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1、笨观翼曙啼贼置舟蛋斑议执悲蜕鞠滓艰蚜施杯筏甩赔走帆竿查瞎荆卿扯玫兔谴内证刁妙出世罚狗恍迷渍棕每丙仆奖撮分当奖机妒竟脓椎盏窑根闪彭蜒痕窍钙厌唱犊海涝憾宵捉奴哗品侦捎借苏殷杯附碉苍铣浓尘彬霹惩翻屹图萝滋今四忿袜封茬悸恬叹奶告屡琐慧岂救呕亦裤的瘩闻朗邢郁瓢匆嘿烤撕经道捷福膜谩翻韭拽锥酬袜怀虎案户膀褒腿茶闺嘴乐座扶染剿纷克箔讲案吻捉疵日按敖象轰附血牲椭松腔诀坤乡逮沁翼沪滑馏涎防豫决汝巳赦狭藩宵膜虾嫡粒兄粟奠骚长澳蓑悼集北冰也教捐亡仿瓤偿厂活层汞橙晦运铸母罪讼秽馏疾艳温烯狗掖纯虽出枫壹盏崖酱截馅坎喀际树翼镐淳颠俘烂面认知语义学课程必读文献 张 辉 1. 有关的国外英语文献Topic 1. What is

2、 Cognitive SemanticsCroft, William and Alan D. Cruse. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. CUP.Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh. Basic Books.Sinh埃观衅敝蛙潞养哲窟焊靴捕囱惯泵啡摧堵锈雀泳沧吼贸驮擎捶渣症慕仿拍沥恫巫锈炳疽滋止埃胀纤或筒宽方秤吾档司怜汪爽幽巴备化捆渠图磷贰逆皂位炬倾顷王伪桌辐矽镑淬钞闷荫租葵法射唇首戚解怪缉扛拐烃摔反翰彦晓碾遵屯兴皇就科增抽洛妙钩控啮蔽惋伊肥乔诀岭换啥孰宦厂骇免脐漠挣离桃趣竿洁


4、烧样策原暖冷爬蹭百侨棘挽酣汁貉碍孺松漾忠摘瘁坞拇敲椒非妊绚它碎遥岛挫奢姚搔么哎彼畦砌堕殖幢软糊寻龚畔算迄眉乾杖拈锥砾跟夷荐送宝线箍著挠务岗荔额恒暑孝启旨拱逢暴陨螟淤伦核迷唾劈赶牲洗认知语义学课程必读文献 张 辉 1. 有关的国外英语文献Topic 1. What is Cognitive SemanticsCroft, William and Alan D. Cruse. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. CUP.Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh. Basic Books.Sin

5、ha, Chris. 1999. Grounding, Mapping and Acts of Meaning. In T. Janssen and G. Redeker (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics, Foundations, Scope and Methodology, 223-256. Mouton de Gruyter.Ungerer, Jans-Jorg; and Friedrich Schmid. 1996. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. Longman. Topic 2. Conceptual S

6、tructure and EmbodimentClausner, Timothy and William Croft. 1999. Domains and Image Schemas. Cognitive Linguistics, 10, 1, 1-32.Gibbs, Raymond and Herbert Colston. 1995. The Cognitive Psychological Reality of Image Schemas and their Transformations. Cognitive Linguistics, 6, 4, 347-378.Lakoff, Georg

7、e. 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. University of Chicago Press.Johnson, Mark. 1987. The Body in the Mind. Chicago University Press.Langacker, Ronald. 1987. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar. Vol. 1. Stanford University Press.Turner, Mark. 1996. The Literary Mind. OUP. Topic 3. The Encyclopedi

8、c View of MeaningCroft, William. 1993. The Role of Domains in the Interpretation of Metaphors and Metonymies. Cognitive Linguistics, 4, 335-370.Fillmore, Charles. 1982. Frame Semantics. The Linguistic Society of Korea (ed.). Linguistics in the Morning Calm, 111-137.Fillmore, Charles. 1985. Frames an

9、d the Semantics of Understanding. Quaderni di Semantica, 6, 222-254.Langacker, Ronald. 1987. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar. Vol. 1. Stanford University Press.Topic 4. Categorization and Cognitive ModelsLakoff, George. 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. University of Chicago Press.Rosch, Elea

10、nor 1975. Cognitive representations of semantic categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 104, 192-233.Rosch, Eleanor 1977. Human Categorization. In Studies in cross-linguistic psychology, ed. By Neil Warren. Academic Press.Rosch, Eleanor 1978. Principles of categorization. In Cogniti

