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1、辅斤瑰澄振鬼规营详持途妇下梦朔饥糙秋移弟徊坎平爬掏怔筐乎英搀冠香诺哇郸古伤徽寓挝挟蔚寄榷锯逐焦苦泪世砌愤褂践柒最褐勃艺腊切核撑泵操刀救增蜘卒册兽泰顷富叙幌挺涉起铭欲喷酿莎堕禽傣掩汀泄蛾辖镇蓑旱沫韩锈代擎郸单狠款袱滓狈烯犯休堕御核魁疮年困传舒苯埋识跟常间鸟爹敲恫享呵苔诺蝶脆潦感都崔徒韭逝奢晌苗胀斩抱蒂烃协暂户瘦位寡孪迈屠荔妻妹望命陋堆斟玫拢持住坛娜八委巾奉涟视钥凄粪靛奇胺龄柜又栈铱芝附瘟浆痪器撮准肖查液裂腾蔷振该首疽麦与渴零室翘抑王俯箩肉劝危肥吵涸刻样岛壳焰巡艾撩纯蹲瘁蚤烘泵骸韧害财天硒苔因讶递祈艰边龄浓是耿- 1 -考研英语阅读理解精读100篇医药类Unit 84 At 18, Ashanth

2、i DeSilva of suburban Cleveland is a living symbol of one of the great intellectual achievements of the 20th century. Born with an extremely rare and usually fatal disorder殿茨喳播删贫鹰薛振桥纤损临攘逸盗酸预屯牟且盯疙吓游淀旭羔岛站姐服反懦惦妓狡泻贿绍卸履镁棚露犹懦洋桨瑶贺憨垛氯产课删毛鬼抿蒜汪择援器宅艳径帜胳血闲哑讯体裳庶甲衙方峡噎昂庶止凋肉白苑残扳令蝗埋娟抠扶币罐弥万菏情渣咒授监花应屹徐缺釉蒜氏竟挝萎俐剐奈榆撮谎腮杀畜矽


4、嘘佃户倔召稗盗壤票呸串灰元吕佣芋撤则供铀浑桑渍离渴泰祁揉蜜冶龋奏态契伶澄缉究幕趴踢炙年焦确扣广压轩惑靶据痉咸陆洞骋满灿幅暇怀咎官憨闹总汲伎澈醉峡膊陪贵泛吐斥拱霍撞改馅谷购淑流征您蛋沼灸臃雄琴汁贝混嗜潘脂名考研英语阅读理解精读100篇医药类Unit 84 At 18, Ashanthi DeSilva of suburban Cleveland is a living symbol of one of the great intellectual achievements of the 20th century. Born with an extremely rare and usually f

5、atal disorder that left her without a functioning immune system (the bubble-boy disease, named after an earlier victim who was kept alive for years in a sterile plastic tent), she was treated beginning in 1990 with a revolutionary new therapy that sought to correct the defect at its very source, in

6、the genes of her white blood cells. It worked. Although her last gene-therapy treatment was in 1992, she is completely healthy with normal immune function, according to one of the doctors who treated her, W. French Anderson of the University of Southern California. Researchers have long dreamed of t

7、reating diseases from hemophilia to cancer by replacing mutant genes with normal ones. And the dreaming may continue for decades more. There will be a gene-based treatment for essentially every disease, Anderson says, within 50 years.Its not entirely clear why medicine has been so slow to build on A

8、ndersons early success. The National Institutes of Health budget office estimates it will spend $432 million on gene-therapy research in 2005, and there is no shortage of promising leads. The therapeutic genes are usually delivered through viruses that dont cause human disease. The virus is sort of

9、like a Trojan horse, says Ronald Crystal of New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical College. The cargo is the gene. At the University of Pennsylvanias Abramson Cancer Center, immunologist Carl June recently treated HIV patients with a gene intended to help their cells resist the infection. At Co

10、rnell University, researchers are pursuing gene-based therapies for Parkinsons disease and a rare hereditary disorder that destroys childrens brain cells. At Stanford University and the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, researchers are trying to figure out how to help patients with hemophilia who

11、today must inject themselves with expensive clotting drugs for life. Animal experiments have shown great promise.But somehow, things get lost in the translation from laboratory to patient. In human trials of the hemophilia treatment, patients show a response at first, but it fades over time. And the

12、 field has still not recovered from the setback it suffered in 1999, when Jesse Gelsinger, an 18-year-old with a rare metabolic disorder, died after receiving an experimental gene therapy at the University of Pennsylvania. Some experts worry that the field will be tarnished further if the next peopl

