1Construction procedure for HDPE Installation &amp Testing.doc

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《1Construction procedure for HDPE Installation &amp Testing.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《1Construction procedure for HDPE Installation &amp Testing.doc(21页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、East-west Gas Pipeline ProjectConstruction procedure for HDPE Installation & TestingChina Petroleum Pipeline Bureau(CPP)Document No.: EWPL00-COS-PR-0003Rev.: A1 Construction procedure for HDPEInstallation & Testing光缆导管安装测试程序Contract No.:合同号:Document No.:文件号: A12006-6-17ISSUED FOR REVIEWHuang Yonggan

2、gZeng ZhaochengLi JianhuiREVDATEDESCRIPTIONPREPARED BYREVIEWED BYCHECKED BYAPPROVED BYPage 1 of 21Contents内容1.0 General概要.32.0 Construction Proposal of HDPE Duct Layin 光缆导管安装施工计划.43.0 Duct Inspection and Testing导管检查和测试程序.114.0 HDPE Fusion Weld Jointing Procedure导管融合焊接程序125.0 Quality Assurance质量保证126

3、.0 HSE健康安全环境.131.0 General 概要1.1Scope范围This procedure provides a detailed method of HDPE installation and testing for 48” East-west Gas Pipeline Project in Indian.本规范为印度东气西输48”管线光缆导管提供了详细的安装和测试方法1.2References参考文献1.2.1Company document业主文件ZZP000-P14-J00-513 Typical Road Crossing Open Cut典型的道路开挖穿越ZZP00

4、0-P14-J00-516 Typical Rail Crossing Thrust Bored (Cased)典型铁路穿越顶管(带套管)ZZP000-P14-J00-519 Typical Waterbody Crossing By Bottom Pulling Method典型的底部回拖水体穿越ZZP000-P14-J00-521 Typical Minor Watercourse Crossing - Nala / Stream Single & Double Sag Open Cut 典型的小型水网穿越- Nala/溪流单双下开挖ZZP000-P14-J00-514 Typical R

5、oad Crossing Thrust Bored (Uncased)典型的道路穿越-顶管(无套管) ZZP000-P14-J00-524 Typical Trench Details 典型管沟详图ZZP000-P14-J00-515 Typical Road Crossing Thrust Bored (Cased)典型的道路穿越-顶管(带套管) ZZP000-P14-J00-508 Typical Warning Sign Post Details & Marker Post Placement Details 典型的警示标志桩详图和标志桩安置详图 ZZP000-J10-J00-501 H

6、andhole Details手孔详图 ZZP000-J10-J00-502 Splice Chamber / Manhole / Handhole Details拼接口/人孔/手孔详图1.2.2Project documents项目文件C-70-P-Q-0006-00Project HSE Plan.项目HSE计划C-70-P-Q-0002-00Construction Quality Control Plan项目质量控制计划.Page 3 of 212.0 Construction Proposal of HDPE Duct Laying光缆导管安装施工计划2.1 HDPE Duct Co

7、nstruction Arrangement光缆导管施工布置2.1.1 Construction spread arrangement施工标段布置According to project duration requirement, to ensure the project construction going on wheels, HDPE duct construction spread be set up four groups include HDPE duct laying, HDPE duct crossing, HDPE duct trench padding, manholes

8、/handholes construction. The detail of distributed task is as following:根据项目工期要求,为了确保项目施工的顺利进行,光缆导管施工标段设立四个机组,包括导管敷设,导管穿越,导管管沟铺垫,人孔/手孔施工。任务分布详细情况如下:Spread Name标段名Assignment任务HDPE Duct Construction Spread光缆导管施工标段HDPE duct laying group 光缆导管敷设机组Pipeline trench clear, HDPE duct laying管线管沟清理,光缆导管敷设HDPE d