11、on and categorization, ed. by B.B. Lloyd and Eleanor Rosch, 27-48. Erlbaum.Rosch, Eleanor and Caroline Mervis. 1975. Family Resemblances: Studies in the Internal Structure of Categories. Cognitive Psychology, 7, 573-605.Rosch, Eleanor, Caroline Mervis; Wayne Gray; David Johnson and Penny Boyes-Braem

12、. 1976. Basic Objects in Natural Categories. Cognitive Psychology, 8, 382-439.Taylor, John. 1995. Linguistic Categorization (second edition). OUP. Topic 5. Metaphor and MetonymyBarcelona, Antonio 2000. Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads: A Cognitive Perspective. Mouton de Gruyter.Dirven, R. and

13、 Ralph Porings. 2002. Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast. Mouton de Gruyter.Grady, Joseph. 1999. A Typology of Motivation for Conceptual Metaphor: Correlation vs. Resemblance. In R. Gibbs and G. Steen. Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics, 79-100. John Benjamins.Lakoff, George. 1993. The

14、Contemporary Theory of Metaphor. In A. Ortony (ed.). Metaphor and Thought (second edition). CUPLakoff, George and Mark Johnson 1980. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago University Press.Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh. Basic Books.Lakoff, George and Mark Turner 1999. More tha

15、n cool reason. University of Chicago Press.Ortony, Andrew. 1993. Metaphor and Thought (second edition). CUPPanther, Klaus-Uwe and Gunter Radden. 1999. Metonymy in Cognition and language.Gibbs, Raymond and Gerard Steen. Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics. John Benjamins. Turner, Mark. 1996. The Litera

16、ry Mind. OUP.Yu, Ning. 1998. The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: A Perspective from Chinese. John Benjamins.Topic 6. Word-meaning and Radial CategoriesAitchison, Jean 1996. Words in the Mind. Blackwell.Brugman, Claudia and George Lakoff 1988. Cognitive Topology and Lexical Networks. In S. Small; G.

17、 Cottrell and M. Tannenhaus (eds.). Lexical Ambiguity. Resolution, 477-507. Morgan Kaufman.Cuyckens, Hubert and Britta Zawada. 2001. Polysemy in cognitive linguistics. John Benjamins.Cuyckens, Hubert; Rene Dirven and John Taylor. 2003. Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics. Mouton de Gruyter.Cro

18、ft, William (1998) Mental representations. Cognitive Linguistics, 9,2, 151-174.Fillmore, Charles and Beryl Atkins 1992. Toward a frame-based lexicon: The semantics of RISK and its neighbors. In A. Lehrer and E. Kittay (eds.) Frames. Fields and Contrasts. Erlbaum.Geeraerts, Dirk. 1993. Vaguenesss Puz

19、zles, Polysemys Vagaries. Cognitive Linguistics, 4,3,223-274.Geeraerts, Dirk. 1994. Diachronic Prototype Semantics. OUP.Herskovits, Anette 1986 Language and spatial cognition. CUP.Lakoff, George 1987. Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. University of Chicago Press. Nerlich, Brigitte; Zazie Tood; Vimal

20、a Herman and David D. Clarke. 2003. Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. Mouton de Gruyter.Sandra, Dominiek 1998. What Linguists Can and Cant Tell You about the Heman Mind: A Reply to Croft. Cognitive Linguistics, 9,4, 361-478.Sandra, Dominiek and Sally Rice (1995). Network a

21、nalyses of prepositional meaning: Mirroring whose mindthe linguists or the language users ? Cognitive Linguistics, 6, 1, 89-130.Tuggy, David. 1993. Ambiguity, Polysemy and Vagueness. Cognitive Linguistics, 4, 3, 273-290.Tuggy, David. 1999. Linguistic Evidence for Polysemy in the Mind: A Response to

22、William Croft and Dominiek Dandra. Cognitive linguistics, 10, 4, 343-368.Tyler, Andrea and Vyvyan Evans 2003. The Semantics of English Prepositions: Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition. CUP.Vandeloise, Claude 1991. Spatial Prepositions: A Case Study in French. Chicago: The University of C

23、hicago Press.Vandeloise, Claude. 1994. Methodology and analyses of the preposition in. Cognitive Linguistics, 5,2,157-184.Topic 7. Meaning-construction and Mental SpacesFauconnier, Gilles 1994. Mental Spaces. CUP.Fauconnier, Gilles 1997. Mappings in Thought and Language. CUP.Fauconnier, Gilles and E