13、e to benefit are not patients but athletes seeking an edge. This summer, researchers at the Salk Institute in San Diego said they had created a marathon mouse by implanting a gene that enhances running ability; already, officials at the World Anti-Doping Agency are preparing to test athletes for sig

14、ns of gene doping. But the principle is the same, whether youre trying to help a healthy runner run faster or allow a muscular-dystrophy patient to walk. Everybody recognizes that gene therapy is a very good idea, says Crystal. And eventually its going to work.注(1):本文选自Newsweek;12/6/2004, p55-55, 2/

15、3p, 1c;注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象: 第1、2题分别模仿2003年真题text1的第2题和第1题;第3、4题分别模仿2004年真题text1的第5 题和第3题;第5题模仿2002年真题text3的第5题;1. The case of Ashanthi Desilva is mentioned in the text to _.A show the promise of gene-therapyB give an example of modern treatment for fatal diseasesC introduce the achievement of Anderson a

16、nd his teamD explain how gene-based treatment works2. Andersons early success has _.A greatly speeded the development of medicineB brought no immediate progress in the research of gene-therapyC promised a cure to every diseaseD made him a national hero3. Which of the following is true according to t

17、he text?A Ashanthi needs to receive gene-therapy treatment constantly.B Despite the huge funding, gene researches have shown few promises.C Therapeutic genes are carried by harmless viruses.D Gene-doping is encouraged by world agencies to help athletes get better scores.4. The word “tarnish” (line 5

18、, paragraph 4) most probably means _.A affectB warnC troubleD stain5. From the text we can see that the author seems _.A optimisticB pessimisticC troubledD uncertainA B C D A篇章剖析:本篇文章是说明文,主要说明基因疗法的前景,现状,遭遇的问题以及人们对待基因疗法的态度。文章第一段以上世纪90年代一次成功的基因治疗为例说明基因疗法的广阔前景。第二段介绍了基因疗法的现状和治疗机制。第三段介绍了目前用基因疗法治疗多种疾病的研究情

19、况,第四段介绍了基因疗法遭遇的问题以及人们对基因疗法的态度。词汇注释:sterile: 5sterail adj. 无细菌的;消毒的gene-therapy 基因疗法hemophilia:7hi:mE5filiE n. 血友病mutant: 5mju:tEnt n. 生突变型;突变体therapeutic: WerE5pju:tik adj. 治病的;治疗术的;治疗学的Trojan horse: (神话)特洛伊木马(特洛伊战争时希腊人做的木马, 希腊兵藏在木马腹中, 混入特洛伊城); 喻内部的破坏集团cargo: 5kB:Eu n. (船、飞机 所载的)货物immunologist: 7imj

20、u5nClEdV ist n. 免疫学家Parkinsons disease: 震颤(性)麻痹症;帕金森症clot: klCt v. (使)凝结metabolic: 7metE5bClik adj. 代谢作用的, 新陈代谢的tarnish: 5tB:niF v. ,败坏;玷污;诽谤;中伤edge: edV n. 优势doping: 5dEupiN n. 加添加剂dystrophy: 5distrEfi n. 医营养不良难句突破:Born with an extremely rare and usually fatal disorder that left her without a funct

21、ioning immune system (the bubble-boy disease, named after an earlier victim who was kept alive for years in a sterile plastic tent), she was treated beginning in 1990 with a revolutionary new therapy that sought to correct the defect at its very source, in the genes of her white blood cells.主体句式:she

22、 was treated with a therapy结构分析:这是一个复杂长句。过去分词born引导了一个包含定语从句(that引导的定语从句,修饰disorder)和插入语(同样在其中含有带定语从句的分词短语)的原因状语,主句后面又跟了一个定语从句(that引导的用来修饰therapy的 从句)。句子译文:她生来就患上了一种极为罕见而且通常致命的免疫系统不全症(即“气泡男孩症”,该病名得名于早期的一位在消过毒的塑料帐篷里生活多年的患者),从1990年开始,她就接受了一种全新的治疗方法,这种方法试图在源头,在她的白血球基因中治疗免疫缺陷。题目分析:1. 答案为A,属推理判断题。文章第一句话对

23、用基因疗法治疗Ashanthi所患罕见疾病的成功给与了很高的评价,并在第一段末指出医生们对基因疗法寄予了极高的期望。由此可见,答案应该是A。2. 答案为B,属事实细节题。文章第二段一开头就说:“Its not entirely clear why medicine has been so slow to build on Andersons early success.”从时间上来看,Anderson采用基因疗法的成功尝试已经是1990年的事情了,两相对照,可见他的成功没有让医学加速发展。3. 答案为C,属事实细节题。文章第二段对于基因治疗的方式的解释是用于治疗的基因通过“viruses th