9、uct crossing group光缆导管穿越机组 River, road, railway crossing河流,道路,铁路穿越HDPE duct trench padding group 光缆导管管沟铺垫机组Fine soil padding, sandbags putting down, marker burying细土回填,沙袋压管,标志带埋设 Manholes/handholes construction group人孔/手孔施工机组Manholes/handholes pits opening and build人孔/手孔开坑和建造2.2 HDPE Duct Constructi

10、on Duration and Construction Plan光缆导管施工期和施工计划2.2.1 Construction duration工期According to project requirement, the project plan to synchronize with pipeline spread, start to construct after pipeline lowering. 根据项目要求,项目施工计划要和管线施工同步进行,在管线下沟之后开始进行施工。2.2.2 Construction plan施工计划Construction plan composes of

11、 three phases. The first phase is construction site resurvey. The second phase is pipeline trench clear, HDPE duct laying, to build manholes/handholes, padding,marker burying. The third phase is documentation preparing and handover.施工计划包括三个阶段。第一阶段是施工现场复测。第二阶段是管线管沟清理,光缆导管敷设,人孔/手孔建造,细土小回填,标志带埋设。第三阶段文件

12、准备和提交 。2.3 Construction Method Description施工方法说明2.3.1 HDPE duct construction technique光缆导管技术施工光缆导管测试线路复测Route resurveyHDPE duct single coil testTrench bottom inspectionBuilding manholes/handholesHDPE duct outer layer inspectionBackfillingBurying markerEnd Laying HDPE ductPipeline trench clearingPadd

13、ing管沟清理沟底检查导管敷设外层导管检查人孔/手孔建造细土铺垫回填管沟回填标志带埋设2.4 Primary Construction Method and Technical Measure主要的施工方法和技术措施2.4.1 Primary equipment checkout主要的施工设备校验2.4.1.1 HDPE duct single coil test 光缆导管单盘测试l HDPE ducts specification requirement光缆导管规范要求No.序号Parameter参数Specification Limits规范限制1Outer Diameter外径40 mm

14、 (+ 0.4 mm & -0.0 mm)2Inner Diameter内径33.00 mm3Duct Wall Thickness壁厚3.4 to 3.6 mml HDPE duct visual requirement:光缆导管外观要求u Uniformity, no defect, no scratch.均匀,无缺陷,无划痕u Inner wall shall be smooth, no air bubble, no cleft and visible dents, impurity.u 内壁必须平滑,无气孔,无裂缝和可以看到的凹坑,不洁物。 HDPE duct coil

15、 location collocation导管盘位置搭配l CPP shall accord with the characteristic of HDPE duct (bridge, crossing etc.) and length to collocate the HDPE duct coil location.l CPP承包商必须根据光缆导管的特点(桥,穿越等)和长度对光缆导管盘的位置进行搭配。l According to each HDPE duct coil length distribute reasonably, at special section (such as brid

16、ge, wadi) HDPE duct shall accord with the topography and local condition to make especial distribution.l 根据每一盘光缆导管的长度进行合理的分配,在特殊地段(比如说桥,断崖)光缆导管必须根据地形和当地的条件进行特殊的分配。l CPP shall submit the documentation including the following data:承包商必须提交包括以下数据的文件:u All HDPE duct coils quantity, length (m) and series

17、number that CPP received from Owner warehouse.u CPP承包商从业主的库房接收的所有的导管盘的数量,长度(m)和序列号。u HDPE duct quantity and its laying length.光缆导管的数量和敷设长度u The detailed list of all HDPE ducts damaged or stolen etc. and be changed. u 光缆导管损伤或被偷盗的等需要改变的详细清单2.4.2 HDPE duct transportation and storage光缆导管的运输和储存HDPE duct

18、shall be stored at temporary stored position in construction camp. Use proper vehicle to transport HDPE duct from Owners warehouse to CPP storage area, then to the construction site. The method of HDPE ducts transportation and storage:光缆导管必须存放在施工营地的临时存放点。使用适当的车辆把导管从业主的仓库运送到承包商的存放点,然后再运到施工现场。光缆导管运输和存

