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1、16m空心板简支梁桥毕业设计 内容简介 16m空心板简支梁 文件组成及目录 正文( 51 页)、 CAD 图纸( 3 张) 目录如下: 第 1 部分 上部结构 1.1 设计标准及材料 1.2 构造与尺寸 1.3 设计依据与参考书 2 上部结构的设计过程 2.1 毛截面面积计算 2.2 内力计算 2.3 预应力钢筋的设计 2.4 .内容简介16m空心板简支梁    第1部分  上部结构 1.1 设计标准及材料 1.2构造与尺寸 1.3 设计依据与参考书 2 上部结构的设计过程 2.6 预应力损失计算 2.7 跨中截面应力验算 1 设计资料 2 盖梁计算 3 桥墩、墩

2、柱计算 摘  要本设计为多层住宅楼,其现实意义和迫切性不言而喻。本设计结合现代人的生活观念,建立“整合设计”的感念,突出“以人为核心”的设计理论,采用新材料、新技术,充分利用高科技,严格按智能建筑的设计要求进行设计。本结构采用,平面灵活,使用性强,在满足近期使用功能的同时兼顾今后的改建,从结构上做到为人们创造方便舒适优美的生活空间。 关键词:框架结构 ;D值法;反弯点法ABSTRACTThis design is living building. The important mean is very obvious. According

3、 to modern people the sense of living .building “the whole designing”. Adopt new materials and new technology, the brain building and the green building are considered. This contracture is frame structure. it is convenience in plain. It can fulfill not only now but also future. It can pr

4、ovide beautiful and comfortable circumstances. Key words: frame structure 工程概况 本工程为框架结构(6层)。建筑物层高3.3m,总高20.8m,总宽14.80m,总长70.2m。建筑平面图,框架梁柱示意图,墙身大样见下图。 4.1.3基础计算⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯&

5、#8943;⋯68 参考文献 ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 70 附表1-7 城市某楼盘2,3期房地产项目前期策划(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查报告,毕业论文字)摘  要:随着人类社会的发展,技术的进步与人们生活质量的提高,以房地产业为主的建设行业已经成为国民经济的新增长点,但在建设行业中对项目前

6、期策划还是存在不少偏见,一些开发企业不够重视项目前期策划,直接导致大量商品房空置或者其他建设产业空具其表却效益不佳,造成资源严重浪费,与国家提出的建设节约型社会这一目标相背离。因此研究项目前期策划的内容,过程及其在整个项目中的意义,对建设行业的发展将起到一定的推动作用。本文就以惠州陈江县的御景华城2.3期项目的前期策划为例,对建设项目的前期策划具体工作进行探讨与学习。关键词:前期策划;市场;定位;客户;营销;  Real Estate Project Planning Stage of Scenic China City’s 2,3 Phase of the Projec

7、t in HuizhouAbstract: With the development of human society, technological progress and improving the quality of peoples lives, to real estate-based construction industry has become a new growth point of national economy, but in the construction industry in the project planning stage, or there are m

8、any prejudices, insufficient attention to some development of early project planning business and directly led to a large number of vacant commercial housing or other construction industry with its tables empty but poor efficiency, resulting in a waste of resources, and countries for the constructio

9、n of economical society deviates from this goal.Therefore, the content of the project planning stage, the process and its significance in the whole project, the development of the construction industry will play a certain role. In this paper, Chen Jiang County, Huizhou City, China Scenic 2.3 project

10、 planning stage, for example, the early stage of planning a construction project to discuss the specific work and learning. Key Words:planning stage;market;positioning,;customers;marketing   摘  要:本文试图以萨特的存在主义哲学为出发点,主要从“自为”、“爱情”、“存在先于本质”和“非理性选择

11、,理性接受”等方面对该小说进行分析。首先,本文研究太阳照样升起总体上采用的是存在主义的叙事方法。其次,分析太阳照样升起主人公们之间的爱情,并做了详细的解剖。再次,分析海明威的太阳照样升起在人物性格刻划方面表现出萨特“存在先于本质”的观点。最后,分析小说主人公的大部分选择都是“非理性”的,但是他们最终都以理性的方式接受和承担其结果。关键词:自为;自在;意识;存在;爱情An Existentialist Articulation of Hemingways The Sun Also RisesAbstract: Based on the

12、Sartrean existentialist positions of “Being-for-itself”, “love”, “existence precedes essence” and “irrational choice and rational acceptance”, this thesis is to make an existentialism articulation of the novel. First, it shows that the overall narratio

13、n of the novel is existential. Second, from the perspective of Sartrean love, it tries to analyze the love between Jake and Brett. Third, it analyzes the technique “existence precedes essence” in depiction of the characters in The Sun Also Rises. Finally, it analyzes that most of the cho

14、ices of the heroes and heroines are irrational but they accept the results of the choices in the rational way. Key Words: For-itself; In-itself; Consciousness; Existence; LoveContents   7700字Abstract1Key words1Introduction11 The Overall Existentialist Narration of The Sun Also Rises 3 1.1

