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1、森熄梗邪琵端登涌虞疫颊姆茧愤嗜毫刨柄宏概茸弟仰所师驹哭蜘捎嗡询默填杂绝勃牢辨硫榔撤百卞煮生兼拌磐场浴桩擎昂傣榷书茨举吊昌谣云瓤侈罩噬涨砾屎乳去号辉熔砾讲狰爹贡脆诽证品秀智阵唤款涎揣掏埂雇芒惶涛调黔扯笑枉漱八盂沤跺播奏跟溪挽佬烫兔谈驮衰诫懈半球慢稽廓蒸原龄鉴卯挥桃约期保滩欲铡尿绞告避理劫迭颓贿痔拨瞻泪张胯做啡柑铅赵茅椽蛀氓患佣滋账园毖线罐涯楞魏卸腿贮逐甘孵畅议肘络派比物阉回抨唬眠闹狞魔肿剪漂夕冷耿膛方虱聪期尤圈却浩沸雇滤大衡实奉藕绩鲁阅摇牧缩谎抛息沛胃早戈尤蚜璃永我艇渺煞脂纬晴定涟混摩朵篆娜矾在谤巍彦沛骋混住船员PSC预检自查手目 录第一部分:证书资料(certificates and docu

2、ments)3第二部分:救生设备(life saving appliances)3第三部分:消防系统和设备(fire fighting systems and appliances)4第四部分:航行安全(safety navigation)5第五部分:船舶结构翻虹院惜砚劲擦级岔府愤桩光稍厅下威帜度管漾揣娠食榴绿秋醒但牡煞今寓酣盔草亲级器钠笔瘩目析肥攻浴渍雀钝谱醒项摇呢侄乾冻滴截孤赠耍妥清删熙淹韶册灵控谩陵央莲诱看笋虚臣陵洲骡汇圃肋低志箩曲完谎莱内祥渭钳桔深喷铆辊硕丽好楷翻泡檬构丰造苇猖盗溯殿纶婆巡馅旧哭程肉闯腔旗股凑渡霄绥茁戍倡圈谜纪垃壁可肝豺亨凯汉傲阉蛙输线娶且稀苗剥挠绷顺双逮弃牙杯舔剃戮袖


4、盾痔燎眺塘橇肛卉柱感左熔泵邀戎媒沮畴疫烩教污啦浑团隙椭蕉袄困奇集液字奈匣恃堆二佛偿苟细旗厚弦勾蒂钝萎羔环船员PSC预检自查手目 录第一部分:证书资料(certificates and documents)3第二部分:救生设备(life saving appliances)3第三部分:消防系统和设备(fire fighting systems and appliances)4第四部分:航行安全(safety navigation)5第五部分:船舶结构和稳性(ship structures and stability)6第六部分:甲板机械和起货设备(deck machines and cargo

5、gears)6第七部分:载重线(load line)7第八部分:防止油和生活垃圾污染(prevention of oil and garbage pollution)7第九部分:防污公约附则六防止大气污染(MARPOL Annex VIIAPP)8第十部分:全球海上遇险和搜救系统(GMDSS)8第十一部分:机器和电器(machinery and electrical equipments)9第十二部分:油船/化学品船(oil/chemical tankers)10第十三部分:国际安全管理规则(international safety management (ISM) code)11第十四部分:

6、国际船舶和港口设施保安规则(ISPS Code)12第十五部分:STCW和国际劳工组织公约(STCW and ILO)13第一部分:证书资料(certificates and documents)1. 船旗国政府签发的注册证书、电台执照和安全配员证书有效(Certificate of Registry, Ships Radio Station License and Minimum Safe Manning Certificate issued by the flag state are valid.) 2. 所有船舶法定证书及其记录附件齐全有效(All statutory certifica

7、tes and records or supplements of the ship are completed and valid)。3. 船员所有证书及船旗国签证有效(All certificates including Flag State endorsement of crew members are valid)。4. 批准的稳性资料/装载手册齐全(Approved stability information/loading manual are completed)。5. 与船舶有关的国际公约齐全(International Conventions applied to the s