19、放的方法:l In the transportation, HDPE duct coils need be firmly fixed on carriage, to prevent from being impacted, tumbled, pressed and rubbed intensely. HDPE duct coil will be prohibited to lie on the carriage at any time. l 在运输过程当中,必须把导管盘牢固的固定在车上以防止其受到冲击,翻滚,挤压和摩擦。任何时候导管盘都不能直接的放在车上。l The area of HDPE

20、duct coils storage will be flat, placement in order. There are obvious signs of fire prohibited to ensure the HDPE duct to be far away from fire.l 存放导管盘的区平整,按顺序摆放。要设立显著的防火标志确保导管远离火源。l Crane or forklift shall be used for loading and unloading the HDPE duct coils.l 必须要使用吊车或叉车来装卸导管盘l If crane is used,

21、sling or steel bar through flange axis hole must be used to lift HDPE duct coils.l 如果使用吊车的话,必须用吊带或钢筋穿过法兰轴孔以提升导管盘l If forklift is used, two forks must be put under the two flanges.l 如果用叉车的话,必须把叉车的双叉插入到两个法兰德的底部2.4.3 HDPE duct laying in normal sections 普通段的导管铺设l Before laying HDPE duct, CPP shall inspe

22、ct whether the plastic caps of the HDPE duct ends fall off, and add the lacks. Strictly prevent water, soil, mud and other materials from entering into the duct at laying process. l 在进行导管铺设之前,承包商必须检查导管盘端的塑料盖是否掉落,如果有掉落,必须补上。在敷设过程当中严防水,土,泥浆和其它物质进入导管当中。l Unmovable trailer or mobile trailer are adopted

23、to lay HDPE duct, laying HDPE duct shall be from upside of the coil to the trench.l 使用固定拖车或移动拖车进行导管铺设,导管要从管盘的上侧进入管沟。l HDPE duct shall be laid on trench bottom straightly, without twisting, beckets and dog legs. 光缆导管必须平直的在管沟底部敷设不能有弯曲和打卷。l After HDPE duct is laid, it shall be connected and airproofed

24、as soon as possible. If HDPE duct cant be connected immediately, HDPE duct shall be overlapped 200mm.l 光缆导管铺设以后必须尽快的连接和密封,如果导管不能立刻进行连接,那么导管必须搭接200mm。l When there is water in the pipeline trench, the water shall be taken out or using sandbags to push down the HDPE duct on the bottom of the trench.l 在

25、管沟内有水的情况下必须把水排除或使用沙袋把导管压到管沟底上。l When HDPE duct laying in the water logged area, bigger cement sandbags shall be used. l 在水网地带进行导管敷设,要用较大的水泥沙袋。l HDPE ducts curve radius shall be more than 1m. At exceptional difficult position, the minimum curve radius shall not be less than 15 times of the HDPE duct

26、OD.l 导管曲率半径必须大于1m。在特殊困难的区域最小的曲率半径应该不小于导管外径的15倍。2.4.4 Installation in Marshy Areas沼泽段的安装l The duct installation shall be done immediately following the lowering-in process and prior to partial backfilling, to ensure that the duct is properly located, is anchored in place and has the required depth of

27、 cover.l 在管道下沟以后,部分回填以前必须立刻进行导管安装,以确保导管位置适当,锚定和具有要求的盖层厚度。l In wet ground construction where the mainline pipe will be installed by push-pull stringing methods ,the HDPE duct installation shall be done after the mainline pipe is lowered into the bottom of the trench and pipe anchors, if any, are in p

28、lace.l 对于湿地段的施工,需要利用推拉管线段的方法进行主管线的安装,导管安装必须在主管线下到沟底锚定以后进行,如果需要锚定的话。2.4.5 OFC Duct Crossings光缆导管穿越l Pipeline shall cross a number of facilities along the route, eg: road, rail, rivers and other services(water pipelines etc.), where it shall be necessary to lay HDPE duct under the facility by maintain

