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1、How to Program a MIS 管理信息系统的规划,Part one: the concept of program activities and its features. Part two: the procedures and the contents of the MIS strategy programming Part three: the common methods of strategy program activities. Part four: How to write a program report,Part one: the concept of prog

2、ram activities and its features.管理信息系统规划的概念及意义 MIS programming is to make overall arrangements on short-term ,mid-term and long-term mission and goal, its implementation strategy, its implementation program according to the general development strategy and the resource status of the organization. 管理

3、信息系统规划就是根据组织的总体发展战略和资源状况,对组织信息系统近、中、长期的使命和目标、实现策略和方法、实施方案等内容作出的统筹安排。,An organizations program activities of a MIS can be divided into two parts, strategic programming part and execution programming part. Strategic programming is macro guidance long-term programming, execution programming is the embo

4、diment of the strategic plan and refined. 一个组织的信息系统规划可以分为战略性规划和执行性规划两部分。战略性规划是宏观指导性的长远规划,执行性规划是对战略规划的具体化和细化。 管理信息系统战略规划的意义 (1) rational utilization of information resources, saving MIS investment.合理利用信息资源,节省MIS投资; (2) making the MISs task clear.明确MIS的任务; (3) to provide the basis for future estimatio

5、n.为将来的评估工作提供依据。,The importance of strategic planning of MIS 管理信息系统战略规划的重要性 MIS strategic planning is about the management information system of long-term development plan, generally includes three years or more plan, also contains a year of short-term plans. Because of the MIS construction is a cost

6、ly, lasted very long, the technology is complex and internal and external crossover project, and has become the lifeline of enterprise information, information system and enterprise operation, cultural habits are closely related. Therefore, MIS strategic planning is an important part of the enterpri

7、ses strategic planning. 管理信息系统的战略规划是关于管理信息系统的长远发展的计划,一般包括三年或更长期的计划,也包含一年的短期计划。由于管理信息系统的建设是一项耗资巨大、历时很长、技术复杂且又内外交叉的工程,信息已成为企业的生命线,信息系统和企业的运营方式、文化习惯息息相关。因此,MIS战略规划是企业战略规划的一个重要部分。,Part two: Contents and procedures of MIS strategy programming,1.Contents内容 (1) MISs goal, constraints, and overall structure

8、; MIS的目标、约束及总体结构; (2) Survey the present situation of the organization; 调查组织的现状; (3) According the situation of business processes, analysis its existence question, and reorganization the process; 根据业务流程现状分析其存在的问题,流程重组; (4) Forecasts the IT developments influence to the programming activities.对影响规划的

9、IT发展的预测。,2.General steps of formulate the strategy programming制定战略规划一般步骤 Strategic programming generally includes the following nine steps 制定战略规划一般包括以下九个步骤: Confirm the nature of programming确定规划的性质 ; Collect the related information 收集相关信息 ; Strategic analysis战略分析 ; Define constraints定义约束条件 ; Making

10、strategic goals clear明确战略目标 ; Proposed overall structure提出总体结构 ; Choose the development plan选择开发方案 ; Determine implementation schedule确定实施进度 ; Discuss the document, approval and then come into effect形成文档,并讨论、批准、生效。,Part three: the common methods of MIS program activities.管理信息系统规划的常用方法,MIS programmin

11、g methods have two parts, general methods and MIS strategic program methods. General methods include investigate and survey, questionnaire, practice of inspection, etc. There are many methods of formulate MIS strategic program, mainly has the Business System Planning (BSP) , Critical Success Factor

12、method (CSF) and Strategic Set Transformation (SST), etc. MIS规划方法分为一般方法和MIS战略规划方法。一般方法包括企业调研,问卷调查,实践考察等方式;MIS战略规划的方法有多种,主要有关键成功因素法(Critical Success Factors, CSF)、战略目标集转化法(Strategy Set Transformation,SST)和企业系统规划法(Business System Planning, BSP)等三种.,1、Basic thought 基本思想 Information support enterprise o

