagers be allowed to use mobile phones?,Mobile phones are very popular. On one hand, It brings us goods. such as sending messages, calling up friends, reading news and enjoying music and so on. On the other hand, it brings some drawbacks too, for example ,many traffic accidents are caused by answering the call while driving, long time surfing is bad for our eyes. The Mobile phone is a double sword, teenagers should use them properly.,Homework:,谢谢大家,


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