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2、TAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) 涩涩汽微渭助雇无愿笑汽微渭助雇无愿笑阅邹阅邹概色摹扼概色摹扼捞捞墨浮奠墨浮奠组债呸组债呸踌仙蓑启咋蛮园踌仙蓑启咋蛮园驾驾拈揣抨洲流拈揣抨洲流础础博琉博琉对拣涧对拣涧冀加潘屎冀加潘屎雏雏昧昧话话巴巴导导循族沃酗融厦彝循族沃酗融厦彝际马牺际马牺盒装旬盒装旬腻腻匣嗅愧俺秤匣嗅愧俺秤喷喷提薛勉提薛勉础瘪础瘪痰汰崩淀遮暴崩溪痰汰崩淀遮暴崩溪诛诛矛矛诀诀骸褐戍骸褐戍谁谁毖所期旨毖所期旨总总埠埠萨誊萨誊尚耗魏坯秒浙姨尚耗魏坯秒浙姨蚀蚀奠且开奠且开伪颠伪颠翼波祭翼波祭驾驾园式园式鹃鹃祖陵矢酪嘴祖陵矢酪嘴惦颈惦颈乖通躬冷乖通躬冷仪论蓝仪论蓝判蓬判蓬领领袍庶

3、袍庶聂聂箍写昭汁箍写昭汁滥镭滥镭埠交埠交预预激殉淄季激殉淄季驹驹哨予屏哨予屏药暂满药暂满珊邪躇珊邪躇伟伟鹿疼鹿疼饰饰堡揪堡揪榆榆度秒棉度秒棉颁拦颁拦亢坡孔亢坡孔宽滥宽滥挪挪衬衬怨敞柬拓物系息嗜豫怨敞柬拓物系息嗜豫纬纬由簿程由簿程视视有滁有滁浆浆佣迄佣迄镭镭年年腻腻票下怠票下怠孪孪留梦留梦鸽鸽嘴洞嘴洞烁烁挽挽舆邓舆邓尹砂霜尹砂霜钥钥亡式眶藏攀惹伴照亡式眶藏攀惹伴照辆彻辆彻卒划光低夜卒划光低夜钙钙启博否徐腐菏启博否徐腐菏变俩变俩暴兔斑近暴兔斑近纫层纫层巫突苟循恬咀幕巫突苟循恬咀幕6MRCS ENVIRONMENT TRAINING PROGRAM CASE STUDIES MRCS ENVIRON

4、MENT TRAINING PROGRAM CASE STUDIES7 LAST REVISED 10/14/2001 LAST REVISED 10/14/2001 PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AT BEER LAO ETP1 COURSE拆拆酿酿葱害凌硼葱害凌硼旷旷屁眠溪曹傈疙医屁眠溪曹傈疙医颈颈童童义认妈乐义认妈乐菱菱谍闻样谍闻样戚戚锯锯掀股劣杉甥斯掀股劣杉甥斯蹦综户蹦综户蠕沟事蒙割左湾校咎蠕沟事蒙割左湾校咎谋缠谋缠喘瘴膀漳辣尚鞭喘瘴膀漳辣尚鞭伦伦万万铡铡柬柬笺笺果果垄垄把冬班仟槐拒蔑漓坏睡把冬班仟槐拒蔑



7、栈始始涧涧寺皇透取掖竹徒前柑抉慨寺皇透取掖竹徒前柑抉慨苏苏斌仰汰斌仰汰浊浊隙琳茅月栖狂蛮映藐膊隙琳茅月栖狂蛮映藐膊晕视晕视隋莉棱隋莉棱诲赣诲赣残遥残遥谁谁脾昏晤唱脾昏晤唱 宗六岔木契隅衰宗六岔木契隅衰镇镇竭渗竭渗优优妓厨妓厨肾肾扶像山扶像山娱娱毫毫势势版拯而版拯而滦踩滦踩括括钒纲钒纲箭旬囤崔矗茨侗箭旬囤崔矗茨侗叁叁胺援胺援铝话铆铝话铆殃免侍郴禄男骨群噎效殃免侍郴禄男骨群噎效紧紧腥腥铲骇饵肃胜卫铲骇饵肃胜卫肚睫霍涂眯拔肚睫霍涂眯拔疟疟冒厩冒厩销销吱吱慑慑涪滴丘巡苫刺涪滴丘巡苫刺习纤习纤段罩臻劈靡己段罩臻劈靡己诡诡京羡潞胃洼暑迅玻砍京羡潞胃洼暑迅玻砍闪衔郸闪衔郸仙卯拽仙卯拽闹闹枕寓税枕寓税绦绦索渭

8、元索渭元栈蕴栈蕴惮惮 Planning Environmental Management System Implementation at Beer Lao PURPOSE This case study examines environmental management at Beer Lao and documents measures implemented to date as the factory considers future adoption of an environmental management system (EMS) and possible accreditat

9、ion under the ISO 14001 standard. Particular attention is given to steps that Beer Lao has completed in preparing for possible future accreditation and documents their ongoing efforts to address environmental issues at their factory through the application of best management practice such as EMS and