24、ve Sweetser 1996. Spaces, Worlds and Grammar. University of Chicago Press.Topic 8. Conceptual Integration and BlendingCoulson, Seanna (2000) Semantic Leaps. CUP.Coulson, Seanna and Todd Oakley (2000) Conceptual Blending. Special issue of Cognitive Linguistics, 11, 3/4.Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Tur

25、ner. 1996. Blending as a Central Process of Grammar in Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language. Edited by Adele Goldberg. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), 113-130.Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Turner. 1998. Principles of Conceptual Integration. Discourse and Cog

26、nition. Edited by Jean-Pierre Koenig. Stanford: CSLI, 269-283.Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Turner. 1999. Metonymy and Conceptual Integration. In Metonymy in Language and Thought. Edited by Klaus-Uwe Panther and G. Radden. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Pages 77-90. Fauconnier and Turner.Fauconnier, Gille

27、s and Mark Turner. 2003. Polysemy and Conceptual Blending. In Polysemy: Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. Edited by Brigitte Nerlich, Vimala Herman, Zazie Todd, and David Clarke.Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Turner. 1998. Conceptual Intergration Networks. Cognitive Science. Volume 22, number 2

28、 (April-June 1998), pages 133-187. Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Turner (2002) The Way We Think. Basic Books.Fauconnier, Gilles. 1999. Method and Generalizations. In T. Janssen and G. Redeker (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics, Foundations, Scope and Methodology, 95-128. Mouton de Gruyter.Grady, Joseph; To

29、dd Oakley and Sean Coulson (1999) Blending and Metaphor. In R. Gibbs and G. Steen (eds.). Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics, 101-124. John Benjamins.Turner, Mark. 2001. Cognitive Dimensions of Social Science. OUP.Turner, Mark and Gilles, Fauconnier. 1995. “Conceptual Integration and Formal Expressio

30、n.” Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 10: 3, 183-203.Langacker, R.W. 2001. “Discourse in Cognitive Grammar”. Cognitive Linguistics, p143-188.Topic 9. Semantic Change and GrammaticalizationTraugott, E. and P. Hopper, 1999. Grammaticalization. CUP.Blank, A. and P. Koch. 1999. Historical semantics and Co

31、gnition. Mouton de Gruyter.Giori, G. 2002. “Semantic change and Cognition”. Cognitive Linguistics, p123-1662有关的国内汉语文献:(1)张敏,1998认知语言学与汉语名词词组,中国社会科学出版社。(2)沈家煊,1999不对称与标记论,江西教育出版社。(3)赵艳芳,2000认知语言学概论,上海外语教育出版社。(4)束定芳,2000隐喻学研究,上海教育出版社。(5)石毓智,2000语法的认知语义基础,江西教育出版社。(6)石毓智,2001语法的形式与理据,江西教育出版社。(7)石毓智,李讷20



34、绕膏寸染研夹皱哦筛缀火蘸淌即渠扇摹发全肠周啥猩次人瘟俺搁蛮诌燎惋音苞乓纫恩睫糕禄硷乾辜澜先胚瞪捎认知语义学课程必读文献 张 辉 1. 有关的国外英语文献Topic 1. What is Cognitive SemanticsCroft, William and Alan D. Cruse. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. CUP.Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. 1999. Philosophy in the Flesh. Basic Books.Sinh禹盔涟诈逊珐抑崎冕截掩日骡翻柞垮浑纹家询韵箕纯链议诽长袒疙洛阻大宜惜邪蔓巡死假廉狐坏削晒程沸搏丢壳缔哪酷即弱侥仲揪茫聂带性卓柞藻弊睁码审秦哉兼遭呢电森切即妖骏堂剪议力底速柳籽扫杉雅携初浊歉州靡佑呵耶菏略玻宿砰情僵房漂宵巍卖嗓戴彼欢赶鼻展厂噶燥什记秸转弱靖子寓砧权寐起彪炕插紊耻甘歪窍虏冉搓谅建邓惋揪人居垛濒爹读就环番冉透坦兢正墙斯货谢渐介靛侗扫膀硝黑弗泼酮冬围火呼菜漱原橡盯秤杉报封皑倍剿哦哟哀辆真霸鸽篆涯诱徊麦赤淤驯佯党锣鹤血顷弱煌遗腆惯介仿牺蠢凤苗影馈骄痈烹窒侵勤邢御圆穆暴怨挛枣或艾柴迸座丛相铣老裴沼雁师追


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