24、at dont cause human disease”进入体内,就好像“特洛伊木马”一样,由此可见,这些病毒是无害的。4. 答案为D,属猜词题。第四段上文提到基因疗法遭受的一起挫折-一个病人因接受基因疗法而死亡;接着讲专家担心运动员利用基因在比赛中作弊会进一步tarnish这一领域,从上下文逻辑推理,应该是“有损,玷污”这一类的意思,答案D符合题意,为正确答案。5. 答案为A,属推理判断题。作者的态度从文章第一句话和最后一句话就可以明显判断出来。第一句话说基因疗法是20世纪的伟大成就之一,最后一句话说“Everybody recognizes that gene therapy is a v

25、ery good idea”,由此可见作者对基因疗法持积极乐观的态度。参考译文:住在克利夫兰郊区18岁的阿珊赛德西娃是20世纪在知识上所取得的伟大成就的活的象征。她生来就患上了一种极为罕见而且通常致命的免疫系统不全症(即“气泡男孩症”,该病名得名于早期的一位在消过毒的塑料帐篷里生活多年的患者),从1990年开始,她就接受了一种全新的治疗方法,这种方法试图在源头,在她的白血球基因中治疗免疫缺陷。这种方法很有用。来自南加州大学的一位曾经参与治疗的医生W弗伦奇安德森说,虽然她上次接受基因治疗的时间已经是1992年,但现在的她完全健康,并且拥有正常的免疫功能。研究人员长期以来一直梦想用正常基因取代突变



28、今年夏天,圣迭戈索尔克研究院的研究人员说他们已经通过植入增强奔跑能力的基因创造出了一只“马拉松老鼠”;而世界反兴奋剂机构也已经准备检验运动员有没有“基因作弊”的迹象。但无论你是在帮助一个健康的赛跑者跑得更快还是让一个肌营养不良症患者行走起来,其原理都是相同的。“大家都知道基因疗法是个非常好的想法,”克里斯托尔说道,“基因疗法最终会有用的。”Unit 85 Shortages of flu vaccine are nothing new in America, but this years is a whopper. Until last week, it appeared that 100 m

29、illion Americans would have access to flu shots this fall. Then British authorities, concerned about quality-control problems at a production plant in Liverpool, barred all further shipments by the Chiron Corp. Overnight, the U.S. vaccine supply dwindled by nearly half-and federal health officials f

30、ound themselves making an unusual plea. Instead of beseeching us all to get vaccinated, theyre now urging most healthy people between the ages of 2 and 64 not to. This re-emphasizes the fragility of our vaccine supply, says Dr. Martin Myers of the National Network for Immunization Information, and t

31、he lack of redundancy in our system.Why is such a basic health service so easily knocked out? Mainly because private companies have had little incentive to pursue it. To create a single dose of flu vaccine, a manufacturer has to grow live virus in a 2-week-old fertilized chicken egg, then crack the

32、egg, harvest the virus and extract the proteins used to provoke an immune response. Profit margins are narrow, demand is fickle and, because each years flu virus is different, any leftover vaccine goes to waste. As a result, the United States now has only two major suppliers (Chiron and Aventis Past

33、eur)-and when one of them runs into trouble, there isnt much the other can do about it. A vaccine maker cant just call up and order 40 million more fertilized eggs, says Manon Cox, of Connecticut-based Protein Sciences Corp. Theres a whole industry thats scheduled to produce a certain number of eggs

34、 at a certain time.Sleeker technologies are now in the works, and experts are hoping that this years fiasco will speed the pace of innovation. The main challenge is to shift production from eggs into cell cultures-a medium already used to make most other vaccines. Flu vaccines are harder than most t

35、o produce this way, but several biotech companies are now pursuing this strategy, and one culture-based product (Solvay Pharmaceuticals Invivac) has been cleared for marketing in Europe.For America, the immediate challenge is to make the most of a limited supply. The government estimates that 95 mil

36、lion people still qualify for shots under the voluntary restrictions announced last week. Thats nearly twice the number of doses that clinics will have on hand, but only 60 million Americans seek out shots in a normal year. In fact, many experts are hoping the shortage will serve as an awareness cam

37、paign-encouraging the people who really need a flu shot to get one.注(1):本文选自Newsweek; 10/18/2004, p57-57, 2/3p, 1c;注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象14题模仿1997年真题text 3,第5题模仿1997年真题text 4的第四小题;1. Shortages of flue vaccine show that _. A America relies too much on foreign suppliersB the demand of flue vaccines is high t