15、The Original of Existentialism31.2 Satrean Existentialism41.3 The Existentialist Cycle of The Sun Also Rises 51.4 A large Existentialist Cycle of For-itself to Choose its Way of being62 The Technique “Existence Precedes Essence” in depiction of the Characters in The Sun Also Rises7 2.1 T

16、he Emotion in The Sun Also Rises 72.2 Love of Characters in The Sun Also Rises82.2.1 A Symbol of " Useless Passion"—Jake82.2.2 Free For-itself Manipulated New Woman—Brett102.2.3 A Typical Demonstration of the Taste of Facticity—Cohn113 Irrational Choice and Rational Accep

17、tance13 Conclusion 14Notes.16Bibliography16Acknowledgements 17 摘要水电是清洁能源,可再生、无污染、运行费用低,便于进行电力调峰,有利于提高资源利用率和经济社会的综合效益。在地球传统能源日益紧张的情况下,世界各国普遍优先开发水电大力利用水能资源。随着我国社会主义市场经济快速发展和电力工业体制改革的不断深入,原水点厂各自配备检修队伍的分散型检修管理模式已不适应新形势下的要求,一些新建的水电厂,也不再配备专业检修队伍,这就为设备新的检修管理理论提出了要求。本文着重探讨了水利发电企业在设备自主保全管理体系方面的研究和探索。本文综述了TPM

18、的发展过程和理论体系,引出自主管理概念,设计了一套自主管理体系,在结合映电总厂的背景和实际要求,对映电总厂的设备管理思想提出了些意见,在映电总厂第一阶段TPM方案规划与实施后,总结了成果和经验。关键词: TPM,设备维护,自主保全Abstract Hydropower is clean energy, renewable, non-polluting, low operating costs, facilitate the electricity peak load regulation, will help improve resource utilization and economic

19、and social benefits. Earths conventional energy in the increasingly tense situation, all countries in the world in general priority to the development of hydropower use of water resources. As Chinas socialist market economy and the rapid development of power industry reform continued to deepen, the

20、original water plant, equipped with their own maintenance teams scattered overhaul management model no longer suited to the requirements under the new situation, some of the new hydropower plant, is no longer with Maintenance of professional teams, and this new equipment for the overhaul of manageme

21、nt theory put forward demands. This article focuses on the hydropower enterprises in the self-protection equipment management system of research and exploration. This paper reviews the TPM process of development and theoretical system and leads to self-management concept, design a set of self-manage

22、ment system, with video in the background, plant and the actual requirements of video equipment, plant management ideas put forward some views, Ying power plant in the first phase of the programme planning and implementation of TPM, summed up the achievements and experience.Keywords:TPM, equipment m

23、anagement,Self-preservation 论文的研究意义与研究内容全面生产维护,又简称全员生产保全(Total Productive Maintenance, TPM)活动是一种来源于生产现场的改善活动。本文从TPM的一个方面初步探索适合我国企业实情的TPM方案规划和设计,而PTM的先进理论正是可以帮助我们解决企业的设备管理问题。使企业的设备经常处于完好可用的技术状态,以达到最大限度地发挥设备的综合效能。课题研究内容:TPM的内容很广泛,本课题研究主要是针对项目第一阶段的内容,包括5S、提案和自主保全活动的推进实施进行探讨。第二章主要介绍TPM全员生产保全理论体系。第三

24、章主要介绍中小型水电站管理体系的现状,分析指出问题,对这些问题提出自己的改善方法,并设计一套基于TPM的中小型水电站管理体系设计。第四章主要通过对实际例子的应用,对实施效果分析。第五章主要对实施效果进行总结,展望未来的工作方向。 课题来源,本课题主要来源于映秀湾水力发电总厂的委托项目“映电总厂发电部TPM培训与咨询”及“映电总厂发电部第一阶段TPM方案规划及实施”。 目录   字摘要    IIAbstract    21  绪论  &n

25、bsp; 41.1 论文的研究背景    41.2 论文的研究意义与研究内容    12  TPM全员生产保全理论概述    12.1 TPM活动的起源与发展    12.2 TPM理论概述    32.3 TPM国内外研究现状及发展趋势    52.3.1日本方面    52.3.2欧美    62.3.3国内的共识  &nb

26、sp; 73、自主保全体系设计    73.1 实施自主保全体系的准备工作    73.2 自主保全五步法的实施过程    83.2.1 初期清扫的实施    8 3.2.2 发生源和难点问题的对策    93.2.3 总点检的实施    103.2.4 如何提高点检效率    113.2.5 自主保全体系的建立    113.3 建立自主保全体系的基础和意

27、义    114  案例分析—映电总厂自主保全管理体系设计及应用    124.1 映点总厂背景及管理现    124.1.1 映点总厂背景    124.1.2 映点总厂发电部管理现状    134.2 发电部基于TPM的管理体系的设计与应用    164.2.1 TPM活动在映电总厂发电部的启动    164.2.2  自主保全和提案活动在映电总厂发电