29、ing at least 500mm clearance without cutting the cable duct (and, indirectly, having to do the same at a later stage with the cable).l 管线必须沿着线路穿越一定数量的设施,比如:道路,铁路,河流和其它服务设施(水管线等),光缆导管必须在这些设施以下至少500mm处进行敷设,而且不能把导管割断(而且间接的在后续的施工地段也保持同样的方法)l Where the facility involves crossing another service such as a

30、 water supply pipeline, the duct shall be removed from the reel, coiled on the ground in a “figure of eight” formation and the leading end passed under the obstruction at the required depth. The duct shall then be re-coiled on the reel or laid out in the trench. The unwound coil shall always be kept

31、 or spread on PE sheet to avoid entry of foreign material into the duct.l 如果需要穿越的是其它的服务设施,比如:水管线,必须把导管从盘上卸下来在地面上卷成一个“8”字型,并把引头在要求的深度以下穿过障碍物。然后必须把导管从新盘到导管盘上或在管沟当中铺开。未卷绕的导管盘必须放在PE板上以避免任何外来的物质进入导管。 Open Cut Major Watercourse Crossings主要的水网开挖穿越l Two HDPE conduits shall be installed across all maj

32、or watercourse crossings along with pipeline laying. The two HDPE ducts shall be inserted into 114 O/DIA x 6.4mm wall thickness GI pipe and installed in accordance with the Drawing.两条光缆导管必须和主管线一起穿过所有的主要水网。两条光缆导管必须插入114 O/DIA x 6.4mm壁厚的镀锌钢管中并按照图纸进行安装。l When required, the OFC GI duct casing pipe shall

33、 be welded into a continuous pipestring to suit the crossing configuration. The two HDPE ducts shall be inserted from one end into the steel duct and pushed or pulled through until sufficiently protruding. Air and watertight end caps shall be secured to each HDPE duct open-end to prevent the ingress

34、 of water, mud, debris or obstacles.l 如果要求的话,光缆导管镀锌套管必须焊接成连续的管线段适应穿越的需要。两条光缆导管必须从一端插入到镀锌钢管中,用推和拉的方法使其达到足够的进入长度,导管两端必须盖上密封盖防止水,空气,泥浆,杂物或其它堵塞物的进入。l The concrete weight coated carrier pipe shall be installed into the open cut water crossing trench and the GI duct casing pipe strapped to the top of the

35、carrier pipe.l 混凝土配种的承载管线必须安装进入开挖的水体穿越管沟当中,镀锌套管必须绑扎在承载管线的顶部。l Where the HDPE cable ducts leave the GI casing pipe, a smooth transition is to be maintained from the GI pipe to the duct termination manholes located on each side of the crossing. Both HDPE ducts shall be terminated in the cable duct man

36、hole pits.l 在光缆导管和镀锌套管分离的部位,必须要保持穿越两侧从镀锌套管到导管终端的人孔的平滑过渡。导管必须终止于光缆导管的人孔坑。l Minor watercourse / nala crossings comprise a single HDPE duct laid in accordance with Typical Trench Detail Drawing No. ZZP000-P14-J00-524.l 小水网/ nala穿越包括单根的光缆导管必须按照典型的管沟详图ZZP000-P14-J00-524.进行敷设。 Open Cut Road Crossin

37、gs道路开挖穿越Two OFC cable ducts shall be inserted into a 114 OD GI casing pipe and installed as shown on Drawing No. ZZP000-P14-J00-513. The crossing shall be completely backfilled and the road sub-base reinstated in accordance with Specification EWP100-P30-J00-506 and the Drawings.Air and watertight en