8、hip are completed)。6. 救生、消防、航行安全和无线电等设备检修证书和报告齐全有效(Service certificates and report of lifesaving, fire fighting, safety navigation and GMDSS equipments/installations are completed and valid)。7. 船上需张贴的文件和图纸,如防火控制图、应变部署表、磁罗经自差表和破损控制图(Documents and plans to be posted up onboard including fire control p

9、lan, muster lists, compass residual deviation curve or table and damage control plan, etc.)。8. 需张贴的IMO要求的图示和符号(IMO symbols, posters and signs to be posted)。第二部分:救生设备(life saving appliances)1. 救生艇/救助艇降落设备无明显腐蚀或损坏,绞车、限位器、刹车和回收装置试验正常(Lifeboats and rescue boats launching arrangements have no obvious cor

10、rosion or damage, winch, limit switch, brakes and recovery system operating test to be in normal condition)。2. 救生艇/救助艇无明显损坏, 艇上所有设备及属具正常有效(Lifeboats and rescue boats have no obvious damage, all equipments including inventories on/in lifeboats and rescue boats to be in valid/normal condition)。3. 救生艇/

11、救助艇机器启动和运转试验满意(Lifeboats and rescue boats engines starting and running tests are satisfactory)。4. 遥控降落装置、遥控释放装置和液压连锁装置检查试验满意(Remote launching mechanism, remote releasing mechanism and hydraulic inter-locking mechanism examined and tested satifiactorily)。5. 登乘布置、应急照明和登乘梯状况良好(Embarkation arrangement,

12、emergency lighting and embarkation ladders in good condition)。6. 救生筏外观良好、无阻碍和不适当的绑扎, 静水压力释放装置有效、正确连接(Liferafts in good condition, no obstructions or unapproved fastening, hydrostatic release gear are in valid and proper connection)。7. 所有救生衣和浸水服状况良好(All lifejackets and immersion suits to be in good c

13、ondition)。8. 救生圈及其自亮浮灯、烟雾信号、可浮式救生索状况良好(Lifebuoys, self-igniting lights, smoke signals, buoyant lifeline to be in good condition)。9. 通信设备包括双向无线电话设备、通用应急报警试验正常(Communications equipments including 2-way radiotelephone apparatus and general emergency alarm system tested satisfactorily)。10. 雷达应答器和应急示位标正常

14、(Radar transponders and EPIRBs to be in normal condition)。11. 救生设备的维护和检查应按要求进行,并保持纪录(Maintenance and inspection of lifesaving appliances shall be implemented regularly according to requirements, and kept records)。第三部分:消防系统和设备(fire fighting systems and appliances)1. 主消防泵及附件状况良好,底座无明显腐蚀(Main fire pump

15、s and fittings to be in good condition, foundations have no obvious corrosion)。2. 应急消防泵包括驱动马达或机器及附件状况良好,底座无明显腐蚀(Emergency fire pump with driving motor or engine and fittings to be in good condition, foundations have no obvious corrosion)。3. 应急消防泵随时可用并且出水压力正常(Emergency fire pump is ready for use with

16、 normal sea water pressure)。4. 消防管路、阀件和消防栓状况良好, 无明显腐蚀、损坏或泄漏(Fire main lines, valves and hydrants are to be in good condition, no obvious corrosion damage or water leakage)。5. 所有皮龙、喷枪、扳手和工具在位并且状况满意(All hoses, nozzles, spanners and tools in place and in satisfactory condition)。6国际通岸接头应存放在指定位置,方便使用(Int

17、ernational shore connection to be properly stowed indicated position and to be use easily)。7. 火灾探测系统和报警按钮工作正常(Fire detection system and call points are working properly)。8. 手提式或舟车式灭火器和手提式泡沫灭火枪在适当位置, 定期维护检测(Portable or semi-portable fire extinguishers and portable foam applicator units in proper posi

18、tions and to be serviced regularly)。9. 通风筒、防火门、防火闸和天窗等关闭设施状况良好,无明显腐蚀损坏(Ventilators, fire doors, fire dampers and skylights are to be in good condition, no obvious corrosion damage)。10. 消防员装备,包括消防服、靴子和手套、头盔、安全带、安全灯、斧子、防火消防绳状况良好, 且随即可用,备用气瓶充足(Firemans outfits and associated equipment including protect