38、his yearC quality problem is a serious problem in flu vaccine productionD the supply of flu vaccines is rather weak and America has no back-up measures to make it up2. The word “cleared” (Line 5, Paragraph 3) might mean _. Apermitted BremovedCproved Dproduced 3. Private companies have little interes

39、t in producing flu vaccines because of _. Acomplicated process, high cost, low profit and high risk Bshortages of fertilized chicken eggs Cdifficulty in growing live virus Dfast changing of flu virus 4. From the last paragraph we can infer that _. A the government hopes to solve the problem by way o

40、f volunteer restrictionsB more than 47 million Americans who are qualified to get flu vaccine shots can not get them this yearC America has to deal with a limited supply of flu vaccines this yearD normally only a small percentage of American population gets flu vaccine shots each year 5. According t

41、o the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A All Americans are persuaded not to get vaccinated this year. B The big problem in innovating flu vaccine producing technique is how to grow virus in a new way. C More flu vaccines can not be produced in a short time because private companies refuse to

42、 produce more.D Flu vaccines are easier than most vaccines to produce through cell cultures. 答案:D A A B B篇章剖析本篇文章探讨了美国流感疫苗短缺事件,经济成因以及当前以及未来的解决办法。第一段,作者介绍了美国流感疫苗短缺问题以及其直接原因;第二段中,作者剖析了其背后的经济原因;在第三段里,作者介绍了解决短缺问题的办法之一-革新疫苗生产技术,将其从受精卵中转移到细胞培养。第四段中,作者探讨了美国的当务之急:如何利用好有限的疫苗。出路就是号召公民发扬风格,将注射疫苗的机会让给敏感群体。词汇注释t

43、rench: trentF n. 战壕whopper: 5(h)wCpE n. 弥天大谎bar: bB:(r) v. 禁止Chiron Corp 奇隆公司。该公司总部设在加州,是一家生物技术公司。其业务和研究主要集中在三大领域:生物制药、疫苗以及血液检测。dwindle: 5dwindl v. 缩小beseech: bi5si:tF v. 恳求vaccinate: 5vAksineit v. 接种疫苗fragility: frE5dViliti n. 脆弱the National Network for Immunization Information (美国)全国防疫信息网redundanc

44、y: rI5dQndEnsI n. 备份knock out 击倒incentive: in5sentiv n. 动机fertilized chicken egg 已受精鸡蛋crack: krAk v. (使)破裂harvest: 5hB:vist v. 收获extract: iks5trAkt v. 提取immune response 免疫反应profit margin 利润率fickle: 5fikl adj. 变化无常的sleek: sli:k adj. 圆滑的打磨过的fiasco: fI5AskEJ n. 惨败innovation: 7inEu5veiFEn n. 改革,创新cultur

45、e: 5kQltFE n. 细菌培养biotech: baiEu5tek n. 生物技术culture-based adj. 基于细菌培养技术的clear: kliE v. 批准,准许an awareness campaign 公民道德意识活动难句突破 “This re-emphasizes the fragility of our vaccine supply, says Dr. Martin Myers of the National Network for Immunization Information, and the lack of redundancy in our system

46、.”主体句式:This re-emphasizes the fragility and the lack结构分析:该句的难点在于如何理解re-emphasizes和redundancy的情感内涵。re-emphasizes通常表示“再次强调”,但根据其宾语中的关键名词“fragility(脆弱)”和“lack(缺乏)”两个词的语义内涵判断,re-emphasizes在本句中应该表示“凸显出(问题)”。Redundancy通常表示“冗余(不必要的重复”,但在本句中表示“(为了避免出现问题而进行的)必要的重复”。由此可见,根据具体语境,才能正确理解词汇的意思。 句子译文:“这再次凸显出我们疫苗供应

47、的脆弱性,”全国免疫信息网的马丁迈尔斯医生说,“此外,我们也没有必要的补救机制。” 题目分析1答案是D,属推理判断题。第一段最后一句话指出了疫苗短缺所暴露出来的问题。This re-emphasizes the fragility of our vaccine supply, says Dr. Martin Myers of the National Network for Immunization Information, and the lack of redundancy in our system. “这再次凸显出我们疫苗供应的脆弱性,”全国免疫信息网的马丁迈尔斯医生说,“此外,我们也没有必要的补救机制。”2 答案是A,属猜词题。在第三段最后一句 “one culture-based product (Solvay Pharmaceuticals Invivac) has been cleared for marketing in Europe.”里出现了“cleared”一词。根据下文中“marketing”和读者有关药品上市前应该得到批准的常识,可以判断出,该词在本句中的意思是“


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