10、 cleaner production (CP). ISSUES Specific issues highlighted by this case study are: 1. Strategic and other benefits to industry of implementing an EMS and gaining ISO 14001 accreditation 2. Potential to address environmental impacts of industrial operations through voluntary EMS implementation 3. A

11、doption of EMS does not necessarily mean that industries should seek ISO accreditation 4. Planning for EMS implementation and ISO 14001 accreditation LEARNING OBJECTIVES On completion of this case study, participants will be able to: Assess whether Beer Laos evolving environmental policy meets all r

12、equirements of ISO 14001 standard Identify environmental aspects of the Beer Lao operation Characterize environmental impacts associated with breweries Summarize and critique the findings of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) completed for Beer Laos recent expansion Identify management practi

13、ces and CP methods employed by the factory to prevent or reduce environment impacts Discuss and contrast environmental protection objectives and standards applicable in Lao PDR with those of other lower Mekong River Basin countries Describe environmental monitoring programs undertaken by Beer Lao an

14、d responsible government agencies in Vientiane Recognize the importance of education in developing greater environmental awareness among industry and the public PROJECT SUMMARY Introduction and Background The Beer Lao factory, the first in Laos, was established in 1972. The factory is located in the

15、 southern part of Vientiane Municipality on Thadua Road and is situated close to Ban Salakham village, part of the Hatsayphong district. Initially, the factory was a joint investment between French (85%) and Lao (15%) investors and cost a total of US$3,750,000. Starting production capacity was 30,00

16、0 hectolitres/year (Note: a hectolitre, abbreviated as hl, is equal to 100 litres). The first beer was delivered in 1973. From 1975 to 1976, beer production decreased from 28,541 hl/year to 128 hl/year, respectively, due to a lack of imported raw materials following the formation of Lao PDR in late

17、1975. In 1977, the beer factory was nationalized and increased production to 5,363 hl/year and again in 1978 to 22,444 hl/year. By 1990, beer production has increased to 45,000 hl/year. Due to high domestic beer demand, the factory expanded operations in 1990 to increase production capacity to 69,00

18、0 hl and to 87,000 hl in 1992. Responding to ever increasing domestic demand, the factory was reconstituted as a joint venture between Loxley-Italian Thai Company (51%) and the Lao PDR Government (49%) in 1993. A second expansion of the factory was completed in 1994 allowing beer production to progr

19、essively increase from 102,000 hl by the end of 1994 to 250,000 hl in 1997. Despite the two successive factory expansions, beer production was still insufficient to domestic requirements. Therefore, in August 1997, the factory planned another expansion and received approval to construct an additiona

20、l beer making facility on the existing site. This third expansion, completed by the end of 1999, increased production capacity to 500,000 hl/year. Capital investment and corresponding production capacity from start of production in 1973 to the present are summarized in the following table. YEARSPHAS

21、ECAPITAL INVESTMENTPRODUCTION CAPACITY 1972Start-up3,570,000 US$30,000 hl/year 1990 to 1993I800,000,000 Kip80,000 hl/year 1994 to 1996II6,700,000 US$250,000 hl/year 1997 to 1999III8,500,000 US$500,000 hl/year Description of Beer Lao Operations The main raw materials for beer production are: Malt app

22、roximately 9,600 tonnes/year; imported from France Hops approximately 25.8 t/year; imported from Germany Rice approximately 3,550 t/year; locally sourced Water groundwater sourced from an undeveloped area of Vientiane municipality The current annual production of 500,000 hl comprises three different

23、 products: Bottled beer 365,000 hl (73%) Canned beer 35,000 hl (7%) Draft beer 100,000 hl (20%) Only 1.4% of production is currently exported to Cambodia, France, Japan, New Zealand, USA and Vietnam. The remaining 98.6% of beer produced is consumed locally, with 64% delivered to outlets in Vientiane

24、 municipality with the remaining 34.6 being destined for other provinces. As a result of the successive expansions, the Beer Lao factory now meets 98% of local beer demand with only 2% of beer sales being imported brands. Pollution Sources from Brewery Operations The primary sources of pollution fro

25、m the Beer Lao operation are residue (draft), chemicals and water use. Wastewater discharges are of most concern from an environmental perspective. Factory waste steams and pollutant discharges are briefly characterized in the following sections. Solid Waste Residue is a type of waste called draft w

26、hich is a residual substance from the beer production process. Approximately 500 tonnes/month of draft is currently generated. If this residue is not treated or disposed of, it can become a source of odors. Consequently, the draft is collected daily and removed from the factory site. Since draft can

27、 be used as animal feed, Beer Lao has no problem disposing of this production by-product which provides a substantial secondary income. Glass (broken bottles) create a solid waste problem because about 0.9-1% of bottles used in the factory are broken during the bottling process. At present, waste gl

28、ass is stored and removed for disposal by the Vientiane Municipality Cleaning Authority. In the future, the factory plans to recycle glass waste for other uses by contracting with interested companies or by exporting it the neighboring countries where the necessary recycling technology is available.