13、peration. Through the top to bottom to identify system target, enterprise procedures and data, then analysis the data, design management information system from bottom to top. The management information system to support the realization of enterprise goal, express all levels of management requiremen

14、ts, provides information consistent for the organization and adapt to the changes. 信息支持企业运行。通过自上而下地识别系统目标、企业过程和数据,然后对数据进行分析,自下上地设计管理信息系统。该管理信息系统支持企业目标的实现,表达所有管理层次的要求,向企业提供一致性信息,对组织机构的变动具有适应性。,方法一:信息系统规划方法 - 企业系统规划法 (BSP Business System Planning),3、General steps一般步骤 (1) Preparation研究开始阶段。成立规划组,进行系统初步

15、调查,分析企业的现状、了解企业有关决策过程、组织职能和部门的主要活动、存在的主要问题、 各类人员对信息系统的看法。 (2) Identify business process:define business process is the core of BSP method. The business process is logic related set of decisions or activities.定义业务过程:定义业务过程是BSP方法的核心。 所谓业务过程就是逻辑相关的一组决策或活动的集合。 (3) Business process reengineering:Business

16、 process reengineering is on the basic of the definition of the business process, find out which process is correct, which processes is inefficient, needed optimized in the support of information technology.业务过程重组:在业务过程定义的基础上,分析哪些过程是正确的;哪些过程是低效的,需要在信息技术支持下进行优化处理;哪些过程不适合计算机信息处理,应当取消。,(4)Define data t

17、ypes确定数据类。 定义数据类是BSP方法的另一个核心。所谓数据类就是指支持业务过程所必须的逻辑上相关的一组数据。 (5)Design management information system overall structure: design management information system overall structure main work is can use U/C matrix to dividing subsystems and portray the new information system framework and the corresponding d

18、ata classes.设计管理信息系统总体结构:设计管理信息系统总体结构主要工作就是可以利用U/C矩阵来划分子系统,刻画出新的信息系统的框架和相应的数据类。 (6) Determine subsystem Implementation order. 确定子系统实施顺序。 (7) Complete BSP research report, put forward proposals and development plan.完成BSP研究报告,提出建议书和开发计划。,4. Subsystem division子系统的划分 BSP method is According to informati

19、on used and create to dividing subsystems, it try to divide the enterprise process create information and use in a subsystem, and a reduction in the information exchange. The procedure is as follows: BSP方法是根据信息的产生和使用来划分子系统的, 它尽量把信息产生的企业过程和使用的企业过程划分在一个子系统中,从而减少了子系统之间的信息交换。划分子系统的步骤如下:,(1)Make U/C matr

20、ix. Using defined functions and data class to make a form of function and data, i.e. U/C matrix, as shown in the table. Rows of the Matrix respect data, and columns represent function, and use letter U (use) and C (create) mean the functions use and create data. The intersection superscript C means

21、the data generated by the corresponding function. Marking U means the function using this data class. For example, sales function need to use relevant products, customers and ordering of data, then the corresponding sales line intersection marked U; And data of sales region create in sales functions

22、, then corresponding intersection superscript C. 作U/C矩阵。利用定义好的功能和数据类作一张功能数据类表格,即U/C矩阵,如表所示。矩阵中的行表示数据类,列表示功能,并用字母U(use)和C (create)表示功能对数据类的使用和产生, 交叉点上标C的表示这个数据类由相应的功能产生,标U的表示这个功能使用这个数据类。例如,销售功能需要使用有关产品、客户和订货方面的数据,则在这些数据下面的销售一行对应交点标上U; 而销售区域数据产生于销售功能,则在对应交叉点上标C。,Data class,Operation plan,Financial pla

23、n,Asset size,Product forecasts,production process,Inventory control,Sales management,Dispatch,Operations sequence,Material Requirement,Production Capacity Planning,Product design & development,cost accounting,Employing plan,Market analysis,Financial accounting,Shipment,Ordering service,Financial pla