38、d caps shall be secured to each HDPE duct open-end to prevent the ingress of water, mud, debris or obstacles.l 两条光缆导管必须插入进一根外径114的镀锌套管当中,并按照图纸ZZP000-P14-J00-513 进行安装。必须按照规范EWP100-P30-J00-506和图纸对穿越进行完全的回填和路基进行恢复。导管两端必须盖上密封盖防止水,空气,泥浆,杂物或其它堵塞物的进入。 Uncased road or canal crossings无套管道路或水渠穿越Uncased

39、 thrust bored road or canal crossings shall have two HDPE ducts in 114 OD GI casing pipe installed as shown on Drawing No. ZZP000-P14-J00-514.无套管顶管道路或水渠穿越必须在外径为114的镀锌套管当中插入两条光缆导管并按图纸ZZP000-P14-J00-514.进行安装。 Cased Road Or Rail Crossings带套管道路或铁路穿越l After the boring operation has been completed

40、and the casing pipe is in place, the carrier pipe shall be installed. Two 40 0D HDPE conduits for fibre optical cable shall be attached to the top of the carrier pipe and pulled through with the carrier pipe.l 在钻孔操作完成,套管就位以后,承载管线必须进行安装。两条外径为40的光缆导管必须绑扎到承载管线的顶部,和承载管线一起回拖。l The two HDPE ducts shall be

41、 terminated in manholes located at each side of the crossing.l 两条导管必须在穿越两侧的人孔内起止。l The ends of the HDPE ducts shall be sealed with end caps to prevent ingress of excavated material into the duct until required for use.l 光缆导管的端口必须用密封盖进行密封,以防止挖掘土的进入。l Testing of the cable ducts may be performed at the

42、 completion of the crossing and will be incorporated into longer test sections at a later date.l 光缆导管的测试可以在穿越完之后进行,或者和长管段一起进行测试。 HDD Crossings定向钻穿越l The installation of the HDPE ducts shall be done concurrently with the stringing and pulling of the carrier pipe. The two 40mm 0D HDPE ducts sha

43、ll be installed in a 114 OD G.I. pipe. l 光缆导管的安装必须和承载管线的布管和回拖同步进行。两条外径为40mm的导管必须安装进入一条外径为114mm的镀锌套管中。l The two HDPE ducts shall be inserted from one end into the HDD G.I. duct and pushed or pulled through until sufficiently protruding. Air and watertight end caps shall be secured to each HDPE duct o

44、pen-end to prevent the ingress of water, mud, debris or obstacles.l 两条光缆导管必须从一端插入到镀锌钢管中,用推和拉的方法使其达到足够的进入长度,导管两端必须盖上密封盖防止水,空气,泥浆,杂物或其它堵塞物的进入。l The HDD carrier pipestring and OFC G.I. duct casing pipe string shall be attached to the pullback head and both pipestrings will be pulled back concurrently.

45、Special metallic lugs, if required, shall be used with suitable end caps so that the ends of the conduit can be tied firmly to the pull head before the pulling operation. The OFC G.I. casing duct shall remain isolated from the carrier pipe during the pullback operation. The HDD crossing shall be ins

46、talled in accordance with the approved crossing profile drawings.l 定向钻穿越的主管线段和镀锌套管必须在回拖头部位绑扎在一起,把两条管线段同时进行回拖。如果要求的话,在回拖之前,要把特殊的金属接线片和适当的管端盖一起使用以便导管能够牢固的绑扎到回拉头上。在回拖过程当中,镀锌套管必须要和主管线绝缘。定向钻穿越必须按照批准的穿越剖面图进行。 Underground Services Crossings地下设施穿越l Cable and pipe locators shall be deployed to identif

47、y underground utilities. If these utilities obstruct the trench, the owner of the utility shall be advised.l 必须用电缆和管线的定位仪来辨明地下设施。如果这些设施影响了管沟,应该对设施的使用者提出建议。l In all cases, including crossings of other hydrocarbon pipelines (if any), the HDPE cable duct shall be laid at least 0.50m clearance shall be maintained between laid pipeline and


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