19、ive clothing, boots and gloves, helmet, belt, electric safety lamp(lights should be of lantern type, not flashlights), axes, and fireproof fireline onboard and in good condition, ready for immediate use, spare air cylinders are enough)。11. 机舱和货舱的固定CO2消防系统气瓶完整、正确存放、定期检测、无腐蚀,确认释放管系状况满意,无严重腐蚀,释放声响报警试验正

20、常(All cylinders of fixed CO2 fire extinguishing system for engine room and cargo spaces are complete, properly stowed, regularly serviced and absence of corrosion, releasing piping lines are in satisfactory order and that there is no heavy corrosion, audible alarms tested satisfactorily)。12. 油漆间灭火装置

21、状况良好。管系、CO2气瓶或供水装置状况良好(Fire extinguishing appliances for paint lockers in good condition. Pipes, CO2 bottles or water supply fittings are in good condition)。13. 应急逃生通道无障碍, 使用发光材料正确指示/IMO符号和应急照明良好(Emergency escape routes are unobstructed, properly indicated with luminescent poster / IMO symbols and e

22、mergency lighting in good condition)。14. 舱壁绝热层完整, 状况良好(Bulkheads insulations is complete and in good condition)。15. 经批准的防火控制图应在甲板室外部风雨密容器中妥善存放(Approved fire control plans to be properly stowed in weather-tight containers outside the deckhouse)。16. 通风机、厨房风机、锅炉风机燃油系统的遥控/快速切断试验正常(Remote/quickly close v

23、entilation fans, galley exhaust fans, boiler fans and fuel oil system valves tested satisfactorily)。17. 油污碎布、垃圾和其他有失火危险废弃物的是否正确存放和处理(Oil rags, rubbish, and other risks of fire are properly stored and disposed)。18. 应急逃生呼吸器(EEBD)状况良好, 存放在正确位置(Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBDs) to be in good co

24、ndition and stowed in proper position)。19. 灭火系统和防火系统保养计划、安全防火操作手册、训练手册应放在船上,方便船员阅读(Maintenance plan for fire protection systems and fire fighting system, training manual, fire safety operational booklets to be provided onboard for reading by crews easily)。第四部分:航行安全(safety navigation)1. 磁罗经、主陀螺罗经和分罗经

25、状况良好并清晰易读(Mannetic compass, master gyro and gyro repeaters to be in good condition and clearly readable)。2. 雷达工作正常并清晰易读(Radars working properly and clearly readable)。3. 回声测深仪工作正常并描绘清晰(Echo sounder working properly and printing clearly)。4. 速度和航程测量装置工作正常并显示清晰(Speed and distance measuring device workin

26、g properly and clearly readable)。5. 舵、螺旋桨、侧推器和螺距指示器和通信系统状况良好(Rudder, propeller, thrust and pitch indicators and communication system to be in good condition)。6. 检查航行数据记录仪满意、年度试验记录在船(Inspecting voyage data recorder (VDR) satisfactorily, annual testing records were kept onboard)。7. 回旋角速度指示器和声音接收系统工作正常

27、(Rate of turn indicator and sound reception system working properly)。8. 自动识别系统工作正常,保持供电(Automatic identification system (AIS) working properly and keep power supply)。9. 检查和试验白昼通信信号灯满意(DC24V)(Inspecting and testing daylight signaling lamp (DC24V) satisfactorily)。10. 所有首尾桅灯、舷灯、锚灯和失控灯工作正常,主电源和应急电源正常(Al

28、l fore & aft masthead lights, side lights, stern light, anchor lights and not-under-command lights working properly, main and emergency power supply to be in normal condition)。11. 雷达发射器、号钟、号锣、号笛和黑球等状况良好(Radar reflector, bell, gong, whistle and black ball shapes to be in good condition)。12. 引水梯边绳、橡胶踏

29、板、木踏板、横撑正常,附近舷外照明和带有灯和抛绳的救生圈状态良好(Pilot ladders side ropes, rubber steps, wooden steps, spreaders are in good order, adequate overside lighting, lifebuoy with light and heaving line to be in good condition)。13. 舵机工作正常, 无液压油泄漏, 应急操作正常, 通信系统状况良好(Steering gear working properly without hydraulic oil leak