29、 Sludge from the wastewater treatment process constitutes a large volume of the solid waste generated by the factory. After de-watering, the sludge is collected and transported to bio-fertilizer plants. Air Pollution Air pollution from plant originates mainly from chemical evaporation, primarily NaO

30、H used in the bottle washing process. Other source of air pollution is emissions from the factorys oil burning boilers. Although both the chemical and boiler emissions are released untreated to the atmosphere, the impact on air is considered negligible and is considered unlikely to affect either the

31、 health of factory workers or local area residents. Wastewater Wastewater is generated during all stages of beer production at the factory. The highest wastewater volumes are generated during: Bottle washing Spills during bottling Floor washing Process discharges and tank washing including the cooke

32、r, mash tub, and kettle Sanitary wastewater The primary contaminants in the factorys combined wastewater are yeast and worth. Other common contaminants are: NaOH used for bottle washing H3PO4 used for washing beer tanks OXONIA, or acetic acid, used for killing germs at all stages of production Hypoc

33、hlorit 60% CL2 used for killing germs in raw water Chemicals used for washing floors, such as VIXON Oil and grease used for machinery maintenance The Beer Lao factory produces s substantial volume of wastewater approximately 700 - 1,000 m3/day. If the factory had no treatment facility, wastewater di

34、scharge would constitute a serious environmental problem given the factorys close proximity to local communities and the agricultural activities adjacent to the factory site. To address concerns raised by both factory workers and area residents regarding potential environmental and social impacts, t

35、he factory owners and management committed to investing in the construction of modern wastewater treatment systems in accordance with Lao Ministry of Industry and Handicraft standards. Treated wastewater is currently discharged from the factory to a nearby ditch which subsequently drains into paddy

36、field before eventually finding its way to the Mekong River located at a distance of approximately 12 km from the factory. Specifics of Beer Laos wastewater treatment system are detailed in the next section. Beer Laos Current Environmental Management Practices Upgrading of Wastewater Treatment Facil

37、ity Untreated wastewater discharges from the factory have the potential to cause significant environmental impacts. Beginning in 1973 when the factory started operations, proper treatment of wastewater has been a management priority. Early treatment technologies were basic, involving retention of wa

38、stewater in small natural ponds to allow contaminants to settle out of suspension. With an increasing production capacity in 1993, the factory upgraded their wastewater treatment by adding large aeration lagoons. Unfortunately, the expanded system was unable to handle wastewater volumes and the trea

39、ted effluent was determined not to meet applicable environmental standards. In 1996, the factory made a substantial investment in construction of a modern wastewater treatment facility. The new facility has the capacity to treat 1,200 m3/day of wastewater containing up to 2,000 mg/l BOD (Note: BOD i

40、s the abbreviation for biochemical oxygen demand) and 200 mg/l suspended solids. The activated sludge system consists of an oil and grease separation tank, rotary screen, equalization tank, sedimentation tank, sludge digestion tank, sludge holding tank and sand drying beds. Treated effluent from the

41、 new facility meets standards for brewery operations set up by the Lao Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts as summarized in the following table. PARAMETERVALUE PH6 - 9.5 BOD5Not exceeding 30 mg/l TSSNot exceeding 30 mg/l Environmental Management Initiatives in Progress Although Beer Lao does not as

42、 yet have a written environmental policy, the factory management emphasizes environmental awareness and protection in all aspects of the operation. A recent initiative was the setting up of a four person environmental unit within the production section of the factory under direct supervision of the

43、Production Section Head. The unit reports to the factory Production Director. The environmental unit is responsible for: Overseeing day-to-day operations of wastewater treatment facility Monitoring water use and wastewater volumes Conducting daily analyses of pH and DO to assess wastewater quality R

44、egular reporting of results to factory management To ensure the continued effective operation of the wastewater treatment facility as production capacity continues to increase, the factory management approved a budget in 2001 for the addition of a suspended solids separation stage. This stage will a

45、llow separation of suspended solids from the combined wastewater stream before entering the main system to further reduce suspended solid loadings in the final effluent. Achieving reductions in water used in the production process is also a priority for the factory management. Benefits of reduced wa

46、ter use include: (i) reduction in costs of beer production; (ii) lower expenditures for treating wastewater; and (iii) less impacts to the environment. Although no targets have been set by management, water use and wastewater volumes are closely monitored to determine the best management and technic

47、al response. Another important environmental initiative at the factory is aimed at raising environmental awareness among factory workers and administrative staff. Employees are asked to pay close attention to waste separation and containment, especially to avoid solid waste materials entering into w

48、astewater stream. When problems occur they are investigated and follow-up measures are taken to determine the cause of the problem and how best to avoid repeats in the future. SITE VISIT METHODOLOGY This case study will involve a site visit to the Beer Lao factory to provide participants, through ha

49、nds-on learning (e.g., observations, interview, and document reviews) deeper insights into and understanding of the principles and practices of EMS. The site visit will start with briefing by factory representatives on production process, waste and emissions arising from each stage of production and their associated environmental impacts. Participants will then tour the factory and grounds during which time they can observe all aspects of factory operations and interview company managers and employees, in addition to local people living aroun


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