24、n,Plan,Production,Inventory cost,Materials list,Part requirement,Task form,Material stock,Staff,Cost,Order goods,Sales region,Client,Technological process,Materials supply,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,C,C,C,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,C,C,C,C,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,Equipment

25、load,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,U,U,U,U,U,C,Achievement evaluation,Check1: No null row/column,Check2:Each row can have only one C,Check3:Each column have one U least,(2) Adjustment function/data class matrix. At beginning class and process data is in random arrangement, U, C in the matrix arrangement is disp

26、ersive, will have to be adjusted.调整功能/数据类矩阵。开始时数据类和过程是随机排列的,U、C在矩阵中排列也是分散的,必须加以调整。 First, according to a list of function arrangement, each functional groups arrange according to the resources in the life cycle of four stages. Functional groups with the same types of function, such as “business plan

27、” “financial planning” belong to plan group, divided to groups “operating plan”.首先,功能这一列按功能组排列,每一功能组中按资源生命周期的四个阶段排列。功能组指同类型的功能,如“经营计划”、“财务计划”属计划类型,归入“经营计划”功能组。 Secondly, in data arrange this line, making the matrix C closest to the main diagonal line. Because the function group is not absolute, may

28、be appropriately allocate function group without the destruction logic function, make U also close to main diagonal line. After the function of above of the matrix/figures adjusting, can get the function/data class matrix displayed table below.其次,排列“数据类”这一行,使得矩阵中C最靠近主对角线。因为功能的分组并不绝对,在不破坏功能组成的逻辑性基础上,

29、可以适当调配功能分组,使U也尽可能靠近主对角线。上表的功能/数据类矩阵经上述调整后,得到下表表示的功能数据类矩阵。,(3)Draw functional groups corresponding box, and give a name, this is subsystem, see table below. 画出功能组对应的方框,并起个名字,这就是子系统,见表所示。 (4)Use arrows put down in the box with the U connected, stand for the data flow of between subsystem. For example,

30、 data class “plan” create by the operation subsystem, and technical preparation subsystem may use this data class.用箭头把落在框外的U与子系统联系起来, 表示子系统之间的数据流。例如,数据类“计划”,由经营子计划系统产生,而技术准备子系统要用到这一数据类。,Data class,C U U,Technical preparation,Marketing,Finance and accounting,Personnel,U U U U,C,U U U U,C C U U,U U C

31、U,C C U U,U C U,C U U,U U U C,U U C,U C U,U U C U,U U C,U U U,U C,C U,U U U,Operation plan,Financial plan,Asset size,Product forecasts,production process,Inventory control,Sales region management,Dispatch,Operations sequence,Material Requirement,Production Capacity Planning,Product design & developm

32、ent,Cost accounting,Employing plan,Market analysis,Financial accounting,Shipment,Ordering service,Achievement evaluation,Financial plan,Plan,Production,Inventory cost,Materials list,Part requirement,Task form,Material stock,Staff,Cost,Order goods,Sales region,Client,Technological process,Materials s

33、upply,Equipment load,方法二:关键成功因素法( Critical Success Factors,CSF),1、Concept概念 Critical success factors is the important factors related to the survival of organization and success of organization, they are the decision information the organize need most, and those are the areas of activity managers fo

34、cus on.所谓的关键成功因素,就是关系到组织的生存与组织成功与否的重要因素,它们是组织最需要得到的决策信息,是管理者重点关注的活动区域。,方法三:战略目标集转移法( Strategy Set Transformation, SST),1、Basic thought基本思想 The whole strategic objectives as a “information collections“ by mission, goals, and strategic etc, the management information system programming process that is

35、 the organizations strategic objectives into the strategic target of management information system in the process. 把整个战略目标看成是一个“信息集合”,由使命、目标、战略等组成,管理信息系统的规划过程即是把组织的战略目标转变成为管理信息系统的战略目标的过程。,2、CSF General steps一般步骤 CSF through analysis to discover enterprises critical success factors, and then to deter