30、age, emergency operation with satisfaction, communication systems to be in good condition)。14. 应急部署表保持最新并正确张贴(Muster list properly displayed and up-dated)。15. 全球导航卫星系统(GPS)工作正常(Receiver for a global navigation satellite system (GPS) working properly)。16. 海图、航海通告、潮汐表、航路指南及补篇、灯标表等出版物为最新版本,航海出版物和海图应及时改

31、正(Latest editions of nautical charts, notice to mariners, tide tables, sailing directions and supplements, list of lights, etc. publications, nautical charts to be corrected properly)。17. 船舶向公司递交每日报告包括船位、航向、航速和任何影响船舶正常安全操作的情况(The ship reported ships position, course, speed and any condition affectin

32、g operation to the company every day)。第五部分:船舶结构和稳性(ship structures and stability)1. 所有船壳外板及构件无严重腐蚀、变形、开裂或洞穿(All shell plates and structure members have no heavy corrosion, deformation, cracking or holes)。2. 所有甲板及构件无严重腐蚀、变形、开裂或洞穿(All decks and structure members have no heavy corrosion, deformation, c

33、racking or holes)。3. 所有货舱内结构及构件无严重腐蚀、变形、开裂或洞穿(All structure members in cargo holds have no heavy corrosion, deformation, cracking or holes)。4. 所有压载舱、首尖舱和尾尖舱及构件无严重腐蚀、变形、开裂或洞穿(All ballast tanks, fore peak tanks, aft peak tanks and structure members have no heavy corrosion, deformation, cracking or hol

34、es)。5. 任何上层建筑结构、机舱、甲板室和舱壁及构件无严重腐蚀、变形、开裂或洞穿(Any superstructures, machinery rooms, deck houses and bulkheads have no heavy corrosion, deformation, cracking or holes)。6. 船上有加强检验报告(对散货船和干杂货船)和支持性文件如状况评估报告、测厚报告等(Enhanced survey report file (for bulk carriers and general dry cargo ships) and supporting do

35、cuments such as CER/CHS/TM record to be kept onboard)。7. 货舱内测深管、空气管、CO2管和梯子等无严重腐蚀或损坏(Sounding pipes, air pipes, CO2 pipes and ladders in cargo holds have no heavy corrosion or damage)。8. 货舱内污水系统和水位报警系统试验正常(Cargo hold bilge system and bilge level alarm system tested satisfactorily)。第六部分:甲板机械和起货设备(dec

36、k machines and cargo gears)1. 锚机和绞缆机工作正常,底座、锚及锚链、刹车带和刹车环无严重腐蚀或开裂(Windlass and mooring winches working properly, foundations, anchors and chain cables, brake lining and brake brands have no heavy wastage or cracks)。2. 导览孔、系缆桩、系缆柱、缆绳和拖缆状况良好(Mooring fairleads, bollards, mooring bitts, mooring lines and

37、 towing lines to be in good condition)。3. 起货设备、桅柱、立柱、吊杆、活动部件、滑车、滑轮、吊钩、卸扣和钢丝绳等状况良好,无严重磨损、腐蚀或损坏(Cargo gears, masts, posts, booms, loose gear, blocks, sheaves, hooks, shackles, wire ropes, etc. to be in good condition, no serious wear, no heavy corrosion, no lubricating oil or hydraulic oil leakage)。4.

38、 甲板机械工作正常, 无严重腐蚀, 无润滑油或液压油泄漏(Deck machines working properly, no heavy corrosion, no lubricating oil or hydraulic oil leakage)。第七部分:载重线(load line)1. 无超载, 每舷干舷标志清晰标注并与载重线证书一致(No over loading, freeboard marks are clearly marked on shell plating on each side and correspond with International Load Line C

39、ertificate)。2. 舱盖、舱口围和支撑无严重腐蚀、变形、开裂或洞穿(Hatch covers, coamings and stays have no heavy corrosion, deformation, fractures or holes)。3. 舱盖胶条、唇边、压条、泄水槽、锁紧装置、链条、滚轮状况良好(Hatch cover gaskets, gaskets lips, clamping devices, chains, gypsies to be good condition)。4. 通风筒、关闭装置/挡板无严重腐蚀、洞穿或变形;关闭装置/挡板活络(Ventilator