28、部电站的开展    174.2.3 自主保全和提案活动的实施方式    174.2.4 自主保全和提案活动的实施步骤    194.3 发电部TPM活动实施效果分析    265  结论    276 感谢    28参考文献    29 文献    29 摘  要:农田氮磷肥向水体迁移,不仅造成化肥的利用率低,农业生产成本上升,还对水环

29、境造成污染,引起水体富营养化。为了解施肥和不同植被覆盖度对农田氮肥流失的影响,设计盆栽模拟径流实验 。结果表明:不同施肥处理后降雨径流的累积量中总氮的最高浓度达到8.687 mg/L; 总氮的累积流失量约10.504-27.416 mg, 不同覆盖度处理后总氮的浓度达6.429mg/L;总氮的累积流失量约在10.890-34.692 mg,两者都小于当季施肥量的1%。农田地表径流水中氮磷流失主要受降雨量和植被覆盖度的影响,施肥量也是影响径流水中氮、磷养分流失的一个因素。关键词:氮磷;流失;施肥;降雨THE EFFECT OF FERTILIZATION AND RAINFALL ON SOIL

30、 NUTRIENT lOSSAbstract: Phosphorus and nitrogen transfer from farmland to water, not only reduce the utilization of chemical fertilizer and rise the cost of agricultural production , but also lead to water contamination and water eutrophication . We design a simulated runoff pot experiment to unders

31、tand the effect of fertilization and different vegetation coverage on nitrogen phosphorus loss. The results show that: After different fertilizer treatments , The highest concentration of total nitrogen among the amount of runoff is 8.687 mg/L,the loss amounts of total nitrogen is about 10.50527.416

32、 mg; after different coverage treatments, The highest concentration of total nitrogen among the amount of runoff is 6.429mg/L,the loss amounts of total nitrogen is about 10.89034.692 mg , Both loss amounts is less than 1% of fertilizer in this season. The main influential factors of N and P loss fro

33、m farmland runoff are rainfall and vegetation coverage, and the fertilizer also is a factor that affect the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient. 参考文献    12致  谢    14 内容摘要政府公关是政府实施公共管理的一项重要职能。随着政府治理和新公共管理实践的发展,迫切需要重新发掘政府公共关系的价值,促进其科学化、专业化、多样化。并且对于处在社会转型和逐步融入国际社


35、的作用。但是,目前我国的政府网络公关还有很长的路要走,不仅表现在政府网络公关理论研究缺乏创新性的发展,而且在实践中政府网络公关本身也存在种种弊端。这些因素都直接或者间接制约着我国政府公共关系信息化的发展。因此,将信息技术广泛引入政府公共关系各个方面,提高政府公关的整体效率,打造公众满意的政府形象是信息化背景下政府公共关系面临的历史任务。从而,分析当前政府网络公关的现状,特别是针对其不足提出相应的解决方案是十分必要和紧迫的。本文分析了政府网络公关的现状,并针对其不足提出了相应对策。 关键词:政府  网络公关  形象塑造 目录  9600字 一、政府网络公关的含义及其

36、产生的背景 1(一)政府网络公关的含义 1(二)政府网络公关的各要素分析 2(三)政府网络公关产生的背景 2二、政府网络公关的现状 6(一)政府网络公关取得的成果 6(二)政府网络公关存在的不足 8三、完善政府网络公关的途径 9(一)提高政府各方面的硬件和软件水平 10(二)网络公关要与传统的公关方式相配合 11(三)根据组织的战略目标,对网络公关薄弱地区先行开发 11(四)对政府网络公关活动进行新的尝试 12(五)不断学习和借鉴国外政府网络公关的先进经验 12四、

37、结语 13参考文献 14  基于生命周期的企业财务战略研究(字)摘  要:自20世纪90年代以来,开展财务战略理论研究,企业要从战略的角度获得可持续盈利成长能力最大化和创造新的竞争优势,已成为财务会计界关注的热点之一。近年来,关于财务与战略结合的研究已不断深入,研究重点从财务战略的阐释、如何制定财务战略等理论问题,向企业的实际应用转变,并在企业的实践检验中不断修正和调整。本文主要研究企业财务战略若干基础理论问题以及基于生命周期的企业财务战略实证分析,并以企业生命周期为线索,根据各个生命周期阶段的财务特征,加以财务战略定位,选择合适的财务战略并实施。关键词

38、:企业生命周期;企业财务特征;财务战略Study on the Enterprises Financial Strategies of Based on the Life CycleAbstract: Since 1990s, the studies on the theory of financial strategies and the thought that enterprises should obtain the maximization of their sustainable profitable ability and create new competent advanta

39、ge from the perspective of strategy have become the focus of financial accounting field. Theoretical researches have enhanced people’s awareness of the essence of the financial strategy. In recent years, combined with the financial and strategic research has been thorough, research focus from the interpretation of financial strategies, how to develop financial strategies for theoretical issues, the practical application to business transformation, and the practice of testing in the enterprise constantly revised and adjusted. Financial Strategy of t


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