36、mine the system demand around these key factors, and planned. The procedure is as follows: CSF是通过分析找出企业成功的关键因素, 然后再围绕这些关键因素来确定系统的需求,并进行规划。其步骤如下: (1) understand of enterprises or MISs strategic objectives.了解企业或者MIS的战略目标 (2) to identify all successful factors.识别所有成功因素 (3) to determine the critical suc

37、cess factors.确定关键成功因素 (4) Clear the key factors of the performance index and evaluation. 明确各关键因素的性能指标和评估标准,2、SST planning steps规划步骤 (1)Identify the organizations strategic sets.识别组织的战略集。 (2)Describe organized all kinds of entity structure.描绘组织各类实体结构。 (3)Identify Each entitys target.识别每类实体的目标。 (4)Ide

38、ntify the mission of each entity and its strategy.识别每类实体的使命及其战略。,Part four: program report规划报告,The process of programming report 规划报告的撰写过程,明确项目用途 Clear project uses,专业机构进行调查和设计 professional organization to survey and design,交初稿 Hand in the draft,双方沟通进行修改 Communication and modified,与专业机构沟通 Communicat

39、e with professional organization,双方签订合同 Sign the contract,专家评审 Expert evaluation,上报领导审批 Report to leaders approval,Programming report general framework规划报告一般框架 1 project general项目总论 2 project background and development situation项目背景和发展概况 3 market analysis and construction conditions市场分析与建设条件 4 proje

40、ct technology solutions项目技术方案 5 project progress项目实施进度 6 the investment estimate and risk avoidance 投资估算与风险规避 7 fund raising and financial analysis资金筹措与财务分析 8 feasibility study conclusion and suggestion可行性研究结论与建议,Data class,Operation plan,Financial plan,Product forecasts,production process,Inventory

41、 control,Sales management,Dispatch,Operations sequence,Material Requirement,Production Capacity Planning,Product design & development,Cost accounting,Employing plan,Sales,Accounting,Shipment,Ordering service,Financial,Plan,Production,Inventory stock,Materials list,Part requirement,Task form,Material

42、 stock,Staff,Cost,Order goods,Sales region,Client,Technological process,Materials supply,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,C,C,C,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,C,C,C,C,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,U,U,U,U,Equipment load,U,U,U,U,U,C,U,C,Achievement evaluation,Check1: No null row/column,Check2:Each column can hav

43、e only one C,Check3:Each column have one U least,Data class,C U U,Technical preparation,Marketing,Finance and accounting,Personnel,U U U U,C,U U U U,C C U U,U U C U,C C U U,U C U,C U U,U U U C,U U C,U C U,U U C U,U U C,U U U,U C,C U,U U U,Operation plan,Financial plan,Asset size,Product forecasts,pr

44、oduction process,Inventory control,Sales region management,Dispatch,Operations sequence,Material Requirement,Production Capacity Planning,Product design & development,Cost accounting,Employing plan,Market analysis,Financial accounting,Shipment,Ordering service,Achievement evaluation,Financial plan,P

45、lan,Production,Inventory cost,Materials list,Part requirement,Task form,Material stock,Staff,Cost,Order goods,Sales region,Client,Technological process,Materials supply,Equipment load, 定义信息结构 - 划分子系统、确定子系统的实施顺序,After divide Subsystems, there are several “U“ stay out the red square, this is the of da

46、ta connections between subsystems in future, or shared data resources. These use arrow express. 子系统划定之后,留在小方块(子系统)外还有若干个“U”元素,这就是今后子系统之间的数据联系,即共享的数据资源。将这些联系用箭头表示。 Use arrows put the U which out of the boxes to connected with subsystem, stand for the data flow of between subsystem. For example, data class “plan” create by the operation subsystem, and technical preparation subsystem may use this data class.用箭头把落在框外的U与子系统联系起来, 表示子系统之间的数据流。 例如,数据类“计划”,由经营子计划系统产生,而技术准备子系统要用到这一数据类。 The d


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