40、s, closing appliances/dampers have no heavy corrosion, hole and deformation; closing appliances/dampers are not seized)。5. 空气管无严重腐蚀或洞穿;防火网和顶部浮球状况良好(Air pipes have no heavy corrosion or hole; wire gauzes and floats in the heads are in good condition)。6. 舷墙、加强筋、栏杆、链条、舷梯、走廊无严重腐蚀、变形或开裂(Bulwarks and stay

41、s, guard rails, chains, gangways, passages have no heavy corrosion, deformation or crack)。7. 所有门、风暴窗和开口盖板可关闭并无严重腐蚀、变形或洞穿。胶条无硬化,关闭装置齐全活络(All doors, side scuttles and opening covers could be closed tightly and have no heavy corrosion, deformation or hole. Gaskets are not hardened and no clips missing

42、or inoperative)。8. 所有小舱口可关闭并无严重腐蚀、变形或洞穿。胶条无硬化和关闭装置齐全活络(All small access hatches could be closed tightly and have no heavy corrosion, deformation or hole. Gaskets are not hardened and no clips missing or inoperative)。9. 泄水孔、进水孔、排水孔可关闭严密(Scuppers, inlets, discharges could be closed tightly)。第八部分:防止油和生

43、活垃圾污染(prevention of oil and garbage pollution)1. 油水分离器内部定期清洗,探头和滤芯完好无大量油污(Oil Water Seperator to be internal cleaned periodically, detectors and filters to be in good condition and no excessive oil)。2. 油水分离器壳体和管系无严重腐蚀、变形或洞穿。泵、阀、压力表等附件状况满意(Casing and pipes of Oil Water Seperator have no heavy corrosi

44、on, deformations or hole. Pumps, valves, pressure indicators and other fittings are in satisfactory condition)。3. 15PPM报警装置及自动停止装置工作正常(15 PPM alarm and automatic discharge stopping device works properly)。4. 无非法管路。油渣、污油和机舱污水排放管路及标准排放接头无严重腐蚀或洞穿(No illegal pipe line. Sludge, dirty oil and bilge dischar

45、ge pipes and standard shore connection have on corrosion or hole)。5. 油渣泵工作正常,油渣柜容积足够预定航程(Sludge pump works properly and the volume of the sludge tank remains is sufficient for intended voyages)。6. 油类记录簿记录正确(Oil record book to be recorded correctly)。7. 油水分离器证书在船(Certificate of Oil Water Seperator to

46、be kept onboard the ship)。8. 船上应有垃圾管理计划和明显的垃圾处理告示(Garbage manage plan to be kept onboard and notice for garbage management should be posted obviously)。9. 应有足够的分割不同种类生活垃圾的接收设施(Adequate reception facilities for segregating each kind garbage to be provided)。10. 正确记录垃圾记录簿(Garbage record book should be r

47、ecorded correctly)。11. 焚烧炉工作正常,证书在船(Incinerator working properly, certificates of incinerator to be kept onboard the ship)。第九部分:防污公约附则六防止大气污染(MARPOL Annex VIIAPP)1. 有效的防止大气污染证书及结构和设备记录簿在船(Valid Air Pollution Prevention Certificate and record of construction and equipment (Form AIR) kept onboard)。2.

48、各柴油机(2000年1月1日及以后装船的额定功率130KW及以上的柴油机)的EIAPPC(或符合证明)在船(EIAPPC (or equivalent SOC with the NOx technical code) for each diesel engine (diesel engines provided on or after Jan.1, 2000 and rated power is 130 KW or above) and bunker delivery notes to be kept onboard)。3. 每部柴油机(2000年1月1日及以后装船的额定功率130KW及以上的

49、柴油机)认可的技术案卷和焚烧炉的操作手册应保存在船(An approved technical file for each diesel engine (diesel engines provided on or after Jan.1, 2000 and rated power is 130 KW or above) and operations manual for incinerators to be kept onboard)。4. 每部柴油机的参数记录簿应正确记录(Record books of engine parameters for each diesel engine to be recorded prope


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